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Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Jan 1, 2018

On the road to Disclosure - expect intentional obfuscation ... 2018, the year to celebrate all things curious!

“Do you ever wonder if--well, if there are people living on the third planet?' 'The third planet is incapable of supporting life,' stated the husband patiently. 'Our scientists have said there's far too much oxygen in their atmosphere.” - Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles

OddsnEnds -
  • 2018 has arrived! While we didn't have aliens land on the front lawn of the White House, the next best thing landed in 2017: Viral headlines after New York Times launched the story on the acknowledgment of a secret Pentagon UFO study, CNN. Thus, demonstrating the UFO subject matter can make headlines and nudge the topic into mainstream discourse without triggering mass hysteria. Boom!
  • 5 'good' reasons to believe in UFOs: NatGeo (Disregard wrong spelling on Leslie Kean. Book link for more info UFOs)
  • 1 most important reason to believe in UFOs: You've seen them. UFO Stalker current reports.
  • Indiana UFO encounter near military installation in 1994: Open Minds
  • Evidence for contact exists. Dr. Steven Greer's recent film: Unacknowledged on Vimeo
  • Continuing with Dr. Greer. This is the CE-5 contact info. Close encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence. Explore the page on evidence.
  • Bob Dean and his stories are unforgettable. This interview includes revelation of having been aware of ET contact from childhood and surviving circumstances he believes should have been fatal encounters. Doesn't care for the terms ET, Alien and UFO. Terms he says are much more accurate and appropriate are Interplanetary, Intergalactic, Interstellar and Interdimensional. Bob says disclosure is underway through subliminal education. He refers to the Project Camelot Interviews. Link here. 
Highlighting Wendy's Coffeehouse interview archives, is an ongoing fascination with the UFO, ET, Owl connection. Other animals might also factor in (one example is Deer), but Mike Clelland demonstrates a compelling case for owls. Show 4/2/17 Mike Clelland.

Synchronicities - Mike talks about the crazy stuff that happened for him in 2009. My experiences were also incredibly odd that year. It helped having Andy with me to affirm the events. 1997 was another incredible year. Owls do factor in on more than one occasion but a standout is the time we went to (our only time so far) a UFO Conference in Texas. We saw an incredible large, white owl flying overhead.

For more exploring and wondering visit the blogger friend Mike mentions during the above video.
Called At Spiral's End on Live Journal.

UFO Disclosure related - in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives

Show 6/4/16 - Suzanne and Scott Ramsey - The Aztec UFO Incident - Review: “There is no question that an intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft was recovered by agents of the government of the United States near Aztec, New Mexico, in March 1948, and taken for classified study and evaluation. This is a fascinating and carefully done exposé well worth reading.” - Stanton T. Friedman, author of Flying Saucers and Science

Show 6/11/16 - Thomas J. Carey - Children of Roswell - Lifetime impact of Roswell on families forced to live with the truth while accepting the government's account of the incident, then forced to face years of suppression and fear of reprisal from a government sworn to protect them. - "I never saw my father so scared.": New Page Books Blog

Show 9/24/16 - Ardy Sixkiller Clarke - More Encounters with Star People, Urban American Indians Tell Their Stories. Ardy has spent several years traveling to collect her stories. Recommend the stories from South America as well. One includes a guy who visits a mother ship frequently.

Show 3/26/2016 - Krsanna Duran - Time shifts and Earth changes. Krsanna oversees Ida Kannenberg's material. Kannenberg's contact experiences began in 1940 and eventually explores connection between UFOs and Bigfoot. TimeStar

Never a lack of curious to explore. Have a story? - You are not alone. Share it. 

Lighten up: People of Earth. DVD. A gem. Rotten Tomatoes critic's rating: 92%.  Hollywood Reporter gold star review (Season 2).

Happy New Year! 
Thank you for listening and sharing!

