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Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Jul 30, 2019

Cheryl and Orville Murphy, Board Camp Crystal Mine - Crystals and Sasquatch - ongoing Paranormal Unexplained

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein, Goodreads.

OddsnEnds - 

  • 5 months to go. Then the anonymous time-traveler chosen to visit the Andromeda Galaxy will birth her baby from the year 3500.
    Paul Seaburn posted the story with quote: "There are so many holes in this time travel story it makes its own breeze."  Even so, we await the drop. Mysterious Universe.
  • Solar Storm + Black Supermoon = Boffo August kickoff. Super details here. 
  • Home world utopia dimming at a rapid pace. Earth Overshoot Day. HuffPo.
  • Light reading 'Best of':
    Farmer's Almanac  - next to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader - One of several.
  • Bingo! Almost as good as sighting a UFO. ABC/Twitter.

I opened the interview 7/28/19 with an update from Missouri MUFON/Margie Kay about the recent KC UFO sightings only to discover I had one too - the night before we spoke. That content is in this post. (About the darting shadows that can be seen when the UFO footage is examined.)  My case number is 102263. I saw the darting shadow - minus the UFO. That shadow caught me so off guard I didn't think to look for anything else. 

Are you a believer? Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, etc. You don't have to be. However, there are few places to go that are as easily accessible and known for highly interactive encounters with Sasquatch as Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas.

If that isn't your thing, the crystals are spectacular. And, as Orville explains, there is a difference between crystals that are hand dug versus those extracted with heavy equipment. From my own perspective, there is a difference in the energy of the crystal and in the energy of the place. Underlying theme: Respect.

Board Camp Crystal Mine offers a rare opportunity to experience up-close-and-personal an area noted for ongoing Sasquatch activity. This video shows an ongoing oddity - rock movement.

We talked about the Sasquatch interaction and recent activity - upside down picnic tables.

Cheryl provided the upturned picnic table photo with the backstory. She said they went to bed at night and everything was in good order. The next morning the table had been upturned with a crystal placed on each of the legs. Those crystals had dirt on them - indicating they had been dug and not taken from those already cleaned and prepped for sale.

And there's more. Cheryl sent another image taken after we spoke. Somehow, in broad daylight and in the presence of visitors, tables were returned to their usual upright status. And the crystals were re-positioned.

To be continued. The images deserve their own page. Plus I'll share the background information from Cheryl in the next post.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Orville and Cheryl Murphy
Sasquatch Paranormal at Board Camp Crystal Mine

What are Sasquatch and how do they do, what appears like manifesting or moving items out of thin air? That mystery is ongoing. This is a photo sequence taken by Orville in February of 2019. Two images were taken in succession.
Image Credit: Orville Murphy
Board Camp Crystal Mine, Feb 2019

In case this resolution is hard to see. One image shows a dark figure - circled - beside the tree. That figure is not seen in the second image.

If Sasquatch is interdimensional, there are several options that might allow one to step into the present dimension and then step back out.

A few to ponder:
Dimension shift.
Frequency shift.
Coherence with certain individuals.
Alien assist.

The Murphys are presenters at KC Paracon on Friday - August 9, 2019. They'll also have crystals at their booth. Details. Researchers interested in exploring or investigating Board Camp Crystal Mine are welcome. Connect. Read their story in the book: BEAMS.

FYI - Mexico UFO Cruise - features Linda Moulton Howe, Travis Walton, Kathleen Marden, James Gilliland and more. Offering: 1/Tour of UNESCO World Heritage site Las Labradas with 1000 petroglyphs, 'before the ever-encroaching Pacific Ocean reclaims it forever.' 2/Opt to participate in indigenous ceremonies, meditations, and healing rituals. 3/View and swim with dolphins in the wild in Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta. Early booking ended June 1, 2019. Info at Divine Travels.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives 
Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jul 25, 2019

"Woodstock of UFOs", adjacent [not storming] to Area 51 - Arts fest, Aliens welcome ... and etc.

I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth. - Stephen Hawking.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Mystery Metal - TTSA big announcement - they have metamaterials via Linda Moulton Howe [video].  San Diego, CA (July 25, 2019) - To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) has acquired multiple pieces of metamaterials and an archive of initial analysis and research for their controversial ADAM Research Project.ADAM, an acronym for Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials, is an academic research program focused on the exploitation of exotic materials for technological innovation.The ownership of these assets, which were previously retained and studied by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe and are reported to have come from an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin.
  • Horror - Visible Brain changes in Diplomats who experienced Sonic attacks. NBC
  • Borrowed Time - 12 years 18 months to save the planet. BBC
  • Hindsight sucks - Climate change predicted 40 years ago. The Conversation.
  • Curious - The earlier story regarding the local UFO /DARPA balloon sightings. CNN.
  • Unexplained - Turns out it ISN'T the whole story. Margie Kay / MO MUFON told me there is another element. In videos of the orbs, they determined the distance and orbs are closer than the designated flight pattern for the DARPA balloons. [Twitter isn't buying the DARPA thing.] Further inspection of the image reveals darting forms.
  • Coincidentally, the night before I spoke to Margie Kay I saw a darting shadow form - minus the UFO. After speaking with her, I posted that sighting with MUFON. Given there were similar instances, it seemed helpful to include my sighting. I would not have reported it otherwise.
         102263 case report
     edit. - We stepped outside and I looked up at the sky and immediately saw a shadow fly off to the left and out of sight. I quickly asked my husband who was standing beside me if he saw it. As I asked, it flew again. The entity was transparent and appeared to be like a cloud or shadow. 
  • HostileDaily Grail - on what happens when you traipse across forbidden desert terrain adjacent to Area 51: “Gentlemen, you’re going to jail.” Reference: The article is excerpted from Darklore Volume 7, Blair MacKenzie Blake talks about the adventures he and friends (including Tool drummer Danny Carey) have had while visiting the outskirts of the famous military base.
  • Morphed - From Meme to Movement - #StormArea51: "Imagine the Woodstock of UFOs with a Burning Man and Ted Talks feel, with entertainers and an extraordinary lineup of music and speakers and art. It will be a party," Corbell said. "However the difference is that we will all be working towards an achievable and singular goal: to lift the decades-old cone of silence on UFO secrecy." - Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and Meme creator Matty Roberts [Youtube interview] are evolving what started as a joke to a legit event. For real, September 20: SiteMatty says the FB post has reached more than 9 million people.

