Yes, 2016 flew by. Wendy's Coffeehouse shows are archived for listening at your leisure. AudioBoom Link. Great way to cap off the year. 30 shows/1K listens. A magic repeating number: 33.333
What's with the shows that appear to be shorter? Minus commercials. If you have yet to check one out, start there.
- The most listened to program, as of 12/30/16, belongs to John Perkins. (Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast 8/27/16)
Once again, John Perkins dazzles with New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. When he first went public with his story, he says his daughter assured him she would follow through with disclosure of the information if he was taken out. Really. This is explosive stuff.
Front, center and shadow, shady politics are a key component. Some might find it hard to believe, given the depth of the revelations and the risks involved in publicizing the information, that John is still alive. At least one poisoning incident took a toll on his physical health.
The new/updated version of his story includes additional footnotes, evidence and substantiating documentation. It isn't pretty. Far from a MIB, UFO conspiracy thing, this story underscores and outs the gritty, behind the scenes, in the trenches work of a "shadow" element that follows up to ensure compliance with "business" deals that are, from the outset, incredibly one sided.
*A link for my other interview with John Perkins - Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio.
In a recent blog post, John talks about his work with the Kogi and the latest trip to Columbia that he says might just become a new book. He relates his current focus. He continues to atone for events he got caught up in and could not prevent all those years ago. However, without his knowledge and involvement, the information would not have come to light.Video interview about his recent trip: YouTube Link
Positive but hard challenges lie ahead. John-Perkins-Blog/Message from the Elder Siblings
Echoing once again, "a message of hope, one that says we can transformer ourselves from societies that adhere to systems that threaten to destroy us to ones that will sustain us and future generations."
Follow John's work and get involved here:
Pachamama Alliance
Read: The World is as You Dream it
Huff Post on The World is as You Dream it
Other books by John Perkins -
Shapshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation
Up for a life changing experience? Journey to the Amazon.
Coming in May of 2017, John Perkins is hosting a seminar on how to write a best seller.
Details at EventBrite
-- Check back for details on air time and date for Wendy's Coffeehouse in 2017 --
Do have a bunch of guests on the call sheet. Booking Conscious Living on Empower Radio. That show is now into year number seven. New show records are on Wednesday and the rest of the week is a blend of archived shows from all prior years. All shows air at 9pm central time. Link. Great variety by now.