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Apr 21, 2017

Ingo Swann's PSI Legacy - UWG Special Collections

"The more you hide something, the more it shines like a beacon in a psychic's face." - Russell Targ

For anyone intrigued by Telepathy and inspired to improve his/her ability, 'Penetration' by Ingo Swann is a good resource. Do keep in mind, at the time he wrote the book, he would have been unable to reveal certain details of his involvement and work with the Stargate Project. Wiki

What might he have been able to add if he could reveal more information? Take a cue from Uri Geller, vindicated in the disclosure of now declassified CIA documents (Independent) on the program. Live Science.

Issues to ponder: 1/Space Intelligence. 2/Telepathy. The source? Telepathy, from the Earth side and
from Space Side.

My interest in Ingo Swann stems from the fact he had an extraordinary ability that - even now - our science is challenged to quantify. Those who had personal contact with Ingo would have been influenced in such a way that, whatever doubt they may have had about PSI abilities, that close proximity to one who could indeed produce direct results might make disbelief a bit more challenging. Ex: Remote Viewing research link, National Institutes of Health

Fortunately, Ingo wanted his work, his process and his methods to be known and available for any and all who might be curious enough to explore the far horizons of consciousness and PSI potential.

And that is his legacy, via his estate at, in leaving a tremendous body of work to help others open their own minds to the natural abilities present in all humans for expanded PSI awareness. That body of work is now housed in the Special Collections at UWG's Ingram Library: Announcement

Background on Ingo Swann, Video presentation, uploaded 2011.

I realized I had been given a gift when I was able to access the book, free at the time, Penetration. Here's an interesting audio presentation of that book from YouTube/Link. The reader 'BornSkywalker' has a nice delivery and flow with the material. 

In reading that book and additional Remote Viewing support materials authored by Ingo, I see parallels to PK Man Ted Owens and Psychic Uri Geller. Both of those men also mention contact and influence from ETs. Curious. (Aside: Do Contact/ET Encounters have a specific purpose?)

Uri's comment on how he started reviving clocks, Facebook. and his reaction when he was asked to stop the heart of a pig. Daily Mail.

There are other methods of practice known to enhance human PSI abilities to produce extreme results. Study Dr. Yan Xin, QiGong Master, called a "miracle doctor".

What surprises me?

Given the decades of study and efforts by multiple organizations [PearLab, Rhine, Menninger/Richard Ireland (Richard Ireland) (Video of Richard Ireland] in trying to validate and publicize the PSI substantiating material to a wider audience, much of the research data and supporting documentation is still buried or labeled Pseudoscience. Consciousness studies continue. For more information on that: ICRL

Be that as it may, those who need the material are finding it and they are the audience that can most benefit in the knowing that PSI and Telepathic abilities are real and can be developed and enhanced with the proper methods and training. 

More importantly in relationship to all of these topics, this stuff is not fiction.

I remember when I first heard Ingo Swann interviewed years ago on Art Bell. Whatever the topic was, he seemed genuine, authentic, matter of fact and sincere. I never forgot him.

Coast to Coast Ingo Swann Tribute show/audio from 2002: Link

To that effect, I want to support getting his work to a larger audience. He died in 2013, Link.
His written materials are still of tremendous value and for anyone seeking to explore Remote Viewing, Telepathy, PSI abilities and expanded awareness they are a treasure trove. Swann-photos

-- Ingo's writings and collected works are now part of the Special Collections at the Ingram Library at the University of West Georgia. While it can be accessed on line, in-person viewing requires setting up an appointment. The items are not allowed to be removed from site. Photographs are permitted.

"Because of the national caliber of the collections--the papers of politicians Bob Barr and Newt Gingrich and psychologist William Roll as examples--people come from all over the world to use Special Collections materials in production of newspaper articles, books, and documentaries."

Researching background for the interview about the upcoming Documentary, Third Eye Spies, I also connected with Blynne Olivieri. She's in charge of managing the Ingo Swann Collection at UWG.

Blynne will be at the upcoming Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival

"Philip K. Dick's message is that in spite of forces marshaled against the human spirit, both political and technological, humanity can prevail if we can find the will and determination to pave a better future. The festival represents his voice."

Debuts at the Philip K. Dick Film Festival
The festival will debut the film on Ingo: A Life Gone Wild. 

