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May 25, 2018

SciXFriday - What the Giraffe Knew, odd links and lucky breaks

“I believed in immaculate conception and spontaneous combustion. I believed in aliens from outer space and vampires, prophecy, and the resurrection of the dead. I had deja vu many times each day. I was thirteen.” - Kate Braverman, Small Craft Warnings: Stories

Oddsnends - 

  • Alexa busted for spying on family. Wicked Alexa. Oh what a not surprise.
  • New approach to solving the Loch Ness mystery. Finding Nessie DNA. The Guardian.
  • Spanish shipwreck carrying treasure worth up to $17 billion discovered by robot sub. Regarding the dispute over who owns the treasure. Guys who found it are off to the next adventure - saying that puzzle is someone else's problem.
  • Weird science 101 - growing mini-brains with Neanderthal DNA. The Guardian.  
  • Plan ahead - 2018 International Bigfoot Conference, Aug 31, Sept 2
  • Set the ambiance with a special Sasquatch Coffee Roast. Not sure if this one is still available but it has my vote: Bob Gimlin 50th Anniversary Blend. Authenticity rocks.
  • This guy created a cool bridge for his cat. Cat isn't exactly thrilled at first but warms to the idea. The Dodo. Vs. The cat who really likes his bridge creation. Bored Panda.

"The Giraffe Who Knew Too Much" by Eric Tosstorff - In a not so distant future, a 5 year old child wants to hold on to his favorite book 'The Giraffe Who Knew Too Much'. The only problem being, it has been put on a list of censored books.

For more about the film and filmmaker:
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Mom broke her foot (again) last week and was dreading the inconvenience of a cast. Doctor said the X-ray showed a serious break in the ankle that would require rehab with limited mobility. Told to stay off the leg to let the swelling go down in preparation for getting a cast, we spent the weekend with her to help keep her mostly sedentary. (A word not found in her vocabulary).

Dropping her off at home, still in pain and worrying about the swelling, she said a second X-ray was planned before the cast would be put on. Given that scenario, we talked about visualizing an outcome that allowed the ankle had healed or the original diagnosis was incomplete. She still had time to shift the scene before her appointment.

Update the following afternoon. Apparently, they tried to delay her appointment to the next day but it didn't work with her schedule so she got to see a different Doctor. (The first Doctor was actually ill that day.) The new X-ray gave an upgraded result. The break was less severe and would not require a cast. She could instead wear a boot and retain her mobility.

Something had indeed changed. Rather than be upset at the first Doctor for missing the diagnosis, it might be that the first Doc told her exactly what she needed to trigger a response that allowed the foot to recover. She might not have been as motivated without the initial, dire prognosis. The Universe gave her a pass. And so it goes.  

Wendy's Coffeehouse -
5/27 - Maxine Taylor, America's first licensed Astrologer. What's your sign? Astrologer Maxine Taylor gives us a heads up on June and teases the forecast for a bumpy ride come mid summer.
6/3 - Nick Redfern, The Black Diary - Men/Women and paranormal/unexplained in Black.
6/10 - Stephen Schwartz #2. About Telepathy.

KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

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