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Dec 19, 2019

Whitely Strieber, Evolving Contact Narrative, and Emerging from decades of slo-mo, status quo denial, UFO Reality is gaining ground.

"We have a very long way to go in contact. I don’t think any of our beliefs about anything are going to survive it. But what is going to replace them is going to be so much more than we have known before." - Whitley Strieber, Journal, November 7, 2019, My Book A New World is Finished at Last.

OddsnEnds -

"Most people assume that the visitors are beings from other planets in this universe. That could be partly true, I suppose, but it is not the whole truth. We are looking into the face of the most complex, strangest and most extraordinary manifestation of consciousness that has ever been known. 

The physical aspect is only a small part of it. Beyond that is a vast, ancient and complex consciousness that is entered into myriad forms and has seemingly endless ways of manifesting itself. To really engage with it, one has to look past all assumptions and simply open one’s mind to the impossible possible. There is no other way to put it." - Whitley Strieber, Journal, The Visitors are Coming. June, 26, 2019.

At Contact in the Desert, Whitley Strieber on the history and future of alien contact, orbs and entities. He also discusses after death communication and the connection he now lives with his wife. (Anne Strieber died in 2015).

Whitley Strieber mentions his new book. A New World is available on his site, Unknown Country.

"They started increasing their contact with us when they did in the 1940s because they saw that we were in danger of dying here. We are now in even greater danger and it their intention to help up save ourselves. Why they want us to do this–what we mean to them–is explained in the book, I hope, clearly." - Whitley's Journal, November 7, 2019, My Book A New World is Finished at Last.

Amazon Preview. How the story began for Whitley: Communion/original cover. I no longer have this book. I got rid of it because (to me) it represented fear and I didn't want to be influenced by that. During that time I woke up to see two hooded figures at the foot of the bed. One had a clipboard and they were discussing me. Realizing I was awake, they vanished.

Decades later, just like Travis Walton, Whitley's story has evolved with insight, awareness and understanding.


My personal encounters have been on a different level, less traumatic, yet mind blowing and reality challenging in their own way. My contacts, when I asked, said seeing them would frighten me. They have alluded to and given subtle hints suggesting an insectoid appearance. When I have asked about that type of appearance, the response is that the vessel is more efficient and durable for travel (interstellar and inter-dimensional). Their answer - for now.

My interactions have also included humor. Dry humor. Example: They told me in no uncertain terms the one thing that blocks our contact on a more overt level at this time is fear. I protested and assured them I was totally capable of handling my fear, having experienced life-threatening situations and recovered from the subsequent PTSD.

Then came the experiment. 3 am from the corner of my bedroom, neither the pets nor my husband responded but I heard it. Clear and deliberate, an electronic voice said my name in such a way that it indicated difficulty with the pronunciation.

The impact was instantaneous. A shock-wave from that tone raced through my entire body, feet to head, and I froze. Immediately - frustrated and disappointed at my reflex reaction - I knew I had just proved their point. Fear blocked further connection. I could hear a chuckle in their telepathic response. They said, "We told you. You need to work on your fear." Point taken.

Hardwired for survival, fight or flight kicks in when threatened. Contact will be more overt (and we will be safer to be around) when we demonstrate the ability to manage our fear. Caution is needed. What they are to us is so far beyond our knowing at this time, the shock to the system could be irreparable in a sudden encounter as has been documented in some cases.

As we are a work in progress, one on one, introductions continue and we evolve.

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