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Oct 28, 2017

Kathleen Jones Odom - Don't annoy Sasquatch by calling them 'Bigfoot'

“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” - Terence McKenna, True Hallucinations Film on YouTube 

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Kathleen Jones Odom, Sasquatch Speaks

OddsnEnds - 
  • Curiouser and curiouser. Visitor from another Solar System?  CNN
  • Uri Geller + CIA + JFK. Will more be revealed? Daily Mail Uri's comments on Facebook. 
  • AI removes tedious from the equation. "The system developed code words to make communication more efficient and researchers took it offline when they realized it was no longer using English." Digital Journal 
  • Stranger Things 2 binge watching in progress - What's up? Eleven. EW 
  • Frustrated Sasquatch researcher trying to prove the existence of the beings is going to court in Canada and has 'asked the court to require a government biologist to accompany him into “known sasquatch habitat” for three months to further prove his claims.' Vancouver Sun 
  • Recent Sightings (Sasquatch) in northern California are now viral. "What are the odds of three people, three different families, who don’t know each other, within a radius of 2 to 3 miles, come and tell me what they witness, and it matches up," Gonzalez said. FoxNews 
  • 50 years after the Patterson-Gimlin film captured an image of 'Bigfoot', the footage has not been debunked. Forbes
  • ET, Sasquatch, Fairies, Little People - Terence McKenna's UFO sighting and more with brother Dennis - video - and excerpt from The Experiment at La Chorrera. Reality Sandwich
  • Mini detour - another retrospective includes a few Terrence. AlterNet.
    Terence refers to George Adamski's UFO. Adamski Foundation
And one more - a UFO sighting by Guillermo del Toro. Daily Grail Note: Many who have seen 'Bigfoot' have also noted an ET or UFO presence.

Against a beautiful wilderness setting this extraordinary perspective of Bigfoot/Sasquatch is an attempt to change the monster/beast/creature narrative. Letters from the Big Man.

Vimeo preview. Link.

Synchronicity this week, more Sasquatch/Bigfoot headlines splashing into the mainstream newsfeeds than at any time in the past year. The podcast loaded early (happy accident). Enjoy!

My interview with Kathleen was scheduled months ago and I had already spoken with her for Conscious Living. A previous post highlighted the independent film Letters from the Big Man and that's actually how I got the referral to Kathleen, through Christopher Munch.

Letters from the Big Man, Christopher Munch, writer/director of the highly acclaimed film, had this to say about Kathleen and her spirit work with the Sasquatch: "I greatly admire the degree to which she is able to shut off ‘Kathleen’ and become an extremely pure channel for the collective voice of Sasquatch, or any individual Sasquatch with whom she opens a connection by way of heartful purpose, desire, and intent."

Reviews for the film: The New Yorker, Richard Brody, Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert  

Messages from Sasquatch: "We will keep your people grounded while they reach for expansion." We are inside of you, not outside, as your people have felt for so long."

Kathleen and Christopher collaborate on the Webcast, Speaking of Sasquatch. Episode 8 about a woman who has connected and communicated with Sasquatch since childhood. She refers to hearing tones that signaled contact. 

Sasquatch and Us/YouTube. Several perspectives on our relationship with Sasquatch.

Extra stuff - I mentioned several items from the Dana Foundation. (Ex: Men and Women feel pain differently.) They're a top resource for Brain Science. And you can follow the Blog

Kathleen's Bio. She doesn't have a website. Best way to reach her is email:

*Also in the podcast archives, Psychic Sasquatch, the interview with Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis. The Sasquatch Message for Humanity

Thank you for listening and sharing!  

