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Sep 18, 2017

Phyllis Galde - Fate Magazine - Logging True Stories of the Paranormal since 1948

“There's no such thing as a normal life. Some lives are just more interesting than others, and we shouldn't judge people for being boring." - Evelyn Price, Seanan McGuire, Discount Armageddon 

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Phyllis Galde

OddnEnds -
  • There's a reason you might feel out of sorts and it has something to do with the Sun. CNN
  • One of those unusual stories of the paranormal from days past. Not quite the ending you expect -  House hunting with Mrs. Butler on a site work bookmarking: Esoterex 
  • Best UFO sighting of the week - reported from 2009  Express 
  • Sci-Fi fun - Twitter for Star Trek Discovery - and a SPOILER alert, IO9 
  • Yet another short film teaser (number 2 if you're counting, 1 if you missed it ), running up to Blade Runner 2049. Fast Company 
  • 2012, TVN - Rutger Hauer talks about his iconic role, Roy Batty. "Half of Roy is me." 

Tears in the Rain - Easy to see why this South African Sci-Fi short is an award winner. Wow!

Excellent recreation of the Blade Runner atmosphere.
Website for the Director, Christopher Grant Harvey: Main Page

For curious minds - Since 1948, Fate Magazine has been a staple on the shelves of Paranormal enthusiasts (my Grandmother's shelf included).

Stock up on Back Issues
UFO, ET, Paranormal, Fairies, Nature Spirits, Little People, Cryptid, Angels, Spooky, Strange, Extraordinary, Sasquatch, Ghosts, Animal Spirits and all things unusual and unexplained. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Phyllis Galde

Editor in Chief, Phyllis Galde was no stranger to paranormal phenomena when she acquired the magazine.

She grew up in a haunted house and had many encounters with the unexplained. We talk about that. Some of her stories.

During the relocation the original website crashed.

The Fate Magazine website has been redesigned and the original links for this post no longer exist. The is the general Link

She said it scared her silly when she was 5 years old, of the ghost that visited her in her bedroom. She was so afraid she  ran out and jumped into bed with her parents.

Her Mom understood her interest in the paranormal. Indeed, she was told later that her Grandfather died in the room. They held seances. A few dots began to connect.

Phyllis shares her encounters with Fairies and ETs. I add a few of my own. If you've never read Fate Magazine, sample a few stories and or Subscribe at connect.

We also mention Species Link Journal - I submitted a piece for this recent issue on the topic of 'what extinct animal would you choose to bring back'. My answer addresses that topic but I don't advocate bringing back an extinct animal.

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

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