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Mar 5, 2017

PMH Atwater - Proof God in the Near Death Experience

Death isn't what it's cracked up to be, as witnessed by NDE experiencers who report an up close and personal fly-by. - Wendy's Coffeehouse

Wendy's Coffeehouse 3/5/17 - PMH Atwater: podcast link

Notes: odds, ends and otherwise - 
  • Viking send-off for two beloved classroom fish: Mashable
  • Why do people who see UFOs feel so good: Motherboard 
  • She told her Dad at 3 she wanted to go to Mars. "She’s already attended three shuttle launches and become the youngest person ever to complete 20 stints at NASA space camp. She takes classes in four languages and received her rocket license before trying for her driver’s permit." Source: Uproxx 
  • Another Mars hopeful, a Mom from Texas: Source: 
  • Closer to home - Patrick Stewart applying for US Citizenship: Guardian 
  • On his current work. Logan. Hollywood Reporter. Review are stellar: Business Insider 
  • Turn that frown upside down with a cheesy grin sandwich smile: Laughing Squid

Sights and Sightings - Valley of UFOs: Vice video - the UFO Watch Tower

Might be worth a road trip. UFO Watchtower

“Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.” - David Searls

PMH Atwater is a prolific writer on the After Death/Near Death Experience. Also a near death experiencer, had her first NDE in 1977 and started her studies in 1978.

An international authority on near-death states, the author of more than a dozen books (and counting). Her writings have also appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers. She has lectured twice at the United Nations. Source

Dying to Know You, Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience covers an essential aspect that goes hand in hand with the NDE event, what happens afterward:

"More than an otherworldly journey, travelogue or light show, the phenomenon consists of two parts: the experience and the aftereffects." - PMH Atwater, Edge Magazine

Here she describes her personal NDEs - three of them:

So many stories, so much to explore and experience. Near death experiences for most are life changing. What does it mean? Is there a purpose? The research continues.

Near death experiencers are often changed so much that even their closest companions say something is very different. Electrical sensitivity, dietary changes, low blood pressure, waking up at 3 am are the short list of the new anomalous elements.

Stories in the book include the young girl who survived the Joplin tornado KTTS and remembered the Butterfly People that several children survivors reported seeing that day.

PMH highly recommends the book she wrote: To Heaven after the Storm, by Ari Hallmark
And then there is a car accident victim who showed up at a nearby residence to get help for his broken body. The resident later told police he saw jumping fog at his window and the fog told him to call the police and report an accident.     

We also talk about the Russian dissident who woke up after three days in the morgue freezer - during his own autopsy. George Rodonaia background. Recounting his story on YouTube

Listen to the show. Podcast link/Dying to Know You, Proof of God in the Near Death Experience

PMH Atwater main site
PMH Atwater's Blog for NDE News
Q and A with PMH Atwater Blog

Bill Guggenheim is also mentioned during the interview - regarding after death communication.
Here is his site: Hello from Heaven
and the research site: After-Death

*Entertaining the Curious - Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast Archives 

Mar 3, 2017

Master fear, and leave the Monsters be

"Fear creates dragons out of mice. Own your knowing and mind your creations." - Talking to Nightlights

October 2017, Blade Runner 2049 - Trailer

Playing with SciFi and potential Timelines. We are our own worst nightmare when we allow fear to guide our path. Letting go of that element allows a view of reality where options are presented without the taint of a dreaded projection. Projection is the active word. Project: No fear.

What is - exists with purpose. Allow that your perfect present offers an opportunity to upgrade your awareness if you so choose. That perfect present is given to you in full confidence in your ability to accept this scenario as a challenge that requires acceptance of an all-that-is that has only your best interest at heart. You are the learning curve.

Release the urge to jump to a conclusion and instead, adopt the mind state of receptivity, allowing a miracle in the reveal. Potential is ever-present in the making. Chance is your friend. NO thing is final except your conclusion derived in over-thinking. Miracle or no, an open window permits even the smallest of blessings. Imagine up. The best is what you came for. This is your creation.

Odds, ends and otherwise -
  • Ancient Undiscovered Gem in the recently destroyed ruins - Telegraph
  • Fish we never new existed, discovery courtesy of BP Oil spill: Quartz 
  • Paranormal activity has everyone spooked in one Chilean town: Oddity Central
  • Apollo 10 Astronauts heard music? Lost recordings reveal a surprise. Featured in the
    third season of NASA's Unexplained Files: Daily Mail
  • Harry Potter SFX Remix. Earworm Alert. YouTube 

Some wonderful short films are available now and the quality is amazing. This award winning SciFi feature, newly released on YouTube, offers up a shattered world where the only way forward requires facing a dreaded monster(s). "The Surface"

Film Director/Writer: Willem Kampenhout
Connect with him if you like the film and/or to share your thoughts and sign up for future film info.

