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Oct 31, 2018

Weston haunted. Engaging paranormal occupants unseen. Happy Halloween!

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception." - Aldous Huxley, Quotes.

OddsnEnds - 
  • He says possession is rare - but real. And he's the 'go-to guy for Exorcists'. - CNN
  • Kansas City Haunts - Real Trauma, Real Ghosts in and near KC. Visit KC
  • Game time = Men in Black + Ghostbusters. MovieWeb

KC Haunts -
As part of a paranormal group, I visited one business in Lenexa a few years ago that sold and has since remained vacant. Actively haunted. The owner decided to sell after multiple attempts by various groups failed to calm the place. Concerned about the chaos and for her [at the time] teenage daughter working alone in the building.

Noted: ongoing encounters with ghosts. Visitors, including children, reported sightings of  a young child standing near the checkout counter. Some reported being touched.

Verna Kowertz, Owner,
Main Street Galleria, Weston, Missouri

Ghost Tales of Weston had an unexpected highlight this year.

Two visitors came up for the day and happened to capture a very unique photo of something standing near a window of a vacant room in the Saint George Hotel. The photo soon went viral and was reported on a local TV station.

Only after the two stopped in for lunch across the street at Main Street Galleria did they discover the haunted history of the hotel.

A staple on the annual ghost tour, stories about the hotel include the past history and current ghost encounters.

Curious? Book room 308, 306 or 302 
and then consider the ghosts inhabit the entire building.
One of the most chilling present day encounters involved a local high school student who had just started working at the hotel when she tried to change a burned out light bulb.

Standing on a ladder, she witnessed the bulb turn - by itself - in the socket. And then it shattered.

She immediately resigned and wanted nothing else to do with the building. I know the long-time news reporter who relayed that story. The girl was a friend of his daughter.

I sat across from Chris Williams at the Ghost Tales event last year and heard him talk about his experience in a Saint George hotel bathroom. He posted part of that story on this site.

The last few sentences sum it up. "My heart was racing, and my BP was elevated. The whispers subsided the minute she (his wife) came for me, and as soon as I was calmed down enough, I exited through the back door. I didn’t want to be alone, for fear that I drop dead. There is a lot more to the story, but it’s a lot to type right now. This made me a true believer, and it truly scared me, almost to death."

Scents and spooky ambiance on the Weston Ghost Tour.
Weston visitors have the luxury of opting whether to believe.

Residents and those who work in local businesses are confronted with a different reality when they discover that the encounters have nothing to do with belief.

Denial won't make a ghost go away.

Weston is a hot spot for paranormal activity. Fair warning - much of the town is haunted.

One very active location at this time is the Weston Bend Candle Company. Results are expected in the next week or two from the recent investigation by a paranormal group. Looking forward to sharing the details. They did offer a hint as they left the building. Something to the effect that it was, "...a very active night".

Halloween Treat (and trick) - Ghostwatch, a British reality–horror/mockumentary television movie, first broadcast on BBC1 on 31 October (Halloween), 1992. Subsequently banned from British TV (for being unreal). Part 1 on Vimeo. You'll find Part 2 there as well.

Related Links - tracking real ghosts and true stories
Parapsychology Foundation - YouTube Schedule and Listings
UK - Society for Psychical Research

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 28, 2018

Paul Rimmasch - Fingerprints and Phantoms - CSI Paranormal with a bit of Spooky on the side

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” - H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature, Quotes

OddsnEnds - 

  • Story 1 - Man says Ghost stabbed him. Possible Meth related. News item reported by OPSO.
  • Story 2 - Man says Ghost stabbed him. Not on Meth. This is the story I heard when I sat at the same table with him last year at the Ghost Tales of Weston dinner.
         - Posted on Haunted Places, small part of the story of his experience at the Saint George Hotel in Weston, Missouri: "What happened to me next is something I will Never forget. I then had sharp stabbing pain in my chest and shoulder. I felt like someone was cutting into these areas. I felt this panic and terror take hold of me, and I went into full panic mode. I thought I was going to die, and it came out of nowhere. I began saying someone help me out loud, and I then began to message my wife, then tried to call, but my service there was horrible. I finally called my cousin and told him I was not doing well, and he advised me to eat, as it was late afternoon, and I hadn’t eaten all day. I had a mimosa on the table, and I couldn’t even drink it, because I couldn’t leave the restroom...
  • More true haunts? Try Snap Judgement Spooked. NPR First hand accounts of scary stuff.
  • Road trip required: Psychic capital of the World. Cassadaga, Florida. Mysterious Universe

What show generated an avalanche of complaints, jammed the switchboard at the BBC, and even caused questions to be raised in Parliament? Stephen Volk, BAFTA award-winning screenwriter, talks about the creation and aftermath of his notorious "live" TV drama Ghostwatch.