Slam Dunk - Lil Nas X Celeb storm area 51 mix. Standard

Baby bird superpower - communicate with each other through unhatched eggs. Science Alert.
Outstanding! - World Map on an Egg shell. Daily Grail.
Peace Out - 10 views of Earth from space. Scientific American.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Board Camp Crystal Mine interview with Cheryl and Orville Murphy - airs Sunday, 7/28 at 8p, KCMO Talk Radio 710AM. Presenters at KC Paracon, August 9. They'll have crystals too.

Recent activity: Cheryl sent a pic of their morning surprise - just outside the house and no one heard a thing - upside down picnic table with crystals on each leg and a second photo that Orville took in February - actually two pics. Sasquatch is in the first and gone in the second. I'll share those in the next blog post.

Still time to get in on the UFO HUB Lecture Series, August 3: Link. Featuring Prolific Fortean Author Nick Redfern, ET Experiencer Sherry Wilde and Crypto-Linguist Scott Nelson.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jul 16, 2019

Life's Little Enchantments - Fairies, Intelligent Plants, Ghosts, Telepathic Interrogation, Doomsday Maps, Beanless Coffee, etc...

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." -John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914)

OddnEnds - 
  • Useful. Chiropractic care was inspired by a Ghost. National Post  
  • On the menu"food out of thin air"...  Look for it on the market in 2021. CNN.
  • Brilliant - Neural implant sight restoration for the Blind. Futurism.
  • Paradigm Shift - Thus Spoke the Plant, Monica Gagliano: Scientist making waves with her contention Plants are Intelligent. Forbes. 2013 debate on Intelligent Plants. New Yorker (long read).
  • If global warming kills coffee, beanless Atomo on standby. Oddity Central.
  • Heli' Exorcism - Mass holy water spritz to evict Demons. Independent.
  • Spooky times - Files from the CIA Weird Desk. Source.
  • Remote Viewed - Telepathic Interrogation. Joe McMoneagle is extraordinary. Via Twitter/Mark D Rudningen. As such, ridicule (Men Who Stare at Goats, Wiki lists names.) as subterfuge was effective until CIA records were declassified. Know this game is still in play. Somewhere.    
  • Manta Update - Diver removed hook from the eye of a Manta Ray who asked for help now says she's doing well. Standard.

Documentary - Searching for Fairies includes accounts of meetings and interactions. One family has a legacy - 'The Fiddler who had an encounter with the Fairies.' Neillidh Boyle (Neil) - as told by the granddaughter at 37:46. Kathleen Boyle. (Bio)

More background on Kathleen and her father and their musical background.

More Fairies. From New Zealand, 'Voices from the Forest' - Vimeo Trailer.
Sacred sites Researcher Gary Cook treks into the bush to see if Fairies are physical or from another dimension. Disappointed at the lack of anything special happening during the investigation, a review of the footage reveals otherwise. And THAT is what makes it even more interesting.

I ordered the film direct from Gary, hoping he will continue his research and follow-up with another film. Voices from the ForestAvailable on Gaia.

Supernatural fare - 
  • Good Omens. (Minus Fairies) Binge watching fun - bonus: was special rate/free on Amazon Prime. Angels, Demons, Miracles, Mayhem. Doomsday clock ticking -- countdown to Armageddon -- then someone fumbles.   6 episodes and poof! The End? Are there more to follow up? Apparently, that depends. Radiotimes. A review. Radiotimes.  An alternative: The Book.

Somewhat Armageddon related -

  • Billionaire escape plans and Doomsday Maps. Forbes.

  •   top 5 - above link takes you there
    appx. 40 minutes without commercials

    Penny Kelly, 11-5, 2016 - Kundalini and Men in Robes (ET)
    Nancy Talbott, 1-29, 2017 - Cognitive Dissonance (Crop Circles)
    Annie Kagan, 9-10, 2017 - The Afterlife of Billy Fingers - Billy's hereafter "reality" 
    Eben Alexander, 11-12, 2016 - Proof of Heaven NDE rocked the medical professionals
    Tony Cicoria, 11-19, 2016 - Struck by Lightning, NDE Musical Genius

    Thank you for listening!

    Apr 22, 2019

    Sandy Newbigging, Mind Detox, 5 simple steps to clear chronic conditions at the root. And it works.

