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Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2021

Consciousness, Imagination, UFOs, Aliens and Enigmas exist to throw Monkey wrenches in the Cosmic Timeline

"The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself." - William Blake.


  • - In his Life of William Blake (1863) Alexander Gilchrist warned his readers that Blake “neither wrote nor drew for the many, hardly for work’y-day men at all, rather for children and angels; himself ‘a divine child,’ whose playthings were sun, moon, and stars, the heavens and the earth.”

    Blake tended to his brother in his illness and according to Gilchrist watched the spirit of his brother escape his body in his death: “At the last solemn moment, the visionary eyes beheld the released spirit ascend heaven ward through the matter-of-fact ceiling, ‘clapping its hands for joy.’"

    Blake always felt the spirit of Robert lived with him. He even announced that it was Robert who informed him how to illustrate his poems in “illuminated writing.”
     - Source.
  • The science of Consciousness: "Our minds invent for us a universe of colours, sounds, shapes and feelings through which we interact with our world and relate to each other, Seth Anil argues. We even invent ourselves.

    “We perceive the world not as it is, but as it is useful to us,” Seth writes. In other words, we evolved this generated reality because operating through our hallucinated world improves our survival, by helping us avoid danger and recognize food, for example."

    "Seth might use other words, but essentially, he is exploring the science of people’s souls  - a daunting task." Source. 

    Check out the book at Amazon. Being You.

    Bio: Seth has been interviewed for documentaries aired on the BBC, Netflix, and Amazon and podcasts by Sam Harris, Russell Brand, and Chris Anderson, and his 2017 TED Talk on the topic has been viewed over 11 million times, a testament to his uncanny ability to make unimaginably complex science accessible and entertaining.

    Endorsement: “In this lucid and thought-provoking exploration of the nature of consciousness, Seth takes us closer than ever to making sense of our experience of being conscious selves. A must-read.” - Anil Ananthaswamy, award-winning journalist and author of Through Two Doors at Once and The Man Who Wasn’t There.

  • Witches vs. the Taliban - Vice. Progress report unavailable. Monitor headlines.

  • The day the world flipped. Sweden jpg.. 3 September 1967, during the night Sweden changed from left-side traffic to right-side traffic. As one might imagine, chaos ensued. Rest was not on the table for that Sunday. *Source. 

    *Additional trivia: A person born on this day will be 54 years old today. If that same person saved a Quarter every day starting at age 5, then by now that person has accumulated $4,474.25 today.

  • 4 More world flips - Ancient Apocalypses that Changed the Course of Civilization. Discover.

  • OMG. When things couldn't get any worse... this falls out of the files.
    "Dormant" may not apply to Volcanos. "We must now consider that eruptions can occur even if no liquid magma is found underneath a volcano—the concept of what is 'eruptible' needs to be re-evaluated." Source.

  • How crowded is space? This site tracks position and motion of all publicly registered satellites in orbit. Visual posted on twitter.

     ASTERNAUTS. Mysterious object from outer space crash-lands in a pasture.


    MovieBrats Pictures
    Directed by Marta Masferrer

    UFOs are real. Email from John Foster: "See Four books that convey detailed descriptions of John Foster's unusual, authentic UFO encounters. Unveil one of the most important mysteries in life! It truly is worth your time."

    Secret weapon advantage - 5 ETs morph into a sphere ... Source. Demonstrating multiple states of Intelligence challenged Humans are still advocating a military approach.

    Remote Viewer Angela Thompson Smith told me she was working on getting everything packaged. Her work will be archived along with the records of Ingo Swann at the University of West Georgia. “I feel very, very honored to have all my papers there,” Thompson Smith said. Source. Our interview: Remote Viewing ETs and Voices from the Cosmos. Wendy's Coffeehouse.

    Paula Lenz, 9.5.21 - Shared NDE and PSI after effects - Extraordinary Healing What happened after our first interview is the reason and the incentive to reconnect with an update. I have forgotten the details of our conversation after we concluded the interview that first time - but Paula remembers the impact. I think we all benefit in making these connections and thank her for sharing this information. Wendy's Coffeehouse.


    Thunder and Lightning this morning. 9.3.21.

    Along with the intensified electrical energy - I woke up to an increase in interactive nightlight antics throughout the house. Greeting me with the
    standard - off - pause - blink, they turn off once or twice and then stay on.


    BIG surprise came when a Big Bird plushie we thought was no longer active sprang to life.

    Silent for more than a year, he had been
    checked for his responses without any sign
    of battery power. No action.

    Even so, he chimed in with a single
    lighting strike - didn't matter that his position
    was shielded from the bright.

    Loud and proud with his favorite phrase "peek-a-boo".

    My husband was there too - both of us totally astonished. That electrical charge gave him a boost and us a laugh.


    Lasting BIG impressions. Bird vs. Cat. Twitter. 

    Consciousness, imagination, UFOs, Aliens and Enigmas exist to throw monkey wrenches in the cosmic timeline because none rely upon time to exist. 

Aug 20, 2021

Beyond Time - Future Past Present Now - You are

"Instead of harming me, this visitors seemed to be daring me to transcend my weaknesses. I began to see an elegant and objective ethic behind their frightening manifestations... if I could surmount my fears and my weaknesses, I was going to learn extraordinary things." - Whitley Strieber,  Website.

  • Adventures in Multiple Dimensions. "Like a jack-in-the box, it might be possible to unpack the extra dimensions." - Richard Obousy, Director of Icarus Interstellar, a non-profit organization promoting starship research. Warp Drive, Time Travel, Traversable Worm Holes. Discover.
  • Synchronicity with the previous article: A lovely crop circle. Description from the comments: If we count group of circles- 2D. Represented in- 3D. There are Circle Stripes- 5D. The shape that Can merge into 1. Circle is Oness or Oneself Circle means energy that cycles never ends infinity. That's Us. Two imagesA spiral. Facebook.
  • The Manual for Civilization is a core collection of materials (3,500 volumes initially) meant to reflect a cross-section of the interests of Long Now membership, and to answer the question “What books would you want on hand if you were to restart civilization?" Link.
The initial submissions/lists. Link."

