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Dec 24, 2019

Kyle Gray's Angel Numbers, Santa, Mysteries, UFO, Unexplained, Miracles ... the extraordinary ever present.

“Rover did not know in the least where the moon's path led to, and at present he was much too frightened and excited to ask, and anyway he was beginning to get used to extraordinary things happening to him.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, Roverandom

OddnEnds - 

  • Unidentified. George Knapp interviewed the Pilot who saw the 'Tic Tac' UFO.  Mystery Wire. That pilot says the tech he witnessed is beyond anything presently known to exist. And if we did, it would be out by now. Additional details. Independent.
  • Maybe Santa knows. Santa Tracker.
  • Mysteries Unsolved - thousands missing in the National Parks - public lands. No answers or explanations forthcoming. Outside Online story was posted in 2017 and is still current. It echoes David Paulides' Missing 411 project. Don't get paranoid but the cases are piling up - and still no effort to track it on a national level. Be alert, leave contact info and take notes on your latest solo adventure in the great outdoors. It's a matter of numbers and time. Someone is going to come back with clues. 
  • Santa who puts the heart in Christmas. This story details the extra effort and attention one Santa devoted during the entire year to earn his top billing. Given all the preparation, he should then be ready for unexpected suit issues and, more importantly, the curves thrown in with a child's Christmas request. But not all of them. For example: "A young girl told him she wanted her friend to be able to walk again. There are some things, he told her quietly, that not even Santa can do, but that he would keep her friend in his thoughts."  And there's more: Read the story Link. He may look like Santa but there very well could be an Angel hidden in that suit.

Forgive me for sounding giddy during my interview with Kyle Gray but there was an amazing quirk happening during the interview that had my attention.

The point of the interview was his new book on Angel Numbers and how he works with Angels. Over the years I've covered the topic before and have other Angel Number books. What about this interview was different? The little quirk in our interview is my clue that the Angels showed up. Yes, they can be present - know it and not - but when they allow us the extra perk of a symbol, sign, and/or number it makes a wonderful impression.

The podcast version is minus commercial and news breaks. At the time we record/tape/air the show I monitor the clock for my break times. During the second segment, Kyle was making a specific point and I saw the timer peg 444.44 at that moment, like an exclamation. I thought it was cool and I mention it before we go to break. At that same time, the energy spiked and we lost his connection.

However, it was a perfect sync and the interview resumed without a hitch - except that I was excited about the synchronicity - so I am a bit buzzed. (Yes, I love stuff like this and it really is that easy.)

Then it happened a second time, validating the first 'hit' and the interconnection Kyle has with his topic. My interpretation: Given our topic is numbers and the numbers reflect what Kyle is focused on, it is a collaboration. Angels are synced with the message and the numbers. So, he is manifesting exactly what he is speaking about in real time.

The numbers were a running sequence of 4. NUMBERS. 444.44. The significance of 444 is special in many Angel books.

In Kyle's Angel Numbers book: "You are surrounded by 100,000 thousand Angels. Miracles are happening before your eyes." 

Angels showed up and that message applies to any and all who hear that show or read this post. How cool is that? That's Angels.

Here's Kyle with a very quick Angel message.

Connect with Kyle on YouTube.

This was a perfect message to celebrate the season and an even better way to launch a new year.
Thank you to Kyle AND the publicity team at Hay House!

Just for fun. Submit your email at the link to find your: Angelic Destiny Number
Or submit one for a friend.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Check back for the 2020 interview calendar. Holiday time at the radio station. The next 2 weeks on KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM are repeated from the archives. New show starts 1/12/20, Wendy's Coffeehouse on KCMO and 1/1/20, Conscious Living on Empower Radio.

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