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Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Jan 10, 2024

NHE, Non-Human-Entities, Precognition, Telepathy

Premonitions and Precognition

Channeled guidance: When I have asked why there is so little pre-cog information that might preempt large populations from having to endure extreme hardships of war, famine, poverty, eco-tragedy, and inhumane treatment on a grand scale, the response has been that we are entirely too literal in our language and communication methods (open to miscommunication/misunderstanding/misinterpreting) - and the lessons are necessary.

Whatever challenge we manage to dodge instead of facing, confronting, and/or addressing will present itself in another form. Negative circumstances and bloody confrontations are part of this phase – the ‘hope’ from higher sources is that we will learn to value what has been referred to as ‘harmony in a world of difference’ … DIVERSITY.

Source for the previous segment includes an encounter with a transparent human figure. Non-human entity? Shadow person? Previous Post.

Non-Human-Entities and Telepathy

Long time coming for those of us who have been reading between the lines over the past decade and/or more. The new section on the Ingo Swann website is devoted to NHE, Non-Human-Entities:

On the morning the NHE page went live, Elly, Ingo’s niece, gave me a quick heads up about that page. As it turns out, the dream I had that morning gave me another element to ponder.

  • I dreamed I was sitting in bed, surrounded by my notes and books, working on my computer. A guy comes bursting into the room in an excited state. I am surprised and a bit concerned because there was no warning of his approach and he didn’t knock. We seem to know each other from work and he wants my help.
  • I see that I am dressed. I do find it odd that, although I am working in bed, I am wearing my shoes. He is in dress clothes – a three-piece, brown suit – and appears to be in his mid-thirties.
  • He is full of enthusiasm about his project, but he is also frustrated because there is a problem with his printer. And that is why he is here. He asks for my help and wants me to let him use my printer. I think that’s easy enough. I’ll agree to let him use my printer.

Another interesting point and something I don’t normally do. Because I left my computer signed on, it was opened to the page that showed Elly’s message, 7 minutes after it had been delivered, alerting me to the NHE page debut – intended to be announced that day at noon.

That’s when I suspected the dream was tied to Ingo. I asked Elly if Ingo had a brown suit or a three-piece, brown suit. She said he did.

What purpose for the dream contact? I believe Ingo and others who work with him are gathering their tribe. The work continues on the higher plane and information they seeded is accessible, helpful, and needed for events yet to unfold.

Curious, I decided to look a little deeper. I have some of Ingo’s books and wondered if there were any pictures that matched the man I saw in my dream for confirmation. It didn’t take long to find one. He wasn’t wearing a three-piece suit. But it was the same face, his smile and his energy. What a great surprise to recognize him as the person in my dream. Wow!

The image that matched is featured in Stardust Highways: Ingo Swann’s Art of Entertaining.

Ingo Swann, p. 37, Stardust Highways: Ingo Swann’s Art of Entertaining

Given that much of the ET / UFO / PSI / Consciousness research Ingo participated in was classified, he was limited on how he could address it. Even had his work censored. What was so threatening? Military aspects that continue to remain classified most likely hold the key.

I believe aspects Ingo {and the help he needs with the printer – getting the word out} is now trying to highlight relate to personal encounters with Non Human Entities (NHE) or Non Human Intelligence (NHI). 

Some are alluded to in Penetration/Amazon. Others are included in the personal notes in the archives at the University of West Georgia.

From the Ingo Swann Non Human Entities Page:

  • His message: these entities have a SERIOUS type of telepathy capable of something dire; a type he names as telepathy plus, one which is beyond being a channel for information exchange, one capable of mind control and scrambling human consciousness.

  • After the book was published, he began to experience terrible headaches and pain in random places throughout his body. He determined he was being psychically attacked and found a way to make some sort of telepathic contact with these entities in order to fend them off.

  • After going through a list from where, Earth, no, space, no, the Moon, no, the Sun, no, he circled the words “another dimension.” Despite his efforts, they remained a source of sporadic pain to him for the rest of his life. Several of his sorting out the psychic attack notes are in his archives at the University of West Georgia.

Each will understand and interpret this information relative to whatever personal role has been set forth in this incarnation. In other words, it is to be expected that not everyone will view this information with the same enthusiasm or appreciation.

Ingo’s belief is clear: “We are not alone on this planet.”

And we go forward from there.

There is a reason for the Timing.

This info is also referenced in a previous post. Link. In the newest interview with Elly - we talk about some of the negative PSI experiences that Ingo encountered. 

PSI Audio cue - Metal or Mechanical?

When I revisited my contact with Elly, I found a piece of information I forgot about. She alerted me to the new page. December 17, 2023.

My response: "Outstanding .. Interesting. I had two anomalies overnight. One was a very sharp mechanical sound and the other was a single strum of a cello. Knew it was a message. The one thing my guides have insisted on for humans to work on - Telepathy. We progress as a species when that element is evolved. Great to see Ingo's thoughts on this compiled."  

That's a thing I forgot --- The sync: it happened again. This time I heard the mechanical sound on two occasions. 1.7.24. In the evening, Andy and I both heard what sounded like something being dropped on top of a metal box or sheet. There is nothing in that area that could make that sound. 

The following day. Took a short nap. 1.8.24. I heard a mechanical/metal like sound and opened my eyes to see the curtain was closed. No response from the pets. I remember leaving the curtain open and figured Andy must have checked in on me and shut it.

I turned my head to look at the clock and then I turned my head back again to see the curtain was open. In that brief moment the position of the curtain had changed. It startled me. There was no mistaking my seeing the the curtain being shut because it registered long enough for me to blame Andy for doing something to it. 

