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Sep 24, 2016

9/24/16 Ardy Sixkiller Clarke - More Encounters with Star People

"What the people believe is true." - Anishinabe - Legends (Native American) of America

Headlines - Wendy's Coffeehouse 9/24/16 podcast link - also on the side column.

  • Cloudy with a chance of Pain - Science is studying the link between Pain and Weather. Yes, your aching knees, wrists, joints etc., do indicate changes in the weather. UK residents are invited to take part.
    Bowling Dice - Strike!

  • Universal language? Humans? New study (Cornell) says "sound symbolic patterns" show up again and again throughout the world: Telegraph
  • You go girl! Hello to Gracie, (I have a Gracie too.) Bark Ranger, trained to protect wildlife from overly frisky, hug starved, selfie-obsessed humans: NPR
  • Who will be the next president? 7-11 knows: Daily Coffee News. Kicker is the Sponsor: The Onion  (Choose your cup!) Follow results state by state. For real.

Sep 20, 2016

9/17/2016 - Debra Diamond Psychic-Life After Near Death

"Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it." - Hermann Hesse

Headlines 9/17/16
  • Conspiracy: UFO Highway goes right through the heartland (MO and KS): AOL and we can't wait to take the tour: Book. The 37th Parallel (Upcoming guest, Margie Kay, might be able to share some insight on this one: Missouri MUFON.)
  • Google talks Hypnosis - and the video speaks louder. How good are you at holding your focus? This might help.
  • Cat gets owner elected to Town Council: thedodo - poster purrfect!
  •  Blog extra: Discussion of why we are reluctant to acknowledge intelligence and the existence of language and other forms of purposeful and intended communication practices, methods and signals in animals: The Guardian 
  •  People Walker of Los Angeles - 7$ per mile and he's solid gold: Oddity Central

Podcast link for Debra Diamond 9/17/16 - Wendy's Coffeehouse - I highly recommend this book for anyone who has experienced NDE and or STE.

Debra Diamond has done her homework investigating aspects of NDE that beg to be explored further, the aftereffects. So, even if you have already heard some amazing Near Death stories, what you might not have heard is the story behind the story; how dramatically life changes for those who must then reconcile (or try to) a completely different world view resulting from the NDE.

Debra Diamond had a similar shift, rather than NDE, she experienced a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE) and an awakening to her abilities as a Medium.

Some of this process is very familiar to me, given the life-redirect I experienced in 1997 with the beginning of the nightlight encounter - still ongoing, 24/7.

Her book: Life after Near Death, Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People with Newfound Powers, examines after-effects of NDE (permanent) and among other things, whether there is a personality or religious predisposition or certain pre-existing criteria significant to NDE. Apparently not.

Age, Sex, Belief, Income, Locale, etc., NDE can happen to anyone at anytime. What she does effectively address is the issue/s that surface afterward. Reconciling and integrating the experience. That's the part of the equation that (much like STE) is the greatest challenge. Life is NOT the same.

What happens when you suddenly discover a savant like ability for physics? When you discover you are psychic, when you desire a completely different lifestyle? No longer interested in mainstream news programs or job pursuits, no longer interested in eating meat, now vegan. Big changes. And no logical reason for the change.

Here's Debra on Youtube from her channel:


Here's the info for one amazing case of NDE transformation:
Dr. Tony Cicoria: Story:
His background and the music he couldn't get out of his head after being struck by lightning: CDBaby Includes his Lightning Sonata - Classical style piano compositions following a Near Death Experience. I interviewed Dr. Cicoria. Empower Radio

More information on this topic: 
Debra Diamond on NDERF
Interview with Debra on HuffPo
Connect with Debra:

Sep 15, 2016

Wendy's Coffeehouse Midweek Newsbite - AnimalNsight

"It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man."
H. L. Mencken

Headlines 9/2016: Dolphins have a spoken language.
  • In their paper uploaded to the open access site St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics, the team, led by Vyacheslav Ryabov, describe the pulses generated by the sea creatures and why they believe what they heard was an actual conversation. Read more at:

"Eventually it may be possible for humans to speak with another species. I have come to this conclusion after careful consideration of evidence gained through my research experiments with dolphins." John C. Lily - Site   Wikipedia: Human Animal communication

We ARE talking with the Animals - Here's some of what we know ... an overview ...


Denise Herzing has spent more than 25 years studying dolphins in the wild,
living each summer on a boat in the Bahamas for better access to our finned friends
in their natural habitat. Wild Dolphin Project - Site

Learn about Kanzi the Bonobo -- Interview on Radiolab
Read about Sue and Kanzi - Smithsonian

Great Ape Trust of Iowa - Site a few thoughts from a brilliant mind: 

[On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons. The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the 'Star Spangled Banner', but in fact the message was this: 'So long and thanks for all the fish.'] ... Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Wikia

Douglas Adams: Parrots the Universe and Everything -

As stated in the description, this talk (UCSB YouTube channel) was recorded shortly before his death, Adams shares hilarious accounts of some of the apparently absurd lifestyles of the world's creatures, and gleans from them extraordinary perceptions about the future of humanity.

Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - the summary (bit of light/lite reading) 

Journey of the Sorcerer - Eagles. Musical interlude .. and fantastic theme song for all such things Hitchhiker's Galaxy related.

The Movie - IMDb

  • Parting quote: "42"

  • More parting quotes for further contemplation: "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go wrong."

