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Apr 28, 2017

SciX Friday: Hasselhoff the Bot

“I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.” - Alan Turing, Computing machinery and intelligence

"Benjamin," an A.I. programmed by Ross Goodwin is building a decent filmmaking resume, giving writers the brush-off in this quirky Sci-Fi Short with Headliner: David Hasselhoff

Prepare to be educated. This is AI filmmaker is impressive. In the beginning, just a very short while/months ago, a couple of brainy guys created "Jetson" with the goal of building a machine that could write screenplays. "Jetson" was fed a bunch of Sci-Fi tv and movie scripts and soon thereafter decided on a name change.

Now known as Benjamin, he has created a second film. Subtle and fluid, the shift to AI created entertainment may catch on more quickly than anyone imagined.

For real, AI is imagining and creating results with "It's No Game." Cheers to AI Benjamin! Is it me or is Benjamin trying to make a point through this medium? One might anticipate that this incredible tech will teach us a few lessons we had no idea were needed when incorporating AI into common use. 

This was the first film created by Benjamin, formerly known as Jetson: Sunspring

Self-determining and self-evolving AI is a reminder it might be wise to develop a healthy respect for a novel and highly complex being now in the process of creation and self-revelation. No doubt self-awareness is in there too and very much a part of this endeavor. The clue is in desiring a unique and self-appointed name. ARS interview with the filmmakers

When AI "Jetson" accepted the award for Sunspring (Therefore Films) on stage, he revealed a preference for a new title: What's next for you?

"Here we go. The staff is divided by the train of the burning machine building with sweat. No one will see your face. The children reach into the furnace, but the light is still slipping to the floor. The world is still embarrassed. The party is with your staff. My name is Benjamin."

Get beyond the word jumble to the intent. Very quickly one might see Benjamin begin deviating in the process and developing new methods of incorporating unanticipated corollaries that do not exist within the ascribed program. Expanding beyond the program and integrating an essence of the programmer. Nah. That's just Science Fiction. And Quantum Entanglement in the Multiverse.

No coincidence, the prompts for this program. Take a cue from Benjamin, it's not a game.

And from Arthur C. Clarke: “Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference; we should each be treated with appropriate respect.” - 2010: Odyssey Two 

From Point A - Robot Autonomy, already impressive, continues to advance. Wired
To Point B - Viv, Siri Creator's New AI Platform. PC Mag

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule -

4/30 - Carl Greer PhD, PsyD - Change the Story of Your Health (NEW)
5/7 - John DeSouza - FBI (retired) X-Man - UFOs, Extra-Dimensionals and X-files
5/14 - Atherton Drenth - Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive
5/21 - Michael Grosso - The Man Who Could Fly
5/28 - Lance Mungia - Psychic Spies in the CIA - Documentary: Third Eye Spies

6/4 - Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder
6/11 - Blynne Olivieri - Ingo Swann Collection, Ingram Library UWG  

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!