A retrospective documentary, Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains, based on the film's lasting impact, was released on DVD in 2013 (having been in production between 2007 and 2012), featuring interviews with many of the original cast and crew.
Brief Background on Ghostwatch: YouTube

Details on the annual commemorative séance. Twitter: Ghostwatch.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview 10/28/18 - Fingerprints and Phantoms.
View on Amazon

Veteran crime scene investigator, Paul Rimmasch (Bio), offers 26 stories of paranormal unexplained. True stories from those who may or may not believe in ghosts - even after witnessing such an event.

Paul says personal experience made him curious about what others might have encountered. As a fan of campfire tales, he started collecting stories. With respect to those involved who may wish to remain anonymous, names and details have been altered but the events are as reported. He had not intended to write a book on ghosts but ...

Fortunately other law enforcement colleagues were willing to share their encounters and the ghost theme became apparent. In addition to that however, at least one story truly boggles. It involves phantom dogs.

He says he has more than enough stories for another book or two. Given that Ghost stories are best shared, hopefully, he'll follow-up with a second installment.

Connect with Paul on Facebook - follow and/or share your story.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 23, 2018

War of the Worlds Halloween Homage: Embers & Dust plus Haunted Weston Ghost High Jinx

What's happening now is what happened before, and often what's going to happen again sometime or other. - Orson Welles, Mr. Arkadin.

OddsnEnds - 
  • 15 spooky stories from Reddit users demonstrate a plethora of paranormal: Ghosts, precognition prompts, unexplained voices, anonymous phone calls originating from numbers that don't exist. Weird but true. People (Naturally, I can't write about this without the DVD player wigging out. Stuck when it doesn't usually have issues. Note: the issue, apparently, is the word 'temperamental'. )
  • Ghost stories in general. Reddit
  • Ghostbuster's wish granted. Sacramento rocks this 5-year-old's dream. CNN.
  • Lavender for calming. The scent works on mice. UPI.
  • Animals Ghosts. Meet Spot, described by people who never met him while he was alive. Seen in the home his family once lived in and where he was buried when he died. The Dodo.

Embers & Dust, inspired by the War of The Worlds radio broadcast, Sunday, October 30, 1938.

Find out more about the short and its director:
Embers & Dust on Facebook.

Ghost Tales of Weston - Friday night 10/26 is filling and Saturday 10/27 is sold out. At least one group of attendees on the ghost tour had an interesting encounter last weekend at the Benner House.

Formerly a B & B, now an overflow site for the Saint George Hotel. As the tour party gathered, the presenter at the site said an odd cloud of fog emerged from the house and wafted above them. The fog was followed by an excited teen who ran out of the house and told everyone he had heard voices and footsteps. Staying behind while others in his group had gone out, he was alone.

Lively paranormal activity continues at the Weston Bend Candle Company. (A Paranormal Research group was visiting Saturday night. I'll update with results of their investigation when available.)

Last February, on a very slow day, the owner thought he heard someone at the door. While no living being was seen entering, a calling card appeared on the floor inside a space occupied by a display rack that would have been impossible to walk through. Water droplets formed the shape of a boot print, as if snow had been tracked in and traces were left melting on the floor. He showed me the photo he took. Definitely a footprint.
Nicolette is featured on the Weston Ghost Tour. 

No doubt you've heard of haunted objects. Weston is home to one fair lady doll who can no longer occupy the front window because she tends to ice up the glass.

Verna Kowertz writes about Nicolette in her book Ghost Tales of Weston. Page 36, Adams Mayfair.

A timely highlight, reported last weekend and posted October 20th, by a Main Street Galleria customer to Haunted Places. She took a picture of The Saint George Hotel having no idea it was haunted. Check out the very curious image in that window on the second floor.

And the post just previous is by Chris Williams who told me about his unnerving experience at The Saint George when he attended the Ghost Tales event last year (2017). I am glad he posted it.

