Headlines - Wendy's Coffeehouse 9/24/16 podcast link - also on the side column.
- Cloudy with a chance of Pain - Science is studying the link between Pain and Weather. Yes, your aching knees, wrists, joints etc., do indicate changes in the weather. UK residents are invited to take part.
Bowling Dice - Strike!
- Universal language? Humans? New study (Cornell) says "sound symbolic patterns" show up again and again throughout the world: Telegraph
- You go girl! Hello to Gracie, (I have a Gracie too.) Bark Ranger, trained to protect wildlife from overly frisky, hug starved, selfie-obsessed humans: NPR
- Who will be the next president? 7-11 knows: Daily Coffee News. Kicker is the Sponsor: The Onion (Choose your cup!) Follow results state by state. For real.
- Out and about this weekend: Plaza Art Fair, Unplaza Art Fair, Louisburg Cider Mill/CiderFest, and for the Bowling Dice = Moon Marble.
- Maru (internet cat superstar) masters the swing ...Quick fix? Just tune in at 3:05 =
Maru YouTube channel
Maru's blog - You're welcome.
Simply fascinating. Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke returns with book number 3 on encounters with Star People. Traveling across the US and into Mesoamerica for her work, she's collected a fantastic library of detailed experiences with UFO/ET/Alien/Star People/Little People and others that defy categorizing. The newest book -- More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell Their Stories.
In the interview, Ardy shares a story about Tom, a "traveler," who says there are portals across the world that form a highway of sorts. Step in? Only if I knew I could return.
Ardy says she met another man who told her he's been watching arrivals and departures at a certain location. He notes the date, time and details about the person in his journal and whether they returned or not. He says one who didn't return was a woman in a red dress. He watched her walk to the spot, throw her arms up in the air and disappear.
As for UFO/ET/Star People stories, Ardy says she's collected a few hundred more that people have shared with her since she started writing her books. She's also mulling a few ideas for a children's book series. Maybe we can convince her publisher we'd like to read them too.
Do you have a contact experience to share? Connect with Ardy: Sixkiller.com
Contact her Publisher: Anomalist Books
For now, choose a book and dive in:
*My interviews: Ardy/Conscious Living 2016/Empower Radio
Ardy/Conscious Living 2015/Empower Radio