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Sep 5, 2019

SciXFriday: "Stevie's Aliens" - Nessie Eel?, Sasquatch Souvenir, Ingenious Frog storm shelter and Christo's UFOs.

"We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations." - Albert Einstein, Goodreads.

OddsnEnds - 

"Stevie's Aliens." Life has its ups, downs, status quo norms... and then... the UFO.

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST.
"Stevie's Aliens" by Austin S. Harris

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Reportedly in the works, a sequel to Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs. Good review and trailer for the first film at Motherboard/Vice.

Another thumbs up from Daily Kos and, buried in the comments one bit of gold, a mention of the Jesse Long abductions. He describes encounters similar to experiencer David Huggins. Love and Saucers. (Here's my interview with Love and Saucers filmmaker Brad Abrahams/Wendy's Coffeehouse.)

*Christo Roppolo says his first sighting was in 1977. He didn't start documenting his sightings until 2011. Regarding the film, seeing himself on camera while watching the first cut of the movie was not easy.

“It was so embarrassing,” he says. “I felt like I was so fat.” But the UFO enthusiast says his awkward moments on film will be worthwhile if locals realize that there are strange things going on in the sky. “I hope they are entertained by my kookiness, my eccentricities, and my beautiful dogs,” Roppolo says. “I hope they understand that something is happening that is very, very important.”

*Source - Monterey County Weekly

Recent sighting from March of 2019. YouTube.

Another fascinating film I've referenced before is Dorothy Izatt, Contact with Beings of Light. The film showcases personal contact experiences (unexplained), some with witnesses. Blog post link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - 

9/8/19 - Sunday night, 8p central time, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM. Replay.
Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas checks in as one of the most unique, Bigfoot/Sasquatch hot spots in North America because it is also open to the public, offering crystal digging and UnXplained Tours.
Small foot-shaped crystal.
Board Camp Crystal Mine

Visitors can see evidence of Sasquatch activity (Some of us have also had an encounter. Mine was telepathic) up close and personal.

Something compelled me to clear my schedule and travel to see the crystals. When Andy and I visited in Spring of 2018, I had no idea about the Sasquatch presence.

Upon arrival, an odd thing happened in the room we stayed in  overnight. It seemed unrelated at the time. In retrospect, it was a test - to see if we noticed. We did.

We were shown recent Sasquatch activity. The log in a tree was an impressive introduction. Our tour included an area noted for specific use by Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

Approaching that area, I had a telepathic message to "tread lightly". Upon hearing that, I limited my movement, trying to match my footsteps to follow the guide (Orville) and avoid getting off the trail.

As we were leaving, I intentionally avoided picking up anything but was (telepathic) prompted to take a stone. I countered that I felt - given the instruction to "tread lightly" - it would be disrespectful to remove anything from that area. Again, I was prompted, told to stop there and pick up a stone.

A gift from Sasquatch. Only when I
turned the stone over did I
see the crystals (above image).
Board Camp Crystal Mine
I stopped and looked down. At my feet was a stone - pictured in the image above and to the left. (Somehow I have one of a right and a left foot.) I was told that stone (Appx. 1 1/2 inch in size) was intended as a thank you for honoring the message and respecting that space. A gift.

What astonished me most was the shape of the stone and the fact that at the moment I decided to heed the message and stop, the crystal was directly on the path at my feet. And it looked like an ordinary rock until I turned it over.

There are mysteries with Sasquatch/Bigfoot that we are not going to solve in trying to fit them into a corporeal box. I do know, in respect to my experience (and that is all I can speak to), they hold trees in reverence and communication is telepathic.

Beyond that, one can learn more if/when one demonstrates an ability to listen.

Check out the new Documentary featuring Cheryl and Orville Murphy/Board Camp Crystal Mine - Into the Light 2: A Spook Light Theory. Available on Amazon Prime.

Update ___ Note: My challenge in writing about this is the paranormal association. As I worked on writing this, I also watched the Documentary. In the other room with Andy, Gracie started pacing and walking from room to room. Andy said she didn't want out but kept going to the door.

So I got up and joined them to go outside. We all stood outside the house. I looked at the sky and the indoor lights went out. Twice. My computer screen changed the page. But the clocks didn't reset.

In the first dream I had overnight - I looked into a reflection and looking back at me from the other side was a Sasquatch face. I woke up. Subtle and direct connections. Trying to get our attention. 

Reality is not linear. The key is to become aware of the presence of Others who exist alongside us. Those Others are winking at us when they demonstrate an ability to navigate multiple dimensions.

Baby steps.

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