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May 8, 2021

Sci-Fi Short Film, Paranormal, Unexplained, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Clouds

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." - John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914)

OddsnEnds -   
  • "I bought a paranormal property." Brandon Fugal. Newsweek. People often ask me, "Are you a believer"? My honest answer is, "No. I am an experiencer." #SkinwalkerRanch
  • Pentagon seems ready to legitimize UFOs - and the jokesters are having none of it. Futurism.
  • Picture yourself in a floating magnetic pod? Try it. Reuters. 
  • Novel approach. French Military taps Sci-Fi creatives to prep for future threats. The Debrief.
  • Boom to bust - Pandemic Puppy love was temporary. Shelter returns are increasing. (Dogs and Cats) BBC.
  • Fiona finds joy in a rainy day - catching raindrops in her mouth. Fiona the Hippo lives at the Cincinnati Zoo. BBC.
  • Dowsing. "Bull’s calling, he would learn, was in finding things the old way, with his intuition as a guide and a forked stick as a pointer, like dowsers have for centuries. All his powers would come in time." Outside Online.
  • Tick Gaudreau dowses to find ghosts and clear entities. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview.
  • American Society of Dowsers. More Info.
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Sci-Fi Short Film: "A Week With Rebecca" - testing an android companionship model...

"A Week With Rebecca" by Marcus Shenn​
Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:

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Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Dena Merriam. Link.
Dena says the memory of her past lives was so vivid she would enter a location and then
realize it was familiar and that would trigger vivid scenery and other images of that past incarnation.

When the Bright Moon Rises: The Awakening of Ancient Memories is Dena's third book about
her past life memories. She writes in novel form about a love story that spans 10,000 years and she includes the between life time encounters with a spirit guide who offers support and coaching in the interim.

Here is my joyful Elephant. 4.29.21 
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The previous interview with Ann Bolinger-McQuade
was about Oracles.

She shares multiple pictures of images in clouds
on her website. I told her the one I chose while
exploring her site looked like an Elephant.

The trigger for reposting the show - although I didn't
know it until I pulled the show from the archives - 
was a unique dream about Elephants.

(Their specific actions indicate a metaphor I am still working with.)

Later in the week, after that interview aired, I was 
looking at the clouds above the house and realized
I was seeing yet another Elephant. 

Grabbed the camera to capture the image as quickly as
I could, before the form dissolved.

I now have my own Elephant cloud photo. [Elephant x3. Spirit Animal Meaning.]

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Paranormal Trivia: Daniel David (DD) Palmer invented the field of chiropractic care. 
He said the idea for chiropractic care came to him from the 'other world' during a séance. -

May 4, 2021

An eternal day in Santa Fe – defeating the time/space continuum with many manifestations of UFOs [re-blogged]

*Originally posted on Blue River UFO Blog – A very unusual authentic UFO story: Link 

“You can’t grow if you are afraid of change.”Bernardo Moya

Think about it – if this happened to you – what about reality would you then take for granted? Would you ever believe anything another – who was blind to this behind the scenes tinkering – told you about reality? And why?

I am so thankful that John (JohnFosterUFOs) has had the ability to remember and share his experiences with so much background and detail. [3 books. Amazon.] Extraordinary depth. And witnesses. And personal risk.

Obviously there is an entirely different level of existence, where beings are entirely capable of shifting our awareness and intervening in our experiences. Why is there so little interest in asking questions about this of those who have been exposed to this phenomenon?

Rather than cast doubt or deny the possibility – one can ask as many questions as one can think of – in hopes of learning what questions need to be asked. No thing here is what it seems. The reality we see at the surface is simply window dressing. How amazing and awesome – hidden in plain sight – a carrot/s – planted … suggesting we are indeed intended to know.

Question. And it begins.

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Please follow John – and ask questions. He has more information to share. The story is happening the world over. There is so much more to know:

Santa Fe Booth. Image credit, John Foster.

"I realized early during my 1986/1987 flood of recollections that the time-space warp during most of my so-called UFO encounters was controlled by who I call “the mysterious intelligence.” 

The time/space warps occurred in the immediate local areas…in various unsymmetrical volumes of yards, feet and inches…sometimes here and there, but obviously in patterns where we could clearly see them."

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with John Foster. Link.