And then it was open - the curtains were parted by about 8 inches. Was that mechanical sound waking me up some kind of cue? 

Another game of charades.

Is Ingo the common denominator? 

I am learning.

What? Why? Who? How? 


Dec 19, 2023

Wendy's Nightlights - the recent post on Youtube - and the [ paranormal ] Kicker

 “Free yourself from the consensus reality boondoggle and the truly extraordinary becomes visible. You will then understand why there is no telling, only knowing. In knowing, One is complete. In questioning, one forgets. In being, One becomes.” Anything is possible. 

“The more I experiment with telepathy the more is the conviction driven in upon me that the mind uses the body as a temporary two-legged telephone for purposes of communication at short range with other minds, but that it no more ceases to exist when the body dies than we cease to exist when we ring off the telephone.” – W. T. Stead, 1894

This podcast segment (video included in this post) has a nightlight backstory anomaly. Prior to my recent youtube video upload 2/2, I shared them with an Author/Telekinesis Researcher, James A. Conrad, who has graciously consented to my sharing of this story.

I have followed him on Twitter/X and am glad he is sharing his work. When I requested an interview he politely declined, but indicated he would be open to email interaction. I decided to share information about my nightlight experience. 

He suggested a few options for the activity - including paranormal - but also likely that the activity was an indication the bulb was burning out.

Given the activity is not limited to one light - and has been interactive for over 25 years - I know the bulb is not an issue. That doesn't mean he should believe me without further interaction.

However, I can demonstrate another aspect by providing a recent video of the activity. And I just happened to have recorded 2 new videos taken while staying at a B&B in Texas as we visited Andy's family.

And that is where it got interesting.... Before receiving his reply, I spilled water near the power strip with the nightlight on it. As I was mopping up the water, the light blinked twice. I was surprised. Offering a greeting, I said, "Hello, you're awake."

The light had remained off most of the time after we returned home. That was it - just a short blink. Then -- I discovered his email -- and the quirky problem my videos had triggered.

Given what I have experienced with my nightlights, I believe that short interactive blink was a wink...

Listen for the rest of the story. Video link.

Video Description on the Youtube post 1/of 2December 2023 is the anniversary of my connection with The Energy - a paranormal anomaly -  the entity signals the engagement with me via the nightlight. This video is an on-location example of the *interactivity. I do not control it. The interaction has been ongoing since December 1997.  (In other nightlights and lamps as well.) I have posted a daylight video for comparison.

When this contact started, I began actively working with my spirit guides. PSI awareness increased and I learned to channel. Mediumship encounters became more frequent. It's been incredibly enlightening and interesting.  Reality is fascinating. Thank you for viewing.  *This nightlight is appx 20-25 years old.

I blog at
More Youtube videos at
Listen to the podcast at

*Activation is described by the nightlight entity as a bioelectric response.
Mentioned in this segment: James A. Conrad, Ingo Swann (Interview with Elly Flippen), Terence McKenna, Michael Tymn, and Lisa Martin.

Oct 29, 2021

Ghosts, Haunts, Skinwalker, UFOs and Angels ... Just bunch of Paranormal stuff

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” - Terence McKenna

  • Don't Panic. Nasa calls for new ways to announce discovery of alien life amid fears of misunderstandings.
  • Uri Geller tweet - October 27, 2021· Today the CIA posted a statement on their website - admitting that their research on me, and other psychics, had produced 'enough accurate' findings to 'defy randomness'. But what they are not telling you is that they are STILL using intuitives, psychics and remote viewers.
  • 20 Most Haunted places in the World.
  • Real Estate speed bumps. Ghosts.
  • Flip side - Happily at Home with the Haints - A 2018 poll revealed that one-third of prospective buyers wouldn’t think twice about buying a haunted house if the price, location, and amenities were appealing enough. And 18 percent said, in effect, “Hey, a ghost is all the amenity we need! We’ll take it!”
  • True haunts on Reddit - Spooky tales.
  • Paranormal Beliefs - Gallup poll results.
  • I Didn't Know If I Believed In The Afterlife. Then My Dead Father Sent Me A Message. I called my mom. I wasn’t sure she would believe what I had to tell her, but I wanted her to hear it. HuffPo.

Skinwalker Ranch beyond UFO Spooky. Special edition of Whitley Strieber's show - open to subscribers and non-subscribers and commercial free. Youtube. George Knapp and Colm Kelleher: the DIA's High Strangeness UFO/Paranormal Project.


Follow up with the Books - 

Reagan, Gorbachev and Aliens. 1985 Reagan asked him if the Soviets would come to the United States’ help if they were ever attacked by aliens. Gorbachev replied: “No doubt about it.”. Then Reagan said: “We too.” WeirdFactsblog. Original source. Smithsonian.

Experiencer John Foster's newest post. Haunted by an experience. Run with the horses

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Tricia Barker - Angels in the OR, NDE 

"I was an agnostic. I was like, okay consciousness survives. But then I saw the angels and I was like, What is this? This is different! This is otherworldly! I felt like a kid. They were so unexpected!" - Tricia Barker, NDE

It doesn't matter that Tricia's NDE was in in 1994, the awe and excitement is still in her voice when she talks about seeing the Angels. Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation, Amazon. 

Amazon Author Bio: As a college senior at The University of Texas at Austin, Tricia experienced an extraordinary near-death experience after a massive car wreck. In the afterlife, she learned that she must change her plans and work as a teacher. Tricia’s near-death experience story has been featured on A&E’s I Survived: Beyond and Back and covered by National Geographic.

