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Nov 13, 2016

Eben Alexander - The Map of Heaven and Proof of Heaven - the NDE that changed everything

“Who would then deny that when I am sipping tea in my tearoom I am swallowing the whole universe with it and that this very moment of my lifting the bowl to my lips is eternity itself transcending time and space?” - D.T. Suzuki, Zen and Japanese Culture

Wendy's Coffeehouse - with Eben Alexander 11/12/16 Podcast

OddsnEnds - 

Eben Alexander legitimized the NDE experience when he went public with his story and that story continues to evolve.  Interview - Wendy's Coffeehouse - with Eben Alexander 11/12/16
Map of Heaven

Over the years, I have explored many of the hundreds of NDE stories on this site: NDERF.

There is a major difference between those experiences and this one: During the time of his event, Dr. Eben Alexander was hooked up to clusters of tubes and medical instruments that monitored every bodily function and non-function.

During his NDE, his body was diligently mapping the story while the mind and consciousness were engaged elsewhere.

Even more important to his experience is a detail that offers more insight. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Alexander didn't believe in such things.

Shortly after I interviewed Eben Alexander on his first book, Proof of Heaven (Conscious Living/Empower Radio 2012), he appeared on Oprah and then took some major heat from a writer who tried, unsuccessfully, to discredit him. Details here: IANDS.

Although not the intent, that article, when analyzed and vetted, corroborated and added credence to Eben's story. 

Still enthusiastic and driven to share the details and encourage any who have doubt about an afterlife to be open to exploring their own knowing and if possible, expand that knowing through meditation.

Music is a key element in his effort to enable that expansion process. He heard music during his NDE and is now incorporating a type of sound designed to enhance the meditation and relaxation state. He recommends Sacred Acoustics.

Meet Dr. Alexander - video presentation on YouTube


Transformed by death. Living became much fuller and more purposeful. This newest book: Map of Heaven offers a bit of science of consciousness and stories others have shared with him.

For his story, read the first book: Proof of Heaven or view the recap of the NDE on his site: My Experience in Coma.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Nov 9, 2016

Animals, Healers and Communicators

You can't control the world, but when you control your thoughts, you bring order. - Bernie Siegel

  • Animal news viral this week: (The Dodo) Cecilia the Chimp has been awarded the right to live in better conditions. The judge said: "We're not talking about the civil rights enshrined in the Civil Code," she told the journal Los Andes, "but instead the species' own rights: to development, to life in their natural habitat." More info: The Great Ape Project.

With that timely piece, I am sharing two interviews for animal lovers. Amelia Kinkade is in CA and a 4 am wake up call was out of the question so she's on Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio in the archives as of 11/9/16. My Bernie Siegel interview is also in the archives. The two happen to be friends so the combo is a perfect compliment.
(Also posted on AnimalNsight.)
Gracie and Jack exploring the river ... with their supervisor

Love, Medicine & Miracles was my first introduction to Dr. Bernie Siegel.

Showcasing mind, body, spirit self-healing rather than pharmacological methods, he highlighted stories that focused on stimulating the immune response to boost healing.

(Interviewed him for that book when it came out -- years ago. Didn't keep an audio demo.)
Thrilled when I learned he had expanded the healing arsenal to incorporate work with animals: Love, Animals & Miracles, here is our interview on Empower Radio - Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett/Bernie Siegel

Bernie holds Animal Communicator Amelia Kinkade in high regard and recommends her on his site. If you are interested in pursing a more intimate connection with your animal relations, she offers easy to follow guidelines and instruction.


I recently interviewed Amelia Kinkade on Empower Radio Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett. Amelia travels the world sharing her insight on how to connect with animals and she has a star-studded list of references.

"Her unique abilities have been the focus of hundreds of magazines and newspaper articles world-wide including The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, ABC News, The Boston North Shore Sunday, The London Sunday News of The World, Good Housekeeping, Cat Fancy, Dog Fancy, New Woman in England, Bilt de Frau in Germany, Annabelle in Switzerland, and the cover of the Freitseit Kurier in Vienna. Miss Kinkade has appeared on television programs such as The View, The Other Half, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Extra, VH1, Jenny Jones, The BBC News, Carte Blanche in South Africa, and numerous news broadcasts in the US, Europe, and Australia."

