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Oct 23, 2018

War of the Worlds Halloween Homage: Embers & Dust plus Haunted Weston Ghost High Jinx

What's happening now is what happened before, and often what's going to happen again sometime or other. - Orson Welles, Mr. Arkadin.

OddsnEnds - 
  • 15 spooky stories from Reddit users demonstrate a plethora of paranormal: Ghosts, precognition prompts, unexplained voices, anonymous phone calls originating from numbers that don't exist. Weird but true. People (Naturally, I can't write about this without the DVD player wigging out. Stuck when it doesn't usually have issues. Note: the issue, apparently, is the word 'temperamental'. )
  • Ghost stories in general. Reddit
  • Ghostbuster's wish granted. Sacramento rocks this 5-year-old's dream. CNN.
  • Lavender for calming. The scent works on mice. UPI.
  • Animals Ghosts. Meet Spot, described by people who never met him while he was alive. Seen in the home his family once lived in and where he was buried when he died. The Dodo.

Embers & Dust, inspired by the War of The Worlds radio broadcast, Sunday, October 30, 1938.

Find out more about the short and its director:
Embers & Dust on Facebook.

Ghost Tales of Weston - Friday night 10/26 is filling and Saturday 10/27 is sold out. At least one group of attendees on the ghost tour had an interesting encounter last weekend at the Benner House.

Formerly a B & B, now an overflow site for the Saint George Hotel. As the tour party gathered, the presenter at the site said an odd cloud of fog emerged from the house and wafted above them. The fog was followed by an excited teen who ran out of the house and told everyone he had heard voices and footsteps. Staying behind while others in his group had gone out, he was alone.

Lively paranormal activity continues at the Weston Bend Candle Company. (A Paranormal Research group was visiting Saturday night. I'll update with results of their investigation when available.)

Last February, on a very slow day, the owner thought he heard someone at the door. While no living being was seen entering, a calling card appeared on the floor inside a space occupied by a display rack that would have been impossible to walk through. Water droplets formed the shape of a boot print, as if snow had been tracked in and traces were left melting on the floor. He showed me the photo he took. Definitely a footprint.
Nicolette is featured on the Weston Ghost Tour. 

No doubt you've heard of haunted objects. Weston is home to one fair lady doll who can no longer occupy the front window because she tends to ice up the glass.

Verna Kowertz writes about Nicolette in her book Ghost Tales of Weston. Page 36, Adams Mayfair.

A timely highlight, reported last weekend and posted October 20th, by a Main Street Galleria customer to Haunted Places. She took a picture of The Saint George Hotel having no idea it was haunted. Check out the very curious image in that window on the second floor.

And the post just previous is by Chris Williams who told me about his unnerving experience at The Saint George when he attended the Ghost Tales event last year (2017). I am glad he posted it.

Numerous homes and businesses are known to be haunted in Weston. Very few are open to the public in general and some that are don't mention their ghosts..

Ghost Tales of Weston, Page 83. The Price-Loyles House, built in 1857, is absent from the Ghost Tour but will be featured on the December Candlelight Homes Tour.

Actively haunted, the owners who bought and restored this historic home confess they altered their plans to live in the home full time due to the fact they are uncomfortable being in the house alone at night.

Photo evidence hints at the paranormal presence in their residence. The focus is a mirror in the bedroom. Other than furniture, the room was empty. However, a couple - smartly dressed in period clothes - appears clearly visible in the reflection.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interviews -
Terry McKenzie: Price-Loyles House, one of the most haunted homes in Weston, Missouri.
Verna Kowertz: Main Street Galleria and Ghost Tales of Weston 2018

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious. 

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