Interview with Blynne Olivieri/Conscious Living on Empower Radio

May and June Wendy's Coffeehouse interviews include another talk with Blynne and a 2nd interview with Lance Mungia about the documentary, Third Eye Spies. Trailer in a previous post

My interview with Lance on Empower Radio: YouTube

Third Eye Spies is currently seeking a sales agent and worldwide distribution. All rights are available. Contact Lance Mungia --

- For more information about the Ingo Swann Collection please contact: 

Blynne Olivieri
Head of Special Collections
Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118-2000
Phone: 678-839-5455

Find us on Twitter:
Search our archival collections online:

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Apr 18, 2017

Nick Redfern, 365 Days of UFOs, A Year of Alien Encounters

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." - Steven Wright

Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast 4/16/17 Nick Redfern - 365 Days of UFOs Nick explores all things Fortean. His books have numbers and pages. Smile. Books by Nick Redfern/Amazon

OddsnEnds -
  • True meaning of Star Wars according to George Lucas - to be 12-years-old once again: HuffPost 
  • Truman's secret crash site debrief? Another Roswell reveal?: Express (Nick's next book revisits the Roswell case.)
  • Missing student Bruno Borges. Continues to confound. Time Travel? Alien Abduction? Updates on the case post here: Reddit thread 
  • Woman and her Therapy Dog attend a Furry Convention and we all get educated. (Might be just me.) Turns out they are people (mostly guys) who enjoy going to a costume event dressed up as animals. Link the dog now has a new scrap book of memorable photos and a bunch of new furry friends: HuffPost 
  • And there's this guy. Jiji is 94 and didn't care much for cats. That was before Alzheimer's. It was a cat who reintroduced him to joy: Metro Jiji's granddaughter is the wonderful photographer who documents this story. Home site for Akiko DuPont

*Here are the stories I mentioned from a previous post: Wendy's Coffeehouse

While we're on the topic of Fortean, the latest entry from Jeffrey Mishlove's 'New Thinking Allowed' teases the topic of Skinwalker Ranch. Unexplained and then some. John B. Alexander opens a lot of doors.

In the Wendy's Coffeehouse archives, Jeffrey Mishlove talks about the enigma that was Ted Owens. He demonstrated extraordinary PK abilities and attributed some of that to his UFO/space brothers.  

Recapping the 4/16/17 show with Nick Redfern -

Nick covers a lot of ground in his recent book, 365 Days of UFOs, A Year of Alien Encounters. Stories include ETs, Contactees, Men and Women in Black, Orbs and Bigfoot (at least 3 Bigfoot encounters that include UFOs sightings) and stuff that doesn't fit into a category.

We talk about several fascinating accounts. Here's an example - and one we didn't get to during the show: Paraphrasing from the book entry for September 28, 1984 in Adelaide, Australia. [Too Amazed to be Scared. Woman walking home from the late shift nearly bumps into a small man about two feet tall, dressed in a one-piece silver suit with a large helmet. He ran across the road and disappeared.]

So many stories; so many unanswered questions. Anyone who has ever had a run in with something too wild for words will appreciate the variety and the possibility there are others who know that same mind boggling feeling when "reality" is eclipsed by the unfathomable. No putting the Genie back in the bottle after that. 

Asked who or what, if he had to narrow the focus to one topic of interest, Mothman is the winner. Nick wrote about a recent road trip in search of Mothman.

Coincidentally, this item surfaced about a recent sighting: Chicago Mothman sighting/Source. Lots of mysteries to inspire more wandering and wondering. 7 Feet tall, half man, half bird. Also posted on Mysterious Universe

Inspired and prolific, Nick has written at least 40 books on Fortean topics and keeps a running tally on his blog. I've interviewed him on at least 3 of his books and I hope to continue following up when he is ready to share the next installments.

Follow Nick on his blog. Nick Redfern

From 2015, Nick's video presentation on Crop Circles. Courtesy of MUFON/YouTube

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Apr 17, 2017

Masking unknowns and revealing clues

“If you appreciate, perpetuate and explore your own dreams, then you'll know that dream isn't a one-way communication.” - Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut 


The newest podcast with Nick Redfern is at Wendy's Coffeehouse/ 365 Days of UFOs and it's more than UFOs. There are quite a few stories that include Men and Women in Black, ETs and Shapeshifters, Orbs, Bigfoot and otherwise anomalous are all part of the scene.


Question your knowns. Reality is fluid, manifest in symbols, signs, numbers and code. Divination is a matter of experimentation and attention to detail. What speaks to you; subtle, loud, concrete, abstract?

4/16/17 - Coffee Divination - Old Man in the Woods: Owl

Talking to Nightlights - The Energy

Answers and communications can sometimes appear hidden in plain view.

However, with a bit of focus and effort you can identify them. Open your mind. Imagine expanded knowing and know more.

Allow the reveal to adopt a form.

An "Old Man in the Woods" - The recent answer I was told to give if anyone asked where my guidance comes from.

(I feel this energy differently, a Jester has entered the scene.)

Obligingly, I did exactly as directed and pictured a human form, wondering how I could know him if he appeared. Then I left my coffee cup out as I have done in the past when asking for another interpretation or aspect to assist with divination. And it appeared.

