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Oct 6, 2016

Dining with Weston Ghosts -- a Fall favorite (SOLD OUT)

You may have heard the ads for Weston Missouri Tourism during the commercial breaks for Wendy's Coffeehouse. Quick update on the popular Dining with Ghosts event at Main Street Galleria. (UPDATE) All three nights are now sold out. Apologies if you missed the dates! This is an annual event and 2017 will be fun too!   

I'd like to see a ghost. It would confirm there's an afterlife. - Marlon Wayans

Downtown ambiance - Weston, Missouri

Living in a town full of ghosts may not suit everyone but a quick rundown of the local shops shows there are some who thrive in this atmosphere.

Whether the locals have seen one or not, those who escort the tourists on the ghost tours say they have found it easier to linger in areas that are well lit. Enough said.

Ghosts have been encountered in numerous locations throughout the town and in the surrounding vicinity of Weston, Missouri.

One location (not on the tour) reputed to have an extremely active ghost had been converted from storage (2014/15) to a residence. No other details have been made public. The startled resident shared his experience, investigating unexplained noises with his dog in tow.

The encounter vid is still available: "Weston Swinging Light Ghost - *language*


Main Street Galleria sweet shop is a popular draw with excellent pie and fudge as sample temptations. You can also order on their site.

Dining with Ghosts offers dinner and a walking tour of local haunts dishing up history and background regarding featured residences and sites. (Living and/or deceased.)

One couple got the fright of their life during a stay at a local Bed and Breakfast. As the story goes, they had just settled in for the night with a tray full of snacks when the full blown embodiment of the deceased walked through the room.

They promptly called the host and departed. Vacating haste was evidenced in the up-heaved food trays and the entire room left in disarray. Note: a spirit rarely shows up on demand but that room remains available upon request.

2016 dates are selling out fast. Two shows are now Sold Out and the final night, October 29th, is filling up.

No costume required but a healthy appetite is welcome. Rain or shine. Walking shoes help.

Call for reservations. Tickets are $45 per person. 816-640-2825. 

Details also available at Weston Community Theatre.

During the day I don't believe in ghosts. At night, I'm a little more open minded. - Ghost Quotes - Source for this Ghost Quote -