1."The point of the Clock of the Long Now is not to measure out the passage, into their unknown future, of the race of creatures that built it. The point of the Clock is to revive and restore the whole idea of the Future, to get us thinking about the Future again, to the degree if not in quite the way same way that we used to do, and to reintroduce the notion that we don’t just bequeath the future—though we do, whether we think about it or not. We also, in the very broadest sense of the first person plural pronoun, inherit it."

2. "This is the paradox that lies at the heart of our loss of belief or interest in the Future, which has in turn produced a collective cultural failure to imagine that future, any Future, beyond the rim of a couple of centuries."

3. "When I told my son about the Clock of the Long Now, he listened very carefully, and we looked at the pictures on the Long Now Foundation’s website. “Will there really be people then, Dad?” he said. “Yes,” I told him without hesitation, “there will.” ..." Blog.

  • Why are we here? Insects are not the enemy. Still killing Bees. "Pesticides can amplify each other. Bees have become the victims." Vox.

 Sci-Fi Short Film. Flotando. Reality check.


Explore the DUST Multiverse:

A Russian astronaut - stranded on a space station module - a strange visitor arrives and he begins to wonder if he's losing his mind.

"Flotando" by Frankie De Leonardis


*Be sure to read the Youtube comments on this one.*


Twitterverse Etc... 

Whitley Strieber @WhitleyStrieber · Aug 5 - This account was sent to us by filmmaker and close encounter witness Steve Neill. It was given to him by a friend of his who is very ill with cancer and has not long to live. It is, in other words, a deathbed account of a truly remarkable experience.

- "i hardly told anyone about this, cause of my special effect works, they dont belive me, they think im nuts, or wrte this a asci-fi x files story……….i think you would understand im glad i told you this before i die, i think you would belive me. i wanted to tell you this i person, cause of my failing health, i only go out a few times in the month, i know what happened that dayill leave it up to you…steve."
full story continued, Link.

Lisa M Christie, PhD @LisaChristiePhD · "Space is the way we experience relationship, rather than a fact prior to the world." - Alfred North Whitehead

Wendy's Coffeehouse @WendyLite4one · Gma knows a thing or 2 about bs.
New study shows teens fall for online scams faster than their grandparents. Link.

As I traveled through @YellowstoneNPS last week, I was escorted by a group of bison, welcoming me to the park. I am grateful to the staff and park rangers who made my first trip back to Yellowstone as Secretary of the Interior informative, engaging, and wonderful. 


A bit of good news...

Regarding River Dave: Hermit who had his world turned upside down. Turns out an Angel gave him a bucket of gold to rebuild his cabin and return to life off the grid - if that is his wish. - AP: "Lidstone, for his part, said he doesn’t think he can go back to being a hermit. “Maybe the things I’ve been trying to avoid are the things that I really need in life,” he told The Associated Press.

Lasting Impressions...

Babbling Bats - just like Human kids. Link.

Jul 28, 2021

Time, paranormal tickles, brains in sync, dogs, cryptids, UFOs, God, Aliens and retro cool trash cans

Nothing here is what it seems.  


4am. Cat wakes me. Say, No. Launch pillow toward meow. [This routine can sometimes start at 2am.] Quieter meow under chair. Say, No. Firm tone of voice. Too early.
4:33am. Still awake. Let cat out.
4:36am. Dozing.
Base of neck. Slight tickle? Rub neck. Epiphany. Look at clock. Time is 5am.

Inform invisible helper clock is set 10 minutes ahead. Wait 9 minutes. Silence phone before alarm wakes puppy.

Time is relative. As is dreaming.



  • NASA conversation starter from Uri Geller. "I can't tell you what I saw there. But use your imagination. What could they have been refrigerating?" Source.
  • What has security experts baffled by UFOs? Answer: Combustion. MSN.
  • Long overdue. Research suggests "Brains Might Sync As People Interact — and That Could Upend Consciousness Research."  DiscoverMag.
    "Scientists have peered into people’s minds as they complete tasks in pairs and groups. They noticed something unexpected: Functional links appeared across people’s brains when they cooperated during certain tasks. In other words, different people’s neural oscillations aligned when they cooperated."
    Related article: Inter-brain neural synchronization and its implications for theories of human consciousness. Link.
  • Shazbot! Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds. Source.
  • The ancients may have left a breadcrumb or twenty about this. Physicists Have Developed a New Way to Levitate Objects Using Sound. MSN.
  • Interconnected. Source. Dreams and Visions of Death. "In early 1979 David Booth dreamed "ten nights in a row" of an aviation disaster involving a plane veering off a runway and bursting into flames. Later on May 25, 1979 the disaster of American Airlines Flight 191 occurred, in which more than 270 people died when an aircraft crashed into a trailer park less than a mile from the runway. Link. (Wiki lists 273 fatalities.)
  • NDEs are nothing new. "NDEs have been popularly recognized in the West since the mid-1970s, but people from the largest empires to the smallest hunter-gatherer societies have been having them throughout history. Accounts are found in ancient sacred texts, historical documents, the journals of explorers and missionaries, and the ethnographic reports of anthropologists." - Gregory Shushan. Researcher of near-death experiences and the afterlife across cultures and throughout history. Psyche.
  • Researcher Stan Gordon on the link between UFOs and Cryptids. "UFOs and creatures “commonly occur in the vicinity of high energy sources. So you have a lot of cases around power plants, high tension power lines, radio and broadcast communication towers, railroad tracks, gas lines, gas wells, goes on, and on and on. I have no doubt there’s an energy connection to the phenomena.” Interviewed by George Knapp. MysteryWire.
  • Two Heartbeats a Minute: Invisibilia. Climate Change - "The strange story of an unlikely crew of people who band together to take on one of the worlds' largest problems using nothing but whale sounds, machine learning, and a willingness to think outside the box." NPR.
  • Dogs KNOW. Moral of this story: Don't lie. "Even more interesting was the fact that the dogs also refused to follow the wrong advice of the human who had been present during the switch-up - indicating that they knew that they were being lied to." PhysOrg.
  • Before ordering a Baker's Dozen. What if the Universe is a Giant Donut? VICE.

