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Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Nov 18, 2021

Dreams, Plants, Caffeine, UFOs, Dogs, Portals and Sci-Fi Roy

“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors.” – William Blake

Who is it that stands beside my bed and whistles when I try to take a nap? Who creates the sound of the phone ringing when my phone is on silent? What is the message? Why am I sleep walking when I would prefer the dream walk?

Ringing in my ears continues. Sometimes I can ignore it. But that whistle thing is new. Timing. Something's coming. I am not supposed to sleepwalk through this next phase. Even if I think I am awake - I am asleep and the goal is to help me wake up. Is it working? The Chloe Incident highlights a dreamer in the daytime - sleepwalking and wide awake.


To boldly go -

  • Shortcut volunteers. Wormholes are calling. Link.
  • Your Mind on Plants. Specifically: Caffeine, Mescaline, Opium. Interview with intrepid researcher Michael Pollan. First the GQ interview.

    Then here - "Pollan realized that if purchasing poppy seeds from a garden catalogue was in itself innocent, it became immediately illicit if they were grown in knowledge of their opium-producing qualities.

    When a lawyer read his article pre-publication it seemed he might be risking 20 years in jail and a $1m fine. Some swift edits were made, and the full piece is published here in its entirety for the first time." - 

  • "We must let go of musty old ideas about minds, bodies, and their relations." Hula Hoop as a body problem solving exercise. Link.
  • Regeneration gel helps paralyzed mice walk again. Source. 
  •  Finessing 'it's a crock' - UFO Swamp Gas. Unknown Boundaries.
    Call from Washington = 20 min later *Swamp Gas" //
    *wonderful double meaning. 
  • Difficult to track UFOs when 'ordinary' doesn't work. Sightings are unique. "Captain James Howard in 1954 sketches a UFO he and his crew observed from their British Overseas Airway Corporation Boeing 377 Stratocruiser." Twitter user Alien Gray says "The way he describes how it vanished is what I have personally observed." Source. 
  • NASA Rocket as seen through Northern Lights. SPLooooof.

    Time out for caffeine .... 

  • "We cannot impute causality, and say 'drinking more coffee or tea is good for your brain.' What we can only say is that in this study, people who reported moderate coffee/tea drinking were less likely to have a stroke or dementia occur in the 10 years of follow-up," Schwamm said. *Sipping past fine print to: Coffee and Tea - a winning duo.

    Sleepwalking through enlightenment ...  
  • UFO Legends Pro and Con predicting the challenge of shoot first = ask questions eventually - Video Twitter.
  • Fast Forward. Validation in 2021. Russian anti-satellite missile test endangers crew on ISS. Link.
  • Prison Planet? Daily Grail. Armed and clueless.
 Sci-Fi short film. "Roy" ... Where to from here?


Roy the movie - YouTube.

The Dog advantage 
  • Your Dog is calling. CNN.
  • Clearly, Dog has your number. Link.
  • NOT your dog. "A chef cooks his breakfast each morning made of the finest meat, fresh vegetables and rice. Sometimes he enjoys caviar, but there’s never any kibble in sight. He travels by private jet, works on obedience skills daily with his trainer and sleeps in a lavish round, red velvet bed overlooking the bay." If only he were mine. His house is for sale. HuffPost. 
  • And that story is bogus .. AP retracted it .. NYPost. Heavy Sigh.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung 

My recent interview with Dream Interpreter - J.M. DeBord. "One heck of a dream interpreter!" - George Noory, Host of Coast to Coast AM. 

Marking a decade as Reddit Dream moderator “RadOwl“ - where you are invited to check out some of the dreams and/or share yours.
My dream this time carries a unique symbol: A Cicada.

We don't go there but I kind of like the wiki definition:

The cicada is an animal replete with symbolism: recurring themes are
resurrection, immortality, spiritual realization and spiritual ecstasy. For the Ancient Greeks and Romans they sang ecstatically, were sacred to Apollo and related to the dionysiac bacchae and maenads.

No hurry - still working with this dream.

"Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow." - William Blake

Wonderland has a door or several - 
  • UFO 'Donut' over Switzerland. Link.

    Facebook comment from a KS MUFON investigator: I believe that a MUFON case I investigated in Columbus, KS last spring - 2020 - may also be an area of interdimensional activity. The witness has experienced multiple phenomenon and I even took a picture myself of what appears to be a face emerging from an amorphous cloud. I'm still in contact with him and he just sent recent videos that defy logic. They're unlike anything I've ever seen. The area is in what's known as the Spooksville Triangle and I feel it is worthy or serious scientific investigation.
  • Twitter post of MUFON images of UFOs disappearing into portals. Link.
  • John Foster's UFO appearing from a 'cloud' ... Link.

Let's dance. 

Oct 18, 2021

Extraordinary is calling... Explore. Engage. Immerse. Consciousness. Sci-Fi: "Leap of Faith"

Career segue ... “Which is lovely, because as an actor you have to get up at half-past six in the morning and go to the studio. As a writer, you can start writing without leaving the bed." - Michael Caine, HuffPo.


  • Echo? Earth Inside an Enormous Cosmic TunnelVice.
  •  Scientists Just Observed Warm Matter Emanating From a Black Hole. Source. 
  • Lab Rats unite - “Since our universe has a flat geometry with a zero net energy, an advanced civilization could have developed a technology that created a baby universe out of nothing through quantum tunneling,” Avi Loeb wrote. Link.
  • "UFO Patent" Selling points: limitless energy and the ability to modify spacetime. Interesting Engineering.
  • Land of OZ fish tale. NOT in Kansas -- except... CNN.
  • William Shatner returned from his Space Encounter gobsmacked. "I am so filled with emotion about what just happened. It's extraordinary," Shatner told Bezos. The Overview Effect. Big Think 
  • Watch the video. Link. 

 Sci-Fi - "Leap of Faith" ... Kelly is captivated by her new neighbor.


 Leap of Faith Director - Mark Smyth

MISC. and ETC.

  • Wild ride - Missouri's Gravity Hill. Video.
  • People who saw their pets in NDEs. YouTube.
  • 13 Most Haunted places in the USA. USA Today.
  • Ready to relocate? Spooky on the Market. Haunted Real Estate. As of September 2021. Link.
  • On the market as of 10.18.21 - Business and Residence. "PRICE ADJUSTED! EVER DREAMED OF RENOVATING A VICTORIAN GOTHIC INTO A HOME?" Link. 

- Interview with Aussie Fortean Blogger/Researcher Malcolm Smith. Wendy's Coffeehouse.

- About my deceased friend who showed up as an apparition - Blog.