    Healing is a matter of time, but it is also a matter of opportunity. - Hippocrates. Mind Detox, Sandy Newbigging.

    OddsnEnds - 
    • Board Camp Crystal Mine paranormal activity continues. Recap. And my previous blog post on the visit to the site. Sasquatch activity there is incredible to see in person. Also unpredictable.  Owners Orville and Cheryl Murphy have launched a GoFundMe drive to establish a Healing center.  UnXplained Tours are ongoing. Details: Site.
    • Yes, they ignore you but they DO hear you. Study on Cats, outs that cat quirk. Business Insider.
    • Cuttlefish have their own language. New Scientist. They also dream. Daily Mail.
    • Squid use color to communicate. Their skin changes. Wired.
    • Aliens and Hopi Time: Understanding Language in the Influence of Human Perception. Daily Grail.
    • Not a ghost - the mystery tool box organizer is a tidy Mouse. Popsugar
    • Glimmer Man: Phantoms and Monsters. Another mention of Glimmer Man. Source.
    • Reminiscent of sighting reports at Skinwalker Ranch, among others. Motherboard/Vice reported on the Skinwalker Documentary. And this one, another invisible unknown.
    • Not glimmer - glitter in this UFO weird and wonderful encounter. The day a stadium full of people witnessed UFOs. Good luck making swamp gas out of that one. BBC.

    Sandy Newbigging was my guest this week. Known for his books on Calming, with this new book, that calming technique is harnessed to remove blocks and core beliefs that impede current progress.

    Name a chronic issue you have struggled with. Anxiety, Eating disorder, Self worth, etc. Take steps now to resolve and clear it. Sandy Newbigging introduces his method in Mind Detox, his 12th book.

    How simple can it be? 5 simple steps. Sandy Bio.

    Beliefs are key influencers. Chapters begin with - the stopper: "I cannot ___." The statement is then examined to determine what might have seeded that belief.

    A very clear illustration is presented with Sandy's Dad - who spent decades believing his biological father didn't love him. Told to 'look everywhere' - by his stepfather on his deathbed - the search turned up a cache of letters, pictures and writings that showed how very much he was loved by his biological father. A huge revelation and complete rewrite of the relationship. (And all of the emotions wrapped up in that misperception.)

    Mind Detox addresses the various 'cannots' in established thinking and
    beliefs that set and reinforce the symptoms/issue,
    Sandy Newbigging
    Preview on Amazon
    then digs to the root to address the real source, the cause.

    Included with Sandy's examples are those from clients who achieved success recovering from various core health ailments. Some were seeded from childhood.

    My favorite experience in speaking with Sandy is when he introduced the GAAWO Technique (Chapter 5, The Safe Place and Chapter 10, The Freedom Formula) is a wonderful tool: Gently Alert, Attention Wide Open. As he demonstrated it during our interview, I felt an immediate shift. Centered in seconds. Under the circumstances (being distracted by show prep), I didn't expect a result or that it would be so fast.

    (Note: Sandy suggests his program can enhance EFT/Tapping.)  

    Check the website and discover more support for calming, buy the book. We don't have time to cover all the information in the interview.

    Even if you don't have a core issue to resolve and your goal is to simply reframe your own beliefs to those that are more productive and empowering, this practice will provide a solid platform from which to build your next life-path success.

    From Yoga Magazine: “Mind Detox includes a simple yet highly effective approach, so that peace, health and happiness are attainable states for us all.”

    If your preference is visuals, follow Sandy on YouTube.

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    Apr 11, 2019

    Monster Hike "Best of" interview with Avrel Seale - and a great week for Science and Sasquatch

    "You can't throw a rock in southern Utah without hitting somebody who's been abducted." - Filmmaker Trent Harris, sponsored a UFO film festival in Bicknell, Utah, Skinwalker Ranch

    Wendy's Coffeehouse - KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM "Best of" Avrel Seale - Monster Hike

    OddsnEnds - Fantastic week for science -
    • NEW species of Human - and they were little people. 3 ft. tall. CNN.
    • First Picture of a Black Hole BBC.
    • Next phase of Black Hole photography. Fine tuning. Space.
    • Sweet Dream Jobs - World travel and Vegan Dining. Link (Bummer - applications closed. Bookmarking Vibrant Vegan Link.
      Still open: UPI Candy Taster Paid Internship. Mars Wrigley Link.
      - Bigfoot Bonanza - 
    • Bigfoot Days in Estes Park. Greeley Tribune.
    • Once again - Sasquatch calling contestants ready to rumble. ESPN.
    • Animated Bigfoot on the Big Screen. Missing Link. Meet Susan. Trailer.
      - from previous post
    • Forrest Fenn's $2M treasure still calls the hopeful. Unfortunately, that call isn't loud enough to disclose the location. According to Big Think, Fenn says at least one person has been within 100 feet of the treasure, out of the several thousands who have searched. The Guardian shadowed treasure hunter, Sacha Johnston. Esquire interviewed Forrest Fenn.

    Monster Hike - Alone, Avrel Seale sets out on a quest to cover a one hundred mile trek through one of America's hottest bigfoot-sighting areas - Sam Houston National Forest in East Texas - in the hope of encountering Bigfoot.

    What if some 'monsters' can choose to remain undiscovered? For instance, Sasquatch.

