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Aug 3, 2018

SciXFriday - 'Blackout', AI fine print. Ascension program reboot, Animals win.

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland,  Goodreads

OddsnEnds -
  • Light Bulb. A link. Great Pyramid of Giza + Electromagnetic energy.  Independent
  • On the UFO Beat. NY Times
  • Think twice before touching a UFO. Some have had no lasting ill effects. Others were less fortunate. A recent update recounting. Paranoia Magazine
  • Mum's the word. And some simply wish they kept quiet about their encounter. -“If I could change all that I have done in my life, I would change just one thing. And that would be the night we chased that damn thing. That saucer.” Medium
  • UFO picture books.
    1/ A Photographer's Journey through the Heart of UFO Country. Atlas Obscura
    2/ UFO Drawings from the National Archives. Amazon
Nature Highlights -
  • Crazed Selfie Crowds = Sunflower farm nightmare chaos? NY Times
  • Tragic. It was a good plan, chill from daily drama and count Butterflies. Attenborough. Then came ... the 'misunderstanding'. Result = 9 acres of flattened flowers. Independent. Butterfly Count: 1. Spotted the day after the blunder, "...a good old cabbage white..." Hope for the diehards.
  • Beauty. Owl and Butterfly. Independent
  • Savvy. Hawk on a Sprinkler - Power bath. Facebook
  • Comedy. Orca hijacks Sailboat. w/video. Daily Mail 
"Blackout"- w/Subtitles. No info on this. 

And so it goes. AI future is looking bright. Humanity needs a plan B. Clearly, outsmarting them is not in our programming. Extinction imminent. Wear sunblock.

Alternative endings? Absolutely!
  • Metaphysical Detour: Ascend. How to ascend before the apocalypse? Casey, Carey, Kryon, etc. Lots of can be tedious homework: Ascension  Happy exploring!
  • Enlightenment notwithstanding. Steven Pinker. The Better Angels of Our Nature
  • Don't get weird. PS: Where the H__ is Season Three? People of Earth. Scripted? Just post it.  

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

8/5 - Fantastic Book on Dowsing. Tick Gaudreau, Spirit Rescue: A Dowser's Ghostly Encounters. Intriguing experiences with different types of haunting spirits. Utilizing specialized techniques, he has worked with spirits in a safe, respectful, and loving manner. Gaudreau shares these methods with you to help you identify different types of spiritual beings.

8/12 - Gary Wimmer, Psychic overwhelm, NDE. What next? Divination via Lithomancy. Your future is in the stones.

8/19 - The ordinary and the extraordinary. Philip Smith, Walking Through Walls. Philip describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator father, who one day discovers he has the miraculous power to talk to the dead and heal the sick. True story of a miracle worker.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

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