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Apr 13, 2018

SciXFriday - Strange, Unusual, Aliens and Spirits - Totally Unexplained and Beyond Curious

“Other cultures have always known that there were other realities,” he told the Seattle conference, “other beings, other dimensions. There is a world of other dimensions, of other realities that can cross over into our world.”- John E. Mack, The Aliens are Always with Us by Bryan Appleyard, Originally published in The London Times

Oddsnends - 

  • "We saw these radar signatures telling us there’s water, but we thought it was impossible that there could be liquid water underneath this ice, where it is below -10C.”  Score points for Alien Life and hidden potential. ATTNet
  • How the 'Gorilla Effect' could be preventing Humans from 'seeing' ET. Newsweek
  • 3D Motion tracking from radio signals off of the body - even works through walls. WiTrack Via Bill Gross on Twitter
  • AI - (r)evolution - Natural Selection replaced by Intelligent Design. Shift in authority from humans to algorithms - Prof. Yuval Noah Harari
  • Lost in Space Reboot. On Netflix now. (April 13) CNN
  • Cue Mission Impossible Theme. This Daredevil Rat is Awesome. Buzz60/SFGate

... what if? A young man and his friends experiment in Toronto, Canada with human-initiated contact techniques in an attempt to develop a peaceful relationship with extra-terrestrials.

A film by Mitch Fillion

NOTE: At the :35:30 mark in the film, Nick Pope talks about (Rendlesham Forest) witnesses who saw a UFO shining light beams on the ground in front of them. That sounds very similar to the light beams witnessed by Orville and Cheryl Murphy at the Board Camp Crystal Mine. Here is their story: Beams, on Amazon Kindle. I do plan to visit the site. Here is our interview on Wendy's Coffeehouse. Board Camp Crystal Mine is open daily for tours and crystal digs.

FYI - Here's an opportunity. Huff Post Guest Writer. Example: This submission from Gayle Saks: I Thought Mediums were Frauds Until I Met One Who Knew Things She Couldn't Have Known.

"With only five minutes left until we wrapped up, the medium invited all of our dead pets to join us and people actually looked toward the empty aisles and smiled as she described being able to see them happily run around the room."
... That wasn't one of the things ... Link

Marisa Ryan
, Psychic Medium says her experience with ET/Aliens didn't start until after she attended a UFO Conference. Take note of that. There is something to be said for receptivity, access, awareness and proximity.

News and Notable
- Mike Clelland's new book is out (Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview on the first book)

Says Mike: "My pal Red Pill Junkie just posted a full chapter from my new book on The Daily Grail. He wrote this in the article: “If it’s not weird, I don’t trust it.” That was the motto of Anne Strieber, the late wife of author Whitley Strieber, and her way to deal with the hundreds of claims of non-human intervention she and her husband received from the readers of Communion. Mike Clelland, author of The Messengers, totally agrees with this idea—though he probably would add “and if it doesn’t have owls, I trust it even less.” Preview on The Daily Grail: Link

Wendy's Coffeehouse -
4/15 - 8p central time, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM (Kansas City) -  Karen Rontowski, Paranormal Karen. Paranormal Investigator, Comedian, Writer. On YouTube: Subscribe

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Apr 8, 2018

Stephan Schwartz, Awakening, Remote Viewing, ET and PSI

“Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed.” ― Stanisław Lem, Solaris, Official