    "Why, after thousands of encounters with humans, do they still go unacknowledged by science, government, and mainstream society? And what does all of this tell us about the dangers and the rewards of believing in something mysterious?" .… Monster Hike

    My question: How can a non-existent fiction leave footprints?
    Monster Hike on Amazon

    Avrel Seale takes us along on his quest to encounter Bigfoot.
    I am curious and have seen signs of Sasquatch myself that shift the issue from myth to reality. Referring here to Board Camp Crystal Mine. Link is to a previous blog post and interview.

    If you have any interest at all in Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas is worth a visit. 
    The Mena Star
    Arkansas Online Link
    Arkansas Life - Robert Swain

    After doing a thorough job of Sasquatch backstory research, meal prep and camp supply stashing, (Impressive!) Avrel hit the trail.

    Two nights into his story of the trip and the apprehension is there [me, settled in and comfy, reading his story from the safety of my laptop]. Just that initial report made me more than happy that Avrel was doing the leg work. I could understand if he had seriously considered punting the whole thing at that point.

    FYI if you do plan to stake out a remote locale. Peace of mind: Find me Spot

    See that front cover? His photo. 18 inch footprint beside a size 10 and a half shoe. Texas. Right.

    Read the book? Here's a bonus from the blog. Avrel goes back out for another look. In that camp scene again, he notices a few more anomalies. What's with the abandoned tents? No mention of black panthers. Apparently, Texas has those too. Texas Cryptid Hunter

    Consider some 'monsters' have no desire to be found and might even have the ability to erase or block knowledge of their presence and their source. Study their cameo appearances at places like
    Skinwalker Ranch. I interviewed Jocelyn Buckner, a long time tour guide at the Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona, where their resident Bigfoot/Sasquatch is named Big Girl. Link. I have an interview scheduled 6/2/19 with Tom Dongo, Sedona resident and author of Merging Dimensions.

    We love mysteries.

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    Mar 22, 2019

    Sci-Fi Short Film: "Cover Your Eyes" plus this week in Science Cool ... links.

    Always drink upstream from the herd. -  More of that: Cowboy Proverb.

    OddsnEnds - 

    • Science and Sasquatch. Mysteries are worth exploring. Even if you don't find what you are looking for - you might find something worth knowing. Does Science benefit from the search for Sasquatch? Link.
    • Via Robots, Fish and Bees can talk to each other. Geek.
    • Science Wow. Woman who can SMELL Parkinson's. Discover Mag blog
    • Flat Earthers are off to Antarctica .. adventure awaits. Geek. Curious? Join the 2020 Flat Earth Cruise. Details and 2019 Convention info. Link.
    • Raining on the Quantum time reversal parade. TechReview.
    • Ostrich Alert. Plan to hide humanity from #Aliens. (We won't tell them.) DiscoverMag Blog. 
    • Gentle reminder - No smack talk about the Crazy Cats who run this space. Dilbert logic.
    • -- PS pardon me while I vent: Throw this stuff out - the list keeps expanding and pets KEEP getting the shaft. RECALL on yet a NEW list of prescription diet pet food. (Hills)  I have been cautiously monitoring the list and my pets since last fall with the first dry food notices because I had a dog who exhibited symptoms and I caught it. Too few pet parents are getting the message. Toxic levels of vitamin D. Link. -- Thank you. 
    • No surprise here: Koala likes AC. How about exiting the car? Not in any hurry. Source.

    Sci-Fi Short Film. Earth on the brink . Alien invasion. Cover Your Eyes. They come in peace...

    "Cover Your Eyes" by Simon Alveranga
    For more about the film/filmmaker:
    More sci-fi shorts on DUST:

    Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule -

    3/24/19 - Tina Erwin - Ghost Helpers: Teaching the Living to Help the Dead®. Stepping in when the relatives have not moved on and or other entities move in and disturb the peace. Knowing how to clear your own space also helps those around you.

    **Note this Special Offer from Tina and her partner Laura Van Tyne: Over the course of the next 2 weeks, anyone who signs up for The Karmic Path Newsletter, will be entered into a drawing to win a free course, The Empath’s Guide to Slaying Energy Vampires, a $79 value. Listen to Tina at TheKarmicPath and watch live on FB every Thursday at 4 pm PST.

    3/31/19 - Laurie McDonald - Hypnotherapist Empowering Experiencers - Alien Abduction.  Overcoming fear.

    4/7/19 - Prof. Sean Daley - Paranormal Anthropology. College credit. Includes Field trips. Example: The Sallie House. (JCCC).

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay curious.

    Sep 18, 2018

    Jocelyn Buckner, The Bradshaw Ranch. When absence is evidence...

    In league with the Black Swan - the Que Sera approach to Uncertainty: Influence of the unfathomable exists to upend whatever all-knowing account 'prediction' supposes. Endless possibilities arise when one practices creative projectivity.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse 9/16 - Jocelyn Buckner - The Bradshaw Ranch

    Now retired, Intuitive Jocelyn Buckner was a vortex tour guide. She plans to release a couple of e-books on Sedona. One is a general tour guide and the other focuses on a paranormal hot spot: the Bradshaw Ranch.

    Fascinated by the stories comparing Bradshaw Ranch to the Skinwalker Ranch, I wanted to talk with someone who had actually been on site. Jocelyn is very familiar with the ranch and shares what she knows, including her own experiences regarding paranormal, ET, Bigfoot, and UFO stories surrounding the Bradshaw Ranch.

