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Jun 23, 2019

Astrologer - Linda 'Moonrabbit' Zlotnick - when Grief is the road to Discovery, Star Sisters

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran, The Prophet Goodreads

Astrology by Moonrabbit. Linda Zlotnik started doing Death Charts after her twin sister died in 2005. From her blog, an example of how a Death Chart works. Twins are also part of that story. Link.

Linda says about the book, "Star Sisters is not only a story of twin loss and recovery, or how I used astrology to cope with Lou Ann’s death, but part of an amazing journey of self-discovery and personal growth."

A Reading for you? From Linda's site: Start here: Who am I? Working together in one to five sessions we can explore all the potentials you bring to your life. The horoscope offers a unique view of emotional and energetic patterns, both productive and difficult, that we inherit at birth. Through understanding these and changing your perspective, you gain understanding and personal freedom.

Linda Zlotnick book
Astrology by Moonrabbit.
Our interview - KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM, 6/23/19 - Wendy's Coffeehouse Audioboom Archives.

So many times, when I have heard a dismissive comment about Astrology I felt at a loss to discredit the complaint.

Even though my Grandmother was an Astrologer and I cherish the information she passed on (Her energy remains in the underlined passages in her books.), I cannot offer concrete evidence of why I believe the information from a qualified practitioner (not the one-size fits most astrobite) to be relevant, helpful and self-revealing.

Linda Zlotnik's story fills the void, concrete evidence of Astrology at work in the everyday life.

In the meticulous charting and cross-examining of her life events through Astrology, Linda's first hand experience and shared life passages with her twin Lou Ann (and others), perfectly illustrates just how spot on this method can be.

Moonrabbit/Linda's Chart Readings of her relationship with her twin Lou Ann offer corroborative information validating the ability of an Astrologer to 1/Highlight: assets, faults, talents and limitations and 2/Identify: potential hardships, challenges, life-lessons and successes by "reading the stars".

Star Sisters is a story of recovery from grief. However, my takeaway is Linda's re-birth and healing. That said, we start the interview with her LSD trip, a moment when extraordinary insight liberated Linda from a self-limiting box. Reality is an illusion.

Challenged from first breath (stuck in an incubator) to emulate her identical (Mom's favorite) twin, Linda must conquer the resulting self-doubt and develop her own strength from within. Naturally, a few decades pass. We go along on that adventure. The story is beautifully told. I am only offering a very simple and succinct overview.

Recovering and reconciling the soul-shattering, mid-life death of her twin, a discovery is made. Linda learns to do Death Charts and realizes her atypical chart reading can also benefit others.

Easy to see a film in this story. Lou Ann, Mom, Dad and all the other players, each had very specific contributions to make. There is heartache and hope, drama, trauma, magic, growth, forgiveness, love and transcendence. Linda is now known as Moon.

The reveal.
Both twins were psychically gifted. That ability factors into the story and into Moon/Linda's chart readings for others. Here are Reviews.

Bottom line: I see parallels. I wanted the book for a twin I know in the hope she can identify and toss out a few self-limiting boxes. (I saw a few of my own without being a twin.)

What is extraordinary in this story?

It is the Astrological application to the events and how much more obvious the impact certain planetary aspects [personality, emotion, health, life path, karma] can be seen when there is a comparison available in the charts of twins. If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.


Thank you, Moon! Will be a whole lot more interesting now to see what that next Eclipse brings in 2024.

*Sign up for readings 0r classes with Moonrabbit

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

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