Oct 26, 2017

SciXFriday, Aliens, AI, Haunts, Pigs and a Pug

“I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.”
  - Arthur C. Clarke

OddsnEnds - 
  • Universe shouldn't exist? Science is Quirky. Independent
  • Top Haunts on Nat Geo's Travel List 
  • Haunted Missouri: Weston, of course. Ron's Roadhouse is closer. Spooky. FOX4 
  • On the radar: BIOS. Tom Hanks in a SciFi movie about a robot designed to care for the dog of his creator. Variety 
  • Sophia the Robot now has Saudi citizenship. TechCrunch Listening to Sophia during her presentation, one comment stands out: "If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you." 
  • Elon Musk responded with a Tweet: "Just feed it The Godfather movies as input. What’s the worst that could happen?"
  • Secret Space Program? - OBE Explorer Jason Quitt [Forbidden Knowledge: Revelations of a Multi-Dimensional Time Traveler] (video) offers his view. Site 
  • Pilot for a Day. Meet the 6-year-old who has 'the right stuff'... CTVNews 
  • 4 Pigs and a Pug. UPI
Early Christmas Present - People of Earth scores Season 3. SyFy
Wendy's Coffeehouse - KCMO Talk Radio - 8p CST, Sunday [or preview early podcast post. ;) ]
10/29 - Kathleen Odom (featured in Video). Consultant on the film, Letters from the Big Man, Speaking of Sasquatch Film Site
11/1 - Elaine Clayton, Intuition Art, Making Marks. Pugs, Art, Intuition and Creativity - Revealing the inner self through doodles.
11/12 - Curtis Rivers, Seven Paths to Freedom. Empowering insight from an accomplished, motivated and dynamic Stuntman - The Stunts

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Oct 23, 2017

Bruce Gernon, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle, Electronic Fog and Time Warps

“Like the Bermuda triangle, she swallowed her victims whole.”  - Brandi Bates Remains To Be Seen, Good Reads Bio

OddsnEnds - local notes 
  • Halloween is their holiday. Visit ghosts at The Saint George Hotel. Weston, Mo. Site
  • Main Street Galleria. Dining with Ghosts plus Walking Tour. October 27 and 28th. Site
  • Weston Bend Candle Company ghosts are on the tour. And the candles are lovely. Site

Up for a change of scenery? Might be a bit foggy.

Bruce Gernon has a very different perspective on the Bermuda Triangle.

Wendy's Coffeehouse 10/22/17 interview with Bruce

"I didn’t believe in time travel or teleportation until it happened to me. I flew through the heart of the Bermuda Triangle before I’d even heard the term." Bruce is featured on the History Channel in this clip ...

Given what Bruce has discovered and offered in his theories, there really might be a way to discover what is happening in places like the Bermuda Triangle and there very likely exists a specific science to spell that out. But maybe that time isn't just yet.

According to Bruce, "...there is no Bermuda Triangle! Instead, there is a continuing mystery that has resulted in thousands of disappearances of crafts and loss of life over decades and centuries: a phenomenon I call electronic fog."

FYI: When Bruce started writing and talking about his experience with Electronic Fog and Time Shifts, others started sharing their stories too. Some have seen the strange fog on land and had a sense it was tracking them. That story and others unexplained are in his book, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle.

Similar note, regarding the time shift and experiences with unexplained, Bill Hall shares a fascinating case in The Haunted House Diaries where the experiencers are driving down a road they are very familiar with but something doesn't quite add up and what they encounter in that one instance makes them question where they really were and what could possibly account for such a strange departure from the 'real' world they normally inhabit.  

More about the Bermuda Triangle:
Video from The Life Beyond Earth/YouTube
Paranormal Encyclopedia: Bermuda Triangle
New Page Books Blog: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle 

Websites for Co-Author, Rob MacGregor
Synchrosecrets Blog

And then there are other mysteries, Men who play with electricity:
  • Alex Tanous was said to have been able to produce and demonstrate a ball of lightning in his hand. Cal Cooper has studied the work of Alex Tanous and continues to add to the research about him. 
  • Ed Edwards wowed a friend when he demonstrated his talent of calling forth a lightning strike. 
  • Ted Owens may or may not have caused some very serious fallout with his ability to direct lightening as well. The PK Man, Amazon book. Jeffrey Mishlove interviewed about Ted. YouTube 
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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Oct 20, 2017

SciXFriday - Season's Ghosts ... and a Dragon ...