    We were limited on time at KCMO. I also talked about what drew her to Sedona in the first place. Great story involving a ceremony at Giant Rock and a psychic who told her she would relocate to Sedona for a specific purpose.

    For the rest of the story - check out my other weekly podcast. Conscious Living on Empower Radio.

    I've included the picture I took at Sedona in June of 2018. I found this video after our trip. The cool part is the orb activity matches orbs I caught in my digital images that I didn't see at the time.

    “I believe these openings have always been on our plane and they’ve perhaps been the portals to allow others in, but if one were to ask my opinion of my experiences regarding this magical place, I would say that not only are they being allowed in, but they are coming in in great numbers. - Linda Bradshaw, Co-Author with Tom Dongo, Merging Dimensions - Source

    One of the reviews of that book offers a perspective on the validity of the contents and gives me a chance to offer one of my own accounts relating to fear: 2010 or 2011, I journaled an encounter.

    --- My guides had given me a heads up warning that alien (ET, Extradimensional) encounters will challenge and elude us until we are able to control our fear. They said in no uncertain terms: "You need to work on your fear."

    Failing to understand the point, I responded that I had endured some frightening situations unscathed - including paranormal/unexplained and physically life-threatening encounters of the Human kind. I assured the guides fear was not an issue for me. Then came the test.

    Orbs near Sedona, June -2018
    Around 3 am one morning, I felt a presence in the corner of the bedroom. In that half-waking state, I sensed something but saw nothing.

    Then I heard it. A mechanical voice spoke my name. Reaction was immediate and completely involuntary. I froze. Five star alarm!

    Audible to me, the 'voice' didn't wake my husband nor did the pets (1 dog, 2 cats) react. Electronic.  Something about the frequency of that sound (the fracturing of my name made it "Wenny" instead of Wendy) was so completely unnatural and unnerving to me, so foreign that I could not fathom a source.

    As that sound resonated, it triggered a fight-or-flight reflex that included a sharp burst of energy from my toes to my head. Momentarily frozen, while immediately trying to pull back my alarm - I was so frustrated because I KNEW that reflex response had shut down the flow. My insight was essentially blown offline. I then understood what the guides had inferred regarding fear as a stumbling block.

    When the innate, survival response kicked in, I lost the ability to engage with the 'other' who was trying to connect with me. I activated a self-protection, lock down mode.

    For my benefit, that demonstration was intended to highlight the chasm between our species and elements so foreign to our core code that the survival instinct is triggered and we are blocked from the encounter. Hearing the guides chuckling afterward, I asked what was so funny.

    Their matter-of-fact response: "We told you, you need to work on your fear." ---

    Similar to an OBE, one of the experiences Jocelyn shares involves walking into a parallel dimension (my description) where she is able to see others and even 'touch' someone in her group but they cannot see or sense her presence. Only when she retraces her steps does she then become 'visible' again. Among the paranormal anomalies Linda Bradshaw experienced was a sense of being touched by unseen others. A connection?

    2 Synchronicities -
    • 1/On the morning of the interview with Jocelyn, prior to getting out of bed, I felt something push against my head, deliberate touch without form. Wondering at the significance while shifting position to push my head deeper into the pillow (By now, I have had multiple encounters with unseen entities of all sorts.) it wasn't fear that surfaced. It was irritation in thinking I had to get up soon enough. I didn't have time for hide and seek puzzles.
    • 2/Gazing up at the sky overnight, I saw multiple streaks, like meteors. I shifted my point of view and noticed a bright white star. It flashed at me.
    In the conversation with Jocelyn later that following day, I made the connection: Presence. How well I know others among us can be hidden in plain view and seen only by some. (Talking to Nightlights)

    At least, in my case, the close encounters seem to be pre-planned, coordinated with spirit guides and beneficent others. Activities, exercises and encounters are geared toward evolving the collective consciousness, whether we know it or not.

    Each goes at his own pace.

    Related links -
    Absence of Evidence. Editor's Desk, JLGH - Minor Oversight - a lack of (scientific) evidence to demonstrate the benefit of - Flossing.
    Evidence of absence can be important.
    The Black Swan, NYTimes
    Giant Rock integration
    Beyond My Wildest Dreams, Kim Carlsberg
    Tom Dongo's blog

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    Aug 3, 2018

    SciXFriday - 'Blackout', AI fine print. Ascension program reboot, Animals win.

    “Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland,  Goodreads

    OddsnEnds -
    • Light Bulb. A link. Great Pyramid of Giza + Electromagnetic energy.  Independent
    • On the UFO Beat. NY Times
    • Think twice before touching a UFO. Some have had no lasting ill effects. Others were less fortunate. A recent update recounting. Paranoia Magazine
    • Mum's the word. And some simply wish they kept quiet about their encounter. -“If I could change all that I have done in my life, I would change just one thing. And that would be the night we chased that damn thing. That saucer.” Medium
    • UFO picture books.
      1/ A Photographer's Journey through the Heart of UFO Country. Atlas Obscura
      2/ UFO Drawings from the National Archives. Amazon
    Nature Highlights -
    • Crazed Selfie Crowds = Sunflower farm nightmare chaos? NY Times
    • Tragic. It was a good plan, chill from daily drama and count Butterflies. Attenborough. Then came ... the 'misunderstanding'. Result = 9 acres of flattened flowers. Independent. Butterfly Count: 1. Spotted the day after the blunder, "...a good old cabbage white..." Hope for the diehards.
    • Beauty. Owl and Butterfly. Independent
    • Savvy. Hawk on a Sprinkler - Power bath. Facebook
    • Comedy. Orca hijacks Sailboat. w/video. Daily Mail 
    "Blackout"- w/Subtitles. No info on this. 