Sep 18, 2017

Phyllis Galde - Fate Magazine - Logging True Stories of the Paranormal since 1948

“There's no such thing as a normal life. Some lives are just more interesting than others, and we shouldn't judge people for being boring." - Evelyn Price, Seanan McGuire, Discount Armageddon 

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Phyllis Galde

OddnEnds -
  • There's a reason you might feel out of sorts and it has something to do with the Sun. CNN
  • One of those unusual stories of the paranormal from days past. Not quite the ending you expect -  House hunting with Mrs. Butler on a site work bookmarking: Esoterex 
  • Best UFO sighting of the week - reported from 2009  Express 
  • Sci-Fi fun - Twitter for Star Trek Discovery - and a SPOILER alert, IO9 
  • Yet another short film teaser (number 2 if you're counting, 1 if you missed it ), running up to Blade Runner 2049. Fast Company 
  • 2012, TVN - Rutger Hauer talks about his iconic role, Roy Batty. "Half of Roy is me." 

Tears in the Rain - Easy to see why this South African Sci-Fi short is an award winner. Wow!

Excellent recreation of the Blade Runner atmosphere.
Website for the Director, Christopher Grant Harvey: Main Page

For curious minds - Since 1948, Fate Magazine has been a staple on the shelves of Paranormal enthusiasts (my Grandmother's shelf included).

Stock up on Back Issues
UFO, ET, Paranormal, Fairies, Nature Spirits, Little People, Cryptid, Angels, Spooky, Strange, Extraordinary, Sasquatch, Ghosts, Animal Spirits and all things unusual and unexplained. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Phyllis Galde

Editor in Chief, Phyllis Galde was no stranger to paranormal phenomena when she acquired the magazine.

She grew up in a haunted house and had many encounters with the unexplained. We talk about that. Some of her stories.

During the relocation the original website crashed.

The Fate Magazine website has been redesigned and the original links for this post no longer exist. The is the general Link

She said it scared her silly when she was 5 years old, of the ghost that visited her in her bedroom. She was so afraid she  ran out and jumped into bed with her parents.

Her Mom understood her interest in the paranormal. Indeed, she was told later that her Grandfather died in the room. They held seances. A few dots began to connect.

Phyllis shares her encounters with Fairies and ETs. I add a few of my own. If you've never read Fate Magazine, sample a few stories and or Subscribe at connect.

We also mention Species Link Journal - I submitted a piece for this recent issue on the topic of 'what extinct animal would you choose to bring back'. My answer addresses that topic but I don't advocate bringing back an extinct animal.

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Jul 17, 2017

Paranormal Author F. P. Dorchak, 7/16/17 - Twilight Zone, Floats, Weird things happen

“There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on.” - Rod Serling

Cool, Misc, and etc. - 

Main Street Galleria - Ice Cream,
Fudge, Candy ... Soda Fountain.
Ghost Tales of Weston - Dinner and Ghost Walking Tour.
Plan now

Andy and I went for a drive Saturday afternoon and stopped in to see Verna at Main Street Galleria, home of the haunted Captain's Desk and great fudge. Yum to go. Chocolate Brownie Fudge. (Yes, you can order online.)

Here's a post from a few years ago (Already!) with a few of the quirky antics from that event. Link.

Some haunted regional (hotel/business) sites keep a low profile (including some in Weston), preferring to avoid the label and/or rely on word-of-mouth. CJonline

Dinner Theater Reservations
Those who are comfortable with public visits may also be open to Q and A but not paranormal groups.

It's a mixed bag. Do your homework and inquire in advance. There are listings for many places and those who invite paranormal groups often advertise their availability.

In Weston, we picked up some fantastic smelling candles from (actively haunted) Weston Bend Candle Company

The owner says they have more stories to add for this tour. 2016 Video interview w/Kathy Quinn of KC's Fox 4
- - - 

Wendy's Coffeehouse 7/16/17 interview - Paranormal Author F. P. (Frank) Dorchak

Frank and I have a few things in common - including being fans of The Twilight Zone (I had to sneak out of bed to watch the show - long story.), a love for writing scary stories as kids and experiencing all manner of strange and unusual things.

He also does the isolation floats so I was looking forward to sharing and comparing our experiences. Float number 8, Frank's Blog. We have had some interesting incidents but he has an even better resource in a float diary he's been keeping. For the whole story, start at the beginning and chart the progress. This is why we float. Frank's other Blog, Float 1 -7.

I think I am at about 8 or 10 and it continues to shift and change each and every time. Great for decompressing and unwinding. Always relaxing, no matter what the encounter. Floating KC offers a special rate for first timers, 30 percent off, if you mention the show or this post. 