“Don't matter if you believe in them or not. If they're there, they're there,' Mrs. Phipps said.”
  - Joan Lowery Nixon, The Haunting

OddsnEnds and Spooky bits -
Flagged by Digg - A  Haunted house that wasn't... and the Dragon that was. Ventana -
From the Interns at Disney.
  More please!

Great Beginning!
Disney Animation
YouTube Disney

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview - 10/22/17

Beyond the Bermuda Triangle "I didn’t believe in time travel or teleportation until it happened to me. I’m Bruce Gernon, and I flew through the heart of the Bermuda Triangle before I’d even heard the term."

- Experiences with Electronic Fog, Time Warps and more.  Bruce Gernon is my guest, Sunday - 10/22/17 - 8pm central time. New Page Books Blog - Bruce's story. Co-Author Rob MacGregor

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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Oct 16, 2017

Keith Linder, Living with a Poltergeist, A Haunting in Seattle

There are many different forms of life in the universe and human beings are unaware of most of them. Complex beings inhabit other dimensions. They can be very dangerous when encountered, unless, of course, you know how to handle or avoid them. - Zen Master Rama

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Keith Linder
Update - Since we last spoke, Keith has a new book. Link to preview on his blog.

OddnEnds -
  • Ghost Hunting with a Paranormal team Cosmo 
  • The haunted dorm room - NYTimes 
  • And there are other colleges with ghosts. 50 to choose from. OnlineSchoolCenter 
  • Seats are still available for Ghost Tales of Weston - Book now 
  • Large Cat Story = Opportunist Cat steals the scene in a live shot cameo. HuffPost
Just like the original Blade Runner, this one might take a bit longer to find the audience. However, I really liked the film and thought it did an excellent job of carrying the story line forward with new elements that felt perfectly in sync. I do think the 3 short prequels filled in the gaps and are worth seeing along with the movie. Here's one: Blade Runner 2049

In my interview with Keith Linder, he talks about his ongoing experiences living with a Poltergeist and says when the activity first started he had no real belief in ghosts. After four years living in a very haunted house, moving and continuing to experience what has run the gamut of paranormal encounters, he has become educated on all sorts of ghost related issues.

Who or what were some of the most helpful resources in his case? Colin Wilson's book, The Occult was at the top of his list. The Occult/Amazon About Colin Wilson: The GuardianGoodReads

Given what I have experienced and been asked about in regard to dealing with ongoing paranormal events, I do recommend learning about Psychic Self Defense and the book that addresses that in an easily accessible manner is from someone who writes from experience - in the 1930's: Dion Fortune.
Psychic Self-Defense.

I interviewed Deborah King for Conscious Living [2/20/2009 itunes] and she described a negative psychic attack and what she did to counter it. Each event is different. Main site for Deborah King

Clearing Dark Forces - Deborah offers insight here.

My personal experiences include accidentally intruding upon a family meeting as the relatives were going through belongings at a soon-to-be-available home. The deceased was not pleased. I got slammed with a three hour headache. The learning curve. 

Curious about Keith Linder's ongoing encounters? Do take precaution to clear your own space. This type of attachment isn't one to play games with.

Keith has a blog: Follow
Connect with Keith on YouTube
Washington State Poltergeist on Facebook

*Coming up this week on Conscious Living on Empower Radio - shows include, Oct 17 (TUE): Fascinating and prolifically creative Paul Davids explains how his experiences with the deceased Forrest J. Ackerman spawned the Life After Death Project. The Sequel

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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Oct 13, 2017

SciXFriday - Friends, Real and Imagined, Vampires, Odds and Not

Real and Imagined = Opposite sides of the same coin. When fully present, one has access to the best of both worlds, that magical state of In-Between - where ALL Things are Possible. Choose your thoughts wisely. - Talking to Nightlights II

