Odds n ends -
- Tourism hot spots in the News: Mount Etna - BBC Journalists concur
- Wear a Green tie and Twitter runs amok - Boing Boing
- Props but NO one can top The Queen - Twisted Sifter
- Word of the week: Fear/Phobia of Eternity = Apeirophobia - The Atlantic
- Heartbreaker: Dog loses best friend, trails funeral procession - The Dodo
- Meet Dash - the Therapy Dog - works at a funeral home in Cody, Wyoming - Fairfield Citizen
A Trailer about the trying times we are living. Relatively speaking. Making History - (now history/cancelled) Perfectly at home on FOX.
Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse -
3/19 - Stan Seba - Kansas MUFON - update on a photo I submitted?
3/26 - Krsanna Duran - UFO Initiation Ultraterrestrial Time Travelers
4/2 - Mike Clelland - The Messengers - Owls and ETs
4/16 - Nick Redfern - The Kitchen Sink of Fortean - 365 Days of UFOs
4/23 - PMH Atwater - A Manual for Developing Humans (NEW)
4/30 - Carl Greer - Change the Story of Your Health (NEW)
*Entertaining the Curious - Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast Archives