Thank you Twitter: UFO Spotlight @UFOSpotlight · 340 year old book documents UFO sightings.  @IrishTimes 

"Printed in 1679 on marbled boards, the good copy is listed at €1,750."

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers to clear skies! - wendy

Sep 3, 2021

Consciousness, Imagination, UFOs, Aliens and Enigmas exist to throw Monkey wrenches in the Cosmic Timeline

"The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself." - William Blake.


  • - In his Life of William Blake (1863) Alexander Gilchrist warned his readers that Blake “neither wrote nor drew for the many, hardly for work’y-day men at all, rather for children and angels; himself ‘a divine child,’ whose playthings were sun, moon, and stars, the heavens and the earth.”

    Blake tended to his brother in his illness and according to Gilchrist watched the spirit of his brother escape his body in his death: “At the last solemn moment, the visionary eyes beheld the released spirit ascend heaven ward through the matter-of-fact ceiling, ‘clapping its hands for joy.’"

    Blake always felt the spirit of Robert lived with him. He even announced that it was Robert who informed him how to illustrate his poems in “illuminated writing.”
     - Source.
  • The science of Consciousness: "Our minds invent for us a universe of colours, sounds, shapes and feelings through which we interact with our world and relate to each other, Seth Anil argues. We even invent ourselves.

    “We perceive the world not as it is, but as it is useful to us,” Seth writes. In other words, we evolved this generated reality because operating through our hallucinated world improves our survival, by helping us avoid danger and recognize food, for example."

    "Seth might use other words, but essentially, he is exploring the science of people’s souls  - a daunting task." Source. 

    Check out the book at Amazon. Being You.

    Bio: Seth has been interviewed for documentaries aired on the BBC, Netflix, and Amazon and podcasts by Sam Harris, Russell Brand, and Chris Anderson, and his 2017 TED Talk on the topic has been viewed over 11 million times, a testament to his uncanny ability to make unimaginably complex science accessible and entertaining.

    Endorsement: “In this lucid and thought-provoking exploration of the nature of consciousness, Seth takes us closer than ever to making sense of our experience of being conscious selves. A must-read.” - Anil Ananthaswamy, award-winning journalist and author of Through Two Doors at Once and The Man Who Wasn’t There.

  • Witches vs. the Taliban - Vice. Progress report unavailable. Monitor headlines.

  • The day the world flipped. Sweden jpg.. 3 September 1967, during the night Sweden changed from left-side traffic to right-side traffic. As one might imagine, chaos ensued. Rest was not on the table for that Sunday. *Source. 

    *Additional trivia: A person born on this day will be 54 years old today. If that same person saved a Quarter every day starting at age 5, then by now that person has accumulated $4,474.25 today.

  • 4 More world flips - Ancient Apocalypses that Changed the Course of Civilization. Discover.

  • OMG. When things couldn't get any worse... this falls out of the files.
    "Dormant" may not apply to Volcanos. "We must now consider that eruptions can occur even if no liquid magma is found underneath a volcano—the concept of what is 'eruptible' needs to be re-evaluated." Source.

  • How crowded is space? This site tracks position and motion of all publicly registered satellites in orbit. Visual posted on twitter.

     ASTERNAUTS. Mysterious object from outer space crash-lands in a pasture.


    MovieBrats Pictures
    Directed by Marta Masferrer

    UFOs are real. Email from John Foster: "See Four books that convey detailed descriptions of John Foster's unusual, authentic UFO encounters. Unveil one of the most important mysteries in life! It truly is worth your time."

    Secret weapon advantage - 5 ETs morph into a sphere ... Source. Demonstrating multiple states of Intelligence challenged Humans are still advocating a military approach.

    Remote Viewer Angela Thompson Smith told me she was working on getting everything packaged. Her work will be archived along with the records of Ingo Swann at the University of West Georgia. “I feel very, very honored to have all my papers there,” Thompson Smith said. Source. Our interview: Remote Viewing ETs and Voices from the Cosmos. Wendy's Coffeehouse.

    Paula Lenz, 9.5.21 - Shared NDE and PSI after effects - Extraordinary Healing What happened after our first interview is the reason and the incentive to reconnect with an update. I have forgotten the details of our conversation after we concluded the interview that first time - but Paula remembers the impact. I think we all benefit in making these connections and thank her for sharing this information. Wendy's Coffeehouse.


    Thunder and Lightning this morning. 9.3.21.

    Along with the intensified electrical energy - I woke up to an increase in interactive nightlight antics throughout the house. Greeting me with the
    standard - off - pause - blink, they turn off once or twice and then stay on.


    BIG surprise came when a Big Bird plushie we thought was no longer active sprang to life.

    Silent for more than a year, he had been
    checked for his responses without any sign
    of battery power. No action.

    Even so, he chimed in with a single
    lighting strike - didn't matter that his position
    was shielded from the bright.

    Loud and proud with his favorite phrase "peek-a-boo".

    My husband was there too - both of us totally astonished. That electrical charge gave him a boost and us a laugh.


    Lasting BIG impressions. Bird vs. Cat. Twitter. 

    Consciousness, imagination, UFOs, Aliens and Enigmas exist to throw monkey wrenches in the cosmic timeline because none rely upon time to exist. 

Jun 4, 2021

Myth. Legend. Reality. UFOs: Experiencers, True Believers and a Sci-Fi Short Film: "It's Okay"

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. - Stephen Hawking

  • Brain Fog? The Science of Training your Brain. GQ.
  • Mike Tyson says Psychedelics saved his life, now he hopes they can change the world. Reuters.
  • "Air and Space Magazine dubbed 2019 “the Year of UFOs,” but it may actually be 2021." LA Times.
  • Ahead of the curve. Excerpted and adapted from The Believer: Alien Encounters, Hard Science, and the Passion of John Mack. Saturday Evening Post.
  • Neighborhood watch... Canadian Military Has Been Encountering UFOs for Decades. Vice.
  • Attention Stanton Friedman fans. New UFO exhibit at the Fredericton Region Museum set to open June 26 and run at least 2 years. Source.
  • Legend of the "Flying Sheilds" and the Hopi Indians. Source.
  •  Ufologist Timothy Green Beckley has died. Source. Paul Eno posted on Facebook.
  • Celebs who believe in UFOs. ET Canada.
  • Phenom. "It took Chase an hour to get to shore. He told WJXT that he floated on his back and doggie paddled so he wouldn't get worn out. When he reached land he ran to the nearest house for help." Chase is 7 years old. CNN.

Sci-Fi Short Film: "It's Okay" - [Yikes!]