Highly unlikely, yet, entirely probable oddsnends in the mindstream -
  • Yellowstone Supervolcano big boom odds -- sooner than previously thought. NYTimes 
  • U.N. employees recalled due to Vampires. Reuters 
  • Musical Interlude - (I wish) - Bruce on Broadway. Rolling Stone Reviews don't count. Shows already Sold Out. Bonus: Reviews are STELLAR.
  • Revisiting a Cult Classic Trailer Miracle Mile. Doomsday scenario with nukes - Motherboard/Vice 
  • Don't get down - get Light Therapy. Depression and S.A.D.. Bipolar joins the list. UPI 
  • Dog Collar Museum - Yes, there is one. BBC
“So You’ve Grown Attached” by Kate Tsang. - Love this film! I've talked about my imaginary friend before. His name was Heygo and he was with me til I was about 5 years old when I told my Mom he flew out the window and I never mentioned him again. Recently, we reconnected when I asked to see him again so I might have a better picture of what he looked like. And now I do.

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST

Director’s Bio: Kate Tsang is an award-winning writer/director based in Los Angeles. Her short film “So You’ve Grown Attached” was a national finalist for the Student Academy Award, won Best Narrative Short at San Francisco International Film Festival, and was nationally broadcast on PBS.
Kate’s website:

10/15 - Keith Linder, Living with a Poltergeist/Supernatural Magazine, Q13Fox, and Demons in Seattle/Ghost Adventures
10/22 - Bruce Gernon, YouTube recounts his incredible experience, Home Site/Electronic Fog, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
10/29 - Kathleen Odom Bio, (also featured in Video), Letters from the Big Man Trailer, Sasquatch Film Site

Setting date - James Schwartz, Hypnotherapist Blog: "Actual transcripts of clients experiencing the phenomena of visiting different planes of existence during their hypnosis sessions." One Voice, Sacred Wisdom
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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Oct 10, 2017

Ghosts, Paranormal, Unexplained: building a case for Psychic Self-Defense

"We live in the midst of invisible forces whose effects alone we perceive. We move among invisible forms whose actions we very often do not perceive at all, although we may be profoundly affected by them." - Psychic Self-Defense,  Dion Fortune

OddsnEnds -

Please note, my upcoming interview with Keith Linder explores his ongoing experiences with a poltergeist. While the conversation might seem innocuous, some of the information might have a bit more weight than can be seen at the surface level.

From his interview about his experience, Living with a Poltergeist in Supernatural Magazine, "One night the TV kept coming on upstairs so much I finally unplugged it. Minutes later after we left it came on again. This time it was on but the cord was not plugged in the wall."

Keith has been documenting this experience from the onset of his stay in a haunted house. He has an ever expanding collection of videos compiled with the help of numerous paranormal investigators to assist in validating his account. Steve Mera and Don Philips in this short vid.

His YouTube channel is here. One of the videos that provides an overview is this video with two paranormal investigators: Demons in Seattle - Doll Video
Another video with Paranormal Investigators
And this video starts with a local news crew feature.
He's out of that house now but the story continues.


Given the nature of this subject matter, I am posting a warning and a pre-emptive defense posture. I have no doubt that Keith's experience is authentic. Sharing his experience is a way to validate these encounters and to offer counter measures to address the very real (and sometimes uncomfortable) after effects of a negative psychic attack.

My interview with Keith is coming up on Sunday, October 15th, at 8pm on KCMO Talk Radio, Wendy's Coffeehouse. The intensity level of his encounter surpasses that of the one I experienced with the interview on the haunting of Asylum 49. Not for the faint of heart: The Haunting of Keith Linder.

Psychic Self-Defense - Jeffery Mishlove interviews Terrence Palmer on the topic of spirit entities and negative attachments. Terrence opens with an event he experienced in picking up an unwanted entity when he sat next to someone. Jeffery talks about his experience with Ted Owens and feeling sick after they had an argument. Ted called back to apologize and the illness stopped. Interview with Jeffery about PK Man Ted Owens is here.

Food for thought in this interview on mind power. Valuable insight on how important it is to be very aware of your thoughts and to understand we are also susceptible to the thoughts of others, seen and unseen.

