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Jun 23, 2017

SciXFriday: PSI, Winning, Revolutionary Physics and Magical Wishing - Take2

"I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic." -  Harry Houdini

Absolutely No thing here is what it seems. All is designed as a tease to seed growth. Evolve.

Notes - odds, ends and otherwise -  
  • Timing and Mystery - Scene of the accident, play of light explained. Mysterious Universe
  • Play of light at an accident scene that remains a Mystery. HuffPost
  • "Best day ever -- I did it!" - Lottery winner says a Psychic told her she would win. UPI 
  • Jupiter - as a work of art in real time, a planet covered in swirls. Yahoo 
  • Mystery, Miracles, Fatima and the Pope Yahoo 
  • 911 got the call when this determined brownie fan showed up. "She's a little old lady, screaming that a bear got on the back porch and is slamming on her glass door.".. CBSNews 
  • Viral frenzy when the listing on Zillow said: ["Don't bother asking" about the occupant living upstairs.] Twitter fun. Fact checkers sleuthed the back story. House listing was pulled but this news report shows a sign in the yard. WISTV
  • Time out for Brilliant: Roger Penrose - “We need a major revolution in our understanding of the physical world in order to accommodate consciousness.” Nautilus
  • 100 Best Sci Fi Movies of ALL Time. Slide show. Popular Mechanics
Not a Sci-Fi - just a nice warm fuzzy for the weekend ...

Copyright 2016 Echo Wu, Kal Athannassov, John Mcdonald.
Echo Wu:
Kal Athannassov:
John Mcdonald:
SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content!

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archive Interviews -
Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies
Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG
Carl Greer - Shamanism. How he and his wife Pat used crystals to help heal her Cancer. John DeSouza - Two childhood ET/Alien encounters and One standout case in his X-files: the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing and extraordinary PSI. Refresh on that story, The GuardianGary Wimmer - Pedestrian slammed by a car. NDE. Walked away with nothing more than a scratch. And a completely different understanding of reality.

The Energy - Talking to Nightlights
We are never alone.
Absolutely No thing here is what it seems.
All is designed as a tease to seed growth.

Outgrow your knowns.
Upend your answers.

Consciousness thrives in the question.

Curiosity everlasting.


  *Re-post from 5/12/17

 Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Jun 21, 2017

Death is not final - a few words - and a glimpse into my reality

"Of course you don't die. Nobody dies. Death doesn't exist. You only reach a new level of vision, a new realm of consciousness, a new unknown world." - Henry Miller

June 10 - Curtain still down. Belongings still present in the apartment. Dumpster in the parking lot. No answer at the door. I heard her voice as we drove away. She said, "You came? Thank you."

One of my long-term broadcasting friends died recently. My frustration came in the fact that she had connected but omitted the fact she had ovarian cancer, instead, she declared it in a post I missed on Facebook. And that was her last post.

To be fair, she also left all of her long-term friends out of the loop, including my brother who had been her hairdresser for years. In comparing notes, we discovered she connected with both of us at the same time, just prior to her last post. She had apparently been tying up loose ends and checking out. The post was the final disconnect.

Janet knew about all my paranormal stuff and house sat for my pets and wondered with me about my nightlights. We experienced instances of dream connections. I helped her with her mother's passing. She did not fear death.
My nightlights also engage outside.
The light was turned off.
*Might be a longer load time on this.

Toward the end - after years of contemplating suicide - she had a few reservations about going. She had at long last found her
sense of contentment. The struggle eased.

When I telepathed to find her, I got mixed messages and a sense of being in several places during transition.

In a dream, she showed me a
male she referred to as her new "boyfriend". In the real life scenario, he would not have been her "type"... She then requested I not track her down. I wanted her to know we cared. She assured me she knew.

My Guides offer a bit of insight: She kept it private for a reason. A final diagnosis had been given. There was no incentive to recover. Being found would have caused confusion, emotional turmoil, discomfort and, no doubt, regret. Potential delay and complication. The Universe was offering a smooth ride out. The conflict in contact with those who had been close was that it might impede the transition by creating more physical resistance.

Be that as it may, she lived on the fringe. I was a non-family member and limited in information gathering. I discovered she was not listed as deceased when checked out of the hospital. Given she asked me to let it go, reluctantly, I decided to honor her wishes.

I do have experience with departures. One Grandmother gave me prior notice of her pending departure via a dream. That heads-up allowed for arrangements to return home in time for her services. The other connected after death to express her wishes concerning song selections for her memorial service and then completely dissolved the grief pangs from my body, infusing a soothing calm sensation that remained for several days.