This note from his site: "My short film 'The Surface' was released on YouTube. Many questioned my sanity in this plan, as it was not even on my channel. Why I did this? Because this film was made to be seen."

More Award Winning Short Films: CGBro

Sci-Fi Inspiration -

Bright side:

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke

"Mr. Clarke played down his success in foretelling a globe-spanning network of communications satellites. “No one can predict the future,” he always maintained. But as a science fiction writer he couldn’t resist drawing up timelines for what he called “possible futures.”" - NYTimes


If you think this Universe is bad, you should see some of the others.

**This weekend - Philip K. Dick Festival, Friday March 3, 2017, Ft. Morgan, CO.**

From the Fan Site: "The legacy of Philip K. Dick is stronger than ever, his seemingly prescient views of the future are more real than he could have ever imagined. This web site is a loving tribute to the man and his work from his fans. It may not be the fanciest site on the Internet but we hope the content speaks louder than the form."

Fan Site Links 

Facebook Fan Page
Metaphysical Quotes Archived from

And with this reference you can see the attraction: 

The Penultimate Truth (1964) 
What would it be like, to have the earth open up and millions of humans, imprisoned subsurface for fifteen years, believing in a radioactive waste above with missiles and bacteria and rubble and warring armies - the demesne system would sustain a death blow and the great park over which he flapped twice daily would become a densely populated civilization once more, nor quite as before the war, but close enough. Roads would reappear. Cities. And - ultimately there would be another war. That was the rationale. The masses had egged their leaders on to war in both Wes-Dem and Pac-Peop. But once the masses were out of the way, stuffed down below into antiseptic tanks, the ruling elite of both East and West were free to conclude a deal...

Blade Runner Note: Philip K. Dick never saw the film based on his novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. He died shortly before the release. Neatorama

Details on the newest film, Blade Runner 2049 IMDB

*Entertaining the Curious - Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast Archives

Mar 2, 2017

Coffee Break - a pinch of Rube Goldberg with a dash of Carl Sagan

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - *attributed to Carl Sagan

Years ago, I interviewed Carl Sagan about his book Pale Blue Dot. That interview, as it turns out, was shortly before he died. I was nervous about my ability to effectively present the subject matter and intimidated because of my enormous respect for the guest. He was gracious and articulate. I have no idea what I asked but I remember I was very curious to know his thoughts on his book: Contact

Another quote from Sagan, one that inspires continued exploration of space wonders beyond knowing and (for me) the extraordinary PSI stuff begging further investigation: 

"At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes—an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense." - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark 

Time out for Coffee.

A nod to marketing novelty. The only Rube Goldberg Machine in the world was installed in NESCAFÉ Harajuku in Tokyo.
This fantastic machine debuted in December 2016, serving coffee and playing Christmas tunes. The beauty of this creation makes it a wonder to behold regardless of the season.

"In true Rube Goldbergian spirit, the machine took five months to build, according to Nestlé."
Source: Daily Coffee News  Event Press Release: Business Wire

“Dr. S didn’t notice. “Do you remember the cartoons of Rube Goldberg? An inventor of the most ludicrous contraptions. You know: a lever is pulled, causing a boot to kick a dog, whose bark motivates a hamster to run on a wheel which winds a pulley that raises a gate that releases a bowling ball and so on? Until, at the end, finally, the machine does something incredibly mundane, like making a piece of toast. Yes? Well, as it turns out, that’s the world. All these incredibly complex, inscrutably intertwined Rube Goldberg machines that can only be seen in retrospect when something happens.” - Adam Felber, Schrödinger's Ball

Might be just me but I do suspect some sources are meant to remain hidden - even in retrospect. Call it a divine carrot - designed to seed and instill Faith and higher learning.  