About Terence Palmer. Meditation/7 minutes: Psychic Self-Defense

The video also notes recommended books. If you do experience anything related to a negative haunting or spirit attachment, these resources are extremely useful:

Psychic Self-Defense - by Dion Fortune. About Dion: Inner Light
There is a pdf version available. Read it if you wish further understanding of the topic or have any question as to the possibility of encountering and identifying the influence of such entities. Even more socially relevant is the information regarding mind power and telepathic influence: Hypnotism.

Dancing with the Devil - by David Ashworth. David is a Spiritual Teacher who assists in consciousness awakening: Contact

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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Oct 9, 2017

Steve Hammons, Spidey Sense, Remote Viewing and Writing for Curious Minds

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real? - 'Best of' Albus Dumbledore quotes, Pop Sugar

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Steve Hammons: Tag along with the Joint Recon Study Group as their assignments merge Metaphysics and Military Intelligence.

"Researchers try to put together pieces of a strange cosmic puzzle. They conduct urgent operations to understand the emerging intelligence affecting the United States, the human race and planet Earth." Source

OddsnEnds -
  • SETI bet: We'll find intelligent life in 20 years. Futurism  and Newsweek (Suspect intelligent life has found us is keeping a relatively low profile so as not to further disturb that which might be considered from a higher consciousness state, a cross between sentient challenged and blissfully unaware.) Consider Sentient Laptops and Sentient Fish 
  • 2 Million dollar prize up for grabs? Develop a Jet Pack that will carry a person 20 miles without refueling or recharging and it's yours. Details: NPR  Register: Here 
  • Who knew? Tears generate electricity. Science Alert 
  • Ariel Phenomenon. Facebook. Now promising a 2018 release date. Seeking funding. Main page
  • Couple of great (and unexplained) ghost image captures on film. Links to those will be included in the next post.
Original Blade Runner pre-set for seeing 2049. Several versions of the first film create a different perspective given the film POV. Slate offers up a view on where to begin.

Having followed my guest on his blog [off and on over the past several years], I wanted to talk a bit about current events, remote viewing, 'spidey sense' along with his books and the screenplay he wrote for the story.

Author, blogger, Steve Hammons has written two metaphysical, military intelligence novels: Mission into Light and Light's Hand. Check out his stories on the blog and the comments for his books on Amazon.

Reader reviews on Amazon ...
Excellent story from a gifted writer! The book was difficult to put down. I recommend it highly and am buying a second copy for a gift. It was fast-moving with lots of action. The short chapters made it easy to read and a lot of fun. The book ties many relevant and cutting edge topics into an incredibly interesting story. I particularly liked the scientific and government intelligence issues. Don't miss this one! - Franklin J. Fields, Jr. 

Interested in more information about Remote Viewing? YouTube  Check out Angela Thompson Smith at Mindwise Consulting

Steve writes on Linkedin (also links to his blog). I have had some tremendous metaphysical experiences in Sedona, Arizona. He writes about Sedona's Energy Vortexes and what might be influencing the magnetic energy in that space. 

NOTE - I posted this again because these two stories are related to the interview with Steve. We address 'Spidey Sense'. That intuition played into a fatality shooting in Lawrence - an Uber driver said something about the day just felt off or odd. Shawnee Dispatch 

Las Vegas Shooting and a premonition? Daily Mail Woman and companion who were escorted out - told festival goers "you're all going to die." Why do I suggest it was a premonition or altered state? Two things, if what the report said is accurate. 1. She reportedly said "they're all around": Indicates an altered state (impairment is a possibility too). 2. Witness said she was touching people and fingering their hair. If what she was seeing created an altered image or effect, touching people would help her determine if they were transparent or physical. Update: The story has now changed. Snopes

Related Topics -
Michael Salla The US Navy's Secret Space Program
The Ra Material: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks
Selected by Extraterrestrials, William Tompkins, Amazon
The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic's Discovery that We Are Not Alone, Lynne D. Kitei

What is real here? More than one can possibly imagine. And that keeps life interesting beyond measure. - Talking to Nightlights II 

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Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Oct 6, 2017

SciXFriday - ET, Spidey Sense, Premonitions and the Astral Plane

“The depth of learning is in direct relation to the intensity of the experience.” - Robert A. Monroe

