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Aug 13, 2016

8/13/16 Doug Heyes - The Touch

Faith is a bird that senses the dawn and starts singing while it is still dark. - Anon

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here's the podcast for Doug - Miracle on the Mountain became even more spectacular when - after the NDE - Doug developed the ability to do the same type of healing that the rescue crew used on him.
Perfect timing this morning. I step outside at 4:45 AM thinking there might be too much city light to catch the spectacular Perseids but look up anyway. Proven wrong within minutes, a bright flash streaks white sparks across the sky! Brilliant! Great wake up call.

Possible explanation: Perseids this year are considered an "outburst." That term is used to describe a meteor shower that has more meteors than usual. As was the case 7 years ago. Source Link: CNN

Perseids Plan B: Catch the NASA stream:  10 p.m. EDT (0200 GMT on Aug. 13) 9pm for us in CT. Bonus points: Listen to Meteor Echos:


  • He's back. Darth Vader returns. And twitter lights up. Rogue One trailer debuted during the Olympics. Slam Dunk. Preview on YouTube or here: 

Blog Extra Not in the show audio -- Is it just me? Last scene. Darth.
  1. Flashback: SpaceBalls! IMDb
  2. 14 things you might not know about Spaceballs via Mental Floss. (Thank you!)
  3. Possible sequel? Rumor has it: Eonline.

  • Link as promised to an odd Paris UFO thing and that other sighting in Siberia, said to be ball lightning. Awesome: Daily Mail

  • Coolest Dog story of the week: Flight Attendant adopts Dog who never gave up. Work took her from Germany (home) to Argentina. Over a period of months, he showed up at the hotel where she stayed. She even made arrangements for him to be adopted but he ran off and, once again, parked outside her hotel. Now he's home-sweet-home. The Dodo Link

Heart melts.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview 8/13/16 - Doug Heyes Podcast link -

Tremendous and powerful stories of healing (miracles, some would say) are documented in The Touch. Doug Heyes (website) offers a Disclaimer saying he claims no "credit" and prefers to offer the events and results as a progress report on his own *evolution. In our interview he relates how the recipient also plays a part in the outcome.

Doug Heyes (video) says The Touch is a guide for dedicated spiritual travelers. (Paraphrasing here from Page 11.) Basic methods and principles are simple and can be learned and practiced immediately. He further states in no way does simple and basic imply the process is easy or that the book is a manual for beginners. In a comparison to chess he says there is a learning curve where one can learn the moves in an hour and spend a lifetime mastering the game. Game on!

Keep up with the schedule for announcements on the tour: "Awaken Your Inner Healer" workshops.
Idea: Request a date for Kansas City.
Info on his Website: Doug Heyes Healing

Connect with Doug: Facebook Heart Centered Healing

One of the most revealing statements in the book. Doug is in recovery mulling a few things over in the garden and wondering about all that has transpired. He thinks about the healing that was done on him that day on the mountain and, in his words, asks God, "If it's possible for a group of guys to put their hands on me and transmit this kind of healing energy, why couldn't I do that for someone else?"

Doug says he heard God reply: "What makes you think you can't?"

*As witness to the events and stories Doug shares - in whatever form - I believe all are included as  evolving humans