God and other problems with infinity. Link.


God tries to create the Universe. Kids run amok.

Subscribe to Omeleto.


Recent Facebook convo - 

Q - Gary: Hey Wendy, I have a thought for you. What if the Wachowskis’s brothers were correct! What if we really are in the current Matrix? Most of us have no idea that we are in the Matrix and very few believe that we are. Both the Oracle and the Architect realize the human need machines.

Councilman Hamann states, “I like to be reminded that this (Zion) city survives because of these machines. If we wanted, we could smash them to bits, although if we did we would have consider what would happen to our lights, our heat, our air.” So we need the machine and they need us.

Now the question for you to ponder, in the Matrix, the Smiths were agents (programs) to protect the Matrix’s program and keep the Resistance contained. In the movie, when an Agent enters the Matrix they abduct a program (human). Where does this program (human) go while the Agent has control of this program (their body)?

Is it possible that these are Agent (Alien) abduction? Maybe, just maybe, we are transported to the REAL (Alien) world and our “Matrixed” minds can only explain it as an Alien abduction?"

A - Wendy: Excellent. Good interpretation. Many would agree. - Through a glass, darkly.... what we see is only what our [individual] software is capable of accessing and integrating .. and that is unique to each perceiver ... lots of cool stuff gets lost or misperceived in translation ... and that's a fun challenge!

No matter what it seems -- no one here has a full deck. 😉 Fun times! 😃

Soooooooooo... the challenge is to level up! Cheers!

Reply - Gary: Excellent response.

PS. Philip K. Dick. The Guardian: The author and journalist Charles Platt did a definitive interview with Dick three years before he died. 

"All his work starts with the basic assumption that there cannot be one, single, objective reality," he wrote. “Everything is a matter of perception.”


Alternate realities among us - 

John Foster UFOs. He blogs about his 46-plus years of experiences with UFOs and includes
drawings of the encounters.

Example: Illustrated post from John Foster.

"The mysterious light made all of us appear completely unusual.

I don’t know exactly how I looked,
but the nature of the lights
seemed so peculiar

it transformed my two companions
into a whirling speckled array of radiance."

Location: Nebraska, USA.
Dated 1976.


Etc. -

Entertainment. "In 2003, Spirited Away was awarded Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards, becoming the first—and to this day, only—non-English-language movie to win the award." Time.

Kudos to Canada for Retro fab trash cans. "Highway signs would signal an upcoming opportunity to "Put your trash into Orbit," with a countdown sign every minute starting from 10,
and then the final 10 seconds as well." Link.

Humor. Time to update the portfolio? Facebook.

Jun 25, 2021

UFOs without the stigma, Paranormal, Contact, Consciousness, Baseball Gods, Music Gods. Synchronicity and Reflections

"The sky is not the limit. The limit is the mind." - Wim Hoff website, Quote site Fearless Motivation

  • Covid Reset. Americans are quitting their jobs in droves. Economist.
  • Taking the lead. Talking about UFOs. US News and World Report.
  • Stanton Friedman takes on on bogus Debunkers. Mentions Delphos, KS. UFO Believers Twitter.
  • Real and unreal. 1954 Time Slip. UFO Insight.
  • Spirit Box on Twitter: "If you like The Beatles and ghosts then this one is for you." -- Glass Jar with possible ghost inside.
  • Laurie McDonald interview via Spirit Box Podcast. Alien Contactee. Abductions, Paranormal. "As a lifelong experiencer Laurie gives her views of what is going on on a grand scale, what aliens want and how to prevent unwanted intrusion." YouTube. Laurie McDonald Bio. Website Link.
  • My interview with Laurie. 2019. Wendy's Coffeehouse Link.
    Her goal is to help empower those who are gob-smacked in the face of a reality we are told can not exist and made to feel silly and naĂŻve for suggesting and experiencing otherwise.
  • Pioneer of UFO Research Coral Lorenzen. Source.
  • Kansas born Christopher Bartel’s “The Skinwalker Ranch Portfolio” - Washington Post. Art Portfolio online exhibition. Site. WP reviewer says there is nothing special (paranormal/spooky) to see in the images. Maybe it depends on the viewer.


Sci-Fi short film. "Ava In the End"


Subscribe for the world's best short films.


Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Jonathan Fink, Baseball Gods, Music Gods, Ghosts, UFOs and Reincarnation 

Beyond the paranormal and the metaphysics we highlighted in this interview, the real story is Synchronicity - a play by play.

Follow along with Jonathan - in his documentation of the ongoing journey [over the past 5 years] - related on case by case basis throughout multiple volumes of The Baseball Gods are Real and The Music Gods are Real. Several more books are slated to be released from now through 2022.

Fascinating. Jonathan engages with just the right person or piece of information in his various interactions along the way. Even when others might be doubtful - Jonathan remains strong in his mindset - that whatever the outcome - it will work in his favor.

Through his adventures we see just how effectively the mindset he demonstrates delivers {in some cases - miraculous} manifest and credible results. 

The Music Gods are Real: Volume 2 The Religion of Music
The Baseball Gods are Real: The Religion of Baseball


 As you think, so you are.

Light Inspired. Highly charged. And active since 1997. The anomalous wonder of my daily life. Interactive. Ever-present. My nightlights. YouTube.

Parting shot.

Wicked. The Tao of Now on Twitter: "Newfie Mosquito trap.. The mosquito lands on the salt, thinking it's sugar. They get thirsty for water, but the cap has rum in it. The mosquito gets drunk, trips on the stick and bangs its head on the rock..."

Stay curious!