OddsnEnds -
  • Blade Runner 2049 - Robert Butler gives it a smile. Review 
  • Today is #WorldSmileDay - Smiley on Twitter
  • 3 Prequels will get you up to speed - RadioTimes
  • The future is checking in. Guy says he's from 2048 and his return date is off but the warning is heartfelt. ETs are coming! Pad he launched from was supposed to land in 2018 and that ET date is a year from then. So ... we are warned. And he's sleeping off a hangover. HuffPo 
  • Something's missing. Cat Pillow therapy - has a tail and it purrs. Futurism 
  • Holy Cow! Water on Mars! Futurism 
  • Premonition at the Las Vegas Shooting - News reports carried the story of a woman who said security escorted out a couple who warned "they're all around" - that everyone was going to die. Here's the story link. Daily Mail
    • Sometimes the unexplained happens. Given the agitated and odd behavior the actions indicate and the sheer magnitude of the tragedy, I think the woman could have been seeing a glimpse of the astral plane. Her reality would have been fuzzy. To discern the difference between the spirit presence and the physical plane, touching something would have helped or it was just mesmerizing. Some of the beings she saw might have been glowing and or transparent and that would have been very disconcerting. And "they" (Angels, Deceased, Spirits) would have been present to help both the survivors and the victims. I think she was frightened and what she saw was quite foreign to the present state, physical reality. (Such as this post from the Stanley Hotel - photo was examined and deemed legit or a brilliant piece of work - Fact or Faked.)
    • William Buhlman addresses the astral plane in his presentation and I have included links to some instances of encounters with spirit beings, Butterfly People in Joplin, encountered during the tornado. Deceased Relatives and Angels witnessed in the Cokeville Miracle and Angels on the scene at the crash site of Flight 93 (Lilli Leonardi).
    Coincidence - Fatality shooting in Lawrence, KS on that same date. An Uber driver said something felt wrong about that night. He describes a feeling that indicated discomfort. That's insight and perception awareness. Spidey Sense/Navy Researchers 
Upgrade your reality now. Exploring the OBE multidimensional landscape with William Buhlman. YouTube Link  More info on The Monroe Institute. Here's and intro to Bob Monroe - YouTube

Sci-Fi Short - part one of a series in progress - ADAM. The next link is posted under the visual. 

Next installment - The Mirror

UFO Intelligences influencing humanity? Russell Brinegar's 2009 NDE ignited a passion to explore a broad spectrum of  topics including Physics and Higher Consciousness. That search continues to expand. Here's our most recent interview on Conscious Living/Empower Radio

Here's Russell's previous interview on Wendy's Coffeehouse. He talks about that 2009 NDE mindshift, stepping out of his body, meeting his higher self ... [and the higher self presences of others who are still -- in their astral form.] 

Several links for the stuff we mentioned during the recent show - Urantia
Abduction Research
Singularity - it's complicated.
From Here to Andromeda
And the post with a short excerpt from Chapter 4 of Russell's book Overlords of the Singularity 

Wendy's Coffeehouse

10/08 - Steve Hammons, Blog Communications Professional, Writer, Editor, Journalist, Novelist: Mission into Light and Light's Hand
10/15 - James Schwartz, Hypnotherapist Blog: "Actual transcripts of clients experiencing the phenomena of visiting different planes of existence during their hypnosis sessions." One Voice, Sacred Wisdom
10/22 - Bruce Gernon, YouTube recounts his incredible experience, Home Site/Electronic Fog, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
10/29 - Kathleen Odom Bio, (also featured in Video), Letters from the Big Man Trailer, Sasquatch Film Site
Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Oct 1, 2017

Verna Kowertz, living with the Ghosts and Ghosted in Weston, Missouri

"To those ghosts who are at home and content, self-aware in their altered presence, we are the quirk. Uncomfortable in our evolving density, bumping up against them, spooked by their presence, we demand their reassignment. "Get out of my space!" In that fashion, it's the living who haunt the dead.