Haunts, frights, weird, disturbing, mind-bending, Frank peppers his stories with personal incidents. We talk about a few, including a disappearing grape and the reappearing ring.

That ring story isn't so far out when compared to one I posted about Psychic Spy/Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan who talked with Jeffrey Mishlove about the reaction he got when he perfected his PK talent of putting a rock through a metal plate. Blog Post. Unappreciated to say the least.

Preview of Frank's Book - 'Sleepwalkers' -

Interview highlights include Frank's brother - and the Silver Man sighting and a visitation from dancing Vaudevillians. He includes some of the strange encounters he has experienced in his books as part of the storyline. Which book and what encounter? You'll have to follow-up with Frank. Link.

A collection of short stories is due out this fall, 'Do the Dead Dream?' ... Asking me? Depends on POV and definition of "Dead"... We've got a lot to learn about consciousness, reality, the dream plane and non-corporeal states and abilities. We might be their dream. Imagination is limitless.

Check out some of Frank's stories and his float experiences on his blog: Reality Check

Exciting times we are living.

*Next interview with Frank will give us a chance to share more stories. September 6, 9p central Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio. 

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Jun 23, 2017

SciXFriday: PSI, Winning, Revolutionary Physics and Magical Wishing - Take2

"I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic." -  Harry Houdini

Absolutely No thing here is what it seems. All is designed as a tease to seed growth. Evolve.

Notes - odds, ends and otherwise -  
  • Timing and Mystery - Scene of the accident, play of light explained. Mysterious Universe
  • Play of light at an accident scene that remains a Mystery. HuffPost
  • "Best day ever -- I did it!" - Lottery winner says a Psychic told her she would win. UPI 
  • Jupiter - as a work of art in real time, a planet covered in swirls. Yahoo 
  • Mystery, Miracles, Fatima and the Pope Yahoo 
  • 911 got the call when this determined brownie fan showed up. "She's a little old lady, screaming that a bear got on the back porch and is slamming on her glass door.".. CBSNews 
  • Viral frenzy when the listing on Zillow said: ["Don't bother asking" about the occupant living upstairs.] Twitter fun. Fact checkers sleuthed the back story. House listing was pulled but this news report shows a sign in the yard. WISTV
  • Time out for Brilliant: Roger Penrose - “We need a major revolution in our understanding of the physical world in order to accommodate consciousness.” Nautilus
  • 100 Best Sci Fi Movies of ALL Time. Slide show. Popular Mechanics
Not a Sci-Fi - just a nice warm fuzzy for the weekend ...

Copyright 2016 Echo Wu, Kal Athannassov, John Mcdonald.
Echo Wu:
Kal Athannassov:
John Mcdonald:
SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content!

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archive Interviews -
Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies
Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG
Carl Greer - Shamanism. How he and his wife Pat used crystals to help heal her Cancer. John DeSouza - Two childhood ET/Alien encounters and One standout case in his X-files: the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing and extraordinary PSI. Refresh on that story, The GuardianGary Wimmer - Pedestrian slammed by a car. NDE. Walked away with nothing more than a scratch. And a completely different understanding of reality.

The Energy - Talking to Nightlights
We are never alone.
Absolutely No thing here is what it seems.
All is designed as a tease to seed growth.

Outgrow your knowns.
Upend your answers.

Consciousness thrives in the question.

Curiosity everlasting.


  *Re-post from 5/12/17

 Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

May 26, 2017

SciXFriday - Strange Thing Sci-Fi Short, UFOs, Haunts, Misc, and Etc.

“I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds. I created the lives and the places they inhabit; I move them here, I put them there. They go as I say, then do as I tell them. I am the word and my name is never spoken, the name which no one knows. I am called Ubik, but that is not my name. I am. I shall always be.” - Philip K. Dick, Ubik 