Amazon Review: Chris Brethwaite 5.0 out of 5 stars A beautifully written memoir centered around an exceptionally profound NDE - As a former IANDS (The International Association for Near-Death Studies) chapter head I have read a slew of NDE books over the past forty-some years. Tricia Barker's "Angels in the OR" is definitely one of my all-time favorites. Not only is her book beautifully written, but her mastery of the English language allows her to overcome the ineffability problem of describing an indescribable experience to a far greater extent than most experiencers.

Connect with Tricia.


Dining with Ghosts sold out this year. 2017 Weston Ghost Encounter - during the last night of the event, at the end of the evening, as the staff was cleaning up, someone was heard coming up the stairs. The footsteps sounded heavy and a large person was expected. No one appeared.
Earlier in the week, Verna said a woman who looked quite confused, told her she saw and felt a woman walk quickly past her in the hallway to the restroom but the door didn't open and the bathroom was empty.

That same tourist had her hair pulled by something when she went downstairs and then vacated the building to look in through the window. She returned as her friends searched with their cell phones trying to get a response or a glimpse of the ghost. They asked if the ghost was in the pictures on the wall. The woman said, 'Yes, that's her', and quickly departed for a final time.

She identified Creola [deceased former owner] as the woman she saw. Verna said the women had been ghost-hunting in Atchison with no results. Weston delivered.


Twitter - Let there be light

My other blog is on wordpress - this link is an invitation to start your own blog. If you accept, I do get credit. Thank you for reading! 

Oct 18, 2021

Extraordinary is calling... Explore. Engage. Immerse. Consciousness. Sci-Fi: "Leap of Faith"

Career segue ... “Which is lovely, because as an actor you have to get up at half-past six in the morning and go to the studio. As a writer, you can start writing without leaving the bed." - Michael Caine, HuffPo.


  • Echo? Earth Inside an Enormous Cosmic TunnelVice.
  •  Scientists Just Observed Warm Matter Emanating From a Black Hole. Source. 
  • Lab Rats unite - “Since our universe has a flat geometry with a zero net energy, an advanced civilization could have developed a technology that created a baby universe out of nothing through quantum tunneling,” Avi Loeb wrote. Link.
  • "UFO Patent" Selling points: limitless energy and the ability to modify spacetime. Interesting Engineering.
  • Land of OZ fish tale. NOT in Kansas -- except... CNN.
  • William Shatner returned from his Space Encounter gobsmacked. "I am so filled with emotion about what just happened. It's extraordinary," Shatner told Bezos. The Overview Effect. Big Think 
  • Watch the video. Link. 

 Sci-Fi - "Leap of Faith" ... Kelly is captivated by her new neighbor.


 Leap of Faith Director - Mark Smyth

MISC. and ETC.

  • Wild ride - Missouri's Gravity Hill. Video.
  • People who saw their pets in NDEs. YouTube.
  • 13 Most Haunted places in the USA. USA Today.
  • Ready to relocate? Spooky on the Market. Haunted Real Estate. As of September 2021. Link.
  • On the market as of 10.18.21 - Business and Residence. "PRICE ADJUSTED! EVER DREAMED OF RENOVATING A VICTORIAN GOTHIC INTO A HOME?" Link. 

- Interview with Aussie Fortean Blogger/Researcher Malcolm Smith. Wendy's Coffeehouse.

- About my deceased friend who showed up as an apparition - Blog.

Thank you Twitter: UFO Spotlight @UFOSpotlight · 340 year old book documents UFO sightings.  @IrishTimes 

"Printed in 1679 on marbled boards, the good copy is listed at €1,750."

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers to clear skies! - wendy

Jul 21, 2021

This, that and the other. Sci-Fi. UFO. Aliens, Animals, Sound, Synchronicity and Uri's Big Spoon

 “I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world, to release the truth within us, to hold back the night, to transcend death, to charm motorways, to ingratiate ourselves with birds, to enlist the confidences of madmen.” -  J.G. Ballard, Goodreads Sci-Fi, The Crystal World, Amazon.


  • Uri Geller's Big Spoon. Link.
  • Odd, Strange, Weird and Unusual. New entries at Liminal Earth.
  • UFO or no? Daily Record. 
  • Tick tock... "U.S. Navy CNO FOIA office. At "approximately 2,500" case backlog." The Black Vault.
  • Bat Patrol. Dogs on duty at Wind Turbines. Source.
  • Countdown. Butterfly. First to go extinct in the US because of humans. CNN.
  • Increase Serendipity. Raise your Vibration. YouTube.
  • Sound heals. Watch “She sings her cancer away - vocal #soundtherapy”. Vimeo.
  • Working with Earth Energy. Shamanism. Link. Webinar - Toning with the Earth's Grids. 7.22.21. "This event pulls together not just what I’ve learned about working with the grids over the past five years, but specifically what I’ve been learning about toning with them since late last year. When we create sound with our voices a portal opens to allow perfect balance and alignment to return." Info. More info. About Amy. .
  • Water and Memory. Source. And Light Water. Source.

Sci-Fi short film: Laura un Vineta. Keep an eye on the potato. UFO.


Explore the DUST multiverse ad-free on our App
Director: Roberts KuÄŒenko

Connect with the Filmmakers:


John Foster actually has a recent post about an encounter with a UFO he describes as shaped like a 'coffin'. "Encounter with a UFO during football practice…about 5 pm, Fall 1954.

I was in high school, Northeast High in Lincoln. However, we did not see it flying.

He adds "It is interesting to note that I saw a Middle Age oil painting of what seemed to be the exact same coffin-shaped object during Robert Dean’s lecture at a late 1980s or early 1990s Rocky Mountain Conference On UFO Investigation in Laramie, Wyoming. Bob said the artist was from the Middle East and he apparently identified the bizarre object as “a column,” one of Ancient Egypt’s flying boats.

