Healing is a matter of time, but it is also a matter of opportunity. - Hippocrates. Mind Detox, Sandy Newbigging.
OddsnEnds -
- Board Camp Crystal Mine paranormal activity continues. Recap. And my previous blog post on the visit to the site. Sasquatch activity there is incredible to see in person. Also unpredictable. Owners Orville and Cheryl Murphy have launched a GoFundMe drive to establish a Healing center. UnXplained Tours are ongoing. Details: Site.
- Yes, they ignore you but they DO hear you. Study on Cats, outs that cat quirk. Business Insider.
- Cuttlefish have their own language. New Scientist. They also dream. Daily Mail.
- Squid use color to communicate. Their skin changes. Wired.
- Aliens and Hopi Time: Understanding Language in the Influence of Human Perception. Daily Grail.
- Not a ghost - the mystery tool box organizer is a tidy Mouse. Popsugar.
- Glimmer Man: Phantoms and Monsters. Another mention of Glimmer Man. Source.
- Reminiscent of sighting reports at Skinwalker Ranch, among others. Motherboard/Vice reported on the Skinwalker Documentary. And this one, another invisible unknown.
- Not glimmer - glitter in this UFO weird and wonderful encounter. The day a stadium full of people witnessed UFOs. Good luck making swamp gas out of that one. BBC.
Sandy Newbigging was my guest this week. Known for his books on Calming, with this new book, that calming technique is harnessed to remove blocks and core beliefs that impede current progress.
Name a chronic issue you have struggled with. Anxiety, Eating disorder, Self worth, etc. Take steps now to resolve and clear it. Sandy Newbigging introduces his method in Mind Detox, his 12th book.
How simple can it be? 5 simple steps. Sandy Bio.
Beliefs are key influencers. Chapters begin with - the stopper: "I cannot ___." The statement is then examined to determine what might have seeded that belief.
A very clear illustration is presented with Sandy's Dad - who spent decades believing his biological father didn't love him. Told to 'look everywhere' - by his stepfather on his deathbed - the search turned up a cache of letters, pictures and writings that showed how very much he was loved by his biological father. A huge revelation and complete rewrite of the relationship. (And all of the emotions wrapped up in that misperception.)
Mind Detox addresses the various 'cannots' in established thinking and
beliefs that set and reinforce the symptoms/issue,
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Included with Sandy's examples are those from clients who achieved success recovering from various core health ailments. Some were seeded from childhood.
My favorite experience in speaking with Sandy is when he introduced the GAAWO Technique (Chapter 5, The Safe Place and Chapter 10, The Freedom Formula) is a wonderful tool: Gently Alert, Attention Wide Open. As he demonstrated it during our interview, I felt an immediate shift. Centered in seconds. Under the circumstances (being distracted by show prep), I didn't expect a result or that it would be so fast.
(Note: Sandy suggests his program can enhance EFT/Tapping.)
Check the website and discover more support for calming, buy the book. We don't have time to cover all the information in the interview.
Even if you don't have a core issue to resolve and your goal is to simply reframe your own beliefs to those that are more productive and empowering, this practice will provide a solid platform from which to build your next life-path success.
From Yoga Magazine: “Mind Detox includes a simple yet highly effective approach, so that peace, health and happiness are attainable states for us all.”
If your preference is visuals, follow Sandy on YouTube.
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.
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