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Feb 18, 2019

John Nelson (Author of The Magic Mirror) The Miracle of Anna and a few thoughts on Scrying.

“A skeptic is a person who would ask God for his ID card.” - Edgar A. Shoaff (1904–1993), Writer, Satirist, Humorist

OddsnEnds - 

  • What happened just after the Big Bang? This telescope will tell us. Alien UFO Sightings.
  • Mysteries Unsolved - Booms. Luke Air Force Base confirmed that their exercises produced sonic booms in the area on the same day, the times at which the base reported those booms occurred did not correspond with the times of the noises reported by residents. Mysterious Universe.
  • UK UFO. Orange lights unidentified and decent video to demonstrate. Link.
  • Ghost or no? Is it the Black Monk said to haunt this sight. Source. Even more interesting is the story behind the photo. The NDEr says paranormal things happen more frequently. He is unsure if what he saw was a ghost. It's simply unexplained.
  • Fantastic service and wonderful timing! Drone finds lost dog. The story of Socks could have had a very sad ending if not for the drone. Hit by a car, injured, he made a nest and would have been difficult to track on foot. That's where the drone is a game changer. BBC.

Wendy's Coffeehouse 2/17/19 Interview with prolific Writer/Author John Nelson. Site.

Also an editor, one of his clients is a recognized name in Kansas City: “John’s uncanny ability to take an elusive, creative idea and create a solid direction of coherent storytelling is often incomprehensible to me in its clarity. And after each session with him, the direction was so clear and focused that my channel effortlessly opened and created. It was nothing short of magical.” - Dee Wallace from her book Bright Light: Spiritual Lessons from a Life in Acting, O-Books, Spring 2011

Kindle on Amazon
Off air, I was comparing Scrying to Dr. Raymond Moody's Psychomanteum technique used to connect with deceased loved ones. Link: How to facilitate and induce After Death Communication (ADC) and more information on Dr. Moody's Psychomanteum Research. Read a testimonial from one person who was initially skeptical and later included her experience in a book: Carla Wills-Brandon at White Crow Books. [John has also worked with Dr. Moody.]

John's Amazon book list continues to expand. He focuses on spiritually motivating content. In our previous conversation we talked about Energy work and his book, A Guide to Energetic Healing. Initially, I reconnected to talk about Scrying, featured in his book The Magic Mirror. However, the newest book has just debut to a chorus of good reviews, so we start there.

John posted a link for the promo video on Facebook. The Miracle of Anna, an Awakened Child. How complicated might it be to raise a spiritually advanced child who challenges the current view of the manifest plane, a child born illuminated? As complicated as you might imagine.

Comic relief. I saw the film before it chalked up all the awards: Alternative Math. This Teacher can't catch a break. Beaten but not quite down for the count... she's got one trick up her sleeve.

5,114,206 views - and counting. IMDb for credits and reviews.

I teased this class during our interview.  

Where can you take a class on Anthropology of the Paranormal? In Kansas City? College credit? Try JCCC.

Interview coming up in April. Anthropology Professor Sean Daley shares my preference for meeting people who might need help regarding an issue of supernatural origin in a local coffeehouse. [A neutral location.]

Reading the online reviews from students who have taken his classes, feedback is  positive. In this interview for the online publication, The Campus Ledger, Daley says, "There’s a movement where things that would be considered occult are becoming very mainstream," Daley said. "The paranormal, particularly the darker side of it, is becoming a part of pop culture."

I know I would have loved to have had an opportunity to explore that field of study if it had been available when I was in college. Glad to see classes on the topic are an option now.

Thank you for listening. 
Stay Curious!

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