Apr 11, 2021

The Hits Keep Coming, UFO, Confounding Physics, Consciousness, Healing, ET Oddities, Afterlife, Ants, Monkeys and Fairies

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress. - Niels Bohr 


  • "The confounding results - if proven right - reveal major problems with the rulebook physicists use to describe and understand how the universe works at the subatomic level." PhysOrg.
  • Bingo! I remember getting channeled information that each and every being leaves a trackable residue in its wake. Here is a confirmation. "First reported collection of human and animal DNA from ambient air." Vice.
  • Royal footnote. In addition to the passing, recent news on Prince Phillip notes his interest in UFOs. Express.
  • Lost and found:
    1. Egypt. City found. Civilization footnotes. CBS.
    2. Australia. Aboriginal site destruction. The Guardian.
    3. USA. Petroglyph vandals. CNN. 
    4. CIA. Found Page 25 of CIA's Gateway Report on Astral Projection. Spoiler: in the Monroe archives. Brilliant NFT Art project included. Magnify to see the session notes. Vice. Note the Monroe Spindrift 3 on Soundcloud.
  • Traits in common:
    1. Ants and Humans. PhysOrg.
    2. Monkeys and Humans. "Researchers make the case that one non-human species - the rhesus macaque - also has a conscious awareness of the world around it."  Yale.
  • Mystery Wire George Knapp - New UAP photographs
  • Pentagon affirms leaked UFO images are authentic. The Debrief.
  • Can't happen soon enough. Future of medicine: Yoav Medan: Ultrasound surgery - healing without cuts. (2011 Ted Talk) YouTube.
    Also recommend O.T. Bonnet. Confessions of a Healer, Amazon.
  • Discovery imminent. Astronomers detect bright-blue bridge of stars. About to blow. Live Science.



Reincarnation Pioneer. Dr. Helen Wambach was a psychologist who did research on reincarnation in the 1970s.  This is a 3 part audio series featuring a fantastic glimpse into her research and what she learned through that process. 

Helen Wambach part 1: Comment regarding Helen: "The experience of hearing Seth teach his ESP class is unforgettable."

Regarding Helen's statements at 56:30 - about people who remain aware of all that goes on around them while being anesthetized can be corroborated. It is referred to by O.T. Bonnet in his books as well and one of the reasons I am posting these two as resources. They corroborate each other.

Personal experience (Wendy): OBE during wisdom teeth extraction at 14. Aware of the scene of the office and watching over the left shoulder of the doctor as he worked on me and all of the blood. I found it fascinating. After the surgery, I knew I had been out of my body to witness that scene.

Helen Wambach YouTube. part 2

Helen Wambach YouTube. part 3. Starts with a woman who says she experienced a past life as an extraterrestrial. 

*Additional information: Interview Hosts: Michael Toms & Anna Turner. Date: 8/4/1976. New Dimensions Radio.

Book: Life before Life. Amazon.


Explore the Rabbit Hole

Ivan T. Sanderson. Time Slip Into Another Dimension: "Finally, she took my hand and, pointing, described exactly what I was seeing. At which point, I became speechless. She said, “How did we get to Paris 500 years ago?” - Mysterious Universe.

Grant Cameron with Preston Dennett. YouTube. Healing encounters with UFOs, ETs, alien abduction, portals, healing stories, plants, zoos, flying the ship, the inside of the ship, TTSA, good vs evil aliens. 

2 Books mentioned referring to healing pointing to beneficial agenda: UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials. Amazon.

The Healing Power of UFOs: 300 True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials, Amazon. 


Astrology by Moon Rabbit (known for her Death Chart Readings) - Spring Update 2021 excerpt:

"A primary astrological marker for the pandemic, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, has completed, but in its wake comes a new astrological cycle where Saturn, our stability and safety is being challenged (squared) by Uranus, the planet of change and unpredictability. We see this reflected in the ongoing difficulty of controlling the spread of the virus. This heavenly square stays in effect until March of 2022. It seems like we face another year of world-wide struggle with the pandemic." - To schedule a reading and/or sign up for the newsletter: Astrology by Moon Rabbit.


About the Good People

Little People, Fairies. Source

Respect for the Fairies. Irish Times. 

They are in other places (my yard) as well. 

"Voices of the Forest" DVD on Fairies in new Zealand by Gary Cook. Official trailer.

Fairy Congress: 21st Annual Fairy and Human Relation Congress. July 23-25. Salem, Oregon. 

Interest and study of any and all of the above contribute to shifts in consciousness and evolution in being.


Stephan A Schwartz. Authority on Remote Viewing and Nonlocal consciousness. Published in 2018. Science could use a reminder. Source: "Those individuals who produce extraordinary research do so not by force of intellect or will alone, although these are important, but because they have had, as they explicitly report, insights arising from nonlocal consciousness at the same time that there was a crisis."


Abduction vs. Withdrawal 

Cartoonist on this? Found on Facebook. Link.


Hidden in Plain View 

John Foster UFOs. They've been here all along. = "As we approached the room I could hear a strange hissing and roaring…and I could hear a voice speaking clearly but it was a little muffled. As we entered the room she pointed up to a storage shelf near us. She then began running for her shipping desk in the back of the room, still confused but still talking." Link.



After the Gold Rush. Neil Young/YouTube


Mar 18, 2021

Sci-Fi, Space Cookie, 1966 Shawnee, KS UFO, Cool Bees 101, and a Ghostbuster Arsenal

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.” - Stephen Hawking, Goodreads Wonder quotes

 All things Bright and Unconventional
  • Mystery cookie shaped space object. Possible remnant of a Pluto-like world. MysteryWire.
  • NEW find. Pilot Encounters with UAPs/UFOs. NASA. TheDebrief.
  • Another adventure. Expedition Bigfoot cast now includes a Primate Scientist. MysteryWire.
  • Kudos to this Beekeeper for a kinder, gentler approach to swarm management. Washington Post. Connect at TexasBeeworks.
  • Give it up for Spotted Lanternfly Honey. Essence of Smokey. Atlas Obscura.
  • Sci-Fi Treasure trove - More than 1,000 science fiction pulp magazines now accessible and searchable online. Elizabeth Swanstrom, co-editor of the journal Science Fiction Studies and an English scholar at the University of Utah, says the dictionary is “a fantastic resource” not just for fans but for scholars interested in the history of science and technology. Smithsonian. 

Sci-Fi short film. "Ryoko's Qubit Summer" The future of AI. Or is it?


Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:​
"Ryoko's Qubit Summer" by Yuichi Kondo Connect with the Filmmakers:


From Brent Raynes: Alternate Perceptions Archival Newsletter, No. 276, March 2021 -
Up next my co-hosts Barbara Mango, Ph.D., and Lynn Miller, MS., are in the hot seat this time
as they're my guests instead of being co-hosts helping to interview others.
They've produced a wonderful and very significant book, Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences, that just came out on March 1st.

In our book section of this issue you'll find a well done review of Convergence by noted author and researcher Joey Madia. This book covers a full spectrum of anomalistic experiences, be they UFOs, orbs, apparitions, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, past life memories; and they're not shy about sharing their own remarkable experiences with the paranormal, which is all quite fascinating! 

Current issue of Alternate Perceptions at
While you're there, sign up for the Monthly Newsletter Summary.

My interview with Barbara Mango is posted in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. She talks about a UFO sighting in Shawnee, Kansas in 1966. I'll share the copy of the report - an image she found- after a tedious search of the Blue Book files.

Fascinating side note, this item was recently posted on Facebook. Congressional hearing transcript - 1966 (April) on the topic of UFOs. So many questions remain unanswered. 


Stumbled across this article in February, 'A Longtime Ghost Hunter is Selling all his Gear', Vice.

Contemplating now, the arsenal of assorted ghostbusting gizmos and gadgets. Opportunity knocked. Homework in progress. Figuring out what the items do. Aside from that, I want to ask the former owner of this collection about his long ago encounter at Houdini's gravesite. 


Ghostbuster collectible market OMG. (holy moly the price has skyrocketed on this) Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ. Amazon. Also available are Ecto-1 and the Firehouse Lighting Kit.


Animal Communication with Sharon Loy. From the Newsletter: Julie was grieving the loss of her pets.

Sharon says, "On the last day as everyone was preparing to leave, I suggested Julie take my pet rabbit’s photo with her. Bunny was such a wise being, and has helped so many of my students over the years. It was an intuition and I am glad that I listened." That rabbit story is worth tracking down. 

Sharon's Bio. Learn more and schedule a session or a class. Main site.

Doggie Drama Scene - Oscar Division. Twitter.


Paranormal vs. Jokester? I gave Andy a cute little Crystal Ball for his birthday - a battery empowered version of a Magic 8 Ball.

It comes with a list of potential answers. Apparently, ours included at least one wildcard. The response to his first question does not appear on the cheat sheet.

"The line is busy. Try again later."

Humor. The unexpected can be just as fun as the unexplained.

Jul 19, 2019

SciXFriday - Moon Landing Anniversary Nod - "Space Girls", plus a few highlights.

"It becomes clear that processes on Earth are guided by a superior intelligence that far exceeds all human capacities, and that this intelligence deserves to be respected and trusted. We should be extremely cautious about our efforts to manipulate or control it from our limited human perspective." - Stanislav Grof

OddsnEnds - 

  • Caution? It is now possible to create an incredibly life-like hologram of a person and make it speak another language in that person’s voice." Futurism
  • Chills. Investigation whether Lyme disease spread had roots in a Pentagon experiment weaponizing ticks. The Guardian.
  • Guy who created Area 51 page had no idea ... Aliens. Low profile now ... FBICNN (The numbers Going and Interested continue to grow. Sept 20 is the party day.)
  • KLAS Investigative Reporter George Knapp has the interview. Storm Area 51
  • Variety - Time launched a new mobile app for immersive journalism. "Landing on the Moon” allows mobile phone users to watch a tabletop recreation of the moon landing in AR mode. "Complete with original audio from the 50 years ago, as well as a way to accompany Neil Armstrong as he took his first steps on the lunar surface."
  • Google 50th Anniversary tribute.  
  • Resurfacing story referencing structures on the Moon. Truth? Fiction? IBT Cited Ufologist Don Wilson’s book “Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon.” 
  • Home Security cam picks up movement. Sasha is now a viral star. Geek.

The Future is Space and everyone wants to go. DUST is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing with the exclusive premiere of "Space Girls".


"Space Girls" by Carys Watford
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi films on DUST

Top response in the comments:
DMPLK - "when you are planning the Area 51 raid with your homies but the CIA sends your mom to your room."

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -

7/21/19 - The Mosiac, Daniel Levin. Inspired fable for change. (Try the Card Reading.)
7/28/19 - Board Camp Crystal Mine - Cheryl and Orville Murphy at KC Paracon August 9-10.
8/4/19 - Dr. Ian Rubenstein. The Doctor who studied to become a Medium.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Mar 15, 2019

Sci-Fi Fantasy: "The Portal" - plus, a plethora of Paranormal, a mix of Science, an Octopus and a Goat. Dive in.

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.” - Albert Einstein. - "This was in a telegram reported in a news piece published in the New York Times (25 May 1946)" Source. [Indications, given present day scenario, "new type of thinking" will originate with AI.]

OddsnEnds -
  • IF Yellowstone was fixin' to blow? Inquiring minds. Discovery blog. (Still says no.)
  • Mars aloha!. Last photo taken by the Opportunity rover. Inquisitr.
  • Sleeping Octopus - changes color ... reminiscent of a mood ring. Atlas Obscura.
  • They're out there and - for this family - easy to see. UFOs in Argentina. Inexplicata.
  • The brain on Salvia - from a guy who volunteered for a brain imaging study. Motherboard.
  • LSD and DMT studies show promise in treating depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Independent.
  • Bigfoot Lecture Series includes artist and researcher Sybilla Irwin. March 30. Info.
  • New Mayor sworn in. She's a Goat. Burlington Free Press.
  • Fans of spooky can book a Ghost Hunter va-cay. Some dates sold out. American Hauntings.
  • Register for the Haunted America Conference in June. Here.
  • Kansas City 2019 Paracon. August 2-3. Details.
  • Paranormal Humor. Entities-r-us.

"The Portal." This Sci-Fi Fantasy gem was good enough to earn a web series. (9 episodes.)