    And so it goes. AI future is looking bright. Humanity needs a plan B. Clearly, outsmarting them is not in our programming. Extinction imminent. Wear sunblock.

    Alternative endings? Absolutely!
    • Metaphysical Detour: Ascend. How to ascend before the apocalypse? Casey, Carey, Kryon, etc. Lots of can be tedious homework: Ascension  Happy exploring!
    • Enlightenment notwithstanding. Steven Pinker. The Better Angels of Our Nature
    • Don't get weird. PS: Where the H__ is Season Three? People of Earth. Scripted? Just post it.  

    Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

    8/5 - Fantastic Book on Dowsing. Tick Gaudreau, Spirit Rescue: A Dowser's Ghostly Encounters. Intriguing experiences with different types of haunting spirits. Utilizing specialized techniques, he has worked with spirits in a safe, respectful, and loving manner. Gaudreau shares these methods with you to help you identify different types of spiritual beings.

    8/12 - Gary Wimmer, Psychic overwhelm, NDE. What next? Divination via Lithomancy. Your future is in the stones.

    8/19 - The ordinary and the extraordinary. Philip Smith, Walking Through Walls. Philip describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator father, who one day discovers he has the miraculous power to talk to the dead and heal the sick. True story of a miracle worker.

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    Jun 3, 2018

    Nick Redfern, The Black Diary - warning - things might get spooky

    "You can't fool us by agreeing with us." - Roy Neary, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Wiki.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Nick Redfern: The Black Diary

    OddsnEnds -
    • Living in the Quantum soup. Scientific American.
    • People who hear voices might just be gifted with the ability to hear hidden speech. PopSci
    • Blue light linked to Cancers. CNN.
    • Trip Advisor - Rachel, Nevada - Little A'Le'Inn, "ETs and Earthlings always welcome." Website.
    • Crop Circle season is in full bloom. Newest 6/2/2018 Crop Circle Connector.
    • Unexplained: Unknown Entity Report followed by MIB Encounter. Phantoms and Monsters
    • Nick Redfern pops up in this post, as do MIB: Ted Holiday's Final Days. Loch Ness Mystery
    • Random 'Close Encounters Studio' collection on Pinterest. Daddy Spock demands proof.
    • Synchronicity - MissCellania posted How the Government kept Oak Ridge a secret.
      Then she posted her links for the week, bingo! Midnight Radio/Comic Gallery. Radio stations are haunted. The station where I had my first full-time position had bullet holes in the walls. A former DJ who died on the air had a designated line (dead). When/if that line lit up, it would be him (Harry Becker) calling our number. KCKN. Ghosts of radio past.
    An interview with Nick Redfern on how he got involved in researching UFOs and Paranormal Phenomena. This is from 2012. He had just published Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind. In 2018, he can now talk about some of his own first-hand accounts with the paranormal and unexplained.

    The newest book from Nick (June 5, 2018 publication date) is The Black Diary: M.I.B, Women in Black, Black-Eyed Children, and Dangerous Books.

    Highlights include: dozens of never-before-seen stories of encounters with these creatures;
    Nick’s own sighting of an MIB; the ability of these multi-dimensional entities to invade our
    space in hostile fashion; and how and why writing, reading and even thinking about them can be hazardous.

    Amazon link
    Note the warning on the book cover. Read a few more encounters and you realize he is very serious. A near miss by a lightning strike sets the tone. And that story has an interesting connection. We cover that in the interview.

    My own MIB encounter happened in a dream that I took as a warning and a prompt for immediate action. I was given instructions. I remember the details, the scene and why it was important. There was no audible conversation. Our communication was brief and telepathic.

    The part I didn't mention was some of what was going on during my waking hours. We had an unusual amount of pedestrian activity at that time, people we didn't recognize, walking by and lingering in front of the house.

    Often, they would be carrying a cell phone. The other odd piece was an increase in Helicopter traffic. Mostly, at night. There is more to the story. 2009 was an interesting year.

    The Black Diary collection includes an encounter with a skeletal WIB who shows up after a UFO sighting: "The Government is Concerned." There is MIB intimidation in "Don't Say a Word" and in a very interesting and unusual file, a Contactee who (like PK Man Ted Owens), claimed psychic forces (source) gave her information that the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster was intentional - sabotaged.

    Nick Redfern is the author of more than forty books. They include Men in Black; Women in Black; The Roswell UFO Conspiracy; and 365 Days of UFOs. Follow him at:

    Our previous interview covered the world of UFO. 365 Days of UFOs: A Year of Alien Encounters. Bigfoot makes at least one cameo. That show is in the Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Link.

