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Feb 5, 2019

Tick Gaudreau, Paranormal Encounters and Dowsing, plus UFO Odd news segues to mainstream

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t." -  Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar. Mark Twain, Quote Investigator.

OddsnEnds - and UFOs

  • Magnetic North update. It changed. Now what? MSN. Does that mean a flip is coming? Long story short:  They don't know. But you can follow along with the predictions. Nat Geo.
  • ET icebreaker. "Stephen Hawking had dinner at his house. Steven Spielberg once asked him for movie tips. Russian billionaire Yuri Milner once walked into his office and sat on the couch and asked him to help design humanity’s first interstellar spaceship — which he is now doing, with a research budget of $100 million and the endorsement of Mark Zuckerberg and the late Hawking." One Astronomer isn't afraid to factor Aliens into our equation. Source: MSN. And Daily Mail. More info: Avi Loeb at Harvard Astronomy.
  • Class in session thru 25, March 2019 - David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course is offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University. Info.
  • Another option is a class on UFOs in Canada. Don Donderi, retired McGill professor, has studied UFOs since 1965. Formerly a professor of psychology, he now teaches a class called “UFOs: History and Reality.” Source: Montreal Gazzette.
  • The science against Octopus farms. UPI.
  • How smart is an Octopus? Very. NYTimes. The Guardian.
  • MarbleLympics. Who knew? Thank you, Qualifying Round: Misscellania.

Down the Rabbit Hole with Whitley Strieber - he details his encounters with the ETs/Aliens and ponders their intentions. New Thinking Allowed Interview: Jeffrey Mishlove

Strieber's book with coauthor, Professor Jeffrey Kripal: The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained. Website:

Take that encounter to the next level with Artist David Huggins, a lifelong UFO/ET experiencer featured in the Documentary, Love and Saucers. My interview with Brad Abrahams is in the archives: Link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview -

Revisiting Dowsing with Tick Gaudreau. I've had several recent requests for help with clearing entities and Tick addresses that - among other issues, along with fellow Dowser, David Darrow in the book, "Spirit Rescue, A Dowser's Ghostly Encounters".

Unlike any of the other books I've seen on dowsing, this one goes beyond the usual mechanics and explores working with Spirits, Ghosts, Entities and Attachments. (ETs also factor in.)

Given the sudden surge of interest I've noticed in clearing haunted houses, Winter seems to amp up the activity or it might be that we are more aware due to spending extra time indoors. So we talk about that and address the process of clearing a space of counter-productive elements.

One essential element is asking permission. The phrase Tick uses: "May I, Can I, Should I dowse for entities." There is a reason. He explains the process and how it applies to one situation on page 104.

Link, 8/2018 is the previous blog post for our first interview.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

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