Writer/Director: Jonathan Williams wiki.
Series on Geek and Sundry: Riftworld Chronicles. Start with Episode 1

On the guest list - Wendy's Coffeehouse - 8 pm central time, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM

3/17/19 - Third Eye Spies - Director Lance Mungia. Two Stanford physicists discover psychic abilities are real, only to have their experiments co-opted by the CIA and their research silenced in the name of secrecy.
3/24/19 - Lon Strickler - Phantoms and Monsters. 30 years of stories and experiences. And ongoing submissions from blog readers.
3/31/19 - Laurie McDonald - Hypnotherapist Empowering Alien Abduction Experiencers - Overcoming fear.
4/7/19 - Sean Daley - Paranormal Anthropology. College credit. Field trip example: The Sallie House. (JCCC).

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jan 24, 2019

Lazy Boy Time Travel, Insect Consciousness, Ghosts, Sam Elliot ... and Men in Black

"You're a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly." - Men in Black. IMDB. Fringe benefits.

OddsnEnds -
  • Tiny Home vs. Blizzard. FoxNews.
  • Drama at the Ski slope. AKA Moose. HuffPo.
    Take notes. File in Collective Consciousness. Ant Colonies retain memories individuals don't have. Smithsonian.
  • Insects are Conscious. Independent.
  • Witness The Wave: Honeybees give Wasps the slip. Video Twisted Sifter.
  • Daily Mail. Does this security cam show the ghost of a deceased son? An Atlanta Mom says she believes that image is her son and he's checking in. Yahoo. No doubt Joe McQuillen would agree. We talked about how he now connects with his deceased son. My Search For Christopher on the Other Side. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview.
  • Sam Elliot and an award worthy title: The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot. Thank you, Paul Seaburn Mysterious Universe. And now you'll want to see the Trailer

Sci-Fi Short Film - Lazy Boy - and that's the way the future bites back.
Hurry Summer! MIB International (June/2019) - counting down.
Not like the Spooky version with Nick Redfern: The Black Diary. Our Interview: Wendy's Coffeehouse soundcloud. Warning on the book cover: Just picking up this book invites them in.

From Nick's blog: "For three years, due to living on a hill with a spectacular view of the open sky, I have witnessed UFO activity coming directly from the nuclear power plant and fly slowly right over my head. With incredible lighting and maneuvers like your Father mentioned to you. Including complete "stand still hoovering". I have also felt that I have been discovered witnessing this and have had some type of acknowledgment from the crafts. It hard to explain. I just know they know that I see them..." Check out the rest of the comment.

Wendy's Coffeehouse -  

1/27/19 - House of Spirits - Invited to check out paranormal activity at a local house, it turned into a bit more. Location is near the Nelson Museum in Kansas City. Unable to make that address public but I can talk about the engagement and the circumstances that brought me to the house. - wendy

2/3/19 - Dowsing can be used for so much more than finding lost things or locating water. (Uri Geller finds oil.) Author of Spirit Rescue, Tick Gaudreau is back to highlight the uses.

Show airs Sunday at 8p CST, KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Oct 3, 2018

Sci-Fi Short Film - 'Double Trouble' and misc links... Nessie, Owls, UFO, Baking, Muppets and the Goblin

Amy Pond: 'I thought... well, I started to think you were just a madman with a box.'
The Doctor: 'Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. [He Smiles] I am definitely a madman with a box.' - Steven Moffat, Doctor Who, Tardis wiki

OddsnEnds -
  • Still looking for Planet X. Until then, meet a dwarf planet 2-and-a-half times farther away from the Sun than Pluto with a 40,000 year orbit and a cool title: the Goblin
  • "As a result of a recent loss of employment, I’ve had a lot of time open up."- Quote from most recent Nessie sighting. The Press and Journal 
  • Just in time for Halloween. Horror Baking Show. On Netflix. With Muppets.
  • Didn't get your Owl from Hogwarts? Here's the culprit: YouTube
  • Owls and Contact. Mike Clelland's interview is in the Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Here's his presentation at the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference. YouTube. Published June/2018. Mike is asking his blog readers (referenced in his talk) what they would like to see next. Any interest in an E Book? Connect. Hidden Experience Blog
  • Thanks to Mike, a blog to recommend that covers all sorts of ET, UFO, Unexplained, Weird: At Spiral's End. Truth is better than fiction and so much more strange.
Sci-Fi film short. A shy young man misses the opportunity to talk to the girl of his dreams. He finds a mysterious pocket watch that can turn back time and gets a second chance…

"Double Trouble" is written and directed by Andreas Climent and André Hedetoft. Financed through a successful Kickstarter campaign, the film was shot in September 2013.
Main Site -

Engage -

1/Precognition training and testing site available now: The Premonition Code.
2/Remote Viewing, Dream Crafting and Therapeutic Intention. Develop techniques for mastering these skills and a foundation for achieving the ability to sustain Intentioned Focused Awareness. Online Workshop with Stephan A. Schwartz - Begins Oct. 06, 2018. Sign up at Glidewing.

Wendy's Coffeehouse podcast archives -
Most Recent -
  • The Art of Healing with Crystals - Kac Young has been a producer, writer and director in the Hollywood television industry for over 25 years. With a PhD in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy, clients come to her for advice on health, nutrition and spiritual well being. 
In the top 10 most listened to -
  • The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death Annie Kagan's brother Billy has a new POV about life in the hereafter. Annie started taking notes from the first moment he checked back in.
  • Nancy Tallbot has been involved in Crop Circle Research for decades working alongside William Levengood and has some fascinating stories to share. One of the most fascinating cases involves her research with Medium Robbert van den Broeke.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Aug 31, 2018

SciXFriday - People of Earth imagining - Seaon 3 went to an alternate timeline...