"It's Okay" by Justin Giddings & Ryan Welsh
Connect with the Filmmaker:
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Related Interest 

On YouTube now. Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure. If you are a novice to the UFO issue, this is an excellent refresher. And no surprise here, the response at that time: crickets. 

History - 
National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013.
- Forty researchers plus military/agency/political persons of high rank and station testify to six former members of the United States Congress. - Link.

The event includes: Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Honorable Paul Hellyer, Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard Dolan, Antonio Huneeus, Daniel Sheehan and Col. Richard French.

Continue with Part 2. Link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview

With UFOs grabbing headline attention, I pulled a favorite guest from my interview archives.
I like speaking with Ardy Sixkiller Clarke. She's a great storyteller and her catalogue of UFO stories, gleaned over the past few decades, includes a wide variety of experiences running the entire spectrum of positive and encouraging to negative and frightening.

Common thread: Native Americans. She says most have never spoken to anyone about their experience. Ardy has unique access to her subjects that few could manage and their stories offer a much broader insight into the UFO phenomenon. Wendy's Coffeehouse Link.

At last count, Ardy had logged over 4 thousand UFO related paranormal stories from Native Americans. In this interview, the topic was her book, More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tells Their Stories. Amazon.

At the end of our final segment, Ardy mentions the story of "The Watcher". We were out of time. It's a good one. Quick overview from Chapter 14. Page 111.

Jim Gray Dog says the Greys he encountered are not to be trusted. He tells Ardy, "Never go into the desert alone." He adds to that, telling her to also avoid leaving or wandering away from the campsite.

Jim says the Greys take people. His information comes from ongoing observation at a location he monitors. The disturbing piece he includes is that some who are taken don't return. (Note: info might be of interest to David Paulides Missing 411.) He says during a personal encounter as a teenager he witnessed that the Greys have the ability to shapeshift and take any form. He is not a fan.

What makes it hard to dismiss all Greys as dangerous or negative is the fact they have also been credited with healings and, by our standards, miracles. Ardy covers that in Space Age Indians: Their Encounters with the Blue Men, Reptilians, and Other Star People. AmazonHealings are in Section 3. Other Star People. Page 199. 

Space Age Indians - Amazon Reviews - 229 ratings, mostly 5 stars

Sample: "Another great read by Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke. The moment I started reading I knew I wouldn’t be able to put this book down. I love her style of writing its as though I’m there talking with these people. The stories these people tell are amazing and most of the stories are positive, which is unique compared to most Ufo books that focus on fear. I also feel that these books are extremely important as they are telling the story of our history and of visitors that are still here today. I can’t wait for her next book. I really didn’t want this book to end." 

Connect. She requests that you email her if you have a story to share. Ardy
Anonymity is guaranteed. Ardy masks the identify of her sources.


Hey ET! Ya wanna cookie? Oreos for one and all. Link. Check out the cool UFO packaging."Place a cookie in the center of this pack and place it in view of the night sky as a sign of peace (because, you know, us earthlings show peace with food)."


May 19, 2021

Sci-Fi Short Film, Space Colonies, Science, UFOs, Fruit Flies, ET Contact and Walk-ins

“Maybe I'm wrong," Mom said. "Maybe the world really is coming to an end." "Should I try Fox News?" I asked. Mom shuddered. "We're not that desperate," she said.” - Susan Beth Pfeffer, Life As We Knew It, Goodreads

OddsnEnds - 
  • Fascinating conversation via the Space Studies Institute. Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill and Dr. Isaac Asimov discuss Space colonies and how it is more practical, for multiple reasons, to house people on space vessels rather than a planetary surface - such as the moon. Soundcloud.

    Asimov used the term “planetary chauvinism” to refer to the systematic bias of science fiction toward planetary exploration. O'Neill proposed an alternative vision in which human beings would not seek to colonize planets, but instead build their own enclosed cylindrical space habitats. Source.

    "We should ask, critically and with appeal to the numbers, whether the best site for a growing advancing industrial society is Earth, the Moon, Mars, some other planet, or somewhere else entirely. Surprisingly, the answer will be inescapable - the best site is "somewhere else entirely." - Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill

    Long Read on this project. Source. Somewhere Else Entirely by Mike Combs.

    For Space enthusiasts who desire further exploration. "Space Settlement is a unique concept for colonization beyond the Earth." Deep dive recommended. Space Settlement.

  • "Here’s how UFO sightings jumped from the realm of science fiction to the halls of Congress." - NBC.

  • Archived 2008 Interview with The Daily Grail includes discussion about UFOs and ETs.
    Michio Kaku "regarding Active SETI (beaming messages out to space, rather than listening).
    “I think it’s an awful idea to advertise our existence in space, without understanding the
    motives and intentions of possible alien civilizations,” he said, comparing us to the inhabitants
    of the New World encountering “Cortez and his band of cut-throats”. Instead of David vs. Goliath, Professor Kaku suggests it would be more akin to “a fruit fly versus Goliath”. Related site post.

  • Present day Michio Kaku. There are various sources for this clip but I like the way TMZ sums it up. "But, here's the comforting or disappointing part ... depending on your point of view. Kaku says if the Navy pilot's UFO sighting was indeed an alien spacecraft, it means earthlings are totally useless to them." (Still a fruit fly.)

  • UFO Research could give our science a tremendous boost. MIT Researcher Rizwan Virk "argues that the “profound lack of curiosity” in UFOs resulted in a mess of taboos and biases amongst the ranks of academia." The Byte.

  • Echoing that view - regarding the current vibe that we are being threatened by UFOs and need
    to muster our best offense/defense, Contact/UFO Experiencer John Foster offered his perspective, link on the recent UFO buzz: "Some people believe UFOs do not belong in our restricted air space. However, my UFO experiences indicate that at least those entities who I encountered had a hand in our creation…the creation of humankind."

    If you have not read his content - he provides and in-depth view of his lifetime of encounters - many in the presence of witnesses who could see them while others were totally oblivious. What we are dealing with - if his ETs are in charge is quite capable of manipulating our reality and keeping us in the dark until such a date they determine otherwise.

  • Another Echo via Paths to Contact - True Stories from the Contact Underground. Amazon.

    Note the date on their website: 12.12.12. True Stories from the Contact Underground, is a collection of true stories by and about normal people who have had contact with extraterrestrials and how that contact has affected their lives. We hope that by sharing our stories:

    1. Awareness of the non-threatening nature of the extraterrestrial presence will increase.
    2. More people will become motivated to seek contact and the certain knowledge that we are
    not alone.
    3. The culture of ridicule surrounding all things ET will diminish so that others who have had contact experiences will feel free to talk.

