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Sep 5, 2017

Dr. Richard House, September 3, 2017 - NDE Triggers a Spiritual Metamorphosis

“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” - LeeAnn Taylor

OddsnEnds -
  • Black Hole Math - a new link Futurism 
  • Crop Circles Explained Nature 
  • Not so fast: Crop Circle Mystery - Francine Blake lives in the Pewsey Vale near Alton Barnes - the most active area for crop circles in the world (and lots of megaliths) - where she studies the phenomenon full time.
  • Dog walker's secret? - They're happy. According to University of Liverpool
  • No dog or human. This happy face = sign of full tummy. ABC Brisbane 
  • Bee photo with a twist: Pregnant Mom (she held the Queen Bee in a tiny box [video] to lure the colony. Modern Farmer

Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast with Dr. Richard House

Dr. Richard House (*also a Bee Keeper) says he didn't quite know what to make of it when the voice told him he was going to die at age 33. He was a teenager at the time and, yes, he believed it but went on about his life not knowing exactly what could be done about it anyway.

Between Now and When details the story of a man who had all the right stuff, the external signs of success as epitomized by Western standards, upper class lifestyle, material wealth and accompanying  social circle. He also had a drinking problem so severe it initiated the NDE. What happened after the NDE is the real story. So that's where you get to check out the book and the interview.

The metamorphosis of Dr. House is very much like the story told about the Butterfly on NPR. It seems that the elements required for part two of Richard's life were present and embedded within prior to the transformation. A hint about that aspect is given when he is 7 years old.

The elements could not, however, become visible and active until he underwent the metaphysical and physical metamorphosis required to trigger the manifestation.

His story involves a profound connection to Indian spiritual master, Meher Baba. Here's another Butterfly metamorphosis story from Radiolab: Goo and You

A few words from Dr. House -

Link for the book Amazon

The butterfly/human as two beings in one container parallels are there. Richard House is still Richard but his life orientation is quite the opposite of that initial path. And the best part, he has another manuscript that maps out the metaphysical landscape he experienced while engaged in an illuminated spiritual journeying state. Hoping he pursues a publisher for that too!

Transform yourself without a Near Death experience -
Try meditation Generic
Try Yoga

Practice, practice, practice. One day the light kicks in and - no - thing is ever the same...

Related links - 
Pete Townshend on Meher Baba Rolling Stone
Glimpses of the God-Man pdf
Meher Baba Spiritual Center
MonarchWatch - Butterfly Migration

 Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

Sep 1, 2017

SciXFriday: U.F.Oh Yeah. Weird, Strange, Curious: Far OUT is closer than you think

"Take only memories. Leave nothing but footprints." - Chief Seattle

OddnEnds -

  • Predict Earthquakes? Tech listens to the noise, does the math. Results: promising. PhysOrg 
  • ET. The sound of potential. Breakthrough Listen is picking up audio from a galaxy far, far away." FRB 121102 was discovered five years ago in the constellation Auriga, and astronomers already knew that it was a source of repeated fast radio bursts, or FRBs. That’s why Breakthrough Listen added the source to its list of targets for observation." Source: CNET and GeekWire 
  • Mothman? Still a mystery. Chicago Tribune  
  • Seriously UFO. Book your Devil's Tower UFO Rendezvous - KOTATV.  September 14 - 16. Details and Registration info.
  • Retro fab = Remastered version of Close Encounters of the Third Kind in theaters for a one week engagement. HollywoodReporter 
  • Summer treat! Blade Runner 2049 short film prequel. Jared Leto stars: Collider
Sci-Fi Short Film fun - U.F.Oh Yeah - Suddenly, there arose such a noise and a clatter ... You'll never guess what was the matter. UFO buff is overjoyed at his opportune encounter...

Get the poster and On-Set Experience:
Follow: Film Riot on YouTube

A few notes on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts on behalf of the non-human victims - Rescue Organizations out-of-state are stepping up to assist with Animal care. In preparation, many shelters had arranged to ship out their adoptable pets to make room for incoming animals. Example: Atlanta Journal Constitution

About the Hawk who took cover in a cab with driver William Bruso, links include a follow-up and more info on Pet and Wildlife Rescue efforts.

Overview on Pet and Wildlife Rescues underway in Texas - Fox News
'Harvey the Hurricane Hawk' is in the care of TWRC. Update Video and information for the
Texas Wildlife Rescue - Main site and GoFundMe Site *"Recommend you call 713-468-8972 ahead to verify if we have room for your animal."

Wings of Rescue is continuing to fly animals who were already in shelters out to other states in order to create space for displaces pets. Follow on Facebook

Providing a personal account, National Geographic photographer Erin Trieb documented her experience moving her Mom to drier ground as the water began seeping in. Mom had three dogs.

