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Jan 31, 2020

Supernatural, Paranormal, UFO, Unexplained, "The Phenomenon" Documentary ... eclipsing the known with the incredible ...

“Only those who can see the invisible, can do the impossible.” - Unknown. Carlos Santana refers to the quote in an un-aired 2016 interview with George Knapp. Source. Part 1 of 2. Spirituality, Shamanism and Conversations with deceased musicians.

OddsnEnds -

  • Health wonder. Fish can heal their own heart. Daily Mail.
  • Win for Bees - 3 Colonies thriving after surviving Notre Dame Cathedral fire. The Guardian.
  • Loss for Butterflies. The Guardian.
  • Exorcism. Arkansas. Former nurse says she would not have believed this story - but she lived it. Source. Also has no memory of the exorcism but family members saw an immediate change. 
  • Pampered Pet. Spotify has a personalized playlist generator for your pets. PureWow. (Chloe had ONE favorite CD and did not want to hear anything else. Native American flute music. Kept her mostly quiet for a 9 hour drive.)

“The Phenomenon” - 70 years of UFO history. A refresh on familiar cases and the addition of new discoveries challenging all that we think we know. Trailer.

Main site:
YouTube: Link
Review from Parents: Link

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interviews - 
  • J. M. DeBord - Dreams. What does it mean when a celeb shows up? A relative? A deceased relative? A deceased celeb? Author of the Dream Interpretation Dictionary, Symbols, Signs and Meanings. Aka RadOwl, Moderator of Reddit Dreams.
  • John Foster - UFO, Aliens, Time Travel to the future, Levitation, Telepathy. Now in his 80's, John remembers contact from childhood until he was 48 years old. Pictures, diagrams and details of the encounters are included in his book and on the blog. 
Reality check: Aliens are among us, determining who will see and who simply won't remember.

Jan 27, 2020

Photographing Ghosts, Psychic Medium Mary Ann Podrasky. Pictures are the proof...

"The world you think of as 'out there' is not separate and external at all, but is instead your reality illusion. - John Lilly on Consciousness. Science and the Paranormal, Arthur J. Ellison

OddsnEnds - 
  • Snorts and giggles aside, personal experience says 'reality' influenced by legend and landscape can wreak havoc on the uninitiated and uninvited. Proceed at your own peril or stand down. Suspect this win for the Fairies is a wise call. (Smirk away.) Mysterious Universe.
  • Science curious 1: Neutrino mystery in Antarctica. Live Science.
  • Science curious 2: Origin of gravitational wave burst unknown. Live Science.
  • Roswell, UFOs and Area 51. Season 2 Project Blue Book. Live Science.
  • New cache of RAF UFO sightings will soon be available online. Telegraph.
  • Capturing the magic of a rainbow - when a whale joins scene. Twisted Sifter.
  • Ghostbusters Afterlife just got an extra boost: Bill Murray. HuffPost.

Recapping from 2019. UFOs: ‘Experiencers’ and sightings on the rise in Canada.

Witness report from Canada. Encounter in a home. 1991. MUFON.
More about UFOs in Canada. Blog for Ufologist Chris Rutkowski.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Psychic Medium Mary Ann Podrasky

Mary Ann and Civil War soldier
Thank you to Psychic Medium Mary Ann Podrasky for giving me permission to share some of her images.

She has a definite knack for getting the ghosts to show up in her photos.

We didn't get into some of the tech she uses, so we'll include that in another interview for Empower Radio. And we saved the ET talk for later too. (March 4.)

In this photo, Mary Ann stands in front of a mirror and captures a full body image behind her in the empty hallway. Mirrors offer the opportunity to see a larger viewing area in addition to your own refection and possibly capture an image you could easily miss when focused on a specific location.

Ghosts are often seen in peripheral view. Photographs help pick up images that appear beyond your line of sight.

In regard to the location for this photo and who it might be, she says the image is a Civil War soldier.