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    May 30, 2018

    Offbeat Summer Paranormal Destinations, UFOs, Ghosts, Levitating Rocks or a Past Life opt out

    Exploration of the cosmos requires more than a curiosity about the anatomy or inner workings of the parts and pieces, or the elements. It requires the ability for abstract thinking in order that we may eventually discover the whole. And that also includes rediscovering the whole we think we already know. - Talking to Nightlights

    OddsnEnds -
    Vacation with a side of Paranormal:
    • Stay in one of the top ten most haunted places on Earth. The Queen Mary, Room B340. Now open for business. LATimes. Apparently, sleep is the anomaly in this room. Good Luck!
      "Stateroom B340 has a large volume of recorded paranormal activity with many stories of haunted encounters noted in the ship’s logs.

      Reports date back to the final ocean voyage in 1967 and include complaints from guests staying in B340 claiming that someone was knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Other complaints include bathroom lights turning on by themselves, the sink faucet turning on and off on its own, and unexplained bathroom doors shutting. Some guests have reported the covers of their bed being pulled off while asleep and waking to see a dark figure standing at the foot of the bed." Book now.
    • Hunt for Bigfoot/Sasquatch with Christopher Noel. Link. July 17-18, Central Vermont.
      Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization posted an 2014 expedition video. RMSO.
      See below for details on the Board Camp Crystal Mine Paranormal tours and for the photo of the log in the tree. Sasquatch activity suspected.
      Do your homework. Every Bigfoot/Sasquatch organization is unique.
    • Camp out with UFOs in Colorado - Colorado Watchtower.
      Testimonial: On Father's Day, I was driving over to the Tower° to open at 10:50 AM and noticed a string of about 20 what I thought were silver milar (Mylar) balloons floating along. Immediately, I thought someone had sent up balloons for Father's Day, until they stopped and started forming different shapes. I ran into the shop to get the binoculars and when I came back out they were gone...they had just vanished!
      Located 2¹/² miles N.of Hooper, CO on HWY 17. Watch for the ALIEN signs! Primitive Camping Available: 719-378-2296

    Boasting many a satisfied viewer - and apparently more UFOs than you can shake a stick at - or tag with a laser light - Sedona UFO and Vortex Tours: 513-680-8810.
    Trip Advisor reviews: Excellent.

    View more options: Sedona UFO Tours and Sightings.

    Must have Gadget to let you know UFOs are near: The UFO Detector: designed to detect magnetic and electromagnetic disturbances. (Or just read the reviews.) Amazon
    • The armchair curious, because AC is a wonderful thing and gas is expensive, can opt for staycation time travel. Let Dr. Brian Weiss connect you with a past life.

      Author of the classic Many Lives, Many Masters, view the presentation link from the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. He'll talk you through a past-life regression session.
      Recommended reading: (Co-Authored with his daughter Amy) Miracles Happen. Site.

    One more Summer vacation option with the potential for paranormal ambiance: Board Camp Crystal Mine. Sign up for an opportunity to encounter the unexplained and take home a crystal souvenir.

    I interviewed Orville and Cheryl Murphy earlier this year and then followed up to tour the site. There are definitely a lot of curious anomalies. Highlights were featured on Expedition Unknown. Watch that episode on Daily Motion.

    In addition to the experiences reported by Orville and Cheryl, numerous visitors have had encounters both visual and physical that defy explanation. Game cam pics of levitating rocks are fascinating but
    but at least one incredible event happened
    Log in tree - overnight - Unexplained.
    Board Camp Crystal Mine
    hours before our arrival.

    A large log managed to find itself in a tree.

    Photo doesn't do it justice. Happened overnight and the log is some 12 feet above the ground, wedged in the tree branches.

    I was originally drawn by reports of light anomalies. They indicate unusual electromagnetic energy and that had my attention. Read the book for details: Beams.

    Given the ongoing activity since the book was published, Cheryl says they could easily add another book. Activity at the (Beams) event site created this magnetized coffee can.

    We'll talk again and include what I experienced during our stay in the next interview. (July) More importantly, the crystals are spectacular. Call for an appointment to join one of their paranormal tours or to dig: 479-243-0771. Site.

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious. 

    May 27, 2018

    Astrologer Maxine Taylor: Smooth sailing through June til retrogrades and eclipses shake things up

    “Each meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant. Usually, when it will have the greatest impact on our lives.” - Nadia Scrieva, Fathoms of Forgiveness, Audio Sample: Drowning Mermaids, SoundCloud.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Maxine Taylor  - Link.

    OddsnEnds -

    Is June the calm before the storm? We do plan to check back with Astrologer Maxine Taylor to find out how the Signs can weather the upcoming Summer storm of Astrological overwhelm. She teases a big shift in direction starting in late June. In this CNN segment, Maxine explains the two Zodiacs. 

    For a more in depth and detailed explanation, read The Tale of Two Zodiacs: Sutra Journal.

    Bio: Astrologer Maxine Taylor (Site) is based in Atlanta. Over forty-five years of experience in spiritual work, Maxine is an internationally-known astrologer, energy healer, spiritual coach, teacher, speaker and author. The bio of credentials includes lots of Call Letters - along with CNN and Larry King and some major newspaper credits (Wall Street Journal) for correct astrological predictions.

    Maxine’s mission in life has been to uncover spiritual truth and apply it to the practical aspects of living. We talk about how she got her start, how times have changed and her focus now. She offers the current/June outlook for each of the signs. 5/21/18

    Maxine provides a weekly Stargazer Report on YouTube - current 5/28/18. She notes the significance of the Full Moon. [Maxine has a special Full Moon Ceremony, 5/29, 7p Eastern time.]
    Her Big Picture perspective is a monthly Trumpology Report for Trump and the US. May 2018.
    For a free copy of your birth chart, connect with Maxine: Site.
    Follow Maxine on YouTube.
    Maxine's has several books. Try her best seller, Move into the Magic: A Guide to Discovering your Life's Mission.