Ascend beyond the need of knowing and you'll know.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Upcoming Interviews: 
 3/5 - PMH Atwater - Proof of God in the near death experience
3/12 - Leslie Kean - New book 3/7/17 - Surviving Death
3/19 - Stan Seba - Kansas MUFON - update on a photo I submitted.
3/26 - Krsanna Duran - UFO Initiation Ultraterrestrial Time Travelers
4/2 - Mike Clelland - The Messengers - Owls and ETs

2017 - Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives
1/22 - Irma Slage - A guide to having your own psychic contact: Smashwords
1/29 - Nancy Talbott on Cognitive Dissonance - BLT Research
2/5 - Hans Wilhelm - Inspired and inspiring vbook - LifeExplained 
2/12 - Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis - The Sasquatch People
2/19 - Retired A-List Literary Agent Sandra Martin - Snapshots: Memories and Recipes
2/26 - Richard Gordon - his newest energy healing insight/and more Quantum Touch 

2/26 *Edd Edwards joins in the first break to offer a quick energy demo. Need a boost? Check in.

Just for grins, Doritos bagged with a PK twist.
That's Edd.

My favorite Sagan quote is on the home page of the Carl Sagan Portal:

"We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan Space

Given evolution is part of the process, we are a work in progress. 

*Entertaining the Curious - Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast Archives

Feb 27, 2017

Edd Edwards and Richard Gordon/Quantum Touch Healing - Energy Medicine

“Surgeons can cut out everything except cause.” - Herbert M. Shelton

Podcast/Wendy's Coffeehouse 2/26/17 - Edd Edwards and Richard Gordon  

Energy is the focus of this show. With two presenters, we explore very unique and complimentary approaches to self- healing by tapping into and engaging personal energy resources to improve health. Edd cameos in the first segment and Richard joins and stays with me for the rest of the show. 

Random notes: interesting, odd, offbeat and otherwise --
  • UFO Sightings are at an all-time high. USA, apparently an ET magnet. ETs have cautioned against two things: War and destroying the environment. The buck stops where? Metro
    • Share your story or look one up in the database: MUFON
  • His presentation set, this Teacher is hoping to make a good impression on the first day of class. Audit at no charge or be a chum, just peek in the door. Behavior Training 101/MissCellaniablog
  • Flattery: Dogs are pushovers. Cats, not so much. Love it vs. Over it/TheChive
  • Acoustic cover of Comfortably Numb previewed during the show - Laughing Squid

Setting the tone, I spoke with Edd Edwards. He's been playing with energy since he was a kid and is still discovering new abilities. In the first 10 minutes he gave us a quick demo of the work he does that helps create an energy shift and boost. 

Video demo with Edd - I shared this on Facebook and one friend said he watched it twice then did the exercise at the end and felt himself "leaning all over the place." The first time I spoke with Edd via phone, he offered a demonstration. I felt the energy immediately. That said, your results may vary. :) 

Richard Gordon is also a powerful practitioner of Energy Medicine. Author of Quantum Touch, The Power to Heal - Amazon

"For energy medicine practitioners, Quantum-Touch amplifies the effects of Reiki and other hands-on-healing techniques. For the layman, Quantum-Touch empowers the individual to tap into the innate healing abilities we all possess." - Ellen DiNucci, M.A. Project Coordinator, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program at Stanford

Energy Exercise with Wine: Richard explains how to improve or intensify flavor by charging the liquid with energy. He also reveals a mishap when one of his younger students tried the process with his brother's Gatorade. It boosted the chemical flavor. His brother thought he had played a very bad trick (he explains that too) and was mad because it ruined the Gatorade.

Richard had just done a new experiment on the day of our interview and was excited about the results. His next book, The Secret Nature of Matter, is due out in June and that will include new information on how to charge items with energy. He says the results are already very impressive and some of that information is on the website, along with a pendant he says is an example of that process.

Richard says he believes the energizing factor for the pendant is a product of quantum entanglement.

Catch up on Richard's work before the next book comes out. Reviews are glowing. When the side effects might include improved health it's worth exploring.

Richard on Self-Created Health YouTube

Demonstration on a patient with knee pain YouTube

"Quantum-Touch is easy to learn, has a significant impact on the body's energy system and can make profound shifts in people's lives." - Dr. Leonard Laskow, M.D.

Additional endorsements for Richard Gordon and Quantum Touch: QuantumTouch


And for another example of how effective energy work can be I am including Donna Eden. Details on her story and background: InnerSource

A recent post, she calls this the 7-minute Exercise to Domino Effect your Healing energy and it works! Her book Energy Medicine is a classic.

Interested in more of what Donna has to say? The 9th Annual Tapping World Summit (Blog) is underway. Her presentation will be available on 3/6/17. Details/