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Jun 5, 2017

JM DeBord, Dream Interpretation Dictionary - contemporary perspective - update w/2nd interview

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” - Edgar Allan Poe

 Wendy's Coffeehouse - 6/4/17, J. M. (Jason) DeBord, Dream Interpretation Dictionary

Odds, ends and otherwise - notes and news -
Indie film with a killer (really) female lead and a funky, twisty, dreamy, Sci-Fi story line: Colossal
"Made on a budget that would just about cover Kong's left bicep..." EmpireOnline

Out now - hasn't made it to the Midwest market just yet. Trailer. Enjoy!

Into the dreamscape. J. M. Debord has carved a solid niche as the Reddit Dream Interpreter. We talk about dreams and his newest book: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary

We had to fill a bit due to a phone snafu at the beginning of the interview and that gave me a chance to reconsider a question or two. So, when I asked the question about the falling dreams, I didn't actually know it led directly into one of Jason's core, life-changing dreams. There are always reasons for redirects.
Dream Interpretation Dictionary

Jason gives a few specifics on how he approaches dreams and the intention of his work. Easy to use and accessible, Jason's dictionary is designed to offer insights that apply to anyone trying to develop a key to decipher the uniquely personal landscape of the dream plane.  

Before we talked Sunday, Jason told me he had listened to some of my Conscious Living interviews and really enjoyed the show with Joe Gallenberger on Liquid Luck/Inner Vegas. (Books)

He said the show resonated because the concept (opening your heart) was familiar and he had already used it with positive results.

Need to remember to have him explain what happened. He isn't the only person I have had feedback from on that show who affirmed the process.

**We reconnected for another interview on Conscious Living (9pm central each night on Empower Radio). Link  We cover what he calls Hub Dreams and other information that demonstrates a contemporary theme.

My blue alien dream would have been a challenge. It actually related to a guest I spoke with later that same day. She told me about her ET experiences and said she was married to a Blue Alien.

This was long before Guardians of the Galaxy. However, when I saw that character, he looked very much like the blue guy in my dream. But no beard, more blue and much friendlier. Gif

Could be a morph between two characters. Better blue here: X-Men Still too much hair. You get the idea. He was a blue alien.

Interested in deciphering your dream code? Find Jason aka/RadOwl interpreting dreams at Reddit
Enter these symbols at Reddit and he gets a direct message: /u/RadOwl  
You can also find him at:

**Next interview with Jason is July 23, 8pm central time on Wendy's Coffeehouse. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7

Plus 7 years of shows in the archives: Conscious Living on Empower Radio

Jun 2, 2017

SciXFriday - Hot and Flashy Headlines: UFOs, Global Warming and Wonder Woman

Chill for the Weekend ... The Color Blue
“I want to believe.”  -  Fox Mulder

Odds, ends and otherwise newsy footnotes -
  • Thank you to Robert Bigelow for his no nonsense view on UFOs and ETs. His story temporarily hijacked the focus from ominous global headlines. CBS/60 Minutes. No doubt the sighting by his Grandparents gave him an early start on bucking the skeptics. Live Science 
  • Famous Believers: Lucky number 13. - Live Science 
  • 13 who have seen a UFO. Includes Astronauts and a News Anchor: UFO Sightings Daily 
  • And another list of 10 from Time 
  • Clock ticking on what is expected to become one of the biggest ever icebergs. Scientists monitoring the crack say it could be days, hours or minutes ... from splitting from the ice shelf in the Antarctic. *Attributed to hotter temps (Global Warming). The Guardian 
  • Current and continuing GW updates. Can you spell Gigaton? The Weather Channel 
  • The 6-year-old who most likely can: Edith Fuller, top speller and "working on a fairy tale book." Inside Edition. And quoted as saying she hopes to invent a new kind of refrigerator. 
  • Spelling Fail: Bad Newspaper
Wonder Woman earns kudos from critics A.O. Scott/NYTimes and audiences alike. I had big hopes for this when I saw the first trailer. Looks like a win/win.

Wonder Woman - Featurette 'Making of'
Subscribe and click the notification bell HERE:
Subscribe to Filmisnow Movie Trailers:

Upcoming guests for Wendy's Coffeehouse - Includes UFO experiencer 6/18  

6/4 - J.M. DeBord - Dream Interpretation Dictionary. Follow on Twitter. Even old school Dream workers will learn a thing or two with this approach. 
6/11 - Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG 
Search our archival collections online:

6/18 - Russell Brinegar - Overlords of the Singularity. NDE and Non-fiction experiences with UFO and Paranormal.

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Did ya miss National/Free Doughnut Day? Thrillist - Oreo celebrating with a new flavor. Jelly Donut. Today -Suggest National Donut Weekend- 

May 29, 2017

Lance Mungia, Third Eye Spies Documentary

"All humans have clairvoyant sensing facilities, and this is the reason they keep emerging in spite of any societal resistance to them." Ingo Swann, Psychic