    I'll add this Paths to Contact interview to the Wendy's Coffeehouse archives once it is edited to fit the format. For now, it lives in the archives of Conscious Living on Empower Radio - yep, 2012. Link. I honestly don't remember it being that long ago. But the stories are the key. Regarding the view that ETs/UFOs a Threat and we should somehow ramp up to combat them as such? We are not on the same playing field level or even in the same dimension.

  • Why you have dreams. New study. Interesting perspective. "It is the very strangeness of dreams in their divergence from waking experience that gives them their biological function,” he said. “Life is boring sometimes. Dreams are there to keep you from becoming too fitted to the model of the world." Nothing about this explains the precog element. The Debrief.

  • Fantastic images of the Kogi from Julian Lennon. "Lennon hopes that this set of pictures gives people 'a sense that these [tribal] worlds still exist and that the whole world is not, as yet, just one big commercial machine'. Pictured, Kogi elders meet to discuss various topics." Daily Mail

Sci-Fi Short Film. Stevie's Aliens. Science doesn't have all the answers - but Science is where
questions are a good start and experience is a catalyst for better questions.


"Stevie's Aliens" by Austin S. Harris
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Close Encounters of the Playground. "The striking images in UFO Drawings from The National Archives were sourced from these and an older collection of UFO files, some dating back to the Second World War, that have been opened to public inspection under the 30 year rule." Source.

Schoolyard UFO EncountersAmazon. Preston Dennett


From ET Contactees in 2012 to 2021 where my recent interview in Wendy's Coffeehouse archives is about Walk-ins. Shelia Seppi is the author of Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul. Amazon.

Shelia offers her story and that of 15 other walk-ins. Each has a unique experience. Circumstances
vary but there are some aspects that present a common theme. Note the date she highlights on her website: December 2012. And that of the Paths to Contact? Synchronicity.

Completely different perspective than that of Ruth Montgomery and her book on Walk-ins,
Strangers Among Us, in the early 1980s. This is an effort by Walk-ins to support and encourage others who might find themselves in similar unfamiliar circumstances and need confirmation they are not alone. Help is available. Link.


Parting shot 

“Life is extraordinarily rare, extraordinarily precious. Opening the high frontier means making possible and ensuring the survival of the human race.” - Gerard K. O’Neill, The High Frontier Movie. Also at

Big noise echoing across various news and media channels: UFOs are REAL. Welcome one and all - they are real and have been all along. Theirs and more recently, to complicate the issue, ours. All are real. While this is just now gaining official credence in Western society, many Indigenous Peoples/Cultures have long included reference to their presence (among others).

The real story is Agenda. About face on denial and deliberate mainstreaming of the concept of UFO, UAP, ET, Alien, Unknown presence suggests a motive that may or may not be obvious on first glance. 

Watch for it.

In the meantime, yeah! The giggles and nervous throat clearings might stop at the mere mention of UFO. Too early?

Need to report a sighting? MUFON.

May 8, 2021

Sci-Fi Short Film, Paranormal, Unexplained, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Clouds

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." - John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914)

OddsnEnds -   
  • "I bought a paranormal property." Brandon Fugal. Newsweek. People often ask me, "Are you a believer"? My honest answer is, "No. I am an experiencer." #SkinwalkerRanch
  • Pentagon seems ready to legitimize UFOs - and the jokesters are having none of it. Futurism.
  • Picture yourself in a floating magnetic pod? Try it. Reuters. 
  • Novel approach. French Military taps Sci-Fi creatives to prep for future threats. The Debrief.
  • Boom to bust - Pandemic Puppy love was temporary. Shelter returns are increasing. (Dogs and Cats) BBC.
  • Fiona finds joy in a rainy day - catching raindrops in her mouth. Fiona the Hippo lives at the Cincinnati Zoo. BBC.
  • Dowsing. "Bull’s calling, he would learn, was in finding things the old way, with his intuition as a guide and a forked stick as a pointer, like dowsers have for centuries. All his powers would come in time." Outside Online.
  • Tick Gaudreau dowses to find ghosts and clear entities. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview.
  • American Society of Dowsers. More Info.
-  - - 

Sci-Fi Short Film: "A Week With Rebecca" - testing an android companionship model...

"A Week With Rebecca" by Marcus Shenn​
Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:

- - -

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Dena Merriam. Link.
Dena says the memory of her past lives was so vivid she would enter a location and then
realize it was familiar and that would trigger vivid scenery and other images of that past incarnation.

When the Bright Moon Rises: The Awakening of Ancient Memories is Dena's third book about
her past life memories. She writes in novel form about a love story that spans 10,000 years and she includes the between life time encounters with a spirit guide who offers support and coaching in the interim.

Here is my joyful Elephant. 4.29.21 
- - -

The previous interview with Ann Bolinger-McQuade
was about Oracles.

She shares multiple pictures of images in clouds
on her website. I told her the one I chose while
exploring her site looked like an Elephant.

The trigger for reposting the show - although I didn't
know it until I pulled the show from the archives - 
was a unique dream about Elephants.

(Their specific actions indicate a metaphor I am still working with.)

Later in the week, after that interview aired, I was 
looking at the clouds above the house and realized
I was seeing yet another Elephant. 

Grabbed the camera to capture the image as quickly as
I could, before the form dissolved.

I now have my own Elephant cloud photo. [Elephant x3. Spirit Animal Meaning.]

- - -

Paranormal Trivia: Daniel David (DD) Palmer invented the field of chiropractic care. 
He said the idea for chiropractic care came to him from the 'other world' during a séance. -

Mar 31, 2021

DNA Alien/Bigfoot, UFOs, Sci-Fi, Science, Fairies, PSI, and Uri Geller Moon Shots

“The world is one, and the vastness of human experience in many possible fields is one.” - Credo Mutwa

OddnEnds - 
  • Clover the Dog Hero - stops traffic when owner has seizure. CNN.
  • Science curious - Humans could be Venomous? Live Science.
  • Pandemic pastime - UFO sightings - were up in Canada. Source.
  • US sightings also up. State by state breakdown available. Mystery Wire.
  • Uri Geller making waves ... says Mind Power got the ship unstuck in the Suez Canal. JPost.
  • Moon makes a timely cameo. "We were helped hugely by the strength of the tide,” Berdowski said. “You’re dealing with a force that is actually greater than that of the two seagoing tugs.” The Guardian.
  • Official Title: Full Worm Moon - credited for moving the boat. CNN.
  • Everything else that helped unstick the obstacle. Time Magazine.
  • Stockholm Art Walk - Subway Cool.
  • William Shatner celebrates his 90th birthday by preserving his memories in an AI video file that will be made publicly available in May. CBR 
  • "Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) preserves a rich world-wide heritage of paper archives, book libraries, recordings, e-files, objects and other materials related to all kinds of unexplained phenomena." Site.

