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Jul 8, 2019

Adnan Ademovic, UFO HUB Founder and the upcoming Lecture Series in August. Metaphysics, Consciousness, Paranormal and UFO

"After my personal experiences as a child and later on more intensive experiences as an adult, I’ve learned that there is so much more to these “UFOs” then we think. We have been in the process of contact and a change in consciousness for quite a while now." - Adnan Ademovic, UFO HUB, Ozark Mountain Publishing

OddsnEnds -
  • Talking with Adnan, I mentioned the 7/2/19 Solar Eclipse. Space. Did you feel an energy surge? FYI energy shifts for those who note them. World Healing Academy Link. Plan ahead with this list of Eclipses Space.
  • Steamboat Geyser charting record level activity in Yellowstone. CNN
  • Aftershocks and nerves on edge in CA. Headline trend: "the Big One"... CNN
  • Contemplating property rights on Moon Real Estate. Slate.
  • Brain on the radar. Reanimating dead (Human) brains. New York Times.
  • Brain to brain interface - telepathy assist. Science Daily. Scientific American.
  • Busy Crop Circle season - July 1, 2019. Link.
  • Thank you to the Florida inmates who spent July 4th calming shelter dogs. Link. Our dogs cower during fireworks events. The 4th was a neighborhood ear blast from 8p - 2a. The most locally active year I can remember.
  • Bilingual, even multilingual pets. Houston Chronicle.
  • Totally awesome Guard Bird with his dog pals barking at the gate. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Adnan Ademovic - UFO HUB Founder.

Here's a smile: Video of the family trek to confirm local UFO HUB Billboard messages were up. That moment when the kiddos decide being seen on your adventure won't ruin their reputation. Note the squee of recognition from the backseat. Link.

I've been following UFO HUB for a few years and am glad to see the archive growing plus the addition of a lecture series. This is my shout out to anyone who also finds this content informative, inspiring and worth sharing.

When 'woo woo' works ... results are hard to knock. In this video presentation at the 2019 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference, UFO HUB Founder Adnan Ademovic shares a few details about his history and background fleeing war-torn Bosnia to Germany and then to the USA.

Familiar and comfortable with OBEs as a child, it was another type of trip that triggered his NDE ... one of those 'school of hard knocks' journeys.


We each find our own method of connecting to a higher source and finding direction on the path. Every story matters. I am happy to see this venue exists and will continue to post links and updates for the events. Even better, I hope to actually attend.

Three speakers are featured in the upcoming August UFO HUB Lecture Series. Although my experience has been a telepathic connection, the topic most intriguing to me is Bigfoot/Sasquatch speech analysis by Scott Nelson - Crypto Linguist, Aug 3, Eureka Springs, AR. For more information on the guests and setting up for the event, here's the video with Adnan and Kristy.

Lecture Series: Link.
UFO HUB Videos on YouTube.

Related content - 

DMT: Not everyone gets Machine Elves. Daily Grail.

SOS. Science could use some help: Moon influence on Human Behavior stories are still referencing (1985 meta-analysis review of 37 studies) data from the 80's as the ultimate word.
Lunacy and the Full Moon, Psychology Today, Live Science.

Personal experience waking up for years - even when the room was completely dark - finally realizing the Full Moon connection. Also has factored into answering phones as a DJ, working retail and traffic reporting. What gives? Full Moon synchronicity with Human behavior exists. Please, more research and less jeer/bias.  

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jul 1, 2019

Gerard Aartsen - George Adamski's message still resonates. Space Brothers are here.

"Was it not the so-called professed authorities in times gone by, as they are today, who criticized and dis­paraged everything proposed for the betterment of man? The kind of proof demanded was premature and could not in wisdom be given. But time and patience finally vindicated those who brought forth the ideas. Humanity is that much better off today because of them - not because of the skeptics!" - George Adamski, Inside the Spaceships, Goodreads.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Warning about Aliens rebuffed, thus the bombCoast to Coast
  • Former Senator Harry Reid: if Russia and China are investigating UFOs then the US should be as well. Link.
  • Dogs in Space - Scientists are floating the idea. Futurism. Famous space dog: Laika and a very sad history lesson. Story.
  • ET Survey - 7/1/19 - your opinion counts. Futurism. Question: If ET/Aliens try to contact us, how should we respond? Survey Link. Follow on Twitter.
  • Alternate Universe Dogs come to Planet Earth, seek to dominate the minions. Comic.
  • Outstanding Japan UFO Story [photos and contact] remains a curious mystery. Link.
  • “I think, in the ocean, I have come across potentially beings from another heavenly body that are more highly advanced than humans.” - Nat Geo Photographer Lu Lamar  has a lot of experience documenting oceanic wildlife. Video at UFOSightingsHotspot.
  • Human Longevity Film Project - Aging well. Factors that influence Health and Wellness. Eco, Lifestyle, Diet, Wealth, Stress. It's all in there.
  • 80 inch symphonic gong. Epic OM. Link
# # #

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview - The Invisible Ocean in the Sea of Consciousness by Gerard Aartsen - includes George Adamski's lost debut. 

Who was George Adamski? He was the first of the 1950's Contactees to say - not only had he met Aliens/ETs - he had been aboard their ships and traveled off planet. Adamski's messages from the Space Brothers challenged Humans to expand their consciousness and upgrade their awareness beyond planet inhabitant to galactic citizen. Adamski Foundation.

Quotes" Innumerable suns exist. Innumerable Earths revolve around these - Living beings inhabit these worlds." - Giordano Bruno, 1548 - 1600, Burnt on the stake for heresy.

Gerard's research focuses on the common theme of evolving consciousness in the messages from contactees. 

Other books on George Adamski:
1/ Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers: "Exploring the facts behind the myths, this book reframes the debate about the reality of the space visitors in view of the unprecedented changes engulfing the world today." Share International Video Interview.

2/ A Herald for the Space Brothers Revised Edition: "...a unique book that reveals the true scope of Adamski's mission in preparation for a complete restructuring of our world and re-frames the discussion about the relevance of his work. It provides the first comprehensive outline of Adamski's teaching, largely based on publications that were never available to the larger public and were never reprinted, and thereby shows that there is nothing 'alien' about the visitors from space. It also features the most complete Adamski bibliography to date."

To become more familiar with the messages from the 1950's Contactees and their significance in present day world affairs, read Gerard's book, Priorities for a Planet in Transition - The Space Brothers' Case for Justice and Freedom: "...this book uncovers the patient and sustained efforts of the space people to interact with people of Earth."

Amazon Review: 2015, S.S. - Space Brothers show us better ways to live: In my opinion, this is a very important book and I hope it’s widely read. Most people who have researched extraterrestrial life know that our Space Brothers’ technology is much more advanced than ours, but this book shows that their social and economic systems are just as advanced. It would behoove us to consider “borrowing” some of their ideas if we expect to create a world that works for everyone.

This is the video Gerard referenced in our interview - Ending the Disclosure Nonsense.

Related Links - 
  • Who were the 1950's Contactees? Link
  • An inside look at the International Space Brothers Community. Link.
  • 'Inside the Space Ships' online: Link.
  • Film: Seeing is Believing. Includes a classic interview segment with long-time night radio host and UFO talker Art Bell at 5:49.
  • Gerard is a long-standing co-worker of Share International, the worldwide network of groups affiliated with British esotericist Benjamin Creme. [Masters of Wisdom] He writes about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Share International MagazineLink.
  • Gerard Aartsen talks with Shirley Maclaine fill-in host Brit Elders. Interview.
  • About the 4 UFOs positioned around the planet: YouTube.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.