“I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.”
  - Arthur C. Clarke

OddsnEnds - 
  • Weekend chill - lo budget sci-fi film binge: io9 (Any to suggest?) 
  • The totally cool and unexplained sky mystery known as "Steve"Mashable
  • William Shatner - on the potential danger lurking with VR. The Guardian 
  • Universe shouldn't exist? Science is Quirky. Independent
  • Haunted Missouri: Weston gearing up for Ghost Tales of Weston. Visit the haunted candle shop. Weston Bend Candle Company is the focus of this Paranormal Patrol promo Sept 2018.
  • Ghost babies? One woman and her ghost are up to the challenge. To be continued.... Metro.
  • No update yet but still on the radar: BIOS. Tom Hanks in a SciFi movie about a robot designed to care for the dog of his creator. Variety
  • About that spearfishing thing? Fish know what you're up to. Mysterious Universe 
  • 4 Pigs and a Pug. UPI
People of Earth scores Season 3: If only this were that alternate time line …. SyFy
Jeff and the gang. I now own season 1 and will add season 2. Can we get the script for season 3 released -- to fill in the blanks? You are missed. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse - KCMO Talk Radio -
8p CST, Sunday, 9/2/18 [already uploaded podcast] NDE, Lesley Lupo Interview - Every Breath is Precious. Due: November 2018. And every life is a work in progress. From Lesley's course on developing Self-worth, her philosophy: The love you attract mirrors the love you feel for yourself.

Podcast Archives - 2017
10/29 - Kathleen Odom (featured in Video). Consultant on the film, Letters from the Big Man, Speaking of Sasquatch Film Site
11/1 - Elaine Clayton, Intuition Art, Making Marks. Pugs, Art, Intuition and Creativity - Revealing the inner self through doodles.
11/12 - Curtis Rivers, Seven Paths to Freedom. Empowering insight from an accomplished, motivated and dynamic Stuntman - The Stunts

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.  

Aug 10, 2018

SciXFriday -'Cropped' ... Humor sneaks into the (quantum) field... again

“I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” - Lily Tomlin, Goodreads, Lily Tomlin's Blog

OddsnEnds - 
  • Sound of Black holes crashing into each other: "chirpy".  MSN.
  • FYI - The stuff of Nightmares: Earthquake-proof bed: YouTube
  • Animal Mutilations, Colorado. YouTube KOAA 5
  • 1966 UFO Sighting, Westall Incident - Seen by more than 300 school children and school staffers. The audio makes the case. Still a mystery.
  • Monkey Biz - servers are the main attraction at a Japanese Bar - UPI
  • Chillaxn' - 90's Sci-Fi movies - 20 count - includes Galaxy Quest -- or critic's suggested list of 50 (long weekend) -- io9
  • Comedy - Activating Rivers - Tommy Ryman/Hippy Parents - Facebook. 

Sample Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives -  2017

8/20 - Chad and Alta Dillard - Orbducted in the French Quarter. Paranormal, UFO, Unexplained - 'High Strangeness' overload. Facebook Link. Book available in Etsy

8/27 - Rey Hernandez - Video Interview. Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters/FREE at Experiencer.Org.

9/3 - Dr. Richard House - NDE, was a teenager, told he would die at age 33. And die, he did. Extraordinary, mystical journey: Between Now and When

9/10 - Annie Kagan - The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, revelations from a brother who reports on his experience in the afterlife. Book Promo on YouTube

SciFi short film: 'Cropped' - A bunch of circle chasers get stuck in a field. Meltdown ensues ..

Director: Chris Thomas on Vimeo
and Main site: check out the features, including Being Human

Space - Perseids are this weekend. One of the deceased celebs I inadvertently heard from as I began channeling was John Denver. (I also interviewed him a year before he died.)

I asked how I could know it was him. (It was this time of year.) He said he loved watching the Perseids. So I did some research and discovered more about his appreciation - I regret that it was something I didn't discover when I interviewed him - it is an appreciation we share. Slooh

The Perseids were his inspiration for Rocky Mountain High.
I stack books around to remind me
 - ideas are everywhere.

Books on the table in no particular order, just a reminder I am doing my homework. A couple are new titles.

Contactee Ida Kannenburg's book (4/My Brother is a Hairy Man) is a favorite. Krsanna Duran has published some of Ida's books. Amazon.

Mike Clelland posted a blurb about Ida.

Schedule Wendy's Coffeehouse  - 2018

8/12 - Gary Wimmer, Psychic overwhelm, NDE. Divination via Lithomancy. Your future is in the stones.

8/19 - Walking Through Walls. Philip Smith describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator father, who one day discovers he has the miraculous power to talk to the dead and heal the sick.

8/26 - Duncan Laurie, The Fascinating realm of Radionics. Musical Plants and Healing Rocks.

Join me for the live show
or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives
Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Aug 3, 2018

SciXFriday - 'Blackout', AI fine print. Ascension program reboot, Animals win.

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland,  Goodreads

OddsnEnds -
  • Light Bulb. A link. Great Pyramid of Giza + Electromagnetic energy.  Independent
  • On the UFO Beat. NY Times
  • Think twice before touching a UFO. Some have had no lasting ill effects. Others were less fortunate. A recent update recounting. Paranoia Magazine
  • Mum's the word. And some simply wish they kept quiet about their encounter. -“If I could change all that I have done in my life, I would change just one thing. And that would be the night we chased that damn thing. That saucer.” Medium
  • UFO picture books.
    1/ A Photographer's Journey through the Heart of UFO Country. Atlas Obscura
    2/ UFO Drawings from the National Archives. Amazon
Nature Highlights -
  • Crazed Selfie Crowds = Sunflower farm nightmare chaos? NY Times
  • Tragic. It was a good plan, chill from daily drama and count Butterflies. Attenborough. Then came ... the 'misunderstanding'. Result = 9 acres of flattened flowers. Independent. Butterfly Count: 1. Spotted the day after the blunder, "...a good old cabbage white..." Hope for the diehards.
  • Beauty. Owl and Butterfly. Independent
  • Savvy. Hawk on a Sprinkler - Power bath. Facebook
  • Comedy. Orca hijacks Sailboat. w/video. Daily Mail 
"Blackout"- w/Subtitles. No info on this. 

And so it goes. AI future is looking bright. Humanity needs a plan B. Clearly, outsmarting them is not in our programming. Extinction imminent. Wear sunblock.

Alternative endings? Absolutely!
  • Metaphysical Detour: Ascend. How to ascend before the apocalypse? Casey, Carey, Kryon, etc. Lots of can be tedious homework: Ascension  Happy exploring!
  • Enlightenment notwithstanding. Steven Pinker. The Better Angels of Our Nature
  • Don't get weird. PS: Where the H__ is Season Three? People of Earth. Scripted? Just post it.  