Alien DNA -

Shout out to George Knapp for the interview with Australian UFO Researcher Bill Chalker. Now reading Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction. Link to the interview and transcript. Book includes powerful observations from Credo Mutwa. B. July 21, 1921, D. March 25, 2020
1. Regarding UFO Research: “Africa has been totally ignored by many arms of research in the western world and people like me can’t correct this great injustice and imbalance. There’s more to learn in Africa than in any other continent on earth.”
2. Regarding ET origin: “Here, we have an interesting phenomenon which I’ve been studying for years, of creatures which walk about with their hands unprotected and their faces unprotected, which means they breathe the same air we breathe, and for some reason are not afraid of the many microbes which could attack them.”
3. Regarding Experiencers: “Humanity is being the lamb of sacrifice to entities they don’t even believe exist… There are gray aliens! Illusions and dreams and hysteria do not leave stigmata upon the bodies of hundreds of men and women in remote parts of the world. No!”
4. Regarding Humanity: “The world is one, and the vastness of human experience in many possible fields is one.”
Source: Returning to Hair of the Alien: DNA and other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction. Bill Chalker's blog: The Oz Files.


Bigfoot DNA -

Continuing to work my way through several other books for upcoming interviews. I am excited about the interview with DVM, Dr. Melba Ketchum. (No book… yet.) Dr. Ketchum says, not only does she have DNA evidence of Bigfoot, but there is more DNA evidence to reveal – in addition to Bigfoot. Veterinary Practice News, 2013.

Details about the other evidence and her work in progress are in the interview. What happens when you have DNA evidence of a thing that isn’t supposed to exist? Frustration is the word that fits best. At this point she has become numb to the onslaught of ridicule. (Google. I am not linking it.) It is what it is. 

However, she has a plan going forward – and when the time is right – she says more will be revealed.
Follow the progress and updates at The Sasquatch Genome Project.

Interviewed on KCMO Talk Radio, April, 4, 8p CST. Link to Wendy’s Coffeehouse archives. Related post on my other blog. Link.


UFO Misc. -

The man who patented the UFO. Youtube. Story: Bloomberg  Alexander Weygers also featured in this article. Atlas Obscura. 

They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers. "Add this sharp, thoughtful book to your collection.” - Popular Mechanics, “The Best Space Books of 2020”Preview on Amazon


Time out for Fairies - 

Richard Sugg is the author of eleven books, including Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires (2015), A Singing Mouse at Buckingham Palace (2017), Fairies: A Dangerous History (2017), and The Real Vampires (2019). Inspired be fairy folklore, Our Week with the Juffle, is a children’s story. Filmed at Conway Hall, London, in 2019.


For more info about the London Fortean Society:​

Encounters with the Good People. Arthur Conan Doyle. (Fairies) Site.


Sci-Fi -

Drama - The Expanse. Started on SyFy. Now on Amazon Prime. 
ComedyResident Alien. Don't have SyFy - Bookmarked this one for DVD. 

Greatest Sci-Fi Movie Quotes - Top 25 of the past 25 years. SyFy

5. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys god. Man creates dinosaurs." / "Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth." - Jurassic Park

19. "To infinity, and beyond!" - Toy Story 


Stay curious!

Mar 26, 2021

Sci-Fi Short Film, Science, Dog with a Unicorn, Sasquatch, Supernatural, Consciousness, Elves, Paranormal, Devils Den, Contactees, etc...

"The universe exists solely of waves of motion. There exists nothing other than vibration." - Walter Russell

  • Rare visible Nova. Gizmodo.
  • Hint of New Physics. - Dr Mitesh Patel, of Imperial College London, told BBC News: "We were actually shaking when we first looked at the results, we were that excited. Our hearts did beat a bit faster.BBC.
  • Life saver - Dog springs into action when owner passes out. People.
  • App identifies Indigenous LandCNN.
  • Real or staged? Frozen in place. September 21, 2019, in Buffalo, New York, USA. Video
  • Fascinating. How trees talk to each other. Suzanne Simard. TED
  • Australia’s Oldest Known Rock Art. 17,300-Year-Old Kangaroo Painting. My Modern Met.
  • Thanks to a kind heart - Dog determined to get his Unicorn - succeeds. Source. After a photo shoot with his Unicorn - they have been adopted. Facebook.


Sci-Fi Short Film - "How Is This The World" - VR    

"How Is This The World" by Sadie Rogers
Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:


Options for exploring beyond the physical - the mindscape.

"I am more than my physical body." - Robert Monroe.          

Example: The Monroe Institute - Exploration 27 

Dr. Franceen King and Dr. Joe Gallenberger discuss the course.


Paranormal/Unexplained Roundup - 
  • David Paulides - Missing 411: Case close to home. Kansas. 1936, Missing child.
  • Steve - How to Hunt: Focus on Sasquatch - Habitat, Encounters, Behavior. This episode mentions activity at Nuclear facilities.
  • Eyes from the Pines - Bigfoot film due out 2021. Site.
  • Worked on a Paranormal Reality Show - "Driving home late that night, I found myself continuously checking my rearview mirror to ensure there was nothing - or no one - in my back seat." HuffPost.
  • Consciousness: "Thus, we begin to see that the real issue between religion (spirit) and science (matter) lies in the data of consciousness studies. It is consciousness that eludes us; it is consciousness that can not be isolated." The Near-Death Experience: An Ancient Truth, A Modern Mystery, Elizabeth W. Fenske, Ph.D., International Association for Near-Death Studies. Continued. Site.
  • Docuseries requires sign up. "Have you ever had a gut feeling to act on something and were glad you did? How do you explain the unexplainable?" Superpower.
  • Hidden wonders - Iceland's Magical World of Elves. BBC.
  • "Melissa Hogenboom and I went Troll Hunting for BBC Earth. This is a small variant of vid here." 2015 Vimeo

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Terry Lovelace. 

New Book from Terry Lovelace - Bombshell reveal: Omitted from the first book - contact since childhood. In addition to opening up about his personal encounters, Terry received hundreds of stories in response to the first book and selected 30 to share. The stories these experiencers relate suggest 'normal' is the flatland of our reality. 

Amazon review [edited] Devils Den: The Reckoning, 5.0 out of 5 stars
"An Amazing New Book by Terry Lovelace, Philip & Ronald Kinsella"

"Once again, Terry Lovelace's new book gives a fresh perspective to his UFO/Alien experiences and which categorically proves that the phenomenon is real. The haunting and most revealing accounts within Terry's latest offering looks closely at the trauma and understanding about alien intervention, along with its long-term psychological effects, past, present and future. A brilliant book and something which is important to the continual study of not only UFOs, but also the rather revealing alien intrusion which continues to this day. It's 5 stars from my twin, Philip Kinsella, and myself."