Mary Ann has seen ghosts (and other stuff) since childhood but kept her abilities low key until recent years, doing more public events and client sessions. Not frightening or scary, ghosts are everywhere. She is curious and respectful when she enters a haunted space.

A favorite haunted place to visit is The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Requirements for a hotel stay? Must have a reputation for ghosts.

I asked her how she could get any sleep in a haunted hotel. Referring to an experience at a hotel in Taos, New Mexico, only - during the morning after - did I realize the arm draped over me during the night did not belong to my husband. Too hairy and he was sleeping in a different position.

The ghost is walking at the center of the stair rail and
not easy to spot in this smaller image.
 But the shadow is there. And the other ghost
is on the right, walking across the front of the scene.
Note the attire. Red belt. 
That ghost also scared the dog when she was alone in the room while we ate breakfast.

When Mary Ann admitted she is sleep deprived during her visits, I got it.

Makes perfect sense. After all, she's there for the adventure.

This link is to the News Press article related to the information Mary Ann got about her health. She followed up and discovered there were some issues that needed immediate attention.

Spirit communication is a natural part of intuition and when one is open and receptive there are other bits of useful information available. When you are ready to learn more, find someone who has been working with this for a few decades. They have done a lot of learning along the way and might be able to help reduce some of the obstacles that happen when becoming familiar with how your own abilities operate.

Here's another article about Beattie Mansion in St. Joseph, Missouri. The history and the ghosts. Interested in exploring haunted sites? Mary Ann arranges Paranormal investigations too. Live and learn. Link.

Connect with Mary Ann on her Website.
On Facebook Old Magic Arts.

Jan 24, 2020

Sci-Fi Short Film: Love, Lots of it ... links and a recap "Meet Your Karma" with Shelley Kaehr

Medium Eileen Garrett explained that all her steps in psychic functioning were induced by conscious changes in her breathing. In addition, in using precognition, she had to conceive of 'standing outside of time' and perceive yesterday, today and tomorrow as a single curve. Science and the Paranormal, Arthur J, Ellison

OddsnEnds -

  • Rolls-Royce and _____ . 1st guest doesn't count. Nuclear Reactors for the win. Futurism.
  • Caught on Traffic Cam. Remote part of Washington. Sasquatch? HuffPost.
  • Walking shark. New species. Totally cute. cnet.
  • Ghostbusters Afterlife. All aboard. Bill Murray has joined the cast. HuffPost
  • Aliens. Tourists from the future. Mysterious Universe.
  • Pondering. Does Time exist? Larry Maguire
    (On this reality plane, playing in the illusion, we have to start somewhere.)
  • J. Krishnamurti and D. Bohm. The Ending of Time. Amazon.

Mysterious Man waits to make a deal... will there be a trade?


"Love, Lots of It" by Rob Feld
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: Link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Shelley Kaehr

Meet Your Karma: The Healing Power of Past Life Memories
By Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D.

My latest book Meet Your Karma: The Healing Power of Past Life Memories features case histories of people who discovered their current life struggles with depression, trauma and anxiety were actually tied to past lives. Over the course of the past twenty years, I’ve seen repeatedly that while we might have endured hardships in our current incarnations, when we have trouble moving past certain conditions and emotions, a past life is often the root cause.

Recently a client came to see me to help with her desire to stop smoking. I consider smoking a very challenging situation because many people want to quit for the wrong reasons -- for others, rather than themselves. When someone makes the decision to stop for themselves, however, hypnosis really works.

My client gave me a heartfelt explanation of her sincere desire to stop but mentioned that something kept stopping her. During her regression, I asked her to return to the real source event of where her love of smoking began and to our surprise, she zipped back to a very early life in prehistoric times. She saw herself near the smoke of her fire, enjoying the smell.
Preview on Amazon

“What does that fire represent to you?” I asked.

“Safety. Life,” she said, without hesitation.

