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Jun 30, 2017

SciXFriday - Paranormal, Unexplained and when to call an Exorcist

"Unknown, unexplained and unproven can still make a dent in our reality." - Talking to Nightlights II 

Filed under Believe it or Not -

  • 2016 - Poltergeist in Scotland. Police called to the scene referred the case to the Catholic Church. Enough said. Telegraph 
  • Spain: In February (2017), an Exorcist was called in when a city worker got spooked by an experience he couldn't explain. Daily Mail.  The town mayor remained unconvinced. "He added: 'I am a skeptic. It's not true that it is inexplicably cold. It is a collective psychosis.'
  • June 2017, Police were called to get rid of a Ghost in Eastern Thailand: BBC 
  • Exorcisms trending? "In the US, over the past 10 years, the number of official priest exorcists has more than quadrupled from 12 to 50". Telegraph 
  • Situations or circumstances requiring an Exorcist:  NYTimes Blog. More indicators an Exorcist is needed. Daily Mail 
  • 2017, Fallout from Exorcism frenzy: Mental Health Issues. NYPost 
  • Simon Cowell says he called an Exorcist to help him. Mirror 
  • Day in the life of a modern day Exorcist in the United States: Vice/YouTube 
  • The Rite by Author Matt Baglio is about Father Gary, another Modern Day Exorcist: Time 
  • Father Gary Thomas on the Demons he has encountered and the Premiere of The Rite (Trailer) with Anthony Hopkins. Express. Interview with Father Gary: 
  • When Dad is an Exorcist: PS Mag 
  • The long deceased Saint who still conducts Exorcisms. Father Matteo. Trailer YouTube 
  • FYI - International Association of Exorcists 
  • Back to basics: Exorcism - "This is an example of an essential misunderstanding of how to battle a demon. We aren’t fighting flesh and blood, so attacking the person’s body doesn’t make any sense. It is a spiritual battle. It is about the power of Jesus and the power of demonic forces." Pope Francis has no hesitation suggesting alternatives to act against the dark forces some refuse to acknowledge. - The Guardian 

And then there was - light .... SciFi Short - Changing Batteries. Student Film with a very big heart.

Facebook: Changing Batteries
Viddsee: About Changing Batteries

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -
7/2  - Garnet Schulhauser updates us on the continuing adventure with Spirit Guide Albert. Now on Book 4: Dance of Eternal Rapture.
*Here's my most recent interview with Garnet/Conscious Living re the upcoming book. Link

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives available 24/7 -

  1. A plethora of Paranormal Unexplained. Bill Hall and the Haunted House Diaries. Who was Ashwar? Demon, Little Girl, Ghost. Really? Not what had been indicated. 
  2. On the bright side: Michael Grosso and The Levitating Saint
  3. I do believe in Ghosts: Psychic Medium Irma Slage. Evict or Host?
  4. No Explanation for why the sound went wonky on this interview. The topic maybe. Or the excess spirit baggage attached to one of the guests. Haunting of Asylum 49 
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives - Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Jun 25, 2017

6/25/17 - Patti Conklin in living color, an extraordinary Healer

The dead do haunt the living.They wink in and out of phase in our physical world, giving rise to affirming seers and denying doubters. To know and know not. The question, "What reality is death?" - Talking to Nightlights

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Patti Conklin - Vibrational Healer

Odds, ends and misc. 

  • DailyMail, Finally, Ministry of Defense releases the "X-Files" - 15 files (3 still remain) that cover 50 years of UFO related cases, including the Rendlesham Forest Incident. Digital access not available. You have to see them in person. Plan your trip Here. 
  • Details on what has been released via Q&A with Nick Pope: "I hope people have as much fun reading these real-life X-Files as I had working on them. These documents don't resolve the UFO mystery but they certainly show how the phenomenon was just as intriguing to the government as it is to the public." 
  • How to sell a haunted house: HGTV
  • Buy a haunted house? The Line Up - several from 5/2016 and some are still listed.
  • Viral gold nugget of the week: Anonymous says NASA is planning to announce contact with Alien Life. DailyMail - Nick Pope isn't buying it via Twitter
  • Stephen Hawking is suggesting a different mode of travel to get earthlings off the planet: Light. Raw Story
  • Quantum monkey-wrench. Revisiting the old Origin of the Universe math. “We tried to do the calculation more rigorously and obtained this different solution,” Job Feldbrugge, a resident PhD student at the Perimeter Institute, told Gizmodo. "This theory we use sheds some new light on this existing idea and shows that it might not work the way [we] expected it to work.”
  • 9/24/17 - CBS and the Star Trek next installment: Discovery 
  • Animals don't get lost science challenge. Still trying to figure out why  NewYorker 
  • Giant Squid hijacks paddle board. Digg 
  • ET Chuckle - Distracted Aliens/Facebook Cartoon "off the mark comic 

New health and healing practices are challenging old belief systems. Often referred to as a Medical Intuitive, Patti Conklin prefers her ability to be classified as a Vibrational Manipulator. Here is an introduction. She knew her role in life at age 7 - after a visit from God.