In the words of Carl Sagan, "Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known."


Mar 18, 2021

Sci-Fi, Space Cookie, 1966 Shawnee, KS UFO, Cool Bees 101, and a Ghostbuster Arsenal

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.” - Stephen Hawking, Goodreads Wonder quotes

 All things Bright and Unconventional
  • Mystery cookie shaped space object. Possible remnant of a Pluto-like world. MysteryWire.
  • NEW find. Pilot Encounters with UAPs/UFOs. NASA. TheDebrief.
  • Another adventure. Expedition Bigfoot cast now includes a Primate Scientist. MysteryWire.
  • Kudos to this Beekeeper for a kinder, gentler approach to swarm management. Washington Post. Connect at TexasBeeworks.
  • Give it up for Spotted Lanternfly Honey. Essence of Smokey. Atlas Obscura.
  • Sci-Fi Treasure trove - More than 1,000 science fiction pulp magazines now accessible and searchable online. Elizabeth Swanstrom, co-editor of the journal Science Fiction Studies and an English scholar at the University of Utah, says the dictionary is “a fantastic resource” not just for fans but for scholars interested in the history of science and technology. Smithsonian. 

Sci-Fi short film. "Ryoko's Qubit Summer" The future of AI. Or is it?


Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:​
"Ryoko's Qubit Summer" by Yuichi Kondo Connect with the Filmmakers:


From Brent Raynes: Alternate Perceptions Archival Newsletter, No. 276, March 2021 -
Up next my co-hosts Barbara Mango, Ph.D., and Lynn Miller, MS., are in the hot seat this time
as they're my guests instead of being co-hosts helping to interview others.
They've produced a wonderful and very significant book, Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences, that just came out on March 1st.

In our book section of this issue you'll find a well done review of Convergence by noted author and researcher Joey Madia. This book covers a full spectrum of anomalistic experiences, be they UFOs, orbs, apparitions, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, past life memories; and they're not shy about sharing their own remarkable experiences with the paranormal, which is all quite fascinating! 

Current issue of Alternate Perceptions at
While you're there, sign up for the Monthly Newsletter Summary.

My interview with Barbara Mango is posted in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. She talks about a UFO sighting in Shawnee, Kansas in 1966. I'll share the copy of the report - an image she found- after a tedious search of the Blue Book files.

Fascinating side note, this item was recently posted on Facebook. Congressional hearing transcript - 1966 (April) on the topic of UFOs. So many questions remain unanswered. 


Stumbled across this article in February, 'A Longtime Ghost Hunter is Selling all his Gear', Vice.

Contemplating now, the arsenal of assorted ghostbusting gizmos and gadgets. Opportunity knocked. Homework in progress. Figuring out what the items do. Aside from that, I want to ask the former owner of this collection about his long ago encounter at Houdini's gravesite. 


Ghostbuster collectible market OMG. (holy moly the price has skyrocketed on this) Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ. Amazon. Also available are Ecto-1 and the Firehouse Lighting Kit.


Animal Communication with Sharon Loy. From the Newsletter: Julie was grieving the loss of her pets.

Sharon says, "On the last day as everyone was preparing to leave, I suggested Julie take my pet rabbit’s photo with her. Bunny was such a wise being, and has helped so many of my students over the years. It was an intuition and I am glad that I listened." That rabbit story is worth tracking down. 

Sharon's Bio. Learn more and schedule a session or a class. Main site.

Doggie Drama Scene - Oscar Division. Twitter.


Paranormal vs. Jokester? I gave Andy a cute little Crystal Ball for his birthday - a battery empowered version of a Magic 8 Ball.

It comes with a list of potential answers. Apparently, ours included at least one wildcard. The response to his first question does not appear on the cheat sheet.

"The line is busy. Try again later."

Humor. The unexpected can be just as fun as the unexplained.

Jan 5, 2021

2021 - Ringing in the New and Pondering the Bold; Quantum Space, Sci-Fi, Miracles and AI

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” - C. S. Lewis

"There is a theory which states that if ever for any reason anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams

There is always the possibility of a miracle. - Mom (One day I will get her to draw a diagram of her non-accident.)

Black Holes, Wormholes and assorted Odds -

"Avarya" - In search of a new habitable planet, the robot overseer finds every single candidate planet unsuitable.

"Avarya" by Gökalp Gönen

Subscribe to Dust. Sci-Fi short films.

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"
  • - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • -  A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • - A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
And those laws - it turns out - may be unworkable. The alternative: 
"Instead of laws to restrict robot behavior, we think robots should be empowered to maximize the possible ways they can act so they can pick the best solution for any given scenario." - Scientific American

Entertainment icebreaker. Boston Dynamics Robots show off their dance moves. Smithsonian.

Nov 29, 2020

Odds n Ends - Sci-Fi Short Film: Bear With Me, Conscious shifting into 2021

"Your consciousness is creating your life experience. Your consciousness is controlling your genes. Genes don't cause a cancer. Genes are correlated with cancer. If your life is not in harmony and you have one of these genes, you can activate a cancer." If you can control stress, you can control your health."
- Bruce Lipton, PhD, Anthony Chene Documentary, 'Who we are'... 

~ ~ ~ 

Funeral for a Cat - "People came in and they wouldn't necessarily be churchgoers, but they'd come in to find the cat -- and I think that they found themselves very welcome. Ending up in a sacred space and spending time with a cat was good for people." CNN

~ ~ ~ 

Pets in the White House - along with the 2 dogs, a cat will be moving in. People.

~ ~ ~ 

Monolith in the Utah desert has vanished. Fun while it lasted. CNN.

~ ~ ~ 

Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is now available on Amazon Prime.
Dr. Steven Greer continues to share his results with CE5 contact. One of the most compelling stories is one of the participants who experienced a healing while at an event. - Cheryl Costa outlines the CE5 process on her former column at Syracuse New Times. [Publication ceased in 2019.]

~ ~ ~ 

'Bear With Me' - A rusty nursing robot must decide between dragging his former patient back to the hospital or letting him catch a glimpse of the horizon in the wilderness.


 'Bear With Me' by Carlos Cortes
Subscribe to the DUST Newsletter.


The time has come to shift gears. Reviving my wordpress blog. No set schedule. I can set a writing agenda but paranormal isn't a pony show. Life has a unique rhythm and timing. Often, the stuff I write about forces me to step back and play with it before giving it definition and words: Conscious Living & Wendy's Coffeehouse.