Author of several books, her newest book and the focus of our interview is Whispers from the Wild.

Meet Amelia and hear her share her story about healing animals -

In our interview, we spoke about some of her incredible encounters with wildlife; Elephants and a Black Mamba Snake, and a unique approach she used to help her aunt (Rue McClanahan) recover from a stroke. All detailed in her book.

For more information on events, workshops, books and travel, connect with Amelia on her sites:
Ark Angel
The Language of Miracles Institute

We are learning so much when it comes to the extraordinary abilities of animals to communicate within their own communities and - when we take the time to learn how to relate to them on their terms - how we can better communicate and understand them.  

Nov 5, 2016

11/5/16 Penny Kelly and the Kundalini mindshift that rivals #DrStrange

Does anybody really know what time it is?

“Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans. . . If reality differs from person to person, can we speak of reality singular, or shouldn't we really be talking about plural realities? And if there are plural realities, are some more true (more real) than others? What about the world of a schizophrenic? Maybe it's as real as our world. Maybe we cannot say that we are in touch with reality and he is not, but should instead say, His reality is so different from ours that he can't explain his to us, and we can't explain ours to him. The problem, then, is that if subjective worlds are experienced too differently, there occurs a breakdown in communication ... and there is the real illness.”
  - Philip K. Dick

  • UFO or cold war nuke? Canada is investigating. The Guardian
  • UFO data still deepsixed? Malcolm Robinson says so. Founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations says more is known that is not being made public. DailyMail
    • UK National Archives Data - link
  • Boffo at the box office and a 3D extravaganza, Doctor Strange revives the box office doldrums. 89M opening and decent word of mouth from the first wave of viewers. Deadline
  • Even those who aren't wild about the Doctor Strange story-line are raving about the CGI. Vulture

Preview -

  • People of Earth is a keeper -- believers unite. Support 20seriesGroup: Facebook
  • Supermoon Frenzy - really big, this is a big one. CNN "For viewers in eastern North America and Europe, the best view will likely be on the night of November 13, or the following night."
  • Pet Viral of the week, this guy: Mashable - Ice Cream Truck's most loyal customer. 

My guest for this show is Penny Kelly. Her incredible life journey may well have started prior to a Kundalini Awakening in the 70's but life after that is no less than an extraordinary roller coaster ride.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Penny Kelly/Podcast 

Take a few more  minutes to explore the incredible world of split brain processing - going into alpha physically and go into higher consciousness states at the same time.

YouTube - Maps to Higher Consciousness presentation @ :35 talks about the process

Another visit with Penny jumping right into Book 2 of Consciousness and Energy - YouTube - New Worlds of Energy - addressing Crop Circles (we ran out of time to address in the show) and her work with William Levengood/

Exploring a world shift view via Kundalini Awakening. - Wild ride when it hijacks your worldview and reveals the wizard behind the curtain.

*Another encounter with (6) little men in robes is mentioned in this collection of encounters by Experiencer Colin Chabot: Phenomena.pdf

Truly amazing things happening behind the scenes on planet Earth. More coffee for the wake up call? Enjoy!

Oct 29, 2016

10/29/16 - Sighting UFOs with Stan Seba - Kansas MUFON

“Stars, too, were time travelers. How many of those ancient points of light were the last echoes of suns now dead? How many had been born but their light not yet come this far? If all the suns but ours collapsed tonight, how many lifetimes would it take us to realize we were alone? I had always known the sky was full of mysteries—but not until now had I realized how full of them the earth was.”
  - Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast - 10/29/16 Stan Seba/Kansas MUFON

UFO news overload this week. And given this week's UFO topic, it's all good. 

  • Facebook Image Link I promised for the coffee ghost cartoon - "Need coffee, had a busy weekend knocking on walls."
  • Mysterious orb-like UFO "breaks woman's video camera" when she tries to record it. DailyMirror
  • Rather than "break", she says something caused the camera to malfunction. Video On YouTube.