Oddsnends -
  • Memory Buzz - Elec stim technique zaps brain to stimulate memory. Wired
  • Canadian (glow in the dark) Coin commemorates an extraordinary UFO encounter. Gizmodo  And it really is an incredible story. Details. CBC Authors talk about their book on the Falcon Lake Encounter, Winnipeg Free Press
  • 4 pilots and a UFO encounter over Roswell - Feb 24. Big Country Home Page
  • Another UFO encounter reported by a pilot in Russia - Feb 18, with audio translation. Paranoia Magazine
  • Isle of Dogs home page - fantastic preview. Reviews echo - fantastic film. Variety, The Guardian, and Kansas City Star Critic Robert Butler calls it part Sci-Fi, part Old Yeller. Review
  • Sugar power - just plain sugar - delivers incredible results in wound care. BBC Future
  • 4.99 and hours of laughs. Facial Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece demo. WBTV
  • Retail Ghosts - Plaza KC Eddie Bauer store is closing April 25, 2018. Ghost made an appearance. When I (Wendy) passed by the register, I heard someone approaching behind me at a fast clip - sounded like hard sole men's shoes. I stepped aside to let him by. ___ No one there. Andy (husband) was also there and I told him what happened. Turns out he had the very same experience a few minutes prior.
In my interview with Stephan Schwartz we mention the remote viewing project he did of 2050. However, we run out of time and don't cover it. This is the vid regarding the 2050 RV scenario Stephan and his remote viewers from all over the world zoomed in on.

Another interview is scheduled and we will talk more about Telepathy (something he says doesn't exist) and his research into consciousness and intention.

He talks about Remote Viewing 2050 in this New Thinking Allowed interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, providing a description of what was asked, who responded and the outcome determined.

Most impressive to see the results reflected in current events.
Some forecast circumstances have yet to be seen.

For a deeper dive into remote viewing, Ingo Swann delves into a paradigm shift in the way we view present, future and past and the need to change our models of perception. IRVA 2006.

Stephan's novel is a fun read and ties several current themes together. What if some rogue element of the US government did have the ability to capture and confine an alien in a secret location? Who would have access to that facility? What information might the alien offer?

Would anyone find that whole prospect completely unacceptable? Awakening: A Novel of Aliens and Consciousness.

"Whether the setting is a wood-paneled Congressional hearing room, a swank
Preview on Amazon
Sushi bar on D.C.’s fashionable Wisconsin Ave, or a break-away race to cross the Gulf Stream to the Grand Bahamas Banks, Schwartz writes as if he’s been there—and he has.

He asks the big questions.

Better still, he answers them." - Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, best-selling author of *Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet*, and co-editor of* Venture Inward* magazine.

Foreword by Uri Geller.

28 reviews on Amazon. 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Read the book.

Note: The International Remote Viewing Association event this year is coming up in June in Las Vegas. Details.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Apr 6, 2018

SciXFriday - Wordstrings, AI, UFO, Space Tourism and Magnetized Coffee Cans

The chances of finding out what’s really going on in the universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. - Douglas Adams, Quotes, Towels, Flying, Remote, Wordstrings  *Not necessarily what this BBC link is about but the words are mostly there. Except Wordstrings, that's my embellishment, suggesting the preceding string could be useful when synced, creating a convenient launch to someplace interesting.

Oddsnends -
  • Space Tourism - Deposits are now being accepted for a future stay on Aurora Station, which is slated to launch in late 2021 and host its first guests in 2022. The first luxury hotel in space will host 6 guests at a time – including two crew members. The 12-day journey starts at $9.5M per person (includes the launch to the station). Reserve your trip with an $80,000 deposit, here.
  • UFO over Greece. Lucky capture here. Still unexplained.
  • Big Brother rolling out now - South China Morning Post reports devices like the jaywalking facial recognition system - WSJ - will be networked to keep track of the number of jaywalking violations and change a person’s social credit score accordingly. Motherboard
  • Where the brains are. Harvard Brain Bank. Tally? Five thousand in storage. Great Big Story  
  • Albert the Quail from a quail egg bought at a supermarket, this humble miracle chick has a YouTube fan club of 12,000 subscribers.

Ozark Mountain UFO Conference - April 13-15 Register

Board Camp Crystal Mine update from Facebook: A coffee can that was magnetized after being in the site where the lights were witnessed. View. Dig for crystals daily. Link to visit.

4/8/18 - Stephen A. Schwartz - Consciousness Researcher, Remote Viewing Instructor, Creativity Innovator, Author of the newest novel, Awakening, A Novel of Aliens and Consciousness. Sign up for his daily Newsletter: The Schwartz Report: Trends that will affect your future.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.