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Jan 14, 2017

Wendy's Coffeehouse: on deck 1/22/17, Medium Irma Slage, Ghosts: Evict or Host?

“How did it get so late so soon?” - Dr. Seuss

Wendy's Coffeehouse
is now on Sunday at 8 pm CST and that gives me a much better booking window! A TON easier for West Coast guests who had to endure a 4 am wake up call. Thank you!

So, this is the fun way my Youniverse works. I am focused on getting the word out about the new time and making calls confirming my guests when all sorts of "time" topics start populating the stream. (Google tracking? I prefer to view it as the wonderful blessing of synchronicity.)

Here's one. Guest Announcement interlude belongs to Frankie - he's all sorts of edgy and - outta time? Or is he? 22 min.

Teaser: Watch repair man acquires an antique pocket watch that can control time.

More info about Creator Mike Pappa Website
Here's the newest project: A Crimson Man - successful fundraiser on Indiegogo

OddsnEnds -  
  •  UFO or Venus - Recent sightings across Europe create a buzz Daily Express
  • From the Fox News archives, this story on Pilots who believe in UFOs includes one who said he saw a HUGE UFO while flying out of KCI Airport in 1989 Daily Express and another archived report about Mile Wide UFO in the UK YouTube
  • There are no accidents. Early birthday present saved the life of a snowboarder. Caught in an Avalanche, he films the entire scene. Daily Mail
  • Animal lovers: Hollywood Hummingbird Rehabber and How to raise a 165 year-old cat: Atlas Obscura - Be sure to read about their diet.
  • Fascinating - KGB Spy who defected and the PSI connection Atlas Obscura

We're Back! Upcoming interviews include: 
1/22 - Irma Slage - A guide to having your own psychic contact: Smashwords
1/29 - Nancy Talbott on Cognitive Dissonance - BLT Research
2/5 - Hans Wilhelm - Inspired and inspiring vbook - LifeExplained 

2/12 - Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis - The Sasquatch People
2/19 - Retired Literary Agent Sandra Martin - Snapshots: Memories and Recipes

2/26 - Richard Gordon - his newest energy healing insight/and more Quantum Touch
3/5 - PMH Atwater - Proof of God in the near death experience
3/12 - Leslie Kean - New book 3/7/17 - Surviving Death

Join me for the live show or catch the Wendy's Coffeehouse podcast download 24/7.
Grab your towel!!
Metaphysicians are ramping up and paranormal is booming.
Make time to check in. ;) 
2017 is already an incredibly interesting year!  

Jan 7, 2017

O Brother, January 2017, a mirror of Penny Kelly's projection?

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. - Bruce Lee

Odds, ends and curious - news bites - 1/7/17
Unintended ice capades ... Bear rules!

  • Gobi (Wiki), the dog who ran an incredible 70 plus miles alongside an ultra marathoner (who adopted her) is officially home and the world is a happier place. Dion Leonard and Gobi on Twitter: Follow
  • Heartbreaking, the Horse who lost his best friend. Funeral goers witness emotions no one can dismiss. Video/Inside Edition
  • This Goldfish made sure a sick friend was able to eat. The Dodo 
  • Squirrel Candy Ninjas: CNET are now as infamous as this lively bunch: CBSNews

Still on hiatus for Wendy's Coffeehouse. 

Interesting side note, I did two interviews with Penny Kelly and she talked about a big upheaval in January of 2017 connected to the president. I think she only offers details on that topic in the Empower Radio interview, linked below.

In the KCMO interview, Penny Kelly shares her extraordinary experience of Kundalini Awakening and an encounter with the "Men in Robes". She relates a fascinating ability of being able to enter into two states of consciousness at the same time. Explore: Volume One of her book on Consciousness

PS: She knows what you're thinking. 

She also talked about taking her mother to the "other side" in preparation for her transition in hopes of easing the fear and giving her a preview of  life after death. After the experience with her mom, she says she started "ferrying people over to the other side."

Listen to Penny Kelly/Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives 

Explore more of this topic with Penny Kelly - we talk about how incredibly powerful we are when we focus our thoughts on intentional manifesting. New Consciousness with Penny Kelly: Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio.

Note: At 51:00, Penny mentions an exercise she did that involved looking into the future. That's where she mentions the person - whomever happened to be elected as president in 2017 - "getting run out of Washington on a rail"... Is it a prophecy or was it a metaphor of some kind?

Cue "O Brother, Where Art Thou"/Rotten Tomatoes


We are All in this together, roles undefined until we claim one. Even then, history may rewrite the lesson in retrospect, from the stories we tell ourselves.

Man of Constant Sorrow from "O Brother Where Art Thou".

I live in Kansas, I have an Aunt Dorothy, I love the Wizard of Oz - 14 Fun Facts about the Movie, O Brother Where Art Thou: Mental Floss

(2017 theme) Don't Panic.  (Movie - more time out for Popcorn: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Jan 4, 2017

Midweek reverie ... cue background ambiance

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”
John Lennon

Plotting ..  

Looks like I have time to clean the mug ... 
Cue theme music ... Jeopardy
and if you need an hour of that ...

Today's top downloads:

Don't let the delay fool you ... work in progress ...

Jan 1, 2017

Wendy's Coffeehouse Prognosticator - Outlook 2017

Here we go, launching into 2017. Time to break out the secret novelty weapon and take a temperature on the incoming timeline flotsam.  

Reality bent to perfection.
Google Books

First, a favorite Fortune Cookie Quote:

"Don't Panic."

Ever relevant. Plus it has star perks, being a very familiar line from

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Google Books

Coincidence? Hardly.

Bernard Beitman has a theory on that: Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview

and my related blog post on that show. Link

For the rest of the Fortune Cookie Arsenal this link is a good one. Insider Monkey

Now - the real McCoy: 1 authentic and newly acquired (the old one (retired) lost its mojo) *Magic 8 Ball/Wiki

My question: "Is 2017 going to be an AMAZING year?"

Answer: as pictured, first upturn, ballpark time, 10 am CST, 1/1/2017 = Ta-da!
wgarrett blog pic 20171
20x20 Puzzle 550 piece. Avail at
 #WendysCoffeehouseAwesome. Game ON! 

In closing, another link teaming coincidence with prognostication:

"One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience. When we hold something, anything, in our thought, then somehow coincidence leads us in the direction that we've been wishing to lead ourselves." - Richard Bach

Greeting from the incomparable Richard Bach, Facebook: Johnathan Livingston Seagull Community

*PS: Thank you, The (new) Dime Store in Waldo, MO. Love my new Magic 8 Ball. :)