    Synchronicity and Fortune Cookies 

    Exit Kia Soul. Just like the predecessor (Accelerator stuck and rammed into the third floor parking garage support beam. - Thank-you support beam!), the car gave up, requiring immediate financial tap-dancing.

    We were on a trip and traveling in two vehicles when the engine began faltering, with sound effects.  Quick detour to back roads and straight home.

    Enter Dealer summary: Frowny face = New engine + BIG bill.
    Result: New (to us) car = The one used car on the lot with (jaw drop) 86 miles.
    Fortune Cookie: Humor and
    Impeccable timing.

    Now the kicker. After the fact, we read the fortune cookies I had picked up on the way to the dealer - when we were hoping/praying/manifesting/trusting/allowing (yep, every bit of that) for a positive prognosis.

    That deceased car (Soul) was my perfect ride. Color, style, price/used and timing/emergency. No matter that I did not want a different car, there had been an odd sound and an engine light indicator that suggested things might not be well.

    Complicating that engine light reliability is that it also acts up when a ghost hitches a ride. Stayed on for a few weeks after a friend died and turned on the brake lights for extra emphasis.

    She's the one who gave me the lottery ticket result of 'notify kin' as we sat in the lot down the street from her apartment. But I digress.

    The current potential derail would be increased travel, requiring reliable transportation. Bye-bye old Soul. You were the ideal answer when we needed you. (I now talk to my cars.)

    Somewhere, there is a higher source - steering this adventure. Apparently, we will be needing extra cargo space for our new phase. Onward - this amazing journey.

    KCMO Talk Radio 710
    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.

    Mar 26, 2018

    Shirl Knobloch: Intuitive Medium, Animal Communicator, Knitter of Squirrel Blankets

    “How inappropriate to call this planet "Earth," when it is clearly "Ocean.” - Arthur C. Clarke.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Shirl Knobloch

    Oddsnends - 
    • Climate shift is getting serious. One report says Glaciers have melted beyond the point of no return. PhysOrg. Overview, several reports on Ice Melt. National Snow and Ice Data Center
    • Georgia reports a beached Loch Ness Twin. USA Today  Decomposing shark? SavannahNow
    • Kopi Joss = Charcoal Coffee: Gastro Obscura
      (Out of the blue - I am half-way choking during this part of the interview - honestly, like having a hot coal stuck at the back of your throat! I managed to talk through it. Ghost in the studio? Occasionally. When I listen to review the content, I notice Shirl's mic was up... Oh, well. Next time I will take a break!) 
    • Airhead SUP - Thank you for being a friend. (On Twitter.) Yes, we have two inflatable SUPs. Much easier to transport them in a small car.
    • Tiger purr = chuff. Video
    • Brother. The note says it all. Miss Cellenia
    • Mercury Retrograde. And that means what?
      1/Not much according to Mental Floss
      2/Flip side for all who think it makes a difference. Elite Daily
      3/Playing it safe: Astrologer scoop on dos and don'ts during Mercury Retrograde. Astrology Zone
    In the interview with Shirl Knobloch, we mentioned a video that shows an incredible energy session with a Wolf. Posted by Earthfire Institute: Wildlife Sanctuary, the Reiki/energy session transforms Apricot the Wolf. Another powerful video tells the story of Cucumber. -

    For more information, main site: Earthfire Institute/Wildlife Sanctuary

    Author, Medium, Intuitive, Artist, Reiki Master and Blogger, Shirl Knobloch's book
    caught my eye. Or maybe I should say it was the face on the front of her book that got my attention, Yes, I knit blankets for Squirrels/Amazon.

    Shirl lives in a haunted house in Gettysburg and shares some of that local flavor, along with photos and art on her blog.

    Who is the squirrel on the front of the book? Shirl mentions several names but I still have no idea whom to give top billing on this. Definitely, a cool character.

    When it comes to living in a haunted space, Shirl and I have a similar view that ghosts are not always a negative influence nor as easily evicted as some might imply.

    The presence (overlapping dimensions) can be so subtle that some people are unaware until an animal or guest who is sensitive detects it.

    If the disruption is minor, it can be easier to accept the presence, allow a truce and enjoy the occasional interaction. It might even help one expand his own awareness - as has happened for me in several instances.

    The most unnerving was in a house where the previous occupant had committed suicide. Didn't find out about that until after the poltergeist activity began.

    Do make an exception if and when the interaction is negative and or menacing. Something else going on and relocating is a better option. Oh, remember, not everyone will believe your story. Never mind and consider your safety/sanity as the priority.

    Ghosts are notoriously rotten at performing for cameras and crowds. Nothing in it for them after all. Encounters are most likely when the lights are low and the crowds have infused their energy and then departed. (Weston ghosts are good at that. Terry McKenzie has a VERY haunted house.)

    Review my interview with Keith Linder (Demons in Seattle/Recap: The Travel Channel) about his ongoing poltergeist experience. And an update/YouTube.

    Shirl does intuitive readings by email. Find her at Briar Rose Reiki

    Thank you for listening!
    Stay Curious.