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

8/5 - Fantastic Book on Dowsing. Tick Gaudreau, Spirit Rescue: A Dowser's Ghostly Encounters. Intriguing experiences with different types of haunting spirits. Utilizing specialized techniques, he has worked with spirits in a safe, respectful, and loving manner. Gaudreau shares these methods with you to help you identify different types of spiritual beings.

8/12 - Gary Wimmer, Psychic overwhelm, NDE. What next? Divination via Lithomancy. Your future is in the stones.

8/19 - The ordinary and the extraordinary. Philip Smith, Walking Through Walls. Philip describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator father, who one day discovers he has the miraculous power to talk to the dead and heal the sick. True story of a miracle worker.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Jul 6, 2018

SciXFriday - Room 88, time and time again - mysteries, maps, odds and assorted randoms

“…Tell me, has anything odd happened to you recently?
What do you mean, odd?'
Unusual. Deviating from the customary. Something outside the usual parameters of normalcy. An occurrence of unprecedented weird.” - Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book, Goodreads

Welcome. You'll feel right at home here.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Monitoring Infrasound to predict Volcanoes. Forbes
  • Crop Circle season and another beauty appears. Crop Circle Connector
  • You too could be an astronaut. Details about the App making that offer. Engadget
  • Air Pollution linked to Diabetes. There's more. Worth tracking this story. CNN
  • No mistaking the joy in this reunion. Noted by her dayglow smile. Daily Mail
  • Talking crow entertains the tourists. Bonus. Accent. UPI
  • Champion combines Free Bird audio + epic Yo-Yo skills. Outstanding. Huff Po
  • Digg struck gold with a cool 'Collaborative Map of the Paranormal': Liminal Seattle map is the region's new go-to tool for tracking "fairies, ghosts, bigfoot, time travelers, extraterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, crow conferences, sentient lawn computers, lanyard'd ogres, broccoli wizards, etc." FYI - my random selection happened to be a staring squirrel. Quirky mappers at work. 
  • Home for Spiritualists and Mediums: Cassadaga, Florida. Ripley's
Mystery in Room 88.

Video Description from YouTube: Made in a garden shed for £250.
'Room 88' is an original short film by Mike Booth.

The script was shortlisted for the Jameson First Shot Competition in 2015 and the finished film went on to screen at the London Short Film Festival 2016.

Mr. Debogorski is in book Mike is currently writing called Elderland and available to read for free here.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule

7/8 - Holiday replay from 7/1 - Avrel Seale, Monster Hike. 100 mile adventure on the trail of Sasquatch.
7/15 - Board Camp Crystal Mine, Orville and Cheryl Murphy. My visit to the site and updates on the ongoing paranormal activity.
7/22 - Gary Hart, The Sasquatch Whisperer. One of the researchers who explored Board Camp Crystal Mine.
7/29 - Keith Linder, The Bothell Hell House: Poltergeist of Washington State.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Jun 26, 2018

Terry Albright - Dorothy Izatt, UFOs, Orbs, Ghosts, EVPS and Ice Cream Floats

"I had a fried grouper sandwich and onion rings for breakfast. Other people were staring at shredded wheat, and hoping to live forever. But I bet forever is a long time with shredded wheat." - Rick Bragg, My Southern Journey

OddsnEnds - 
Mysterious Universe - Ghost Ice Cream Floats/$1 are the newly featured menu item at a San Antonio café after owners discovered resident ghosts were the culprit for overnight hi-jinx. Briefly shut down while a paranormal investigation determined the source, here is the video that prompted owners to reach out for a paranormal assist.

According to the café owner (as noted at the spirit sounded "kind of like a walkie talkie until someone talks into it."

Welcome to the world of contact with the deceased. The official promo for Calling Earth highlights electronic methods of ITC and EVP. On Vimeo. Link to the full film.
CALLING EARTH - Official Preview from Daniel Drasin on Vimeo.

Detailed information about ITC and EVP: Contacting the Dead in the Electronic Age.

Noted in that piece is Swedish filmmaker and EVP pioneer Friedrich Jurgenson, who first captured unexplained voices while taping bird songs. His research spanned more than two decades. Available to read (at no cost) from Paranormal Study, his book is translated to English: Voice Transmissions with the Deceased.pdf.

Full 'Calling Earth' video: Vimeo

Another site to follow: ITC Journal.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Terry Albright, June 24 - 2018 the Dorothy Izatt project continued. Can we get a reboot? Filming UFOs, ETs, Orbs and Interdimensional beings.

Shifting gears from audio to video. I have interviewed and know of others who are good at capturing orbs and/or light anomalies, this is a fascinating case is one of the best documented and, in that regard, easily worthy of more exposure.

Image credit: Terry Albright. Light anomaly.
Using an ordinary 8 mm movie camera, Dorothy Izatt filmed hundreds of sequences of unexplained, yet authenticated, pictures of UFO's, ETs, and anomalies.

Wanting to reboot that project and several others, Terry shares similar images he has taken.

Terry says the book could be improved with color images and a refresh given the volumes of unpublished material not included in the book.

So I might need to explore this project more and see what would be required to move the reboot forward. Ideas? Contact/Follow: Terry on Twitter

Is there any significance to the colors of Orbs? Maybe. Some suggestions. ParanormalLovetoKnow

Contact with Beings of Light, Peter Guttilla
Contact with Beings of Light - Amazon

Amazon Book Review -
1/Could have been much more detailed - but a fair treatment of this rarely discussed and highly important UFO case. The movie should be watched prior to reading the book. I'm convinced that you, reader, would perhaps throw the baby out with the bath water if you read the book first.

Capturing the Light, DVD, Frank Longo

Amazon Film Reviews -
1/Magnificent and brave to share with everyone. I have my own reasons for believing her. What is important is that we work together. This is our planet and we need to care for it and one another. We are all beings of Light and at some point I feel that each person will awaken to that.

2/This absolutely jives with our personal experiences. Prf. Hynek was right when he advised her.....proceed with caution, interdimesional contacts occur with ALARMING frequency. But, remember Master Yoda, it's "only what you take with you."

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.