Numerous homes and businesses are known to be haunted in Weston. Very few are open to the public in general and some that are don't mention their ghosts..

Ghost Tales of Weston, Page 83. The Price-Loyles House, built in 1857, is absent from the Ghost Tour but will be featured on the December Candlelight Homes Tour.

Actively haunted, the owners who bought and restored this historic home confess they altered their plans to live in the home full time due to the fact they are uncomfortable being in the house alone at night.

Photo evidence hints at the paranormal presence in their residence. The focus is a mirror in the bedroom. Other than furniture, the room was empty. However, a couple - smartly dressed in period clothes - appears clearly visible in the reflection.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interviews -
Terry McKenzie: Price-Loyles House, one of the most haunted homes in Weston, Missouri.
Verna Kowertz: Main Street Galleria and Ghost Tales of Weston 2018

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious. 

Oct 22, 2018

The Premonition Code with Julia Mossbridge: Remote viewing and Precognition, plus a few notes on UFOs, Experiencer Research and Consciousness

If prevision be a fact, it is a fact which destroys absolutely the entire basis of all our past opinions of the universe. -  J.W. Dunne, Experiment with Time. Relevant video - then jump to T.C. Lethbridge, who believed ETs had a role in shaping human evolution.

Gregg Braden's newest book presents the case that the current view of evolution is not supported by science. He suggests we are Human by Design.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Dr. Julia Mossbridge. Are you a Precog?

OddsnEnds -
  • Common theme among UFO contactees is increased interest in environmental issues (Ariel Phenomenon). Ex-wife of Rolling Stones drummer echoes that. Quoted in Mirror about her sighting in Brazil (1990s), Jo Wood says, "I was looking down and these green orbs came right up and went right by our windows. I’ve been obsessed with aliens ever since. She's also on a mission to clean up the planet. Her new podcast: Jo's Alien Nation.
  • Highlights in this interview with Little Punk People, Elliot Fullam and Ace Frehley/KISS, talk about Space, Guitars, UFOs and Aliens.
  • Halloween film binge? PizzaFlix. Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, 1959, The Bat.
  • This is the book Rey Hernandez and I talked about (Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview): FREE Experiencer Research Study -"5 years of detailed responses to 3 extensive surveys taken by more than 4,200 individuals in over 100 countries." Pdf preview link.
  • Precognition episode from the series One Step Beyond: EMERGENCY ONLY. Purported to be based upon a true story. You decide. Link YouTube
  • What a gift - to dream your exam questions ahead of time. The Robert Moss Dream Blog includes that story on E.A.Wallis Budge "who recounted the episode to his friend H. Rider Haggard, the famous author of King Solomon's Mines and She, and Haggard retold it in his autobiography." Link.
What can *Science tell us about precognition? Neuroscientist Dr. Julia Mossbridge is providing data to validate the ability. Ever had a sense of deja vu or a dream that revealed an event that later came to pass? You might find support in this information, along with exercises and tests designed to help enhance or improve those skills.

Julia Mossbridge, walks me through a Positive Precog Training session in our interview. This is the video demo she refers to. Link. Watch and then sign up to test your ability.

I was very surprised at my result. At the outset, I talked about how it looked like leaves. Then I tried to describe it and make sense of it. That was taking it too linear. However, what I saw gave me a very good idea of how to improve by not over-thinking it.

Results are tracked for research if you give your consent. Play without being tracked or practice a few times before sharing your stats, that's okay too.

The Premonition Code - Website.
Amazon - Preview.
Positive Precog Training link.
*Peer-reviewed study on precognition cited in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, source NCBI.Gov.

More thoughts from Julia on Precognition and her hope to connect and develop a Precog network: Facebook Live. Upcoming Events include Controlled Precognition 101 with Remote Viewer John Vivanco. For details and to Enroll.

- A personal precog experience involves my work as a traffic reporter. Last 'dream' before waking up. I am at the scene of an accident. Standing on the road. It is dark and I can see only one car involved in an accident and a white box truck at the scene. Ambulance workers are loading two people on stretchers and I am aware of a woman who is now standing beside me. She tells me it will be okay because she has worked with teenagers. I was there to help but can leave now. I woke up. 