It is also interesting that I have seen “the coffin” at other times…even flying in distorted atmosphere…or more accurately described, floating somewhat high in the air and low to the ground…like a submarine floats beneath the surface of the water." Source.

And this is the response from an experiencer on Twitter: Pleiadian Portal @PleiadianPortal · Replying to @WendyLite4one and @johnfoster. That "coffin-shaped" object is a pod.

Also on Twitter: ᎜ꜰNo entry signʙ ²⁸⁵⁰⁰ á¶ á”’Êł ᔃ âżá”‰Ê· á”ˆá”ƒÊ·âż @ufobelievers.

"The Ariel School kids. Ruwa, Zimbabwe 1994, saw different things. One kid described beings with blank faces, others saw them having hair or with a lions head or darting ahead of itself. It seems that UFOs can influence our minds and project images in our head."


Graham Hancock had a near death experience as a teenager that changed his perspective on life. YouTube.

Anomaly - Serendipity - Synchronicity

7.21.21 - This afternoon - we come back into the house after walking our dogs. The CD player had turned itself on (not a common occurrence) and the words --- are about singing a plant to life from a seed.

Time out for a Squirrel concert. Twitter.

Jul 15, 2021

Wonderful world of Weird, Odd and Unexplained: Bigfoot, UFO, Haunts, Oracles, Astrology and Quirks - in the news

"Bypasses are devices that allow some people to dash from point A to point B very fast while other people dash from point B to point A very fast. People living at point C, being a point directly in between, are often given to wonder what's so great about point A that so many people from point B are so keen to get there, and what's so great about point B that so many people from point A are so keen to get there. They often wish that people would just once and for all work out where the hell they wanted to be." - Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • Biz Opportunity - Ye Olde Haunted Inn. Gloucester, England. £1.65million (just under $2.3 million in American funds) Mysterious Universe
  • Sasquatch or CGI? Link.
  • Unexplained - "...cases involving humanoids with no associated craft." Link.
  • Anglo-Saxon cave dwelling - home to an English king who became a saint? CNN.
  • Clippy 3D upgrade. TheVerge.
  • Out of this world Jelly Cake is a wonder. AtlasObscura. More yum on the website. Solid Wiggles.
  • Games, toys and other fun. Review/interview. “Oracolarium isn’t just an astonishing deck of cards. It’s an enigmatic, multi-layered experience, using virtual reality technology to enhance your readings with hidden visuals, music and narrative." Ready to dive in? Website.

Fantasy short film. Adventures in Reading 101. Anything is possible at the Library.


Summon a Fiend
Writer/Director Eleanor Cho -
Omeleto: Subscribe.


Astrology by Moon Rabbit - Spring Update 2021 excerpt: "A primary astrological marker for the pandemic, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, has completed, but in its wake comes a new astrological cycle where Saturn, our stability and safety is being challenged (squared) by Uranus, the planet of change and unpredictability. We see this reflected in the ongoing difficulty of controlling the spread of the virus. This heavenly square stays in effect until March of 2022. It seems like we face another year of world-wide struggle with the pandemic." - To schedule a reading and/or sign up for the newsletter: Astrology by Moon Rabbit 

AKA - Divine Intervention

Grant Cameron with Preston Dennett - Healing encounters with UFOs, ETs, alien abduction, portals, healing stories, plants, zoos, flying the ship, the inside of the ship, TTSA, good vs evil aliens. 

The Healing Power of UFOs: 300 True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials, Amazon.

UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials. Amazon.

Recent Interviews

Susan Calvin, 7.11.21 - Changeling. Transitioning from male to female - a remarkable journey. Courage, perseverance, trust, faith. Divine assist? In completing the transition - she became a person who at last felt comfortable in her own skin.

Professor WHAM - Dr. CS Matthews 7.18.21 - Hudson Valley Paranormal
We talk about the night she was driving home and being extremely cautious, anticipating the ever possible deer encounter and hoping to avoid contact. Then she saw Bigfoot.

About her (ahead of its time) 2001 dissertation - Taken: Constructions of Race, Biology and Colonialism informing the Alien Abduction Narrative in the United States. 568 pg. PDF. (Contact her.) Underscores the need to further explore the differences between cultures, Indigenous, African American vs White narrative in the UFO experience. Tons of reference material. Worth an update! Website:

Stay Curious! 

Mar 18, 2021

Sci-Fi, Space Cookie, 1966 Shawnee, KS UFO, Cool Bees 101, and a Ghostbuster Arsenal

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.” - Stephen Hawking, Goodreads Wonder quotes

 All things Bright and Unconventional
  • Mystery cookie shaped space object. Possible remnant of a Pluto-like world. MysteryWire.
  • NEW find. Pilot Encounters with UAPs/UFOs. NASA. TheDebrief.
  • Another adventure. Expedition Bigfoot cast now includes a Primate Scientist. MysteryWire.
  • Kudos to this Beekeeper for a kinder, gentler approach to swarm management. Washington Post. Connect at TexasBeeworks.
  • Give it up for Spotted Lanternfly Honey. Essence of Smokey. Atlas Obscura.
  • Sci-Fi Treasure trove - More than 1,000 science fiction pulp magazines now accessible and searchable online. Elizabeth Swanstrom, co-editor of the journal Science Fiction Studies and an English scholar at the University of Utah, says the dictionary is “a fantastic resource” not just for fans but for scholars interested in the history of science and technology. Smithsonian. 