Further discussion revealed that on a soul level, this woman truly perceived fire to be equivalent to life because in ancient times, the fire meant many things – you kept warm, you warded off predators, you could cook your food which was a real luxury. No wonder she couldn’t stop smoking!

After her talking through this revelation with her angelic guide and coming to a soul understanding that she no longer needed to hang on to the old belief that fire equals life, she released that stuck energy and moved forward. After the session, she said she felt much better. Since this happened quite recently, I will be more than excited to hear from her again down the road to see how this helped, which I hope it did.

Her story is so similar to the case histories in Meet Your Karma. All of them showcase people who went into former lives where fear was at the core of the decision making. In modern society, we’ve all learned to fear a variety of things – fear of rejection, social isolation and the like, but in reality, those kinds of situations, while painful, are not actually going to kill us and end our existence. The majority of the cases where people struggled with anxiety, depression and trauma involved serious life and death situations that needed to be cleared so the client could feel safe in the now. By so doing, healing and relief happened.

Using my RELIEF Method for anxiety, clients are able to release the ties to the past, change the frequency of unwanted situations and lighten and brighten previously challenging events so they can move forward without fear, but with empowerment to live happier and more peaceful lives. Meet Your Karma includes the RELIEF Method processes readers can try for themselves and hopefully release unwanted influences from the past to create a brighter future.

Connect at

Next guest, 1/26/10: Psychic Medium, Ghost Photographer, Mary Ann Podrasky.

Jan 22, 2020

Consciousness, Afterlife, Alternate Dimensions, Documentary: Beyond Our Sight.

“I am not my opinion of myself, I am not anything I can describe to me. I am only a part of a large system that cannot describe itself fully; therefore, I relax and I am in the point source of consciousness, of delight, of mobility, in the inner spaces. My tasks do not include describing me nor having an opinion about the system in which I live, biological or social or dyadic. I hereby drop that "responsibility". - John C. Lilly, The Center of the Cyclone: Looking into Inner Space, GoodReads

OddsnEnds -
  • Could an immune discovery treat all cancer? Researchers are hopeful. Link.
  • Fav science story 2019. Universe is made of tiny bubbles containing mini universes. (MIB covered this.) Vice.
  • How contaminated is your tap water? USA stats may not be current (meaning the quality level certainly has not improved and is most likely worse.) Plug your info in here. Search is on now for best water filters.
  • Straight out of sci-fi - with only the best intentions. Chinese Scientists have created a robotic worm designed to burrow into the brain to deliver meds. Mysterious Universe.
  • George Knapp and David Paulides. 2 + 2 = Missing411 and the Nevada Triangle mystery. Mystery Wire.
  • UPS Driver with an Epic delivery. Twisted Sifter.
  • Mr Peanut, looking his dapper best making a 'final' exit ... Planters killed him in a super bowl commercial ... and they (...the Writers) said it was his idea. Twitter. Word has it there is another ad slated for 3rd quarter of the big game ... And for your dancing and dining pleasure: see link for fine print regarding use of terms 'super bowl' and 'the big game'. 

Beyond Our Sight (Documentary) - Exploring NDE/near-death experiences, human consciousness, and the possibility of communication with other dimensions.

Follow Anthony Chene production on YouTube

Stuff you had no idea you needed .. or wanted .. until now.

  • You too can have your very own Ghost Detector necklace. Can't afford the big one? There's a mini option. Amazon.
  • Way cheaper and more fragile: Orb Necklace. Link
  • Holy Cow! Ghost skeleton detector camera: Kinect SLS Cam. Link.
    Bonus blog post: Cemetery adventure with a paranormal music box. Link

Parting thought from John C. Lilly:

"My work has shown that dolphins and whales are more intelligent than we are. Their community of effort, their total dependence on one another in an extremely hostile environment is a far better example of intelligence than man's warfare upon man, both outside on a national basis and inside the structure of our society, in battles about ideas and the entertainment rip-offs."

