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Aug 26, 2017

Reality Chequered - Messages, Mediums and Websurf Divination

“Ours is the first age in which many thousands of the best-trained individual minds have made it a full-time business to get inside the collective public mind.” - Marshall McLuhan, The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man, The Mechanical Bride, Marshall McLuhan Estate

How did I get to the above info? Twitter: I follow Callum Cooper, Telephone Calls from the Dead/Amazon, and did a quick search to follow his latest activities. 

That led to a long read he had bookmarked on StrangeHistory: The Earliest Telephone Call from the Dead. Found more than one item of interest in that piece, including this one: source. Another referenced a book called, The Automaton Ear.

Curious, I searched and came up with this post on books, NYTimes, detailing the fascinating story of Marshall McLuhan and that review opened up several important issues -

Example: In "Understanding Media," McLuhan suggests that electric modes of communication--telegraph, radio, television, movies, telephones, computers--are similarly reshaping civilization in the 20th century. Whereas print-age man saw one thing at a time in consecutive sequence--like a line of type--contemporary man experiences numerous forces of communication simultaneously, often through more than one of his senses.

"All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perception and arbitrary values."  - Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, 1964

Knowing vs. understanding. Def: Philosophy. It would seem there is a huge level of Tech Blindness in our ability to discern knowing and understanding regarding the subtle and pervasive influence of Media beyond use as a sales tool (in all forms). 

- Suggest Social Media Under-the-Influence-Ignorance Danger Zone now sits at a Yellow Tango level. Stepping on toes is part of the scene. Stopping is an option. Music stops. No harm, no foul.

- When and If this engagement morphs to Social Media Under-the-Influence-Ignorance Bull Fight Red level, music is irrelevant. Conditionally enraged Bull's sole purpose is take down. No discussion, no argument. Dancer in fight garb has not been trained as he considered the Bull a source of entertainment until the door opened to the ring.

Odds are, the game is not what it seems. 

McCluhan's bread crumbs? Learn about media in multiple forms and the purpose behind it: to engage energy (to shift behavior/emotion). In his words, "By knowing how technology shapes our environment, we can transcend its absolutely determining power."

The good fortune for HI (Human Intelligence). All things are possible.

Phone calls from the Dead? McCluhan died in 1980 but he foresaw the issues now front and center in our timeline. How interesting the Medium fueled an information redirect via Twitter.

Tangential association: Callum Cooper also authored Conversations with Ghosts, about acclaimed Psychic Alex Tanous.

Shortly after reading that book, I had a visionary encounter. Took me by surprise but I had no doubt about the identity of the person who came walking toward me with a long stride and sense of direct purpose. Dressed in black, he had the distinctive mustache and a very deliberate gaze. It seemed he had something to give me and I automatically held out my hands. He smiled and, making no attempt to speak, handed me two items.

Ever-present, manifesting in each and every thought.   
I don't remember the position at the moment but, in one hand he gave me a wrapped present. White paper with a red bow.

In the other hand he gave me a celery heart with the beginning stalk just starting to bloom. I realized later that was an image I posted as an icon a few years ago and had photographed while trying to start celery from the leftover celery heart.

He turned and went back to a dark colored car that I cannot describe because it happened too fast.

My interpretation. The future is in our hands. What we do with the present is up to us. Manifesting our creation with each and every breath, we are capable of so much more than has yet been acknowledged. Our minds are endowed with extraordinary potential. Ref: Ingo Swann - Super Powers of the Human Biomind

Learning to work with and upgrade conscious knowing and intended thought in the present state is the challenge. To avoid recreating a past, escape the seductive embrace of the nostalgic and envision a solid and fully fleshed out (Utopian) future. Sci-Fi has been enthusiastically seeding this area (toying with dark and light aspects) for decades and the results are evident. Level up! 

Relative Notes: 
Graham Hancock's page - creation theme image echos the celery stalk symbol: Awakening Osiris
Medium - intervening state. Talking to Nightlights
Knowing vs. Understanding - Head full of Math, Genius level: 5 minutes with Richard Feynman
Laughing Squid: How to Solve the Information Paradox in the Event a Black Hole Deletes the Entire Universe. Oh, what a relief!

Aug 25, 2017

SciXFriday, AI and the Odds n Ends that make life Interesting

"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." - Eden Phillpotts, The quote appeared in a 1919 book titled “A Shadow Passes” that contained a collection of vignettes depicting scenes in nature. Quote Investigator

A few short newsy bits ...
Directed by British filmmaker Magali Barbé, the self-funded sci-fi flick makes you think you are watching a commercial and then... Lost in technology? Strange Beasts will make you wonder.

Strange Beasts
from Magali Barbé on Vimeo.

According to the filmmaker, "I just wanted to make a hoax video in a first place: I thought: “Ey, let’s make a fake commercial, about a pretend VR or AR game, and just post it online, and drive people crazy because the game will look so cool...” - Home Page: Maglibarbe

On the flip side - and darker in every aspect. This Sci-Fi Short (Augmented) directed by Ross Peacock. Produced by Ben Mortimer of Black Arrow Pictures explores AI with a dollop of Philip K. Dick. Hints as to why Elon Musk calls AI the, "biggest risk we face as a civilization" - Entrepreneur, and keeps sounding the alarm to hit the 'hold' button on unilateral integration of AI platforms before the situation becomes impossible to reverse. 