She then waded through chest-deep water to get to her sister's house and described the scene in her Nat Geo story: "I can only remember hearing the chirping of frogs," she said. "Birds were quiet. The wind wasn't blowing hard. There was a strange and still effect all over the neighborhood." Her video, posted on YouTube.

I remember the flood we were in (Mom, my brother and I) when I was in grade school, about 8 years old. Water left everything coated with several inches of mud. Ruined the car, furnishings, appliances, clothes, toys - house. Mom cut her foot, stepping into my bike wheel (unseen and blocking the entry door) when she carried us out of the house through chest-high flood water. Coming down the stairs from my upstairs bedroom, Mom had to coax me to get into her arms in the cold, muddy water. I looked over to see the refrigerator door standing wide open, light on, water half-way up the door. Ketchup and condiments lined neatly in the door shelf, surreal. Memories like that fade but they don't go away. We walked up the hill to the neighbor's dry house. 20 minutes later, the water had gone. Mom lost everything. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

9/3 - Dr. Richard House - Voice told him when he was a teenager, he would die at age 33. He did. NDE. He came back to a life shift and an extraordinary mystical awakening, Between Now and When
9/10 - Annie Kagan - The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, life after death revelations from a brother who checks back in. Book Promo on YouTube
9/17 - Fate Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Phyllis Galde

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!
Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7

Aug 27, 2017

08//27/17 - Rey Hernandez, Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters plus Miracles, Ghosts and Animals behaving strangely

“A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Odd news highlights this week - plus a few paranormal extras
  • Miracle at Sacre-Coeur. Nun prays. Woman walks. BBC "Edited monologue by Abigail Brown."Other than the BBC link, I can find no additional details for this story. 
  • Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel, features the old Albion State Normal School in Idaho. IdahoStateJournal. Filming in July, done in secret to prevent the locals from interrupting the shoot. Interviews include a former campus caretaker. Yes, he believes. 
  • Kansas Spooky highlights include a 2013 note from Ariana Grande - who said a trip to the Cemetery in Stull, KS made a memorable impression. KC 
  • Ghosts of Kansas State University: PrairieGhosts, Ghosts of KU: TheKansan
  • Ghost Investigation at Sigma Nu, KU: LJW  - Yes, it is haunted. I was there for the investigation and follow-up. Ghost removed my necklace (in the basement during the report to the students, just to prove a point). Cheeky. Point made and appreciated.
  • Ghosts of Kansas - KansasPress 
  • Eight week course: Science of Happiness. Free at Link. Starts 09/04/17
  • Meet Hennessy - the Dog who has his own room/cupboard under the stairs. UPI 
  • Animals behaving strangely offer a clue about the severity of Hurricane Harvey -
    - Otis the Dog bags a sack of food to carry back home - prior to flooding. HuffPost
    - Hawk takes cover in a Cab, shows no desire to leave the vehicle. Several videos are posted by William Bruso/YouTube, including a final update. The Hawk was retrieved by TWRC, an area wildlife rescue organization. YouTube

Connecting a few dots here, I'm not the only one who has experienced paranormal activity in addition to a UFO/ET encounter. Joining me on Wendy's Coffeehouse/KCMO Talk Radio is Rey Hernandez, an Experiencer (listen to the extraordinary story of how the family dog was healed) and one of the co-founders of FREE, The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast Link  Rey has the most recent results of the FREE survey and details about the upcoming book, due in 2018.

As for Rey's story, we've covered that in previous interviews on Conscious Living. Here, Rey talks with Michael Harrell of the Disclosure Gift Project. 2016

Rey mentions multiple sightings and experiences with people in white robes. My experience happened in the early 90's. I heard faint conversation at the end of the bed. Woke up to see two individuals in robes discussing me while looking at a chart. One of the two - I could not see faces - said, "She's awake," and they vanished. I am still curious about that event but my biggest question: What was on that chart?  

In the interview with Michael, Rey referenced Dr. Claude Swanson's book, The Synchronized Universe. I have two of his books and interviewed Claude several years ago in conjunction with an appearance in Topeka, KS. Very helpful and worth reading.

A few basics about FREE:
- FREE is not a Ufology organization. The purpose is to explore the possible nature of “Consciousness” by examining the role and impact on one’s reported spiritual and behavioral transformations as facilitated through various extraordinary experiences.

- English language research data results from Phase 1 and 2 has recently been published in the Journal of Consciousness. To date, over 3,500 subjects have participated in the English Language Phase 1 survey from over 110 different countries. Surveys are also running in Spanish, German, French, Slovak, and soon in Cantonese Chinese.  

Coming soon - the book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence

 Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!