Wendy's Coffeehouse Lance Mungia interview
/Third Eye Spies Documentary

Odds, ends and otherwise interesting -
  • Synchronicity on this one - CBS interview with Robert Bigelow on his partnership with NASA  aired during the show: "Lara Logan: Do you believe in aliens?Robert Bigelow: I'm absolutely convinced. That's all there is to it."
    Also in the interview, he mentions a UFO sighting witnessed by his grandparents.
  • 40 year anniversary of Star Wars. WGN/VF Cover. Carrie Fisher's character? Vanity Fair 
  • Darth Vader is alive and well and works at a Tennessee Hospital. HuffPost
  • Trendy? Sweet Coffee w/a chunk of Coal - Kopi Joss takes a nice photo. Oddity Central 
  • Review for Pojo's Vampire Repellent Soap: The Curious Fortean 
  • Star of the night: Garlic and Holy Water Vampire Repelling Soap. Order at PojoSoaps 
  • Congrats to Dr. Olivia Doll, on the board of 7 medical journals. Dr. Doll is a canine. Mashable 
  • A heartfelt Elephant greeting that makes everyone want to be part of the herd. Mashable
Lance Mungia - Third Eye Spies Documentary YouTube preview -
(Updated 3/2019 - film is now available)

Catching up with Lance on the progress of the documentary, Third Eye Spies, Vimeo teaser,  he suggests the release date will be in the fall/2017. Now in post production and seeking a distributor.

I think this is terrific subject matter that greatly adds to the dialogue on what we think we know about the potential for PSI and how it may still be in use and advanced beyond the level that this documentary showcases. Website: Third Eye Spies

I spoke with Lance earlier. That interview is here: Conscious Living on Empower Radio.

Also linked later in this post is the *BBC documentary on Uri Geller that includes details on the CIA Psychic Spy program and, as in his case, those involved in the program were restricted on what they could talk about.

So, even when they shared RV and Psychic content that was true, it was often accompanied by snide comments and criticisms from skeptics who refused to credit anything PSI related with merit. The Russians weren't skeptics: Scientific American  Related: Definition of BioPlasma

In reading various materials connected to the PSI talents of Uri and Ingo, ETs are mentioned. Others in the program note Near Death experiences.

More information about RV and Psychic abilities. Suggested reading:

Some materials were published (and would have had to omit or alter significant authentication details) prior to the FOIA release of the documents related to the Psychic Spy program. Lance credits Russell Targ's tenacity and dogged FOIA pursuit in bringing the information to light. Russell Targ's banned Ted Talk

1/Psychic Warrior/David Morehouse - reviews on Good Reads offer mostly positive feedback.
2/Penetration/Ingo Swann, on Kindle - Remote Viewer Courtney Brown gives feedback on the book.
3/Memoirs of Psychic Spy/Joe McMoneagle also 4/Remote Viewing Secrets
4/Interested in learning Remote Viewing? Connect with Paul Smith at RViewer
5/Vindicated in the release of the CIA Psychic Spies documents, Uri Geller. Documentary:
The Secret Life of Uri Geller.

"I do believe in aliens. I do believe in UFOs."  - Uri Geller

You can bet, these guys all know a thing or two we don't, something our mainstream science has continued to sidestep but is showing progress at exploring. Might be wise to skip ahead and study some of the information provided. The truth is out there, hidden in plain view. Previous post on this topic. TalkingtoNightlights

"The more you hide something, the more it shines like a beacon in a psychic's face." - Russell Targ

May 26, 2017

SciXFriday - Strange Thing Sci-Fi Short, UFOs, Haunts, Misc, and Etc.

“I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds. I created the lives and the places they inhabit; I move them here, I put them there. They go as I say, then do as I tell them. I am the word and my name is never spoken, the name which no one knows. I am called Ubik, but that is not my name. I am. I shall always be.” - Philip K. Dick, Ubik 

Odds-n-Ends -
  • Surprising reveal from a witness to the Phoenix Lights UFO. Kurt Russell says he was piloting a plane when he saw an unusual light formation and he reported it to the control tower. Nothing registered on radar, so he dismissed it. Two years later, the dots connected. Calls it his Richard Dreyfuss (Close Encounters) moment. Express 
  • Residual amnesia reported by some Phoenix Lights witnesses? Unexplained. Express 
  • Mountaintop Selfie captures UFO. UFOSightingsHotspot
    Cool thing about this story; when I shared it on Facebook I got a response from a friend who had a similar UFO photobomb experience in Colorado. He shared his pic and the image shows an anomaly in the background.
  • Doll is a terror? A family in Peru says she is possessed. Express 
  • Summer Travel Fun. Roadtrippers suggests a Ghost Tour of Memphis. Some say Elvis never left.
  • Pranksters left a pineapple at a modern art exhibit. Returned to find it displayed in a glass case. Mashable 
  • Situation grave for injured swan. Boy tried mouth to mouth. Swan expected to make full recovery. TheDodo
This Sci-Fi film short was launched on Kickstarter. Strange Thing, an award winner from 2014.

Strange Thing Movie/Facebook
Another project by the same group looks promising. In pre-production now, The Alternate

Official TheCGBros

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule 
- 8pm central time, Sunday night on KCMO Talk Radio

5/28 - Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the upcoming CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies
6/4 - J.M. DeBord - Dream Interpretation Dictionary. Follow on Twitter. Even old school Dream workers will learn a thing or two with this approach. 

6/11 - Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG 
Search our archival collections online:

6/18 - Russell Brinegar - Overlords of the Singularity. NDE and Non-fiction experiences with UFO and Paranormal.
6/25 - Patti Conklin - Medical Intuitive Healer. The word Extraordinary applies. Patti has been compared to John of God.
7/2 - Garnet Schulhauser's Spirit Guide Albert appeared in physical form and took him on an incredible journey.
7/9 - Wendie Colter - Intuitive, Clairvoyant. Writing her first book based on her experiences as a medical intuitive, healer and teacher. Available for readings by appointment. The Practical Path

TBA - Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!