Jan 17, 2020

Sci-Fi Short Film: 'Nikola Tesla and the End of the World' .. Animal Speak, Moon Dust, UFO, Haunted Doll, Momo/Bigfoot links.

"We are all one. Only egos, beliefs, and fears separate us." - Nikola Tesla.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Tales of the curious Haunted Elsa Doll. Vice.
  • Family who had doll shipped it out to a friend, saying they're done with it. Daily Mail.
  • That guy now has doll strapped to the hood of his jeep. Twitter.
  • Zak Baggans in pursuit. Twitter.
  • Science forward. Oxygen from Moon Dust. Researchers expected to have a working model ready mid 2020s. Gizmodo.
  • For your consideration: The Psychic Internet Theory, referenced in the book Paranormal Encounters on Britain's Roads by Peter McCue. (Relating to personal experience, I would suggest the possibility that, rather than the source/creator of the event, certain humans offer receptor/generator energy, allowing manifestation produced by a non-local/external source.) Marcus Lowth offers his perspective. UFO Insight.
  • Echoing results from other animal studies, new research details how Cows talk to each other. Independent. Ms. Green said she hoped her research would help farmers “tune into the emotional state of their cattle, improving animal welfare”. Similar results have been found in studies of Whales, Elephants, Birds and others. Independent.
  • “Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.” - Irene Pepperberg, Alex Foundation, Life with Alex, Movie.
  • From the world of Bizarro Comics - Cat on a keyboard: password magician.

Sci-Fi Short Film - "Nikola Tesla and the End of the World" second season streaming on Amazon Prime. The first short film vids are on YouTube.

 Hooked from episode 1.


If you're skipping the vid - here's the intro: When physicist Sophie Clarke builds a strange machine from long-lost scientific plans she unwittingly transports Nikola Tesla to modern-day London. Uh, oh. He isn't the only one. It gets complicated, fast. The fun is seeing the complications continue to build and continue in Season 2. Main site. Tesla Series.

Related entertainment -

  • Project Blue Book Season 2 - January 21. History.
  • A little closer to home for the Missouri cryptic fans. (Sasquatch/Bigfoot) Momo, The Missouri Monster. Vice.
  • Bummed when The Librarians ended at Season 4. Reliving the magic on DVD. Package Deal. Creator Dean Devlin is teasing a possibility of more Librarian fun. Suggesting something might appear here (where there appear to be a few other interesting candidates to segue to.): Electric Entertainment. Follow Dean on Twitter.
  • "Just you and me - aliens of the universe. I think you'd like me. I think you'd want to be my friend." : Troop Zero, Amazon Prime.

Thank you for listening! 
Stay curious. 

Jan 14, 2020

Lura Ketchledge, Near-Death TV, Ghosts, UFOs, Odd news and Spoon bending

“A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.”
Antoine de Saint-Exuper


  • Meet the Xenobot - a living robot created with stem cells. "The organisms come pre-loaded with their own food source of lipid and protein deposits, allowing them to live for a little over a week -- but they can't reproduce or evolve. However, their lifespan can increase to several weeks in nutrient-rich environments." CNN.
  • Cue X-files theme, again. UFO sighting hotspot: Montreal. CTV News Video.
  • Paul Hellyer, Former Defense Minister of Canada, says the first time one is downed, "well be facing an interstellar war." 2014 Interview on RT YouTube.
  • January 17 is the deadline. A Japanese billionaire is accepting applications for a love connection to join him on his Moon voyage. CNN.
  • Bog known for Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings saved by Conservationists. (They said they didn't know about the Bigfoot connection.) Charlotte Observer
  • The world is full of marvelous creatures on land and in the water. Diver goes swimming with an Anaconda. The Dodo

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Lura Ketchledge

No stranger to haunted houses, paranormal and psychic experiences, faced with a health crisis, she shifted into turbo mode and wrote, produced and directed her first movie, a campy comedy: Another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie.