In the coffee cup, the milk formed a design with a flowing white beard to project what I might have expected. I planned to take a picture but when I moved the cup the design shifted and a new reveal appeared.

More fitting than the first, this image. Aligned with Totem Animal interpretations this image plays by all the rules. Wisdom and knowing. Abilities to see things that are hidden. A forest dweller. School books have many versions of this one, usually wearing glasses. The wise, old owl.

Insight takes many forms. Choose your own code and adapt that method of reading signs. Each has his own unique recipe. When you learn your signs other forms are interesting but don't have the personal quality, merit or weight.

More importantly, they don't engage your specific guides. Do your own homework if you truly wish to appreciate the benefits and advantages of self-knowing.

The image of the old man in my cup changed form, revealing a shapeshifter who looks like a man but has the wisdom of the Owl. Or it might be the reverse.

Who is the Owl?

The Owl is Who.

Who? Who? Who?

A riddle and a sense of humor. I do have my own interpretation for such a message for me at this time. And that's the way the mystery ropes us in. Puzzles, challenges, curiosities. Never-ending knowing.

The path is wide open. Anticipate learning curves and you will enhance your progress.

Mike Clelland has his own view of Owls: Hidden Experience Blog. He has done a tremendous job researching and compiling stories of Owls, ETs and synchronicity: The Messengers

Our interview: Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview/Mike Clelland

For me, the Owl is a strong Shamanic element, designed to cue the time for work in guessing and or assessing. Owl is a teacher and a friend. To each an answer and a question and a stepping stone in remembering to seek out support and inner knowing, to call for discernment and vetting from one's unique and personal guideposts on the path. 

Known and unknown. Tomorrow the tables will turn again.

The Nightlights have now been replaced at the house and at the cabin. Curious, as I plugged it in to return it to active duty, would the light begin to blink or would it require a down-time to adjust? I wondered if I would see the resident ghost as well.

Sometime during the night Jack needed to go outside. I stepped out with him to look at the stars and Jack ran back around the corner to return inside. At that moment, across the porch from me, the motion light lit up the front door. No wind and nothing to see.

While we played dominoes, the table light turned off for a few seconds and then came on again. Then it went off and remained off. Replacing the bulb worked. But, having been through this charade more than a few times, we returned the original bulb, reinserted the plug and the light stayed on.

The nightlight blinked. Once, for Andy. Comedy everywhere. 

What message the Owl? Seeing is relative. Sensing is the active role. The ghost is still in residence, the light is working, questions remain and all is well.

One more connecting dot. What book am I reading? The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others.

A Ghost and a Guest... and a Nightlight.     

Apr 14, 2017

SciX Friday: odds-n-ends and otherwise interesting

“Perhaps there is more sense in our nonsense and more nonsense in our 'sense' than we would care to believe.” - David Bohm

Tech and Wows

  • Tricorder (Trek cool!) in the works. Fast Company 
  • Would you wear a microchip for work? Game changer. UPI 
  • Packaged water - Edible bubble cube. CNET 
  • Doctor Who New season (10) launches this weekend. Trailer 2 
  • He refused to stay behind. You might have heard about the dog who joined an extreme race in progress. ESPN has the story of Arthur. What a dog.
  • Even more research showing, not only are Elephants highly intelligent, they are self aware. Washington Post

Catch of the Week -- UAP/UFO Local KMBC Channel 9 Traffic Reporter Johnny Rowlands is buzzed by darting white objects that zip across the sky behind him as he adjusts the cam in the helicopter, preparing to give his report. Link  Look fast! Doesn't help that the caption is directly over the image. Pause and play and the scene is visible for a moment.

Sci-Fi break -- a future world where color is used as energy... and a price must be paid. An award winner.

Check out Jackson Miller's home page
Prism on Facebook

4/16/17 - Sunday night, 8pm on KCMO Talk Radio, Nick Redfern is back. He covers all things Fortean. We'll talk about his research for the book 365 Days of UFOs - includes joint ET/UFO and Bigfoot sightings. Exploring the world of curious and more. Here's the link for a previous interview. Does the presence of Trinitite indicate the incidence of previous Nuclear War? Wendy's Coffeehouse -Weapons of the Gods (Aliens)

4/16 - Follow Nick on his blog. Nick Redfern - 365 Days of UFOs
4/23 - PMH Atwater - A Manual for Developing Humans (NEW)
4/30 - Carl Greer - Change the Story of Your Health (NEW)

5/7 - John DeSouza - FBI (retired) X-Man - UFOs, Extra-Dimensionals and X-files
5/14 - Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
5/21 - Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
5/28 - Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies

6/4 - Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - The Voice of Rolling Thunder

Fate Magazine Editor-in-Chief Phyllis Galde

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!