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May 10, 2019

Sci-Fi Short Film: "Tears of Steel", Time - and time again, Past lives and Reincarnation

"Time and tide wait for no man." - Origin. "Time waits for no one." - Rolling Stones.

Alternative Time Option C - Time is relative to the percipient. If, as some scientists propose, we live in a holographic universe, then there could be alternative methods of operating on this plane that have not yet been fully realized or optimized.

This is what I tried today [5/10/19] after I accidentally left my pass key at home. Had to return but didn't want to be late for work so I immediately asked for expanded time - a bubble - to avoid being late. As I drove home, I held focus on walking back in the work door at the right time (On that end.). Drove the speed limit - (didn't need to draw attention). Pulled away from the house -- cloud of smoke like fog around the car -- not there or anywhere earlier?? Arrived at work in time. 4 minutes for a 10 min round trip. So, what else is possible here?

Help me if you know this answer. Retrocausality? I held my intention on the [future] image of me arriving in perfect time to do the first traffic report. Time of arrival (unspecific) inside the building would be as if none of the events of me returning home to retrieve the key had happened.

Then, when I did arrive back at work in time, I was surprised because I thought I must be late.  Or was it simply a Dimension shift that allowed me to create the reality I intended by stepping outside of normal space time? Discover blog. Whatever it is or was, I am curious now if I can do it again.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Out loud. Colonizing the Moon. Jeff Bezos. CNN.
  • Thumbs up from The Expanse. Twitter
  • Monkey wrench in our timeline. Spanish coin in Utah Park predates Columbus. Mysterious Universe.
  • Here, there be Dragons. Ancient Bat-winged Dinosaur. The Atlantic.
  • Toe in the water - Infinite Future. 16 to start. “A key feature of the photonic quantum information processor is that it creates a quantum superposition of all possible future trajectories that the system can evolve into,” said physicist Mile Gu and colleagues in a study recently published in Nature Communications. SyFy.
  • Reincarnation - on the big screen. A Dog's Journey.
  • Pets reincarnate? Yes. Source.
  • Yes. Talk with the Animals.
  • Yes. Communicating with Animals, Art Meyers

Mend a broken heart - save the planet. No pressure.

Tears of Steel - Ian Hubert, Credits: IMDb
More Sci-Fi Short Films: DUST

Wendy's Coffeehouse - 
5/12/19 - Walter Semkiw, MD - IISIS, Reincarnation - Evidence and the extraordinary cases.
5/19 - Lee Harris - Channel. Energy Speaks.
5/26/19 - Simon Brown, Past Lives Hypnosis, Hypnotherapist, writer, podcast host. The Past Lives Podcast.
6/2/19 - Tom Dongo camped/hiked thousands of miles of the Sedona/Flagstaff/Prescott mountains, mesas, deserts, and canyons. Recognized world authority on UFOs and paranormal occurrences. Books include The Quest, Mysterious Sedona and (I can recommend) Merging Dimensions.
*This post on Facebook shows an image captured 20 years ago [Leadville, Colorado] that absolutely defies explanation. Link.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

May 6, 2019

Shelley Kaehr, Beyond Reality, Evidence of Parallel Universes. What if?

“Yes, I am white now,' said Gandalf. 'Indeed I am Saruman, one might almost say, Saruman as he should have been.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers, Goodreads.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Outstanding tweet with photo - Indian Army claimed a Yeti sightingCNN.
  • Similar in foot size to the one Avrel Seale shared on the cover of his book, Monster Hike
  • Related historical archive story worth noting: Possible Bigfoot reference in Wild Bill Cody's Autobiography. While acting as a scout for the US Army, he related a story the Pawnee Indians told of a long ago race of giant men, three times the size of a human being. Texas Cryptid Hunter
  • And, more recently, report of a Sasquatch sighting in Oregon. Pamplin Media. Follow up on that sighting and Scot Violette's quest to prove evidence of Bigfoot. Squatch Oregon.
  • Deeming Coffee is not vital for survival, the Swiss government will no longer stockpile it. Expect arguments to the contrary. Final decision in November. Reuters.
  • Update - Russian Spy Whale - knows how to fetch. The Dodo.   
  • Hiding in plain view. This "Creature"- haunting a child's bedroom - was finally busted and re-homed. Yep, kids everywhere know this story: an 'imaginary' phantom turns out to be real. The Dodo. (Opossum)

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Shelly Kaehr, Do we exist in Parallel Universes? 

Beyond Reality, Evidence of Parallel Universes. Preview the book on Amazon.

When I read Shelley Kaehr's book, I had no idea about her Past Life specialty. Doing the research prior to setting up an interview, I discovered she had an extensive background and - obviously - the timing was no coincidence. Talking with her, it is clear, we share some similar interests. I also have several upcoming interviews touching on the theme of past lives.

Shelley Kaehr, The Past Life Lady. Site. This introduction is from an event in Granbury, Texas.

One of the stories we covered - In a dream, Shelley identified a location she felt she had been before and, in sharing the dream information with a friend, was surprised to learn the friend had the very same dream experience and remembered the two of them being together in the dream.

She has given me that story to share in an upcoming guest blog.

wendy reads Beyond Reality
Preview Beyond Reality on Amazon
An incredible story we don't cover is in Chapter 13. Shelley was giving a talk and relating the story of a friend who died in a hiking accident.

One of the attendees happened to have been with that friend at the time of the accident.

Shelley described seeing an apparition of the deceased friend. The attendee told her the  clothes she described the apparition wearing were accurate, something she had never known.

I added a personal story. To this day, my Mom still can't figure out how she avoided an accident (in the past year) that could have been tragic.

One minute she was heading into an unavoidable collision, frantically thinking which of the worst options would be the best course - and the next minute - she was beyond it.

No collision, no close call, no accident. 

I have yet to get her to draw the diagram of the situation and describe the experience in writing, as it happened. She is still trying to wrap her brain around it and - it might be - writing it down clarifies an impossible - as possible. A reality that could have happened but didn't (Thankfully.) and still boggles the mind.

I have past life memories and dreams that suggest parallel life encounters and other experiences that challenge what is considered 'normal' reality. For that matter, each and every day - my 'normal' is 'beyond reality'. By now, it's clear there are others who experience this stuff too.

We explore and discover. Shelley and I will talk more.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.