~ ~ ~

Might have a few more speed bumps working up to 2021. (Astrology suggests eclipses will be a factor. Also the Great Conjunction in Aquarius playing a role. I have a sense there will be a burp around December 12. Usually a good call to pay attention to the stars and planets.) Bustle/Astrology December 2020.

~ ~ ~

John Foster added a footnote to my interview with his daughter Kindra Foster. I've included that information in the show notes. John said a Native American woman told him the tribe had received a message about Kindra on the day before she was born. He asked how that message had been given. She said a voice spoke from a disc or light over the campfire. That interview is posted in the archives


~ ~ ~ 

Wendy's Coffeehouse archives - Updated weekly and/or when there are new shows available. Most have a 40 minute run time. No commercials. Thank you for listening!  

May 30, 2020

Penny Kelly had a prediction for whomever was elected president in 2016... Did she nail it? ET, Consciousness, Kundalini

What about the world of a schizophrenic? Maybe it's as real as our world. Maybe we cannot say that we are in touch with reality and he is not, but should instead say, His reality is so different from ours that he can't explain his to us, and we can't explain ours to him.

The problem, then, is that if subjective worlds are experienced too differently, there occurs a breakdown in communication ... and there is the real illness.” - Philip K. Dick. Choosing favorite PKD stories, The Guardian.
# # #

In 2017 (late 2016 - early 2017), I did two interviews with Penny Kelly and she talked about a big upheaval connected to the president (*whomever was elected in 2016). I think she only offers details on that topic in the Empower Radio interview, linked below.

In the KCMO interview, Penny Kelly shares her extraordinary experience of Kundalini Awakening and an encounter with the "Men in Robes". She relates a fascinating ability of being able to enter into two states of consciousness at the same time. Explore: Volume One of her book on Consciousness

- Helpful information and resources if you are experiencing or have experienced a Kundalini shift/awakening: Link.

When my guides [1998] told me they needed to help me increase my vibration and activate kundalini energy, it included 18 weekly visits with an energy practitioner. My process was nothing like the intensity Penny describes. It was a gentle transition and an interesting assortment of unexplained and synchronistic encounters. I increased my PSI insight and channeled with less discomfort.

I was guided to use Hematite to manage energy headaches. Channeling increased the vibration and gave me a tremendous energy boost during my sessions but the after effect - until I became accustomed to the increase - was usually an intense headache that did not respond to any sort of pill.

My mother gave me a necklace she had for at least twenty years (compatible energy) and I wore that after a channeling session to decompress. I had tried to buy a different necklace - custom made by a Native American energy worker I liked. I was surprised (as was she) when that necklace and a companion bracelet, rather than cooling, felt like it was burning my skin. Our energy was not in sync. That was part of my learning curve.

Back to Penny. An after effect of her Kundalini shift? She knows what you're thinking.

Penny also talked about taking her mother to the "other side" in preparation for her transition in hopes of easing the fear and giving her a preview of life after death. After the experience with her mom, she says she started "ferrying people over to the other side." 1/Penny Kelly/Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives

In the second interview, we talked about how incredibly powerful we are when we focus our thoughts on intentional manifesting. 2/New Consciousness with Penny Kelly: Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio.

Note: At 51:00, Penny mentions an exercise she did that involved looking into the future. That's where she mentions the person - whomever happened to be elected and assumed the role of president in 2017 - "getting run out of Washington on a rail"... Prophecy or metaphor?

Only now, in 2020, with racial tensions escalating amid worldwide pandemic disruption and chaos do current events suggest the potential of prophecy fulfillment.

Cue: 'O Brother, Where Art Thou'/Rotten Tomatoes. Or just sing along. YouTube.


Trivia: George Clooney was practised his singing for weeks...only to be dubbed by country blues singer Dan Tyminski. (No offense George, Dan is fantastic. 2020 music Link.)
# # #

Entertainment notes - Current films on UFO, Contact, Experiencers. Non-Fiction and Fiction.

(Rent) 2020 - Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun. Amazon Link.
- Free preview: Bijou, the Extraterrestrial Visitor. Dr. Steven Greer. Link.
(Rent) 2017 - Unacknowledged. Amazon Link.
(Avail w/Prime) 2016 - Travis - The True Story of Travis Walton. Amazon Link.

Here are some I have seen and recommend:
(Avail w/Prime) Documentary 2017 - E.T. Contact: They Are Here. Amazon Link.
(Avail w/Prime) Drama 2020 - *The Vast of Night. Amazon Link. *Reviewers love it too. Vulture.
- Free YouTube, Contact and CE-5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.) Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Russell Targ on Remote Viewing and the Science of Consciousness. Part 2: Link.
# # #

*Original post on Penny Kelly. Link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - 5/30/20, 8p CST, KCMO 710 AM Talk Radio, Brian Bland - Sasquatch BC

Stay Curious. 
Be well.

Apr 25, 2020

Upgrading the quarantine mental scenery with New Thought, UFOs and Sasquatch ...

Light only seems to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity. - Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, Chapter XII

Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to lock his cosmology in a sepulcher for a thousand years because mankind was not ready for it. Though a century or more ahead of its time, The Universal One, uniting spiritual Cause and scientifically observable Effect in a seamless whole, is now appealing to the many people—scientists and laymen alike—who are examining the nature of science and consciousness.

*ONE tiny clue that UFO 'travel' - has nothing to do with the 'speed of light'.*

OddnEnds - 
  • Take 1: Former monk says Covid-19 is 'warning from nature'. BBC.
  • Take 2: "The only way to avert such a catastrophe and assure ourselves that Earth will not become an avenger planet is to heed Mother Nature’s warning and cease the further desecration of essential ecosystems." Long read. Common Dreams.
  • Walking goldfish and chickens won't get you out of lockdown in Spain. CNN.
  • However, OBE is a 'get-out-of-lockdown-free' card. "Reddit's /R/AstralArmy is a focal point for the psychically curious to embark on out-of-body “missions” to off-limits locations, including military bases, Wuhan, the Pentagon, and supposed hives of paranormal activity like Skinwalker Ranch. Vice.
  • Lessons from a Master. Audiobook on youtube. The Power of Concentration by William Walker Atkinson. William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. Wiki.
    Also, William Walker Atkinson's Thought Vibration, or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. Youtube. As Atkinson states through this book, the Law of Attraction posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the "metaphysical principle of life" is embodied in a "law of attraction". In other words, you get what you think about and your thoughts determine your destiny. Or read at this google link.
  • Mind Body Healing Lessons - Warren Felt Evans: 19th-century mystic, Wounded healer, and seminal theorist-practitioner of mind cure. Read at Researchgate. - In 1869, Warren Felt Evans (1817–1889), former Methodist clergyman, published The Mental Cure in Boston, Massachusetts. Reviews on Goodreads.