One very unique reading during one of my interactions in Weston, Mo. involved the deceased saying he remained an Atheist. I posted that experience on Talking to Nightlights. Our reality is incredibly, beyond-comprehension, vast.

In fantastic bits and novel pieces we are presented opportunities for greater awareness and conscious engagement. Almost one month after an RIP post on her page. No obit or death notice.

I had been asking for any helpful clues she could provide. Lights turned off in the studio. An apparition started to manifest in front of me. I couldn't tune it in. No parting word or note, with the exception of our last chat on Facebook. And then. 
Notify Kin ... Synchronicity?

We stopped at the gas station down the street
from her place. My husband bought a couple of lottery crossword puzzles.

Janet loved word games, lyrics, hidden meanings in songs. Dreamed at one point of being a Disc Jockey.

She had a great mind and fondness for eclectic music and musicians. She did a few radio stints in various formats. 

That's where we first met and continued to work together for several years. We succeeded with at least one PSI connection and she visited my dreams as well.

Neither puzzle was a winner but the words stood out. Winning words 'Heart' and 'Vocal'  ... and on the card that said "Vocal' - two completed words: 'notify' and 'kin' ...

And then, when we left, the car 'engine' light came on.

Trust this: Whatever state Janet is in, she hasn't lost her sense of humor and she is connecting.    

*The expanded post on this is at BeyondPSI

Paul Davids shares his experiences in connecting with the deceased Forrest J. Ackerman: Magazine editor, science fiction writer, literary agent, actor, check the Wiki bio: Read. Davids is trying to offer conclusive evidence for the afterlife. Post link. Show in the Podcast archives for Wendy's Coffeehouse/Paul Davids - the Life After Death Project
And he makes an indirect appearance in this interview Conscious Living on Empower Radio

Annie Kagan began hearing from her brother after he died. Annie's site. Her notes turned into a book: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers. Our interview is in the archives. Wendy's Coffeehouse with Annie Kagan

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Jun 20, 2017

6/18/17 - Russell Brinegar, Overlords of the Singularity - Connecting UFOs, Paranormal and the Supernatural

"It's all real. Adjust your focus and the fun begins." - Talking to Nightlights II - in draft mode 

Catching up - power was out for 40 hours when the storms blew through KC over the weekend. Might have helped trigger this episode. 
MindShift - Woke up staring at an eyeball - looking into my eye, blinking - human like but no imperfections - different color than my eye. Stayed with it but couldn't get the face. A 'Here's looking at you kid' kinda moment!! Good morning Wow! Gotta work on the book! #Perspective - wendy

Collected links - odds n ends - 

  • Asgardia or bust! CNN -" Going forward, the Asgardia team hopes to create habitable platforms in low-earth orbits - the first 100 to 200 miles (161 to 321 kilometers) from space, which is also where the ISS is located.The first human flight to this location is projected to take place in eight years' time." Man behind the project: Igor Ashurbeyli 
  • Next best thing to being far out: Roadside America tip on an out of this world eatery: Fargo, North Dakota - Space Aliens Bar 
  • Camping in the Tonto National Forest? Declassified US (UFO/Alien) Forest Service Reports might be cause for extra campfire spooky. Mysterious Universe 
  • The idea of a Conscious Universe - Panpsychism - is receiving increased interest from the scientific community, NBC.  Suggesting this may be a continuing trend and a growing shift in world views. As evidenced by this TED Talk and this piece in Scientific American 2015: Is Consciousness Universal? 
  • Mashable - Louie the Lobster free at last! Time served: 20 years as an added attraction at a restaurant where other lobsters...weren't. Customer offered a thousand dollars to dine - on Louie the owner decided Louie needed to return to life under the sea. Peter's Clam Bar video/Fox5NY. Long live Louie: estimated to be about 132.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Russell Brinegar. It started with a NDE that takes the life experience to an entirely new level. Russell says, rather than going to the light or having some kind of life review, he had an encounter. He met a few people he recognized (all of whom were still alive) and that group included him.

He met face-to-face with his transcended self, an encounter triggered a domino effect in life changes. No more waffling on the relationship front. He married his estranged girlfriend. One who also put in an NDE cameo. He then dived into reading, searching, exploring, investigating, questioning.

Now an Author, read the result: Overlords of the Singularity: The Manipulation of Humankind by Hidden UFO Intelligences and the Quest for Transcendence.

Free to read on Kindle Unlimited
One of the most important after effects, Russell says the NDE removed the fear of death.

The certainty in knowing existence continued even without form changed his view of living.

Curiosity flowed. He decided there were some things
he wanted to tidy up, relationships he could repair
if that was now possible.

Remaining instead of going offered a refreshed start.  