I got to work about 45 minutes later and the accident recovery was still in progress. A car with 4 teenagers. Their designated driver lost control of the vehicle when he unexpectedly ran into a patch of low-lying fog. All of the teens were injured. -

Related links - on mind, matters, mysticism and consciousness -
Suddenly Awakened - Interview with Colin Wilson
Super Consciousness, Colin Wilson, Quest for the Peak Experience
Yeats and Metaphysics - The Celtic Fringe Blog
What Animals are Thinking and Feeling and why we should care. Consciousness. Carl Safina TEDx
Dog seems to know when owner is returning home - Sheldrake

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious. 

Oct 19, 2018

'The Nostalgist' Sci-Fi short film - Fake Moons, UFO Mysteries, Haunts and assorted Heroes

A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding. - Marshall McLuhan, Brainy Quote, Marshall McLuhan Main Site

OddsnEnds - 
  • False Moon to hit orbit in 2020. Saving $ on street lighting. China plans to add at least three more if the first one is successful. Target date 2022. Time.
  • Home sweet Shipping Container. CNBC. "...backlog of over 100 million contracts that have to be delivered upon, and our pipeline exceeds 300 million opportunities."
  • Destination Amazon Prime: Sci-Fi Series Season 4 - The Expanse - (Tiny woo hoo!) Release date est. Spring 2019. DenofGeekI got hooked after seeing the 'Recat' - a review of Season 1 with cats. Brilliant! Space.
  • Mystery Unsolved. 1966 Westall UFO Incident, Australia. Source. More than 300 witnesses.
  • Setting the tone for all-things-Creepy: Lizzie Borden B and B. Reserve your room. Testimonial from one overnighter. Country Living. Currently advertising the 'limited edition' Lizzie Borden Bobble Head Doll.
  • Five 2018 Haunted Houses for sale.
  • Haunted Furniture. Couches are popular. Reddit
  • Bus driver Hero in Brazil - greeted by cheers from passengers who watched him rescue a dog stuck in traffic. White Wolf Pack.
Real and unreal - what future do we see? 'The Nostalgist'.

Based on a Story from the Author of Robopocalypse - Daniel H. Wilson
Director: Giacomo Cimini

Entertainment -
  • Check out the Epic Harry Potter dance routine. Simplemost.
  • Kansas City Guitar Hero - Foo Fighters and their 10-year-old stunner. Link.
  • Filmmaker Patty Greer has changed focus. Free streaming Crop Circle Film Library Link.
  • Ghost Tales of Weston - home of the haunted desk, Main Street Galleria: Reservations. Sat Oct 27 is Sold Out.
Wendy's Coffeehouse -

10/21 - Dr. Julia Mossbridge - The Premonition Code. The Science of Precognition: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life. 8pm, Sunday, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 17, 2018

Short Film - 'Time and Again' plus links: Hawking, Sasquatch and Enlightenment

“We're all stories, in the end.” - Steven Moffat, Doctor Who - Tardis Wiki

OddsnEnds - 
  • Independent - Brief Answers to Big Questions, Stephen Hawking's final book: "...alien life is out there, artificial intelligence could outsmart humans and time travel can't be ruled out." CNN He also predicts we will be able to travel anywhere within the solar system in the next 100 years.
  • With catchy names like BomNado Disaster Shelter, Nuclear Bunkers are trending - CNET
  • Sasquatch calling contest winner is a woman. Video. 38 entries with an adult and youth division. A film crew from ESPN was there to film the action. NY Upstate
  • On Facebook, this post from Mike Patterson … demonstrates the interdimensional nature of Sasquatch/Bigfoot. It starts when he sets out a few marbles to see what interaction that might trigger.
  • And for a Sasquatch mind shift, read Electric Sasquatch: How a Natural Force May Explain Supernatural Powers 
  • Enlightenment, the Documentary. Free to watch. Intention, intuition, manifesting the life circumstances you want. Cynthia Sue Larson (Reality Shifters) is one of the participants.   YouTube
  • And the passenger booted from a flight because they rejected her emotional support squirrel has a few words to say. Soon to be followed up by words from a Lawyer. USA Today
Time travel? High quality mini-feature. The awards are well deserved.

Directed by Aidan Largey - IMDB
Produced by Causeway Pictures and What's Next Films
Executive Produced By Northern Ireland Screen

If you have ever experienced dejavu, dreamed or known in advance an event that came to pass, this book and the related classes are worth following up on.