# # #

May Interview coming up with Brian Bland about his experiences with Sasquatch. He has several posts on his Youtube channel that include an exchange of small gifts in the form of glyphs.

Additional background. Brian shares some of his pictures here. Blog Link.
Michael Harrell interviews Brian on Youtube. Link.

# # #

Wendy's Coffeehouse -
  • Interview: 4/26/20, Maitreya. Will he step out of the shadows and give the world new hope? Interview reconnecting with Felicity Eliot and Julian Creme. We've spoken before. Previous post.
    Image of Maitreya's hand:Link.
    Julian Crème is his son and Felicity Eliot is Chief Editor of Share International Magazine.
    Background and purpose of the group is covered in The Gathering of the Forces of Light.
    Described as "a book about UFOs, but with a difference. It is written by someone who has worked with them and knows about them from the inside. Benjamin Creme sees the presence of UFOs as planned and of immense value for the people of Earth."
  • Coming in May. Interview with Steve Colbern about Alien Implants. We touched on this with Terry Lovelace. Steve is the partner of the late Dr. Roger Leir, subject of the Documentary, Patient 17. Vice. Has anything changed in the attitude toward those who report abductions and encounters of the hostile kind? Is more research being done? Definite disconnect from the science community on this topic.
  • If you don't believe in Ghosts you won't be afraid to follow The Ghost Club. The oldest organisation in the world associated with psychical research.

Thanks for listening.
Stay curious. 
Be well.

Apr 7, 2020

Life hijacked, Truth, Fiction, Coronavirus, Animals, Paranormal, Odd news, Good news and Tales From the Loop.

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” - Mark Twain, Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World, Goodreads. Other versions of this saying: Quote Investigator

  • Continuing game changers with Covid-19. One way aisles and reduced capacity at the grocery store. Testing now at Kroger and Walmart. CNN.
  • Boomer parents and lockdown rebellion? "At least one survey shows that baby boomers, one of the demographics that is most at risk of COVID-19 (to the degree that the illness has been uncharitably referred to by youngsters as the “boomer remover”)." Rolling Stone.  
  • Troubling development. Anyone with symptoms or positive for Covid-19 urged to minimize contact with animals and family pets. Several tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo expected to recover after they started showing symptoms and one tested positive for coronavirus. CNN.  They had been in contact with an asymptomatic worker who later tested positive.
  • The Office’s John Krasinski's Good News is Solid Gold. The Verge. Enjoy the fun. Subscribe. Slam dunk? Hamilton in Episode 2. 
  • Lady Gaga using her massive reach to unite the planet in acknowledging all affected by Covid-19 - “One World: Together at Home,” will air globally on Saturday, April 18, across various networks and streaming platforms. HuffPost.
  • Tourist attraction went poof. Ecuador waterfall vanished overnight, diverted by a sinkhole. Oddity Central
  • Credit Paul Seaburn on his sleuthing skill. Apparently, a long sought unknown -- origination of the F word in writing -- resolved. Hail Scotland! Source: "...document known as the Bannatyne Manuscript written by Edinburgh merchant George Bannatyne in 1568 while he was in home lock-down during … you guessed it … a plague." Mysterious Universe.
  • David Paulides/Missing 411 would appreciate this case. Tom Dongo writes about his teleportation experience. "It was a short walk of about 15 minutes. It’s impossible to get lost in such a close area. I got the tools and headed back. I was going down a shallow canyon that had about two feet of dry maple leaves on the ground. I glanced down at my boots for a few seconds so as not to trip – and when I looked up again I was not in the same canyon." Alternate Perceptions Magazine. 

Thank you, Ars Technica for flagging the novel and inspired, Tales From the Loop. 
"Residents of a rural town find themselves grappling with strange occurrences thanks to the presence of an underground particle accelerator in the new series Tales from the Loop, inspired by the stunningly surreal neofuturistic art of Swedish artist/designer Simon Stålenhag."

Ars Technica says "The eight-episode series was originally slated for a limited premiere at SXSW last month; the coronavirus pandemic scuttled those plans, along with our collective social lives. But now everyone can watch the series on Amazon Prime."

This is a link to the table top game referenced in the Ars Technica article.
# # #

Shows this week - Conscious Living on Empower Radio - 9 pm central time, include -

April 7 (TUESDAY): Journey Into Prayer - Bill Sweet discusses the ability to engage empowered prayer; the ability to manifest intended results and, in some way, you are already doing it. In 1969 near Chicago, Bruce and John Klingbeil began to explore "the positive, biased, and negative effects of prayer." They founded Spindrift Inc. to support research and education in the fields that studied consciousness, prayer, spirituality, and the placebo effect. The Klingbeils presumed that the purpose behind quality prayer is to nudge disorder toward order.

April 8 (WEDNESDAY): NEW EPISODE - Medical Miracle with Qigong - Kac Young didn't realize what had happened until Doctors started taking images of her heart and were astonished at what they saw. Evidence of extraordinary healing.

April 9 (THURSDAY): Psychic Sasquatch - Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis A common theme between ET, UFO, The Little People and Bigfoot/Sasquatch messages? The call for Humans to expand their spiritual awareness and to connect a few important dots in regard to our consciousness.

April 10 (FRIDAY): Soul Speak: What Is Your Body Telling You - Julia Cannon, Author of Soul Speak (Daughter of Dolores Cannon), works with energy to interpret the issues presented in body language and how each and every physical health message has a purpose calling us to pay attention. Julia hosts the annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Arkansas. Post-phoned this year to July. Link. Past presenter Calvin Parker spoke about his 1973 close encounter in Pascagoula. YouTube. Or you can read: Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story/Amazon Book.
# # #

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -  

April 12, Sunday, 8 pm central time, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM. Cathryn McIntyre. The Thoreau Whisperer. Will we talk about Ghosts? Of course. And ETs and Fairies and dead authors ... because paranormal is part of life.

And right now, more people seem to be paying attention to that part. Speaking from experience, alone time opens doors easy to ignore when overwhelmed by social obligations, work deadlines and other daily life distractions.

Kinda like the two pandas zoo keepers had been unsuccessfully encouraging to make babies for 10 years. Shuttered due to coronavirus - zoo pandas - are enjoying their quiet time. Story in progress. CNN.

Ghosts, ETs, Sasquatch, Fairies and the like also tend to shun crowds. They're more likely to opt for a one on one engagement. The experiencer has a life-shift and determines whether to go public or stay private. And the world can believe it or not.

Stay curious. Be well.