Connect with Russell:
Overlords of the Singularity group on Facebook

About the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Intelligence: FREE. Working directly with Experiencers of Contact with Non-Human Intelligence, FREE will continue to support all “Experiencers” through the FREE “Peer to Peer Support Program” and other support services detailed at FREE website.

What results do FREE studies show? "The Quantum Holographic Theory of Consciousness, as articulated by FREE co-founder, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, suggests that we live in a multi-dimensional reality and within this construct, humans are having contact with NHI in multiple formats, or “contact modalities” (e.g., UFO related contact and contact via NDEs, OBEs, hallucinogenic substances, mystical meditation travel, channeling, remote viewing, sightings of spirits/ghosts and orbs, and other reported human encounters with NHI). Read more: link.

I'll be interviewing Rey Hernandez about the results thus far on the FREE studies in August. 8/27/17 on Wendy's Coffeehouse. Take the Survey.

Related Posts
Russell Brinegar Book Preview -
Chapter 4. Brinegar - Link 1/3
Chapter 4. Brinegar - Link 2/3
Chapter 4. Brinegar - Link 3/3

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Jun 15, 2017

Wendy's Coffeehouse Odd news, Quirks, Sci-Fi, Coffee and Summer Dessert

"Reality is frequently inaccurate." - Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

A few good links  -- 

  • Arizona Psychic didn't see this one coming. AZ Central link includes video of car crashing into his table at a restaurant in Canada. Recovering now, he's still booked for Arizona shows in July. Connect with Psychic Medium Blair Robertson 
  • Nanny wanted for haunted house (Scotland). Interesting note: family says they only have reports of supernatural activities when they are away from the home and even though they were told the house was haunted when they bought, they have had no paranormal experiences. 5 nannies who vacated the position in the past year suggest a different story. Mashable 
  • Bookmark this site for excellent PSI/Fortean/Anomaly content and nifty book reviews on The Magonia Blog. Dive into the mother-lode of para fun and start with MIB. Hit Features next. You'll be busy for a few hours. 
  • Eclipse parties are filling up. August 21, 2017 1:08 central time, Kansas City locations are on the distant edge of the crossing line. The site NATIONAL ECLIPSE and a blog w/eclipse history. 
  • Good News bite: The guy who saved butterflies by transforming his backyard to a habitat.

Take a coffee break with this one. Navigating the in-between. Man, Machine, Soul. Future unseeing. 
 "This is the story of Joshua, a Shaman, who is sent on a mission to convert the soul of a giant battle colossus. He does not yet know that the soul is prepared for his coming and that the deadly psychological soul-to-soul confrontation in the Netherworld will be on eye level."

Details on the behinds the scenes: Vimeo/The Shaman
Discover the world of THE SHAMAN
Subscribe for more films like this: CGBros 

It's hot everywhere! Iced coffee is trending. Recipe suggestion with a bonus: Cost efficient 20-cents-per-serving. Good Housekeeping

Just in time to add a special summer dessert chill. Info from my recent interview on Empower Radio.

Kindle Version
Conscious Living with Lei Shishak, Baker, Pastry Chef, Owner of the Sugar Blossom Bake Shop in San Clemente, California has a terrific new dessert recipe book. Stocking up now on Missouri Peaches!

The collection showcases super easy and delicious seasonal recipes in Farm to Table Desserts

We source her blog for that Blueberry Pancake recipe mentioned in the opening.

Pina Colada Cupcakes, Kiwi Popsicles, Mixed Berry Pie. Everything sounds tasty! Most recipes are incredibly simple, with just a few utensils (ex: whisk and a large bowl) and minimum cooking time. 

Got sidetracked for an excellent Video Recipe of Poached Japanese Salmon with Brown Rice and Baby Bok Choy.

Hooked on Dessert? Add this one to the library: Beach House Baking. Lei's first book has rave reviews and is out now in paperback. Make a good impression with a gift (or just pamper yourself). Follow the link to her website. Shop for cake, brownies, cinnamon rolls, etc. and coffee too! Enjoy!   

*PS-if you heard the promo: Here's the link for Floating KC

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse
6/18 - Russell Brinegar - Overlords of the Singularity. NDE and Non-fiction experiences with UFO and Paranormal.
6/25 - Patti Conklin - Medical Intuitive Healer. Extraordinary. Patti is compared to John of God.

Sample shows in the Podcast Archives
Sandra Martin has a great recipe collection mingled with her A-List Authors. Orange Chiffon Recipe on the blog. 

Gary Wimmer's astounding NDE story will make you question our reality. Slammed by a car and nothing more than a simple scratch on the head. As Neo says, Wikia, in The Matrix: "Woah"

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!