The Premonition Code - Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview coming up 10/21/18 Sunday night at 8pm, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM or catch the podcast and listen to the walk through for the Positive Precog Training.

The goal, as stated on the site: to identify scientifically validated Positive Precogs through the largest global online scientific experiment of its kind. Visit the Site to try your skill.

Dr. Julia Mossbridge - The Premonition Code. The Science of Precognition: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life. I'll post more about it after the interview.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 15, 2018

Association TransCommunication Director, Tom Butler, researches EVP and ITC as Evidence for an Afterlife

“All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.”- Walt Whitman

OddsnEnds - 

  • Terrific Metaphysics Mind Fodder. Life After Death, Unexplained and Paranormal Curious - If you haven't checked it out, I suggest the classic TV series, circa 1960. One Step Beyond. Binge watching now. Monitor your dreams afterward. YouTube.
  • It's that time. Ghost tales of Weston. October 19, 20, and 26th (27th is Sold Out) Link.
  • - One year at the Weston Dining with Ghosts event, I happened to connect with a deceased relative who was an atheist. Did he believe in God after he died? He said he was still on the fence about that issue.
  • Nick Pope reports on the renewed interest - by the US Congress - in UFOs. The Guardian.
  • A tribute to UFO history in Belleville, Wisconsin. October 27th is UFO Day (31st Annual).

10/14/18 - Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Tom Butler, Researching Afterlife Evidence  through Electronic Voice Phenomena and Instrumental Transcommunication. (EVP and ITC)

Association TransCommunication was founded in 1982 by Sarah Estep to provide objective evidence that we survive death in an individual conscious state. The ATransC website is a tremendous resource for anyone remotely interested in the topic of life after death.

Quick clarification as noted from the website: “If what you know about EVP is based on movies like White Noise or from television, then everything you know about EVP is very wrong. Please read a few of the techniques articles on this website and leave your TV turned off.” - Tom Butler  (Tom and Lisa Butler consulted on that Film, Link.)

Tom and Lisa Butler are the current Directors of the Association Transcommunication, where they have logged results of past, present and ongoing research, including examples of their EVP recordings. Even more fascinating are the visual, ITC images. Link. Extra food for thought. There have been some instances of recordings that picked up thoughts/voices  from individuals who were very much alive. Link.

To help update the research history and track the science, Tom and Lisa wrote: There is No Death and There are No Dead. Background: The Butlers have been experimenting with EVP for over fourteen years. They have recently begun experimenting with Video ITC, which is a video loopback technique that produces images of apparent nonphysical origin. They describe this technique in the book and explain why they and other researchers believe the images are phenomenal.

Listen to some of Sarah Estep's EVP samples, including the Beethoven audio we referred to in the interview.

These first person accounts include examples of their EVP contact.

Part Two on YouTube includes the reaction of Big Cats when their person passes.

Follow Tom and Lisa Butler on Amazon.
White Crow Books Interview with Tom and Lisa, Lisa shares her reaction when hearing the EVP voice of her Mother.
Tom's Site: Etheric Studies. Recent post includes thoughts on the possibility of Cats/Animals as Avatars. Link.

My Sedona EVP - I was working in Sedona in 1998 when I recorded tapping. On the daily drive to the Radio Station I would hear tapping in the car and wondered if I could get it on tape. The morning I rolled tape I was disappointed because I didn't hear a thing. I am even on the recording saying there was nothing to hear - and I am saying that as the tapping is happening - right there beside me. Only when I reviewed the tape did I realize what I had captured.

At the beginning of the interview, I talked about losing our 14-year-old cat, my beautiful Chloe.

I have experienced pet ghosts and have communicated with my pets as they transition. That, in no way, makes the experience less emotional. Grief is still part of it. With Chloe, meds for her heart issues appeared to help for a short while - until she stopped eating.

We then let her choose where she wanted to spend her days and what/if she wanted to eat and monitored her behavior. Very little intake, water and a few sips of milk.

During the last few weeks, I had focused on sending healing energy. I asked for guidance on anything else I could do. The response: "You can't heal death, Wendy." A blunt answer. I assumed it was to remind me exits are unavoidable.