Now Lura is launching a new project, Near-Death TV. Do you have a NDE story? Connect with Lura.
We talked about her haunted phone art. 

My latest adventure.

Thinking it might be fun to do a spoon bending class (Note the links on the sidebar.), I decided to practice. I bent my first spoon a few decades ago in a class and realized that the group energy helped to amplify the results. It is a definite mind shift when you succeed.

Time to revisit and see what I can do.   

Stocking up with a couple of packages of spoons and forks to experiment with, I started with the forks. Bent a couple with no problem. Then came the surprise.

Fork bent. Spoon cracked. Focus matters. 

Working with a spoon at a different time, I was multi-tasking, holding the spoon and reading something on the computer. My intention with the spoon was to remain detached to avoid pushing the energy into the spoon. I wanted to engage without forcing it.

The moment came and I bent the spoon. It broke. A clean, crisp, crack at the neck. Apparently, my effort did exactly the opposite of what I thought I was doing.

Pulling the energy, froze it. I showed Andy to get some feedback. He knew immediately the spoon had fractured. The metal crystallized at the breaking point.

So - I discovered I have at least two options, bending and cracking. Jack Houck, infamous for his PK Spoon bending parties did a lot more than bend spoons. Good to do a bit more research on this one.

Now for more experiments. What fun this could be.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jan 10, 2020

John Foster UFOs, Ghosts, Paranormal, Comedy short film, truth seeded in Ancient History timelines

"This is a lengthy complex story that affects not only my life but yours, and many other things such as science, religion and history from many angles. It gives one insight into what UFOs really are." - John Foster, Eminent Discovery series, John Foster UFOs

Wendy's Coffeehouse web exclusive: Interview with UFO experiencer John Foster. Books are available on Amazon and he also sells UFO drawings. I am sharing this drawing with permission.

Credit: John Foster.
More Drawings 
  1. they simply came in flying over the trees or we simply turned around and they were there (we didn’t see the mysterious manifestation)
  2. a gradual appearance from distorted atmosphere, sometimes in what seemed to be a light electric corona (the corona most often being blue)
  3. a gradual appearance from light blue or gray haze
  4. a gradual appearance from dense fog
  5. a gradual appearance from fog or clouds after the fog or clouds violently hissed and roared into the atmosphere, sometimes from tiny pinpoints
  6. an instant manifestation from a brilliant flash and loud explosion, like dynamite.
    Who they are and their purpose: "When I was eighteen years old, they told me (or a friend and I) that they were an ancient/modern brotherhood, the monitors or keepers of the earth, who were responsible to the arch angels Michael and Gabriel, who were responsible to the entity we have known as Christ, who is in charge of this corner of the universe. They said they could not interfere with the affairs of humankind except at certain times, when things were going awry or were dangerous. They said this was one of those times, one of those eras."
    Important Information: "They told us that they were preparing people for a time when they would return to take them away. Those who were willing and qualified would go and those who weren’t would stay and suffer some kind of consequence I don’t recall." - John Foster, Chapter 9, Eminent Discovery.

    OddsnEnds - 

  • Protein made from air. Game changer! HuffPost
  • NASA Intern finds a planet (and improves his job prospects). ABC
  • North America UFO Sightings are up. ABC.
  • Still no answer on the large mystery drones flying around in various parts of Eastern Colorado/Nebraska/Kansas. Simeon Hein posted on YouTube.
  • Paranormal floodgates opened when Robyn Wilder tweeted: 'What’s your "I don’t believe in ghosts, but..." story?' Daily Mail. 
  • 3D Glasses on Cuttlefish? Science. CNN.
  • From 2018. Bonnie the cow took the path less traveled. People
  • American Firefighters arrive in Australia. CNN. And the crowd cheered. Twitter

Like the sunny side of the street? Avoid "The Elevator."

