“If you see an antimatter version of yourself running towards you, think twice before embracing.” - J. Richard Gott, Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time Goodreads.
OddsnEnds -
- More media for Dr Julia Mossbridge - Science validates Precognition. In dreams we can see the future. Daily Mail
- Ghosts of the Tsunami 1- Numerous reports. Including: a dead woman would visit old friends in their temporary housing and sit down for a cup of tea, leaving dampness on the cushion she was imagined to have been sitting on. Source: The Guardian Book review.
- Ghosts of the Tsunami 2 - Of the Taxi Drivers who chose to answer the question, 7 out of 100 reported encounters with Ghost Passengers. Newser.
- Yes, the Super Snow Moon was fantastic. Atlantic has some excellent pics.
Super Snow Moon - resting in a tree.
Super Snow Moon 2019. Gorgeous at 5:30 am - That was on the day before - when I didn't have a camera.
Still beautiful the day after - when I did have a camera and it wasn't snowing - as it was on the night designated for best photo capture opportunity.
Through the trees. Glowing. It's still a great moon.
UFO with Tentacles caught my attention because a friend said she saw ETs outside her office window - a couple of stories up. [Possibly 2008 or 2009.] I didn't know what to expect. She sent an image. It looked like a hazy pink cloud with dangling tentacle wisps.
- UFO with Tentacles/1 - post on a 1979 California sighting notes the UFO creating electrical interference and hovering above Telephone Lines. Mysterious Universe.
- UFO with Tentacles/2 - Even more interesting is another 2009 report from the Scottish Highlands. That UFO is thought to have a connection to damaged Wind Turbines. Telegraph.
- Famous Cats Instagram: Choupette Lagerfeld's future is secure. Daddy's Girl. Always.
- Minus the Modeling gig and the fat cat inheritance, Schrodinger is no slouch. Seen here, owning his couch [and, no doubt, maid service of a devoted human companion].
- Equal time for Working Dogs: Wine duty - 5 Sniffer Dogs collecting fans. Their job? To prevent spoilage. MSN [They reportedly work on site and can be hired out.] On Instagram: Video.
Sci-Fi Short Film. Lazy Boy - armchair time surfer... opens a can of worms.
Director: Dave Redman - IMDb - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2427177 More films at Omeleto. Subscribe: http://sub2.omele.to
Joining the ranks of Google Doodles Heros: Steve Irwin. Time.
Misc. Events -
- Marble Crazy at Moon Marble - March 1 and 2, 2019
- Gem and Mineral Show - March 8-10, 2019 Facebook.
- KC PlanetComicon - March 29-31, The Weasleys (3 on the list)- Autographs and photos available with Linda Blair, Harry Winkler, William Shatner.
- Tiny [House] Fest Midwest - Louisburg Cider Mill, June 7-9, 2019.
Wendy's Coffeehouse -
2/24/19 - Wendy - Preview Third Eye Spies - the Rabbit Hole [Interview with Director 3/17/19]If/when Telepathy, ESP, Remote Viewing, PSI abilities are weaponized? Karma. It may or may not be an immediate or directly observable connect but energy simply returns the favor. Re: Uri Geller stopping the heart of a pig. Telegraph.
1/3/19 - Michael Grosso - Consciousness and Paranormal - a world of anomalies.
Thank you for listening.
Stay Curious!
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