Chloe Sunbathing.
Then she started to fail. In meeting with the Vet, I was asked to consider continuing extraordinary measures to extend her life, even though she was showing indications of having just suffered a stroke that impaired her front paw (preventing her from standing or walking), coldness in that limb, loss of bladder control and loss of appetite.

Force a cat to eat? Force life back into a pet who has a clock that is winding down? Submit her to extra tests, needles, separation from her familiar human and animal companions, indefinite hospitalization?

I realized I had been given that blunt response because it was the only one that registered when I repeated it to the Vet. Chloe was experiencing a transition not an illness. I didn't have to like it but I could prevent her from undergoing any needless suffering.

When she lost the use of her paw and her bladder had already failed, it became a quality of life issue. That quality was rapidly deteriorating. And yet, she was so calm and breathing more peacefully than she had at any time since she had been on the medications. She was exiting on her own schedule.

That is enough for now.

I have since seen her in fleeting glimpses around the house. She appeared in a dream, looking as she did when she left. I asked why she chose to show me that view. She said, "So you would know it was me."

Funny, I thought she might prefer the kitten stage. Apparently, that was my hang-up not hers.

This is the link to the show I did about her on Conscious Living on Empower Radio. I talk more about the metaphysics and psychic elements of my connection with my pets and other animals. Ode to Chloe.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 11, 2018

Ghosts and the Afterlife

“Don't matter if you believe in them or not. If they're there, they're there,' Mrs. Phipps said.” - Joan Lowery Nixon, The Haunting

OddsnEnds -
  • 2017 - Tracking belief in Ghosts. 50 percent of Americans believe in Ghosts. YouGov
  • Recent 2018 poll says 60 percent of Americans have seen a Ghost. Fox
  • Is it a ghost? Security cam catches movement. Video courtesy of Coast to Coast. The pub has a paranormal history and is known to be haunted. Link
  • A new investigation into the Pascagoula UFO Abduction case. Source
  • Best Towns in America to visit for UFOs: Thrillist
  • Top World Destinations for UFO sightings: TravelPulse 

Dr. Keith Parsons offers empirical evidence for the Afterlife.
This Life, Next Life, a Documentary on YouTube.

There is a sequel to this presentation. This Life, Past Life - also available on YouTube: Link

Related Resources and links:
Frederick Myers -
Victor Zammit - Afterlife: A Lawyer Presents Evidence for the Afterlife
George Anderson - The world's most scientifically tested Medium, Author of We Don't Die.

Wendy's Coffeehouse -

Podcast Archive Interview: Terry McKenzie, Living in a Haunted House (Weston, Missouri)
Interview coming up 10/14, 8 p Central, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM: Tom Butler, Association Transcommunication. (EVP is Referenced in the above Documentary) Communicating with the dead.

Sample EVP - ThoughtCo

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 8, 2018

Haunted Weston, Missouri - Annual Dining with Ghosts - Reservations required for the living

Alternate realities - 4 to choose from:
Down the Rabbit hole, out of breath, expectorant close at hand. "...unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.” - Philip K. Dick, Brain Pickings.

Comical Sub-di-version - small bites, often tart. “My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and that I am therefore excused from saving universes.” - Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything, Goodreads.

Contemplative Erudite - thoroughly chewed. “Man is an artifact designed for space travel. He is not designed to remain in his present biologic state any more than a tadpole is designed to remain a tadpole.” - William S. Burroughs, Wiki.

Foreseen potential when inhaled. “Change happens very slow and very sudden.” - Dorothy Bryant, The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You, Goodreads Review.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Debugging the bugs - Insects, viruses, AI - the military plan raising concern. Independent
  • Can this world be Saved? Environment coughing up an SOS. BBC
  • AI as a person? Legal rights. PBS
  • Steve Perry found his voice. Returns honoring a vow. CBS Sunday, Steve Perry
  • State by state - Odds of seeing a UFO. PS: Over 40,000 Americans have taken out alien abduction insurance.
  • Authenticating George Adamski. Includes compelling backstory by the author. UFO Archives
  • Trending: Cryptid Tourism. Loren Coleman, Cryptozoology Museum, suggests Bigfoot Tourism is a 140 million dollar boon. Irish Examiner. 2017 list of 20 places to go to see (potentially) Sasquatch: Expedia. Another site for that list would be the route Avrel Seale mapped out for his book Monster Hike. Wendy's Coffeehouse 

Cloud Oracle 10/7/18 - Horse or Taurus the Bull? (Side and/or Front view)
I spoke with Ann Bolinger-McQuade about her cloud experiences on Conscious Living. Her book is Everyday Oracles.