Sci-Fi short film. "Ryoko's Qubit Summer" The future of AI. Or is it?


Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:​
"Ryoko's Qubit Summer" by Yuichi Kondo Connect with the Filmmakers:


From Brent Raynes: Alternate Perceptions Archival Newsletter, No. 276, March 2021 -
Up next my co-hosts Barbara Mango, Ph.D., and Lynn Miller, MS., are in the hot seat this time
as they're my guests instead of being co-hosts helping to interview others.
They've produced a wonderful and very significant book, Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences, that just came out on March 1st.

In our book section of this issue you'll find a well done review of Convergence by noted author and researcher Joey Madia. This book covers a full spectrum of anomalistic experiences, be they UFOs, orbs, apparitions, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, past life memories; and they're not shy about sharing their own remarkable experiences with the paranormal, which is all quite fascinating! 

Current issue of Alternate Perceptions at
While you're there, sign up for the Monthly Newsletter Summary.

My interview with Barbara Mango is posted in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. She talks about a UFO sighting in Shawnee, Kansas in 1966. I'll share the copy of the report - an image she found- after a tedious search of the Blue Book files.

Fascinating side note, this item was recently posted on Facebook. Congressional hearing transcript - 1966 (April) on the topic of UFOs. So many questions remain unanswered. 


Stumbled across this article in February, 'A Longtime Ghost Hunter is Selling all his Gear', Vice.

Contemplating now, the arsenal of assorted ghostbusting gizmos and gadgets. Opportunity knocked. Homework in progress. Figuring out what the items do. Aside from that, I want to ask the former owner of this collection about his long ago encounter at Houdini's gravesite. 


Ghostbuster collectible market OMG. (holy moly the price has skyrocketed on this) Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ. Amazon. Also available are Ecto-1 and the Firehouse Lighting Kit.


Animal Communication with Sharon Loy. From the Newsletter: Julie was grieving the loss of her pets.

Sharon says, "On the last day as everyone was preparing to leave, I suggested Julie take my pet rabbit’s photo with her. Bunny was such a wise being, and has helped so many of my students over the years. It was an intuition and I am glad that I listened." That rabbit story is worth tracking down. 

Sharon's Bio. Learn more and schedule a session or a class. Main site.

Doggie Drama Scene - Oscar Division. Twitter.


Paranormal vs. Jokester? I gave Andy a cute little Crystal Ball for his birthday - a battery empowered version of a Magic 8 Ball.

It comes with a list of potential answers. Apparently, ours included at least one wildcard. The response to his first question does not appear on the cheat sheet.

"The line is busy. Try again later."

Humor. The unexpected can be just as fun as the unexplained.

Oct 11, 2020

I want the fortune cookie that foretells a future where the present isn't overwhelmed working out the kinks from the past.

“It can be very dangerous to see things from somebody else's point of view without the proper training.”
- Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless/Amazon

Reincarnation and past lives are the topic of my recent conversation with Dr. Bernie Siegel, posted in Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Link

Author of several books, Love, Medicine and Miracles was the initial best seller. In his first book of fiction, Three Men, Six Lives, one of the characters was developed from his own past life memories. 

We also talk about how his current life experiences include an uptick in paranormal encounters since the death of his wife. He says he feels her as a constant presence.

Stories Bernie shares from his patients and his own life are proof that, while we don't have all the answers for why some people heal and others don't, we do have proof that miracles can happen. Because they do. 

2020 headlines are delivering a delightful serving of weird, odd, offbeat and fringe.  
  • A Witch was it? Apparently, one gave the President Covid. For real? Vice.
  • Navy says UFOs are real - still dogged by little green men asides. NPR. 
  • Toxic Caterpillars that look like toupees. Don't touch. Nope. AOL.
  • Loch Ness Nessie buzz: "The most compelling sonar images of a 32-foot long object, some 500 feet below the loch's surface." Inverness Courier.
  • UFO curious: The Calvine Incident. Release blocked by MoD until 2072. And the question: "By the time the world gets to see the file, the two witnesses will be dead. It is crazy. What are the authorities trying to hide?" The Sun.
  • Ahead of the game: Guy who patented the UFO. YouTube. 2018 worth repeating.
  • Eddie Van Halen died. Outstanding 2017 interview demonstrates his guitar skill. YouTube.
  • Covid safe. Flaming Lips concert audience will be in bubbles. Rolling Stone.
  • FYI - Neck gaiters got a bum rap. University of Georgia study in what "seems to be the first actual face mask and neck gaiter study." Best result: Gaiters made up of two to three layers (polyester and spandex) provided a 96 percent reduction in respiratory droplets. Yahoo. (Bias: I own the Eddie Bauer version.)

Cases involving missing children who claim to have been helped by large dog or bears are curious. David Paulides notes a couple of those and says he isn't ready to draw any conclusions. No doubt, they remain fascinating.


- Working on another interview with Experiencer John Foster. 46 years of contact and interaction with UFOs is an incredible database. While there seems to be great interest in the topic and in nuts and bolts UFOs, there is still an avoidance or simply a lack of awareness regarding those who have reported lifetime encounters. 

John's background as an engineer makes him uniquely qualified to add insight into the machinery or lack of machinery manifested during an encounter. Will update when I have more information to share.

- Seeing footage of the Ariel school children included in James Fox's newly released film The Phenomenon is a reminder that the film about that incident is still waiting in the wings - now titled Ariel School Phenomenon - it has been a work in progress for several years. 

Film is finished but no public release date to note. However, there is increasing activity and promotion on the Facebook page. Link. 

- After the conversation with Bernie Siegel about Carl Jung, I discovered an interesting prophecy. Jung's Prophetic Visions are listed here. Here's hoping the deathbed vision is several decades further out. 