On with the circus, the dog and pony show and all manner of corporeal entreaties to shove the clearly dead onward in their departure. So be it. Amused ghosts oblige the living their ignorance in believing all phantom encounters imply engagement with one who has somewhere else to depart by masking their imprint until the corporeal has upgraded a density or two.

Stubborn ghosts carry on - rattling the shells of living, until they realize the form is the ghost. When formless-in-presence fully, one can opt to lighten up in any form and/or persist with the self-enhancing task of enlightening the densities. Cheers to the Revelation!" - Talking to Nightlights II

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Verna Kowertz on Weston Ghosts - Podcast link 

OddsnEnds - 
  • After a time - decades as it were - the vast amount of encounters ascribed to the Non-Proof category suggest an incredible blind spot akin to intentional denial. Another case for the NON-proof yet UNexplained, they're here. Regina-Leader/Canada
  • Recent note on Lord Mountbatten's UFO sighting includes report, drawing of the craft and occupant description. TheSun
  • Prince Phillip believes - HuffPo
  • Ariel Phenomenon with John Mack - 1994. NON-proof yet UNexplained multiple witness, widely corroborated UFO encounter. Bonus = years of trauma resulting from the event. New release date: 2018. New Promo with Dan Aykroyd
  • Really, they're here. From those who opt not to deny the presence. ET Contact: They are Here won Best Documentary Feature at the Philip K. Dick Film Festival. About: Writer/Director/Producer Caroline Cory
  • Voyager Golden Record - ET friendly - seeking Earth audience NPR
  • Earth 80 million years ago. Ancient History clues on climate change? Zealandia
Sorry, the studio lights
were a bit hot.

Just for fun - 8-Ball Questions for inquiring minds:

"Will Aliens land on the White House Lawn?" Not sure I added a time frame. I was thinking 'this year'.

Timing is always a big bugaboo - and now the term "aliens" might have a different hue. Oh well. It's out there.

And the reply is something in the neighborhood of an affirmative. "As I see it, Yes."

Real or Unreal? Ghosts are illusive. Inspiring the curious, Most Haunted says this image - is real - the one real ghost image the show has managed to capture in 15 years of doing the program.

And the search goes on...

In Weston, Missouri, one of the most popular events of the year is the annual dining with Ghosts at Verna Kowertz' Main Street Galleria. Like many other buildings in Weston, the space is haunted.

St. Joe Newspress has more background on Verna and the ghosts.

Reservations at
In the 17 plus years Verna has had the building, numerous encounters have been reported by guests and employees, including a curious text message that registered at the same time  on the cell phones of each person in the shop. New hires are asked if working in a haunted building will be a problem.

Weston is popular with paranormal groups due to the availability of the haunted sites and the proximity to Kansas City. Local civil war history is documented.  

On the walking tour - a few of the locations:
Benner House Bed and Breakfast. (Rocking Chair Ghost)
Saint George Hotel. Ask about the children.
Weston Bend Candle Company. (Fantastic aroma.) Owners, Jeff and Angie, report several incidents - including chimes ringing with no wind, being tripped, hair pulled and doors locking inexplicably. Candles have been known to pop off the shelf. Fox4KC Another post on Weston Bend Candle Company from 2016.

Walking tour ...Ghosts of Weston
Ghost Tales of Weston and Ghost Walk is an annual event and it does fill up. All nights were sold out last year by October 12. This year, the dates are October 20,21,27,27. Dinner and Walk. Reservations are required. Limited Seating. 816-640-2825.

*Note: Wear comfortable shoes. Some uphill streets and a few brick sidewalks. Check the weather conditions.

Other Area Haunts in and near Weston, Missouri - Haunted Places
Specifically, The Saint George Hotel
Trip Advisor had a post from 2014
I talked with Verna about my experience at a Haunted Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico where our dog also had an encounter. Sagebrush Inn
When I looked for a few more perspectives on that incident, I found another report that included a dog. Ghosts of America

Update on Board Camp Mine - mentioned in the post. Open for tours. No crystal mining TFN. Site

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Stay Curious!