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Apr 8, 2018

Stephan Schwartz, Awakening, Remote Viewing, ET and PSI

“Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed.” ― Stanisław Lem, Solaris, Official

Oddsnends -
  • Memory Buzz - Elec stim technique zaps brain to stimulate memory. Wired
  • Canadian (glow in the dark) Coin commemorates an extraordinary UFO encounter. Gizmodo  And it really is an incredible story. Details. CBC Authors talk about their book on the Falcon Lake Encounter, Winnipeg Free Press
  • 4 pilots and a UFO encounter over Roswell - Feb 24. Big Country Home Page
  • Another UFO encounter reported by a pilot in Russia - Feb 18, with audio translation. Paranoia Magazine
  • Isle of Dogs home page - fantastic preview. Reviews echo - fantastic film. Variety, The Guardian, and Kansas City Star Critic Robert Butler calls it part Sci-Fi, part Old Yeller. Review
  • Sugar power - just plain sugar - delivers incredible results in wound care. BBC Future
  • 4.99 and hours of laughs. Facial Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece demo. WBTV
  • Retail Ghosts - Plaza KC Eddie Bauer store is closing April 25, 2018. Ghost made an appearance. When I (Wendy) passed by the register, I heard someone approaching behind me at a fast clip - sounded like hard sole men's shoes. I stepped aside to let him by. ___ No one there. Andy (husband) was also there and I told him what happened. Turns out he had the very same experience a few minutes prior.
In my interview with Stephan Schwartz we mention the remote viewing project he did of 2050. However, we run out of time and don't cover it. This is the vid regarding the 2050 RV scenario Stephan and his remote viewers from all over the world zoomed in on.

Another interview is scheduled and we will talk more about Telepathy (something he says doesn't exist) and his research into consciousness and intention.

He talks about Remote Viewing 2050 in this New Thinking Allowed interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, providing a description of what was asked, who responded and the outcome determined.

Most impressive to see the results reflected in current events.
Some forecast circumstances have yet to be seen.

For a deeper dive into remote viewing, Ingo Swann delves into a paradigm shift in the way we view present, future and past and the need to change our models of perception. IRVA 2006.

Stephan's novel is a fun read and ties several current themes together. What if some rogue element of the US government did have the ability to capture and confine an alien in a secret location? Who would have access to that facility? What information might the alien offer?

Would anyone find that whole prospect completely unacceptable? Awakening: A Novel of Aliens and Consciousness.

"Whether the setting is a wood-paneled Congressional hearing room, a swank
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Sushi bar on D.C.’s fashionable Wisconsin Ave, or a break-away race to cross the Gulf Stream to the Grand Bahamas Banks, Schwartz writes as if he’s been there—and he has.

He asks the big questions.

Better still, he answers them." - Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, best-selling author of *Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet*, and co-editor of* Venture Inward* magazine.

Foreword by Uri Geller.

28 reviews on Amazon. 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Read the book.

Note: The International Remote Viewing Association event this year is coming up in June in Las Vegas. Details.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

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