- On a POSITIVE note: The Expanse, Season 5 = December 16th. Amazon Prime. Trailer. Counting down. The Expanse Cast Interview/New York Comic Con.

Thank you for checking in.
Stay Curious. 
Be well. 

Apr 7, 2020

Life hijacked, Truth, Fiction, Coronavirus, Animals, Paranormal, Odd news, Good news and Tales From the Loop.

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” - Mark Twain, Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World, Goodreads. Other versions of this saying: Quote Investigator

  • Continuing game changers with Covid-19. One way aisles and reduced capacity at the grocery store. Testing now at Kroger and Walmart. CNN.
  • Boomer parents and lockdown rebellion? "At least one survey shows that baby boomers, one of the demographics that is most at risk of COVID-19 (to the degree that the illness has been uncharitably referred to by youngsters as the “boomer remover”)." Rolling Stone.  
  • Troubling development. Anyone with symptoms or positive for Covid-19 urged to minimize contact with animals and family pets. Several tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo expected to recover after they started showing symptoms and one tested positive for coronavirus. CNN.  They had been in contact with an asymptomatic worker who later tested positive.
  • The Office’s John Krasinski's Good News is Solid Gold. The Verge. Enjoy the fun. Subscribe. Slam dunk? Hamilton in Episode 2. 
  • Lady Gaga using her massive reach to unite the planet in acknowledging all affected by Covid-19 - “One World: Together at Home,” will air globally on Saturday, April 18, across various networks and streaming platforms. HuffPost.
  • Tourist attraction went poof. Ecuador waterfall vanished overnight, diverted by a sinkhole. Oddity Central
  • Credit Paul Seaburn on his sleuthing skill. Apparently, a long sought unknown -- origination of the F word in writing -- resolved. Hail Scotland! Source: "...document known as the Bannatyne Manuscript written by Edinburgh merchant George Bannatyne in 1568 while he was in home lock-down during … you guessed it … a plague." Mysterious Universe.
  • David Paulides/Missing 411 would appreciate this case. Tom Dongo writes about his teleportation experience. "It was a short walk of about 15 minutes. It’s impossible to get lost in such a close area. I got the tools and headed back. I was going down a shallow canyon that had about two feet of dry maple leaves on the ground. I glanced down at my boots for a few seconds so as not to trip – and when I looked up again I was not in the same canyon." Alternate Perceptions Magazine. 

Thank you, Ars Technica for flagging the novel and inspired, Tales From the Loop. 
"Residents of a rural town find themselves grappling with strange occurrences thanks to the presence of an underground particle accelerator in the new series Tales from the Loop, inspired by the stunningly surreal neofuturistic art of Swedish artist/designer Simon StÄlenhag."

Ars Technica says "The eight-episode series was originally slated for a limited premiere at SXSW last month; the coronavirus pandemic scuttled those plans, along with our collective social lives. But now everyone can watch the series on Amazon Prime."

This is a link to the table top game referenced in the Ars Technica article.
# # #

Shows this week - Conscious Living on Empower Radio - 9 pm central time, include -

April 7 (TUESDAY): Journey Into Prayer - Bill Sweet discusses the ability to engage empowered prayer; the ability to manifest intended results and, in some way, you are already doing it. In 1969 near Chicago, Bruce and John Klingbeil began to explore "the positive, biased, and negative effects of prayer." They founded Spindrift Inc. to support research and education in the fields that studied consciousness, prayer, spirituality, and the placebo effect. The Klingbeils presumed that the purpose behind quality prayer is to nudge disorder toward order.

April 8 (WEDNESDAY): NEW EPISODE - Medical Miracle with Qigong - Kac Young didn't realize what had happened until Doctors started taking images of her heart and were astonished at what they saw. Evidence of extraordinary healing.

April 9 (THURSDAY): Psychic Sasquatch - Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis A common theme between ET, UFO, The Little People and Bigfoot/Sasquatch messages? The call for Humans to expand their spiritual awareness and to connect a few important dots in regard to our consciousness.

April 10 (FRIDAY): Soul Speak: What Is Your Body Telling You - Julia Cannon, Author of Soul Speak (Daughter of Dolores Cannon), works with energy to interpret the issues presented in body language and how each and every physical health message has a purpose calling us to pay attention. Julia hosts the annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Arkansas. Post-phoned this year to July. Link. Past presenter Calvin Parker spoke about his 1973 close encounter in Pascagoula. YouTube. Or you can read: Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story/Amazon Book.
# # #

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -  

April 12, Sunday, 8 pm central time, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM. Cathryn McIntyre. The Thoreau Whisperer. Will we talk about Ghosts? Of course. And ETs and Fairies and dead authors ... because paranormal is part of life.

And right now, more people seem to be paying attention to that part. Speaking from experience, alone time opens doors easy to ignore when overwhelmed by social obligations, work deadlines and other daily life distractions.

Kinda like the two pandas zoo keepers had been unsuccessfully encouraging to make babies for 10 years. Shuttered due to coronavirus - zoo pandas - are enjoying their quiet time. Story in progress. CNN.

Ghosts, ETs, Sasquatch, Fairies and the like also tend to shun crowds. They're more likely to opt for a one on one engagement. The experiencer has a life-shift and determines whether to go public or stay private. And the world can believe it or not.

Stay curious. Be well.

Oct 31, 2019

Happy Halloween Odds-n-Ends - Aliens, Psychics, Haunted Dolls, Ghosts, Ouija and a whole lotta Boo!

