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Dec 21, 2018

Sci-Fi Short Film: Dreadspace - and Spooky Christmas Ghost Stories

"The occasions when astrological workings can be accurately compared to events and times in a person's life far exceed those in which they cannot." - Ingo Swann, Psychic Literacy and the Coming Psychic Renaissance (Manuscript recently published by the Estate of Ingo Swann)

    Wendy's Christmas Ghost
  • Did you know Christmas Ghost Stories are a holiday tradition for some? On that happy note let's start with the background details. Smithsonian Magazine has the history - beyond 'A Christmas Carol'.
  • And now a few links, spooky, unexplained and chain-rattling. Thought Co.
  • Ghosts with snow and bump in the blustery night ambiance. Bustle.
  • Santa Ghost - photo.
  • Holiday spirits. Angels - It's a Wonderful Life.
  • A Pet Ghost - Dog named Spot - a ghost/YouTube

Dreadspace by Augustus Meleo - A grandfather who lives across the country from his family tries to connect with his grandson inside virtual reality.

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

12/23 - David Charles Rowan, Astrologer. Over two decades teaching the complexities of Astrology and Human Behavior. David offers an exclusive forecast for 2019, an overview for America and an overview for President Trump. (He suggests events and activities in the upcoming year are going to resemble a bell curve.) 

12/30 - Joe McQuillen - My Search for Christopher on the Other Side. A father finds reality isn't what he thought. After the death of his son (Boat accident tragedy while he was away at college.), a few words from a Medium sent him on an entirely new path. In AA, 33 years sober. Life after Death? Joe has an entirely new take on life now.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

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