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -

8/27 - Rey Hernandez - Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters/FREE at Experiencer.Org. UFO Contactee studies ongoing. Results suggest the phenom is happening on multiple levels of awareness. Consciousness Studies 
9/3 - Dr. Richard House - Voice told him when he was a teenager, he would die at age 33. Subsequent NDE life reorientation induced a profound mystical awakening, Between Now and When
9/10 - Annie Kagan - The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, life after death revelations from a brother who checks back in. Book Promo on YouTube

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Aug 22, 2017

8/20/17, Orbducted in the French Quarter: Alta and Chad Dillard meet the Twilight Zone

And there it was... or was it? 

“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Odd n ends -
  • UK UFO Investigator Philip Mantle (Novel/Once Upon a Missing Time) shares his favorite unsolved cases, also said to be giving his last public appearance. DailyMail
  • Keeping watch on Earth: NASA live feed. Also on Ustream
  • Solar Eclipse maps with humor bookmarked from twitter: "Can someone make a map where I can Drink a Beer, See Sasquatch, and get abducted by a UFO during the Eclipse?" And here they are: CNET
  • How GREAT it was. Here are the Solar Eclipse 2017 epics (epic pics) that show - lots of people - had a wonderful time Sun/Moon Gazing. Cheers to Hiawatha, KS for making this totality line-up! BBC
  • Recycle those glasses for viewers of the next Solar Eclipse in South America and Asia. Astronomers without Borders plans to distribute the glasses to schools. Info
  • Update! Just found out - 8/22/17 - she survived.
    • Our injured Dove is recovering! We picked her up from the street after seeing her dodging traffic and struggling to stay in the median last Tuesday night. I tried at first to set her in the yard but she refused to leave my hand. And, in closer examination, her injuries were more severe and needed medical attention. 
      Kept her warm and calm until we were able to deliver her the next morning.
    • Broken wing.
      Broken wing. Mourning Dove 8/16/17
      Delivered to Operation Wildlife (KS)
      Recovering. 8/22/17 Success!

      Quick shout out to Operation Wildlife, Linwood Kansas - upcoming fundraiser event is posted on their site.

      Caregiver who gave me the good news said they have 20 some doves now and provide services for some 4 thousand animals per year.

      Thank you!

The GREAT Solar Eclipse of 2017
...with ET ambiance. (Andy's pic)

Rescued a relative after car breakdown the night before the eclipse, so we had a later start than planned. Managed to find a spot with great cloud cover. It had looked partly cloudy until 15 minutes prior to the Eclipse.

Andy snapped what he could prior to the big moment. Then, at the very second of totality. [...Dense cloud block...]
*Buckets of rain and flooding followed later in the afternoon and again in the evening.

Hold on. Can you see the alien face in this one?
Just above the right center.
So - we were exactly where we needed to be.
That made it all worthwhile. ;)  

Now playing, the newest Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast/KCMO Talk Radio - Orbducted in the French Quarter: Alta and Chad Dillard

In the beginning, fresh from the encounter with an unexplained and deeply disturbing disruption of the 'known', Alta and Chad Dillard say they simply chose not to talk about it.

Eventually, the cat was out of the bag and they documented their experience in a book. They set a timeline loaded with numerous fantastic encounters in a book, in an effort to put context to content and maybe, just maybe, make sense of the whole thing.

I recognize the pattern. When something happens that blows your definition of reality completely out of the frame, it shatters the known and opens the floodgate on "what if?".

Sharing that upgraded view when the upset is still new and questions about everything are still bombarding your daily existence is not a priority. However, when the atoms settle and the expanded awareness morphs out of discombobulating into fascinating, sharing becomes easier.

Orbducted on Etsy
Given my own experiences and those I have shared with my husband Andy (some events too fantastic to relate in explicit detail because the words don't exist), I believe we can best learn through sharing the information, suspending judgment and exploring the interconnected dots.

Reality is full of parts we have yet to identify and most likely that includes those beyond our ability to notice. 

Orbducted in the French Quarter by Alta and Chad Dillard offers a variety of perplexing parts.

Interconnected? Yet to be determined as the story is ongoing.

As stated in the description of the book, "From aliens to ghosts, to a shape shifter, from meeting people who have been seen, and some unseen, this is a story for the open minded. In 1995 Chad & Alta experienced their first UFO, a massive sight in Hammond, Louisiana."  

Doors to the unknown are cast open wide. With this type of encounter/engagement/experience, our standard method of determining substantiating proof is often impossible due to the lack of adequate quantification tools, replicability and/or corroborating witnesses. However, those who have experienced similar events - recognize the hallmarks in the details.

When it comes to PSI, experience trumps knowing. Believe it and not. These experiences require a willingness to explore and embrace the unknown long enough to gain the familiarity needed to map it.

In our interview Chad talks about being shown a very unusual scene by ETs. He thought it seemed important and wondered about the purpose in showing him. He was told he would know in time. Apparently, the time has yet to arrive.  

Answers are unavailable until we truly understand the totality of the environment we are playing in and have some way of recognizing the various unseen elements contributing to the encounter. Evolution in progress. It's all relative. Dive in and know more.

Alta and Chad on Facebook: Orbducted 

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 
Stay Curious!