Happy Halloween. When things go bump - stay Curious. :) 

OddsnEnds -
  • Paranormal and UFO - connections are there. Boston Herald reported on a recent conference.
  • 10 Pets who returned as Ghosts. Ranker.
  • Revisiting Alien Abductions. Given the numbers of people who report the event, it makes it worth studying. 2016 Boston Globe says reports were down. They interviewed Denise Stoner and Kathleen Marden. So did I. Conscious Living on Empower Radio. After that interview I had my own odd encounter, rather, my husband did. Was it connected? He woke up with his t-shirt backward and inside out. There were a few other oddities. We settled for unexplained.
  • Aliens will save us from Armaggedon? One UFO group thinks so. Ajarn Wassana Chuensumnaun, founder of UFO Kaokala group, says she has had a 21-year relationship with Aliens and they talk on a regular basis. Vice.
  • 'Superior galactic communities' have setup autonomous probes all over space as 'hypothetical feelers'. Newest theory? Alien lurkers. Daily Mail.
  • Who pulls in $2Bn a year? US Psychic industryThe Guardian
    Remote Viewer Gail Husick - “We’re in the information business,” she says, claiming she is not a “typical” psychic. “I had a pretty traditional education and family background. I went to Harvard Law School, I practiced in Silicon Valley.” After experiencing precognitive dreams, Husick trained as a remote viewer - as part of Stargate, the government funded a project at Stanford Research Institute to create a remote viewing training protocol.
    1. [Funding] “Scientists never used to be able to study meditation, because it was seen as too ‘woo woo’, but then people meditated and reduced stress, so now studies get funded,” she says. “That’s the way it always works - science is the last to jump on the bandwagon.” - Dr Julia Mossbridge, co-author of The Premonition Code: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life.
    2. [Remote Viewers] Michael Austin, Gail Husick and Daz Smith all say that police forces who work with them prefer to keep quiet about it, and Austin believes the precog economy will have to stay on the “downlow” as it expands. “It scares people,” he says. “It scares the hell out of them.” The Guardian.

REAL Spooky - Ghosts are 24/7. Airbnb has a list of haunted houses if you should want to stay in one AOL, including a site near Lake of the Ozarks. Brumley Haunted Castle House has been featured on the Travel Channel. News Leader. See the video preview from a paranormal group who visited: Youtube. Follow the Brumley HCH B&B on Facebook.

Haunted Doll Hall of Fame? Annabelle might be one of the most well known. Ghost Adventures encounter. Story.

Also considered to be extremely haunted, Robert the Doll: About. Now entertaining visitors at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West Florida. Link.

$5,600. The price of a haunted doll recently sold on eBay. Daily Mail.
Inside the Haunted Doll market. Vox.
Ouija Board dos and don'ts courtesy of  The Museum of Talking Boards.
Ouija Study - the science of how it works. Science Nordic.

For your consideration: Even if you don't put too much stock in Halloween other than a play day for kids (and adults) to dress up and collect treats, should you find yourself tempted to join in the company of more serious others offering party games with a Ouija board and sharing special holiday drinks, do note the world is full of interesting and unusual others who are checking to see who is and isn't paying attention.

Caution. Reconsider the unspoken Ouija challenge and maybe, even more importantly, don't drink check out with strangers. Combined forces of the shifting of the season and collective thought form energy of so many who are playing consciously and unconsciously for various (and some not too happy counterproductive) intentions creates an interesting energy *highball.

All things are possible and weird things do happen on the day before All Saint's Day. For some, those Saints can't arrive soon enough. (Midnight.)

Believe it or not.

My other show streams each night at 9p central time
Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

*Highball Recipe. Esquire. Not recommended for consumption in the presence of Ouija players.

Sep 13, 2019

SciXFriday = Sci-Fi short film: "The Guide" - Misc. Links: Alien pot luck and a winning Lost Cat Detective

“If the government is covering up knowledge of aliens, they are doing a better job of it than they do at anything else.” - Stephen Hawking, Goodreads quotes.

  • Lost continent, Greater Adria, adds a new fold in the map of ancient Earth - Nat Geo
  • NatGeo-H2O Bingo! Super-Earth Planet. 111 light-years away - too far to send a probe. BBC.

Disclaimer: Official details on events are fluid - PLEASE refer to event websites for current info.
  1. A bit of tap dancing and now 2 [or 3] events to choose from. StormArea51 in Hiko, Nevada features Filmmaker Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell with his documentary “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.”
    Richard “Dick” Marcinko, the first commanding officer of SEAL Team Six, will discuss a UFO sighting during a covert mission.
  2. Alienstock exited Rachel, now in Las Vegas: eventbrite tix, free event featuring a special Bud Light beer fridge for Aliens: only opens with "alien finger scan"... Fox News.
    Flags sold out. Tee-totalers check out the Crew/Ankle socks.
  3. Little Aleinn in Rachel has event info and rooms booked. Site.
  • Fallout from selection of Vegas as venue host. Review Journal.
  • Trespassing YouTuber scores as the first event related arrest. The Daily Beast.
  • Storm Area 51 Guy now rethinking 2 things: his major and aliens. LATimes.
  • Classic UFO History. Roswell Recap. The Infographics Show.
  • Alien Abduction Films based on true events. Exonews.
  • Spookier than Area 51 Aliens. Age Reversals and Secret Space Programs. Exonews.
  • Ace Pet Detective. 10 year old - brings home the wayward Cat. The Dodo.

Sci-Fi Short Film. From a mysterious void, a guardian angel-like figure
guides a man through his first romance.


"The Guide" by Felipe Vargas:

"I wanted to show an underrepresented person holding huge amounts of power. I also hope to transmit that sense of awe-inspiring nostalgia one feels in the pit of their stomach when considering years and years of a relationship."