Show Notes -
I promised links for some of my recent interviews. Have been so caught up with pet issues and other responsibilities, I haven't had the ability to focus the way I would like to. Please accept my apologies. One pet, Chloe, my 14 year old cat, is in her final days and I have seen a blue spark around her. Spirit support. My dog Gracie is 12 (They've known each other for 12 years.) and has been spending time alongside her but she won't let me take any pictures of that interaction. It's private. They are so amazing together. 

I really enjoyed talking with Kac Young and, even if  you already have a resource book for Crystals, hers offers helpful insight and includes her experiences traveling to various power sites, crystals in tow - to help upgrade and ground the connection. I also loved her book with Lisa Tenzin-Dolma: The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog.  That interview is on Empower Radio: Link

Verna Kowertz says the reservations are filling up fast and Saturday seating is limited for the annual Ghost Tales of Weston. Fridays had open seats at the time of our interview. She is hosting a Halloween Tea Party on October 30th.
Upcoming interviews include:
Tom Butler, Association TransCommunication. EVP and other signs of life beyond the physical plane. 
Precognition. The Premonition Code - Dr. Julia Mossbridge - Test your ability. Precog Training
The Baseball Gods are Real - Jonathan Fink
The Miracle Club - Mitch Horowitz

Wendy's Coffeehouse podcasts are posted after the show airs
on Sunday night. 8 pm central time. Talk Radio 710 AM
Thanks for listening!
Stay curious.

Oct 6, 2018

Conscious Diversions - Does it Rain in Other Dimensions? Do they have Nightlights?

Each day - an adventure in being. Extraordinary possibilities, creation presents. Answers are relative. Curiosity liberates. Mind on fire. Soul of wonder. Evolution in progress. Welcome to Conscious Ascension.

I have had several opportunities to interview Mary Rodwell about her work with Contactees. In the Archives on Empower Radio, we talk about Star Children and the upgrades to consciousness. 

Documented accounts now number in the thousands. This is a 2014 video presentation on her work.

One of the most visible and vocal of those she mentions is Mike Oram. His experiences began in childhood and he has published books and written articles to offer follow-up perspectives and include new information. I love the cartoon perspective he offers up in Ben.

Here is his presentation at the Extraterrestrial Communication Conference 2012 held at the Static Gallery in Liverpool.

Mike's efforts to share his perspective - though more detailed and extensive - resonate for me.

The short list: I have personally experienced time shifting, telepathic contact, an electrical encounter that burned my eyes, another one that made me cry as a warning to encourage me to leave a certain space, unexplained healing, a presence in my room that spoke in a mechanical voice, a circular-red-and-green-lighted-hovering-object in the bedroom (I reported that one to Mufon in 2013.). When I tried to focus to better set the image in my memory, it immediately went through the solid wall and hovered for a moment outside the window before vanishing. On another occasion, I felt a presence (two) beside the bed and started doing a protection routine as I was being mentally told that it would not work. I did it anyway and went to sleep. Woke up with both earrings undone.

My experiences are varied (many are also in non-threatening dream environments) and subtle but I have been told I am being given contact in a way that I will accept and that will help me to gradually acclimate to their presence.

I did not pursue this interaction, it was a gradual process and (in the early 90's) I chose to categorize it among dreams and altered states of awareness. They have stated they do not - under any circumstances - wish to frighten me/us. In some very real physical sense we are not quite compatible to their energy/vibration and that can cause discomfort, nausea, muscle pains, and the like. (Same thing happens with ghosts.)

So the process now seems to be a global expansion of contact events and enhancement of etheric energy to better prepare those in this dimension, on this sphere of awareness, less distress in advance of eventual, mass contact.

My channeled content for Talking to Nightlights - when I asked 'The (non-corporeal being) Energy' for a name - gave me a source that presents as a collective: Messengers of Light. I was advised by them at the outset to avoid jumping to conclusions or trying to define the source of the information until I became better acquainted and schooled in the wide variety of options in/of non-corporeal/telepathic/channeled contact. The term they prefer is Trans-dimensional.