More information from Patti in this video, explaining her unusual vision ability and how she sees energy form in the body. YouTube

Is she Psychic? No. However, her abilities and IQ register at a Genius level. Amazing/YouTube 

I interviewed Patti a few years ago for her book God Within: The Day God's Train Stopped.

Read an excerpt at Wisdom Magazine. On death and dying. That book describes also, her belief regarding vibrational healing and how our choice of words can impact the physical body in such a way that will produce healing and or harmful long-term effects in our energy field. It's the frequency that connects all and one. (Wiki/Panpsychism: Consciousness is present in all things)

Energy flows. Finding a way to channel that energy and direct it to work in our best interest. That's the challenge. When intentioned and incorporated for use as a facilitating tool, your words can harness that energy to engage a complimentary frequency, empowering healing. Patti's unique sight sees the energy behind those words.

Patti Conklin interview/Empower Radio. Our most recent interview: Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives.

From Patti's Blog: Becoming Unconditional. Regarding the ability to be at peace. "No matter what you believe, as long as you believe it to the tips of your toes you will be at peace."  Link.

In the interviews - both shows, Empower and KCMO, we address the unique symbol that has to do with luggage or travel. What it means when Patti sees a person with a suitcase alongside them. Check out time.

Additional News and UPdates 

  • New LIFE Explained Vlog from Hans Wilhelm. "Have you ever wondered if our fate is written in the stars? What is the ancient connection between our life on Earth and the cosmos? YouTube/LIFEExplained
*Our interview is in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives: Hans Wilhelm and LIFE Explained 
Note the issue of Karma in that vlog. I recently interviewed Russell Brinegar who says that was an option in his return. Interview.

*One well known Scientist who reported multiple NDEs and interactions with Guardian Angels said he was given a choice to go or stay and repair his Karma and Karma others had taken on because of him. Consciousness explorer John Lilly left a legacy of extraordinary insight into the workings of the mind. Interview:Mavericks of the Mind. Intro Book: John Lilly, So Far.  Known for his groundbreaking research on Dolphins, Isolation Tanks and Mind Programming. Resource for more information on Lilly and others like him.

Current Dolphin research: m2c2Blog 
About a current 6/25/17 study that incorporates an 8ft. underwater touch screen: UPI 
Echo Location interaction: BBC

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Jun 23, 2017

SciXFriday: PSI, Winning, Revolutionary Physics and Magical Wishing - Take2

"I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic." -  Harry Houdini

Absolutely No thing here is what it seems. All is designed as a tease to seed growth. Evolve.

Notes - odds, ends and otherwise -  
  • Timing and Mystery - Scene of the accident, play of light explained. Mysterious Universe
  • Play of light at an accident scene that remains a Mystery. HuffPost
  • "Best day ever -- I did it!" - Lottery winner says a Psychic told her she would win. UPI 
  • Jupiter - as a work of art in real time, a planet covered in swirls. Yahoo 
  • Mystery, Miracles, Fatima and the Pope Yahoo 
  • 911 got the call when this determined brownie fan showed up. "She's a little old lady, screaming that a bear got on the back porch and is slamming on her glass door.".. CBSNews 
  • Viral frenzy when the listing on Zillow said: ["Don't bother asking" about the occupant living upstairs.] Twitter fun. Fact checkers sleuthed the back story. House listing was pulled but this news report shows a sign in the yard. WISTV
  • Time out for Brilliant: Roger Penrose - “We need a major revolution in our understanding of the physical world in order to accommodate consciousness.” Nautilus
  • 100 Best Sci Fi Movies of ALL Time. Slide show. Popular Mechanics
Not a Sci-Fi - just a nice warm fuzzy for the weekend ...

Copyright 2016 Echo Wu, Kal Athannassov, John Mcdonald.
Echo Wu:
Kal Athannassov:
John Mcdonald:
SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content!

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archive Interviews -
Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies
Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG
Carl Greer - Shamanism. How he and his wife Pat used crystals to help heal her Cancer. John DeSouza - Two childhood ET/Alien encounters and One standout case in his X-files: the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing and extraordinary PSI. Refresh on that story, The GuardianGary Wimmer - Pedestrian slammed by a car. NDE. Walked away with nothing more than a scratch. And a completely different understanding of reality.

The Energy - Talking to Nightlights
We are never alone.
Absolutely No thing here is what it seems.
All is designed as a tease to seed growth.

Outgrow your knowns.
Upend your answers.

Consciousness thrives in the question.

Curiosity everlasting.


  *Re-post from 5/12/17

 Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!