Odds-n-Ends -
  • Surprising reveal from a witness to the Phoenix Lights UFO. Kurt Russell says he was piloting a plane when he saw an unusual light formation and he reported it to the control tower. Nothing registered on radar, so he dismissed it. Two years later, the dots connected. Calls it his Richard Dreyfuss (Close Encounters) moment. Express 
  • Residual amnesia reported by some Phoenix Lights witnesses? Unexplained. Express 
  • Mountaintop Selfie captures UFO. UFOSightingsHotspot
    Cool thing about this story; when I shared it on Facebook I got a response from a friend who had a similar UFO photobomb experience in Colorado. He shared his pic and the image shows an anomaly in the background.
  • Doll is a terror? A family in Peru says she is possessed. Express 
  • Summer Travel Fun. Roadtrippers suggests a Ghost Tour of Memphis. Some say Elvis never left.
  • Pranksters left a pineapple at a modern art exhibit. Returned to find it displayed in a glass case. Mashable 
  • Situation grave for injured swan. Boy tried mouth to mouth. Swan expected to make full recovery. TheDodo
This Sci-Fi film short was launched on Kickstarter. Strange Thing, an award winner from 2014.

Strange Thing Movie/Facebook
Another project by the same group looks promising. In pre-production now, The Alternate

Official TheCGBros

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule 
- 8pm central time, Sunday night on KCMO Talk Radio

5/28 - Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the upcoming CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies
6/4 - J.M. DeBord - Dream Interpretation Dictionary. Follow on Twitter. Even old school Dream workers will learn a thing or two with this approach. 

6/11 - Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG 
Search our archival collections online:

6/18 - Russell Brinegar - Overlords of the Singularity. NDE and Non-fiction experiences with UFO and Paranormal.
6/25 - Patti Conklin - Medical Intuitive Healer. The word Extraordinary applies. Patti has been compared to John of God.
7/2 - Garnet Schulhauser's Spirit Guide Albert appeared in physical form and took him on an incredible journey.
7/9 - Wendie Colter - Intuitive, Clairvoyant. Writing her first book based on her experiences as a medical intuitive, healer and teacher. Available for readings by appointment. The Practical Path

TBA - Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

May 12, 2017

SciXFriday: PSI, Winning, Revolutionary Physics and Magical Wishing

"I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic." - Harry Houdini

Notes - odds, ends and otherwise -  

  • Timing and Mystery - Scene of the accident, play of light explained. Mysterious Universe
  • Play of light at an accident scene that remains a Mystery. HuffPost
  • "Best day ever -- I did it!" - Lottery winner says a Psychic told her she would win. UPI 
  • Jupiter - as a work of art in real time, a planet covered in swirls. Yahoo 
  • Mystery, Miracles, Fatima and the Pope Yahoo 
  • 911 got the call when this determined brownie fan showed up. "She's a little old lady, screaming that a bear got on the back porch and is slamming on her glass door.".. CBSNews 
  • Viral frenzy when the listing on Zillow said: ["Don't bother asking" about the occupant living upstairs.] Twitter fun. Fact checkers sleuthed the back story. House listing was pulled but this news report shows a sign in the yard. WISTV
  • Time out for Brilliant: Roger Penrose - “We need a major revolution in our understanding of the physical world in order to accommodate consciousness.” Nautilus
  • 100 Best Sci Fi Movies of ALL Time. Slide show. Popular Mechanics
Not a Sci-Fi - just a nice warm fuzzy for the weekend ...

Copyright 2016 Echo Wu, Kal Athannassov, John Mcdonald.
Echo Wu:
Kal Athannassov:
John Mcdonald:
SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content!

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interviews - Upcoming -
5/14 - Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
5/21 - Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
5/28 - Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies

6/4 - Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder
6/11 - Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG 

Highlights from previous Interviews - in the podcast archives -

  • Carl Greer - Shamanism. How he and his wife Pat used crystals to help heal her Cancer. 
  • John DeSouza - Two childhood ET/Alien encounters and One standout case in his X-files: the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing and extraordinary PSI. Refresh on that story, The Guardian 
  • Gary Wimmer - Pedestrian slammed by a car. NDE. Walked away with nothing more than a scratch. And a completely different understanding of reality.
 Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

The Energy - Talking to Nightlights
We are never alone.
Absolutely No thing here is what it seems.
All is designed as a tease to seed growth.

Outgrow your knowns.
Upend your answers.

Consciousness thrives in the question.

Curiosity everlasting.