  • It's Aliens, probably. Scientists say the highly unusual messages they have observed from space are very likely coming from aliens. Independent Not quite ready to sign off on it, but the research in progress is indicating a higher potential for the ET connection. Source paper Cornell Univ. 
  • Sightings in Arizona Daily Mail and Charlotte, NC are generating buzz. WCNC The guy who posted the now viral YouTube vid says he never expected to see anything like this and has no explanation for it. (500,000 views and counting.)
  • Meet Tabby and her star. YouTube -- The big, fun SETI project underway now is focused on Tabby's Star. Universe Today  Gearing up for paper writing and Nobel Prizes. Video
  • Just in time for Halloween, Live Bat Cam joins the fun, along with Bears and others Explore.Org

10/29/16 - Wendy's Coffeehouse Guest - Stan Seba - Kansas MUFON Podcast

Stan mentioned a fascinating case from Oak Hill, KS. Some rather unique circumstances provided an unintended backdrop for this sighting. The photographer was trying to get a decent photo of lightning. He got that with a little something extra. Stan forwarded the image and specs on the app from Kansas MUFON files. The black spot in the center of the photo isn't dirt.
UFO - Oak Hill, Kansas 2015, Image provided by Kansas MUFON
 "This picture was taken in May of 2015 with a smartphone app
called “Lightening Camera” published by ‘Pluto Applications.’ 
It is available for android and apple smartphone/tablet operating systems.

Unknown object, according to Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph,D .
This same witness has submitted other photos taken with this app
of objects that we are currently investigating." - Stan Seba, Mufon KS.

I asked Stan about one of the more highly publicized UFO encounters in the Kansas archives. The case is from Delphos, KS. Stan says from all of the research behind the scenes and in the archives, this case is legit. Video from YouTube tells the story. Related Info from EarthMysteryNews

Report a UFO or UFO related event directly to MUFON
Contact MUFON Kansas

Local KS meeting schedules
and meeting information

Oh, the reason I didn't think much of my photo of the "star" UFO - or reporting it to MUFON is because it just looks like a tiny speck.

However, the telepathic prompt to step outside and look and then to have my husband ask me if I had seen whatever it was above the house. It is what it is. And it stayed there for about half an hour after he told me, allowing me to at least attempt a photo capture. Curious. Blog post and image

To follow other UFO reports and sightings: UFO Stalker

In honor of Halloween, a few Ghost stories to ponder ... Arizona Ghost Stories 

And a preview of The Great Big Story - Winchester House (we talked about this a couple of shows back). View the tour. And subscribe to the feed. That's how I got this preview.

Oct 26, 2016

Trick or treat? In Weston, MO the ghosts celebrate four seasons

“Hauntingly active as they share space with the living, the dead refuse to give up their undead residency.” - Pamela K. Kinney, Paranormal Petersburg, Virginia, and the Tri-Cities Area

Prods, pokes and tugging of hair, a few notable reminders that, beyond that seeing thing, spirits have other ways of making their presence known.

Included on the Weston Ghosts Tour this year is Weston Bend Candle Company. Haunting ambiance in abundance, this Weston retail space houses deliciously fragrant wax creations, a resident pillow warmer in the form of one well nourished and very hug-able black cat and more than a few unpredictable spirits.

New in their corner store location, the owners say they hadn't experienced ghosts in the former middle-of-the-block  space and certainly didn't expect them here. But, here they are. Although it took a few encounters for everyone to be convinced, eventually, even the doubters were on board.

All can now attest that the space has residents of the unseen variety. Fortunately, that is exactly what visiting Ghost tourists want to hear - and experience - should the opportunity present itself.

If you can't make the tour, shadow Kathy Quinn of Kansas City's Fox 4 who paid Weston Bend Candle Store a visit.

Celebrating Halloween in a town where the haunts are not limited to a single season is certainly interesting, given the added potential for an up-close and personal encounter.

Verna's Dinner Theater Productions - Ghost Tales of Weston and the Ghost Walk, presented by members of the Weston Community Theater is an annual event. This year the three nights were sold out by October 12th.

It has been mentioned that another night might be added to next year's schedule. To avoid missing out, book early. Or, there now is another alternative if you missed out or if you can't make the trip.

A new book is available that includes several stories of some well known past and ongoing Weston ghost encounters. Ghost Tales of Weston by Verna Kowerts, is available for purchase online and on site at Weston Main Street Galleria.

*Revisiting an encounter from a previous visit, not really a ghost, simply one who is no longer in physical form with an interesting take on his new state - The Atheist in Heaven