Filmmaker Link: Vimeo
Subscribe for new sci-fi short films every Tuesday and Thursday: DUST

# # #

Wendy's Coffeehouse

9/15/19 - Nick Redfern - Were the Soviets influencing Contactees and UFO groups?
9/22/19 - When Plants Dream - Daniel Pinchbeck 
9/29/19 - Regression Healing I - Wendy Rose Williams
10/6/19 - Patrick De Haan - Predictions and prognostications. Channeling. (Empower Interview)
10/13/19 - Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone - Weird happens.
10/20/19 - Paula Lenz - NDE, Overcoming grief - with the assistance of her deceased Brother - still around and checking in. (Empower Interview)

Newest interview: More past life cases. Conscious Living - Empower Radio - The Limitless Soul
Master Hypnotherapist Bryn Blankinship - Identifying a past life phobia can heal the issue in the current lifetime. In one example, the trigger was a kitten.

hank you for listening.
Stay Curious!

Aug 5, 2019

The Medium is also a Doctor, Dr. Ian Rubenstein. Odd news links include Ghosts, UFOs and an Emotional Support Alligator.

"One day in 1924 when I was in trance an invisible personality announced himself as Fletcher and said that henceforth he would be my permanent assistant on the unseen plane. Just that simply our partnership began. Of course it was not I to whom Fletcher spoke directly; he announced himself to a friend of mine who was having the sitting - "Tell Ford that I am to be his control and that I go by the name of Fletcher." - Arthur Ford, An Arthur Ford Anthology.

OddsnEnds -
  • News that the title of America's Most Haunted Hotel, according to USA Today, is the Fainting Goat Island Inn (New York), took the owner by surprise. However, she doesn't  deny the activity. One young boy told his parents he couldn't sleep because of the footsteps on the stairway - a stairway no longer in use.
  • Ahem... the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas owns the website, America's Most Haunted Hotel and a reputation to support the claim. I know some people who can vouch for their ghosts.
  • Keeping up with the times. Live streamed Funerals. Wired.
  • Clock ticking. Kurzweil on when AI will match Human intelligence (2029). Gray Scott
  • Eco Liberation. Giving rivers the right to protection. Reuters.
  • More Orbs reported as UFOsmultiple orbs on video. Oil City News. At the time of this post, no response from the FAA. Evansville is part of Casper, Wyoming metro.
  • New series, "Contact", Green lighted for Discovery Channel - hunting for evidence ETs have visited. Hollywood Reporter.
  • When Metallica saved the day. Stalked Hiker says she finally blasted the noisiest thing on her phone. Vice. Bookmark Cougar Repellent: Don't Tread on Me.
  • Anne Lubenvendor at the upcoming KCParacon has a wonderfully unique Tarot with a Midwestern theme: Tornadoes and Windmills.
  • Free Hugs. Wally the emotional support Gator. Oddity Central.

Dr. Ian Rubenstein the Medium. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview

Even with the amazing odd knowings, including an incredible medical diagnosis and revelation prior, the fact he chose to fully examine and immerse himself to become a Medium required no small bit of bravery, given his profession as a Medical Doctor.

The plus for those of us who are curious, Doctor Rubenstein makes the story very practical and real, no matter how unreal the circumstances. Given strong impressions and nudgings from Spirit and synchronistic support from the physical realm, he checks in to see what the heck its all about.

His supportive life partner is a big asset because stepping into the PSI realm does involve personal vulnerability and professional risk. Throughout the journey, his wife urges him to explore and learn what he can about his experiences. A true explorer, he dives in.

The "Snow Queen" encounter was a bold PSI knock on the door. He talks more about that in our interview and in this video feature story. Sorry I don't have part two. (If you do - please share a link!)

If you have even the slightest ability - intuitive, medium, energy healer, psychic - this story is a tremendous benefit because he walks you through the list of support techniques of grounding and protection and a few groups and organizations that are specific to helping train and advance psychic talent.

'Consulting Spirit: A Doctor's Experience with Practical Mediumship', available on Amazon or through the publisher: Anomalist Books.

Amazon Review: Amy in LA., 5.0 out of 5 stars, loved this book.
As a budding medium myself and a health care practitioner as well, I completely appreciated this book. A delight. Well written and highly readable.

Sample the book and you'll get a feel for how it goes, a day in the life of a Doctor Medium.
Chapter 30, page 217, starts with a request to help out with a poltergeist. Naturally, it progresses to a few somethings more. One Winter's Night.

Bio: "Dr. Ian D. Rubenstein is a U.K. doctor who works in Enfield, North London. Since training as a medium, he has attempted to use the mediumistic skills he has learned in his medical work as a primary care physician."

I am really hoping we will be able to catch up with Ian on how his medical practice has evolved as a result of having access to alternative sources of information.

Support Links:
Dr, Ian Rubenstein 
Spiritualists' National Union
Scientific and Medical Network


Alert FYI - Excellent Recommendation on Ian's book from Stanley Krippner, Ph.D (I interviewed Stanley about Medicine Man Rolling Thunder.) He is known for his volumes of groundbreaking PSI research, Example:Environmental Influence on Clairvoyance. 

I do believe further study should include additional factors as I notice situations and places where my own results improve or wane. Those additional elements include weather, time of day, physical health and the presence of others - animals and humans, amplifying or draining the flow.

There is also a GoFundMe program now set up for Stanley, 6/19, job recently terminated - due to relocation of Saybrook University.  

Brilliant [and Rare video] with Micky Hart - talking about PSI experiment with the Grateful Dead audience and transcending time.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.