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Jul 13, 2018

SciXFriday - 'The Machine', AI, ET Consciousness explorers and Energy Healing frequencies

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Goodreads

OddnsEnds -
  • Anti-aging pills that work? MIT
  • Tech novelty. AI wearables. Entrepreneur, One example: MUSE, a brain-sensing-headband designed to improve meditation effectiveness.
  • Reprogramming DNA to heal with frequency and vibration. Mysterious Times
  • Energy Medicine scores science cred. "We studied if stored or recorded "energy" has an impact on breast cancer cells in vitro. Bottom line: Yes." SagePub. Thanks for the lead on this Dean Radin. Newest book: Real Magic
  • Alien Conundrum.  Hidden in plain view. “I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive. Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there as aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.” Martin Rees, Fellow of Trinity College and Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, Daily Galaxy - 2017 interview. (Says he suspects Alien Intelligence will be in the form of an electronic entity. Interesting that various Contactees mention the electronic voice phenom. And I've heard it too. Bone-chilling, unfortunately.) Longer form interview: The Conversation
  • No joke. Forest Service not amused at the Fake Sasquatch warnings. Coast-to-coast
  • Armadillo Chill. The Dodo Cue pool mix. Kicks105FM 

The Machine. A young man meets an older man who says he is a time traveler. At one point there is a line in the script: "Things are not what they seem." I can identify with that one. Each and every day, I experience that reality confirmed.

From the Director: Michael Poole. "So here is the tale of how this movie got made. After starting the San Diego Sci-Fi Filmmakers group in 2009, a group of us (Phil Roberts, Jason Lethert, etc... ) decided to make a feature film. Then a second one. During filming of the second one, I told Jason that we should make a few short movies to fill in our down time. He agreed. That night I wrote an 8 page script called The Machine."

There is an extended version and there were plans to continue but the Actor who played the older man died. The future of this project - may yet evolve.

Short story Sci-Fi reading detour - Ray Bradbury plays with time in A Sound of Thunder. Note the target date: 2055

A few links more -
  • Star People and UFOs. Supernatural Magazine
  • Tesla and the healing Purple Energy. Supernatural Magazine
  • Brother of Terence, Dennis McKenna, numbers 9 basic parallels between the experiment at La Chorrera (E@LC) (London Real video interview/YouTube) and ‘standard’ alien encounters –understanding the term as an umbrella encompassing any alleged interaction with non-human entities, in which angelic encounters and religious apparitions could also be included. Daily Grail
Wendy's Coffeehouse schedule
7/15 - Board Camp Crystal Mine, Orville and Cheryl Murphy and son Josh. Update from my April visit. Paranormal activity continues.
7/22 - Gary Hart, The Sasquatch Whisperer. Researched and explored Board Camp Crystal Mine
7/29 - Keith Linder, The Bothell Hell House book: Poltergeist of Washington State
8/5 - Tick Gaudreau, Spirit Rescue: A Dowser's Ghostly Encounters. Utilizing specialized techniques, he has worked with spirits in a safe, respectful, and loving manner. Gaudreau shares these methods with you to help you identify different types of spiritual beings.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

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