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Jan 1, 2017

Wendy's Coffeehouse Prognosticator - Outlook 2017

Here we go, launching into 2017. Time to break out the secret novelty weapon and take a temperature on the incoming timeline flotsam.  

Reality bent to perfection.
Google Books

First, a favorite Fortune Cookie Quote:

"Don't Panic."

Ever relevant. Plus it has star perks, being a very familiar line from

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Google Books

Coincidence? Hardly.

Bernard Beitman has a theory on that: Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview

and my related blog post on that show. Link

For the rest of the Fortune Cookie Arsenal this link is a good one. Insider Monkey

Now - the real McCoy: 1 authentic and newly acquired (the old one (retired) lost its mojo) *Magic 8 Ball/Wiki

My question: "Is 2017 going to be an AMAZING year?"

Answer: as pictured, first upturn, ballpark time, 10 am CST, 1/1/2017 = Ta-da!
wgarrett blog pic 20171
20x20 Puzzle 550 piece. Avail at
 #WendysCoffeehouseAwesome. Game ON! 

In closing, another link teaming coincidence with prognostication:

"One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience. When we hold something, anything, in our thought, then somehow coincidence leads us in the direction that we've been wishing to lead ourselves." - Richard Bach

Greeting from the incomparable Richard Bach, Facebook: Johnathan Livingston Seagull Community

*PS: Thank you, The (new) Dime Store in Waldo, MO. Love my new Magic 8 Ball. :)