  • "In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people angry and has widely been considered as a bad move."

Sep 11, 2016

9/10/16 - Lilli Leonardi - 9/11 Flight 93 Crash, Angels In the Field

 "Angels around us, angels beside us, angels within us. Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed. Their wings wrap gently around you, whispering you are loved and blessed." - Angel Blessing

9/10/16 Podcast Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Lillie Leonardi

  •  Top 25 Soundtracks of all time. Rolling Stone - #1 Help/Beatles. My fav at #10: O Brother Where Art Thou. YouTube.
  •  New Will Smith film to bookmark. To sum up: His character suffers from depression and writes letters as part of his therapy. He pens a letter to Death. Death shows up. Uh,oh. Collateral Beauty opens in December.
  • UFO community buzzing all week, touting the theory that the SpaceX Explosion was caused by a UFO. CNET Adding fuel to that angle, Elon Musk says they have not ruled out an object causing the explosion. He's asking for help solving the mystery.
  •  Dog pulled from rubble 9 days after earthquake. Romeo's family never gave up hope. Reuters
  •  Dog missing for 2 weeks surprises everyone when he shows up to attend the funeral of his person. Dodo  Bonus: An incredible similar story about several stray dogs who show up for a funeral of the woman who fed them. Daily Mail Online
  •  Dog gets cool Harry Potter-esque cupboard doggy den under the stairs. Mirror
  • Ghost AWOL. British Pub peeved. Artist who has the Ghost says it agreed to be part of a traveling exhibit and he will let the ghost decide if it wants to continue the tour or return to the pub. Worth the read for the details. HuffPost

Lillie describes the scene: 9/11/2001, walking onto the crash site and seeing an unusual mist in the air. That same area is where she saw the Angels appear...

Lillie Leonardi from On Motion Media on Vimeo.

Lillie says it was a year before she spoke about what she saw. She waited ten years before releasing a book about her experience. Now she's working on a book to tell the stories of other first responders who also had profound spiritual encounters that day.

She's also working on a TV show - Angel Quest: In Search of Messengers.The focus is Angelic encounters. If you have a story to share, connect with Lillie on her website:

I've seen the sizzle reel and if I can get permission, I'll add a link here.

Sep 6, 2016

09/03/16 - Elite Paranormal Ain't Afraid of no ghosts...

“Ghosts don't haunt us. That's not how it works. They're present among us because we won't let go of them."

"I don't believe in ghosts," I said, faintly.

"Some people can't see the color red. That doesn't mean it isn't there," she replied.”
- Sue Grafton, M is for Malice

9/03/06 Podcast for Rob Garcia of Elite Paranormal in Kansas City


  • Could have been written by Homer Simpson/Doh! - "Vast Doughnut-shaped reef found in Australia" - right behind the big one. Great Barrier Reef has a companion. 

  • Gene Wilder died (June 11, 1933 – August 29, 2016) (Obit/The Guardian) and the song tributes rolled. Best of (my vote) was a truly inspired drum and bugle performance. AMC paid tribute by showing Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and other Wilder classics in theaters across the country. - Magical.

This colorful burger tribute advertises a special prize for the one who finds a golden ticket inside. HuffPo
  • Scientists picked up a sound from deep space and UFO enthusiasts cheered ... especially when it was suggested that type of signal had to be from a 'Kardashev' type civilization (thought to be way more intelligent than humans) and then the bubble burst. CNN reported that the source was likely a "terrestrial disturbance" - a similar ray of hope had been dashed decades ago with the discovery a Soviet military satellite had caused a signal anomaly... 
Whatever... WE know they're out there and already here and playing a good game of: "Now (some of ) you see me..." 

  •  Lightening x3 - Norway CNN - a strike reportedly killed more than 300 reindeer. Soon after that report, a bolt in 2/Texas Independent/UK - killed 19 cows as they sheltered under a tree. 
  • Prior to that was 3/a story of a guy who was standing in his kitchen when he was hit (and not the first time, seems he attracted another strike when he was on a roof.) by lightning. He said he was cutting a slice of turkey for his cat Emma. Credits the fact he didn't get hurt to a pair of slippers he had intended to toss out. Plans to save them now. If you want a pair: Marks and Spencer. Independent/UK
  • Science validating what all dog people know: Dogs understand us. They know when we are not serious and when we are. Never tease about treats... Daily Mail
Interview - Tis the season for Ghost Tours and since local sites fill up fast, I booked Rob Garcia of Elite Paranormal to get a head start for the Kansas City curious. I have been on a few sites with Rob and the group to explore and investigate suspected paranormal activity. More about Rob in the LA Times

Rob remembers a site in a KC suburb - now in private ownership - that once was the home of an Antique shop and remains quite active. Visitors and shop workers reported seeing a little boy in the store. Children were more likely to see him.

We also talked about the Sigma Nu Fraternity house at KU in Lawrence, KS. and some of what happened during investigations there. A recap from Lawrence Journal World. Listen to samples of the EVP content on YouTube.

And a word of caution to all antique collectors. Sometimes, you can bring unwanted guest/s along with your new treasure. If and when that happens, here's Rob's info. 

Book for a ghost tour at WornallMajorsorg.  

Book for the public investigation Oct 21 and/or Oct 28 2016
Reservations are required and space is limited.
Connect at John Wornall Ghost Investigation 

Happy Haunting!