At this time it is clear that much of what has long been designated "paranormal" also has quite a lot in common with UFO sightings and ET contact. There are too many similarities to be discounted. When I experience contact, there are several physical indicators that help me to identify it as such.

To counter that, the presence of my nightlight energy is constant and there is no discomfort with that. Each has his own method of determining resonance or validating reality and those indicators do need to be ingrained via personal experience.

In 1998, I entered into a decade long process of intentional energy shifting and that may also have contributed to increased tolerance. My experience involved a tremendous amount of self-initiated consciousnesses expansion and energy balancing, a process that doesn't have a designated conclusion or predetermined outcome.   

My guides offer ongoing support and interactive engagement. Popping me out of body was a very effective method of demonstrating their influence. Inducing a transformative bliss state was another successful tactic. Those acts however, are given as carrots to encourage my pursuit of conscious awakening and ascension. I am responsible for continuing to do my homework. 

7 Keys to expanding and upgrading consciousness include meditation, emotional self-healing, deprogramming social constructs designed to distract one from individual pursuit of mind/awareness expansion, understanding fear, eliminating negative thought patterns, increasing empathy, activating telepathy.

Conscious Ascension: When operating within the manifest realm, one learns to understand how attention goes where mind flows. One can upgrade creation via infusion of fluid light essence to facilitate multidimensional awareness in solid state. 

The power to transcend this particular dimension is and always has been within. Like Dorothy in The
Wizard of Oz, as the mind flows, we remain home. The challenge is to wake up to intention and claim our innate presents as quantum creators. Know yourself.

That's where Trans-dimensionals excel.

Additional links for Mike Oram:
The Zen of Ben cartoon
Does it Rain in Other Dimensions - book
Home Page - In Other Dimensions 

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Oct 3, 2018

Sci-Fi Short Film - 'Double Trouble' and misc links... Nessie, Owls, UFO, Baking, Muppets and the Goblin

Amy Pond: 'I thought... well, I started to think you were just a madman with a box.'
The Doctor: 'Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. [He Smiles] I am definitely a madman with a box.' - Steven Moffat, Doctor Who, Tardis wiki

OddsnEnds -
  • Still looking for Planet X. Until then, meet a dwarf planet 2-and-a-half times farther away from the Sun than Pluto with a 40,000 year orbit and a cool title: the Goblin
  • "As a result of a recent loss of employment, I’ve had a lot of time open up."- Quote from most recent Nessie sighting. The Press and Journal 
  • Just in time for Halloween. Horror Baking Show. On Netflix. With Muppets.
  • Didn't get your Owl from Hogwarts? Here's the culprit: YouTube
  • Owls and Contact. Mike Clelland's interview is in the Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Here's his presentation at the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference. YouTube. Published June/2018. Mike is asking his blog readers (referenced in his talk) what they would like to see next. Any interest in an E Book? Connect. Hidden Experience Blog
  • Thanks to Mike, a blog to recommend that covers all sorts of ET, UFO, Unexplained, Weird: At Spiral's End. Truth is better than fiction and so much more strange.
Sci-Fi film short. A shy young man misses the opportunity to talk to the girl of his dreams. He finds a mysterious pocket watch that can turn back time and gets a second chance…

"Double Trouble" is written and directed by Andreas Climent and André Hedetoft. Financed through a successful Kickstarter campaign, the film was shot in September 2013.
Main Site -

Engage -

1/Precognition training and testing site available now: The Premonition Code.
2/Remote Viewing, Dream Crafting and Therapeutic Intention. Develop techniques for mastering these skills and a foundation for achieving the ability to sustain Intentioned Focused Awareness. Online Workshop with Stephan A. Schwartz - Begins Oct. 06, 2018. Sign up at Glidewing.

Wendy's Coffeehouse podcast archives -
Most Recent -
  • The Art of Healing with Crystals - Kac Young has been a producer, writer and director in the Hollywood television industry for over 25 years. With a PhD in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy, clients come to her for advice on health, nutrition and spiritual well being. 
In the top 10 most listened to -
  • The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death Annie Kagan's brother Billy has a new POV about life in the hereafter. Annie started taking notes from the first moment he checked back in.
  • Nancy Tallbot has been involved in Crop Circle Research for decades working alongside William Levengood and has some fascinating stories to share. One of the most fascinating cases involves her research with Medium Robbert van den Broeke.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.