Like short comedy films? Visit Greg Glienna on Youtube.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Schedule

Jan 12 - NDE, Lura Ketchledge needed to raise funds for another round of medical treatments. Naturally, she decided to make a Zombie movie. Her life continues to be an adventure. Now pitching a NDE series.
Jan 19 - Shelley Kaehr PhD - Past Life Lady. Past, present, future. Meet Your Karma. Available 2/2/2020. Love animals? Pets are part of the past life equation. Due in May 2020, Past Lives with Pets.
Jan 26 - Mary Ann Podrasky - Usui Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Paranormal Investigator and Spiritual Counselor. PSI superpower? She takes pictures of ghosts. And she's local - from St. Joe.

Ancient History - living truth united in nature, spirit and indigenous presence.

Jan 5, 2020

Alien Influence? John Foster's Epic Contactee experience suggests humans are being groomed for upcoming events - whether they know it or not.

"Once we can perceive the limitless possibilities of an eternal, infinite universe, we can began to develop the talents it might take in order to function beyond the physical, beyond the infancy state of who we are. Yet, as above, we cannot do this alone, it takes some kind of outside force or power to provide us a growth stimulus." - John Foster, excerpt from the book To Earth From Heaven, Chapter 13 - The Holographic Universe

John Foster mapped out his story in 3 books, encounters that occurred from early childhood (and very likely birth) to age 48 in 1986, when John says he and the ETs had a "parting of the ways."

Now in his 80's, my interview with John is forthcoming. 
Image Credit: John Foster
(used with permission)  

John is one of the few experiencers who has incredible detailed recall of his decades of encounters and also been able to corroborate his interactions with other contactees who were undergoing the same events and remembered being with him.

Laid out in his books and on his website, his extraordinary account includes drawings of the ships and the beings and the instructions he underwent as part of a long-term program in which he was shown potential future events - some of which are playing out now.

In John's decades of contact/experience, there are many examples of the beings with whom he was engaged trying to educate and inform and, in some fashion, incentivize him to aspire to greater awareness.

If that activity is but a tiny glimpse of a larger game afoot, involving multiple others, we are under the influence of beings who choose to keep their presence clandestine and their ultimate goal undisclosed, all the while knowing so much about us humans they can accurately foreshadow each and every move before we make it.

And to be quite clear about this: they can choose who they wish to allow first-hand knowledge of their presence. Seeing is not a given, thus the challenge for anyone trying to "prove" they had an encounter. Certain few can see. Others cannot. 

Even so, in reading John's material, it would seem these behind-the-scenes influencers draw the line at forcing compliance. (And that has been my own experience.) While knowing our ultimate choice, it seems there is appreciation for the education that comes in allowing us to fully experience the impact of our choice and the resulting embodiment we manifest as we pass, fail, sink, swim, fly on our own accord.

Previews available on Amazon
As mentioned before, information John was given about future events panned out in many respects - but not in every case. Whatever scenario is yet to unfold, the reality exists, extraordinary unknowns are an active presence among us.

What wonders are yet to come? Who among us is awake enough to see them? What can we learn from their story?

John references Michael Talbot and The Holographic Universe:

"The holographic universe concept indicates our so-called physical world is nothing more than a small integral part of an eternal, infinite world we don’t yet understand."

It would seem that eternal, infinite world is attempting to develop the necessary language/symbols/patterns/code to reach out to us in a way that challenges us to expand our awareness, consciousness, intellect and upgrade our knowing: to evolve. In some cases it might be pleasant. Not so much in others.

How to wake a sleeping giant? Desire? Curiosity? Aliens.

Apparently, UFOs are part of the equation and the intelligence behind them knows the answer. They are (and all along have been) playing their part. And they are not alone. Brilliant!

*Thank you to the friend who sent me this info on Nebraska UFOs - sighting dated 1897. PDF.