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Jun 15, 2018

SciXFriday: Sci-Fi Short "Memoir" - Magically Misfired Harry Potter, Shamanism, Time and Quantum Dreaming - Repost

"It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure it is telling you the truth."- Terence McKenna

  • NASA - AI finds another solar system with the same planetary arrangement as ours. Chicago Tribune  Kepler-90 said to be like a mini version of our own solar system. Express 
  • Plants as street lights? Baby steps. Starting with veggies. Independent 
  • Botnik (AI writing tool) serves up misfired Harry Potter magic. Absurd. Delightful! Guardian
    - "I'm Harry Potter," Harry began yelling. "The dark arts better be worried, oh boy!"
    - "Ron looked at the doorknob and then looked at Hermione with searing pain."
    - "Harry could tell that Voldemort was standing right behind him. He felt a great overreaction."
    Read and report: Botnik Studios Harry Potter
  • Rescue squirrel adopts her foster forever home: The Dodo and Bella on Instagram

"Memoir" - an award winning Sci-Fi Short Film. Exceptional intro. Outstanding score. Hooked.

Storyline: Ted's personal endeavor is taking away from his work with Alzheimer's patients at Janus Labs and his lab partner is getting fed up with his tardiness and lack of focus. A mysterious visitor changes Ted's life for good.

For more info about the film and filmmaker
Character-driven stories with heart. Bespoke Works LLC
Like this film? Explore DUST for binge watchable sci-fi shorts. Subscribe

Extra credit and deeper study - Physics, Time, Shamanism and Expanded Consciousness
  • Float Therapy - There are other ways of attaining altered states without drugs. My experiences include meditation and floating. Both allow relaxation and stress relief. In the past year I have had several float sessions. Each was different. Three were incredibly helpful in my recovery from whiplash after a car accident. The headaches stopped and pain decreased in my neck, shoulders and back.
    I began floating to experience a deeper state of meditation and that does work for me. If you are interested and in the Kansas City area, Floating KC runs various specials and offers a discount for a first time session. Mention this blog. There is a current Christmas offer. 12/17.
    What is floating? Floating KC Suggest trying a minimum of two or more sessions. The first session is an adjustment to the new conditions. It is easier to relax after that initial introduction. And the zero gravity massage chair, prior to the float, is fantastic.
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives and Schedule - 

12/17 - Lynn Andrews and Robert Taylor, Sacred Vision Oracle Cards - Shamanism
12/22 - James Schwartz, Hypnotherapist Blog: "Actual transcripts of clients experiencing the phenomena of visiting different planes of existence during their hypnosis sessions." One Voice, Sacred Wisdom

Thank you for listening!

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