Apr 24, 2017

PMH Atwater - A Manual for Developing Humans

“Science—the science to which I’ve devoted so much of my life—doesn’t contradict what I learned up there. But far, far too many people believe it does, because certain members of the scientific community, who are pledged to the materialist worldview, have insisted again and again that science and spirituality cannot coexist.” - Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife 

4/23/17 - Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast with PMH Atwater

Notes and misc etc - 
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy Rocks - March for Science - WashingtonPost
  • More research affirming Psychedelic Drugs induce higher state of consciousness - IFLScience
  • Mindreading: Facebook's secret tech project in Building 8-
  • ElecStim Brain Boost helps Memory: NYTimes
  • X-files is a go for season 11. RollingStone (What about People of Earth? Twitter)
  • Skydiving Dog Arrow on duty to save wildlife - also a world record holder. Skydiving
  • Grounds for Divorce: Demonic Possessions trending? MysteriousUniverse
  • 1/Live longer: Run  2/Live longer than that: Read  3/Never Mind  
  • OZ he isn't but a bunch of cattle chose this guy to be leader for a day. HuffPoViral
  • Crop Circle season is ON. Boom! TheEventChronicle

Nearly three decades, tucked away in a box, the manuscript for PMH Atwater's newest book: A Manual for Developing Humans was stored, waiting for a shift in consciousness that created greater receptivity to accessing higher conscious awareness and abilities without the trauma of a NDE mind shift. One of three videos available on YouTube regarding PMH and her current work.

With the help of "The Voice Like None Other" in her newest book, PMH addresses consciousness on three levels. She cites methods of improving telepathy, time bending, out of body experiences, intuition, relationships, etc., everything PMH says is considered a basic for being Human.

Some of the fascinating areas of our natural Human abilities are addressed in one of her blog posts. A reader asks about imagination and how to work with the instructions given in the book Future Memory. PMH gives an example of her own process of visualizing and sending herself to another location in order to be present in assisting her daughter through a health challenge and says the new book expands on that topic as well. PMH Atwater's Q & A Blog

PMH says she was instructed to write this book during her third NDE but when she attempted to publish it, she was advised to hold off and told the world wasn't quite ready for the message.

Given the success of her 40 some books on NDEs and her research results from the four thousand or so who have had a NDE and contributed their account, the time has finally come.

- - -

*Note: PMH cites two incredibly creative sources influenced by NDEs during our interview:

1/Robert Van De Castle
- Our Dreaming Mind

2/Marcel Vogel - Legacy of the Crystal Man: NDE at age 6. Told by a voice that he would be a phosphor chemist doing pioneering work in luminescence. And so he did. Source

Also from that site:

"In 1969 Marcel gave a course in creativity for engineers at IBM. It was at this time that he read an article in Argosy magazine entitled “Do Plants Have Emotions?” about the work of polygraph expert Cleve Backster, NYTimes, into the responsiveness of plants to human interaction.

Despite initial rejection of the concept of human-plant communication, he decided to explore these strange claims. Cleve Baxter Video/YouTube

He was able to duplicate the Backster effect of using plants as transducers for bio-energetic fields that the human mind releases, demonstrating that plants respond to thought. He used split leaf philodendrons connected to a Wheatstone Bridge that would compare a known resistance to an unknown resistance.

He learned that when he released his breath slowly there was virtually no response from the plant. When he pulsed his breath through the nostrils, as he held a thought in mind, the plant would respond dramatically. It was also found that these fields, linked to the action of breath and thought, do not have a significant time domain to them.

The responsiveness of the plants to thought was also the same whether eight inches away, eight feet, or eight thousand miles! Based on the results of the experiments the inverse square law does not apply to thought. This was the beginning of Marcel’s transformation from being a purely rational scientist to becoming a spiritual or mystical scientist."

More info:
1/Cleve Backster: Primary Perception: Biocommunication w/Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells.
2/Audio Interview - Cleve Backster with Jeff Rense
3/NDE'er who wrote a review of Cleve's Book, Brian O'Leary: Miracle in the Void

“To experience thinking outside the brain is to enter a world of instantaneous connections that make ordinary thinking (i.e those aspects limited by the physical brain and the speed of light) seem like some hopelessly sleepy and plodding event. Our truest, deepest self is completely free." - Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife   

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives.
Thank you for listening and sharing!

1/Previous interview with PMH - Proof of God in the NDE 3/5/17

2/Previous interview with Eben Alexander - Proof of Heaven in the NDE