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Dec 6, 2018

Duncan Laurie - Radionics, Singing plants, Consciousness upgraded - updated post

"The universe is a symphony of living energy that sings out to a cosmos far greater than the physical realm we perceive as reality. The radionic instrument allows quantified analysis and balancing of the subtle energy fields emitted by everyone and everything in that realm." Source, Radionics, Duncan

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Duncan Laurie - Radionics 8/26/18.
Second Interview with Duncan Laurie on Empower Radio 12/5/18.

This Interview with Cowgirl is from Duncan's mail file. Her work is a fantastic. This is an example of Radionics in practice and why the work holds so much potential.

  1. "Performing subtle energy work in the sports industry pushed me to new levels and working with top-rate vets was both interesting and productive. (btw, our first "project horse", taken off of a truck on its way to the dog meat factory, was later named "the most improved horse in England's racing history" by the English Jockey Club."
  2. "I was able to rid my property in Yucatan entirely of invading little guys like ants and cockroaches by clearing and raising the consciousness and the morphogenetic field of the house and land."
  3. "I was once shown at a Psychotronic Conference the example of an ear of corn. A stalk of corn was hermetically sealed off from the outside environment. Then the plant was stressed... not enough water, inadequate nutrition. Now believe it or not, in this experiment the worms visibly came from WITHIN THE PLANT to devour the corn. This indicates that living things have within them a set of processes that kick in when the decay force is stronger than life force. Their job is to clean up and get rid of the decay debris. To change this program, the life force has to be reinforced. So rather than trying to kill off the offending worm or insect, why not put our energy into building up the life force, raising the frequency of life back up to a healthy beat? Then the agents of decay disappear on their own, as they're not needed anymore. And you end up with a much healthier organism. win/win You mention this same approach in your book. It works with agriculture, animals, us, buildings, land, etc. I love the mention you make in your book about people who can reverse immense earth damage. I am so thankful! and want to hear much more about this. It's important and necessary."

Plants like to party. Who knew? Duncan sent me some audio samples of plants playing along to various songs, including Bob Dylan and a Zydeco tune. Amazing. Plants rock. (We play three samples during the Empower interview. Duncan says the plants who didn't want to join in on the music experiment are still in the house and incredibly healthy. They apparently preferred not to step outside their comfort zone.)

Of Dark Matter and the acceleration of the Universe: Dark Matter... "now opened to
The Secret Art - Radionics 
the scientific possibility of parallel universes, subtle energy transactions and a host of other possibilities normally reserved for science fiction and mystical studies." Source, Duncan Laurie, The Radiant Landscape

The fantastic world of Electric Plants - Blog, Duncan Laurie

The Secret Art - Duncan Laurie. "Today we tend to look at the shamanic process in the same light as religious ceremony: as an elaborate metaphor for appealing to a higher power to intercede on our behalf.

By contrast, as we will examine throughout this book, it is far more likely that shamanic individuals used artistic and technical methodologies employing intent to move energy and accomplish their objectives."

Duncan illustrates the everyday usage of Radionic energy in a reference to cooking. My interpretation of that is to contrast the difference between food cooked with love and food processed via assembly line. That love or creation energy is Radionic Enhancement. A hidden and impactful perk.

Available on Amazon - The Secret Art by Duncan Laurie - Reviews are excellent.

"Charlie Martineau, 5.0 out of 5 stars. - Duncan Laurie does a wonderful job giving us a history of Radionics from ancient times clear into now. With his personal focus being on art it was relate-able for me (being some form of an artist myself).

As someone also interested in the occult this got many ideas moving and the people and methodology I found interesting in this book gave me a springboard for more and more things and people to further investigate."

As for me, (Wendy) my Mom has been a dowser for 50 some years. I found the information included about the author of the book, The Paper Doctor (PDF), a fantastic piece of history. Submarined? Why the effort to restrict access to the material and discredit the author? Because it just might work. I am now planning to test some of that information.

I like the history angle Duncan provides in "The Secret Art' on the various embellishments and evolution of uses by of the practitioners through the years. So much to learn from this and so many potential uses that deserve greater awareness and expanded research. The book is a catalyst.

Related links:
How the power of intention alters matter: Dr. William Tiller
Tiller Institute.
Lynne McTaggart - The Power of Eight
Dean Radin - Distant Intention on Water Crystal formation

Radionics and plants: Borderland Sciences
Music of the Plants: Site and products.
Nexus Magazine: Music, Plants and Consciousness, April/May 2017.
Cleve Baxter - The Man Who Talked to Plants. And They Talked Back: Conscious Lifestyle Mag
Plant Consciousness: Conscious Lifestyle Magazine.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

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