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Feb 10, 2020

John Foster UFOs - Alien Influence, Keepers of the Earth

"John is one of many people who have been leading a dual life... fortunately, he has been inspired to share..." -- Donald Ware, MS. Past area director of MUFON, Director of International UFO Congress

Stated to John Foster by the Aliens who had been in contact with him since childhood:“They are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of humankind except at certain times, when things are going awry or are dangerous. They said this is one of those times, one of those eras. They continued to state that if they hadn’t interfered in the past, we would have destroyed ourselves ... and that if they don’t interfere now and in the future, we will indeed destroy ourselves.”

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with John Foster. 2/9/20

Consider the takeaway from John's Contact experience. (Included in the video presentation below.)

"Because the encounters are not remembered they become subliminal experiential messages that subtly mold and shape our lives and cultures. That is ... the experience itself is the subliminal message that eventually becomes a part of who we are. Our subconscious memory of the experience changes our attitudes, beliefs and feelings."

In his book and on his website, John Foster provides an overview of his decades of interaction with
UFOs from childhood in the late 30's to 1986 when he acted to cut off the contact. Drawings include  representations of various craft and the different types of Aliens who were present during his encounters.

"He began drawing the scenes as he recalled the encounters. Drawings represent some of what he and the other people who were with him witnessed visually over a period of at least 46 years. The drawings are presented randomly, in no particular order." - Visit: John Foster UFOs.

Preview John's Books 
The difficulty John faced when trying to reconcile the reality he began to remember and unravel was that it was completely foreign and so far removed from our Western society mainstream consensus view from what he had been taught from an early age that the psychological trauma resulted in multiple heart attacks.

John said he had been warned by the Aliens that there would be significant health complications in his future but he would recover and continue with somewhat limited function. Indeed, much to the amazement (and support) of his doctors, he has successfully navigated his health challenges for some three decades.

Significant memories include the purpose stated by the aliens: “The mysterious intelligences connected to my encounters have told me that they are “the monitors and Keepers of the earth” and are responsible to a hierarchy that includes “the arch angels Michael and Gabriel,” who are responsible to the entity we have known as “Christ,” who is in charge of this corner of our immense complex universe.”

The challenges anyone faces when coming forward with UFO/Contact experiences are tremendous, thus potentially discouraging to those who have everything to lose and nothing to gain in simply trying to reveal the presence of a thing that clearly has an influence on Human society be it physical or psychological.

John's Drawings
John's story is one that includes full recognition of dates, locations, various types of crafts/ships, and aliens of different form.

Clues in his documentation suggest whatever form is manifest, the presence can be easily concealed from others deemed non-essential to the encounter.

When John began to remember his encounters and started to attend events that would attract others with an interest in metaphysics and UFOs, he began to recognize (as some who were present recognized him) that they had been in the same situation with the same Aliens and involved in a similar program.

John's story illustrates how some can see while others don't. The Aliens have the ability to operate on a level beyond our senses. And we can remain absolutely clueless to their presence unless they drop the veil. So much for "proof".

This segment is from John's presentation at the 2000 UFO Conference. What is the UFO thing all about? Can you or do you remember UFO experiences? It does appear that we know more than we think and much more than we remember.


To the skeptics who suggest UFO eye witnesses are somehow impaired and suffering from faulty or false memories, that unique perspective does not seem to apply when an eye witness is asked to testify in a court case. Witnesses are crucial. They offer data, clues, direction and potential evidence.

UFOs remain an enigma. Even when we do see them, do we know what we are seeing? They are not alike and may not originate from the same source. Whatever origination - that entity/source has the upper hand in this reality. Example: John decided to make a run for it while levitating in the air. The response was a chuckle with a warning that if he did depart he would not survive.

Novelties of Alien/UFO/ET encounters include, time distortion, missing time, future time, electric anomalies, heightened senses, rapid healing, telepathic communication, objects manifesting and/or disappearing without explanation or warning. Paranormal activity of all sorts. Sounds include chimes, tones, electronic melodies or sequences. Voices can be electronic and or normal.

A single unifying position on UFOs at this time is in the encounter. Believe or don't, personal experience is the game changer.

John Foster was able to intentionally stop his involvement when he refused to continue without full disclosure. An engineer who can provide drawings and detailed descriptions, his accounts offer clues and, for other experiencers, corroborating evidence there is a much greater reality than that with which we currently identify, navigate and interact at the moment.

Given reports of sightings and abductions continue, it would indicate we are being introduced to an Alien presence in sequential steps so as not to create the inadvertent heart failure lack of awareness (or persistent denial) has been known, and in this case, proven to create.

Bottom line - in John's message - Aliens are intervening because our species has demonstrated by our own actions that we are on a path to destroying our planet and ourselves. And we must be survival impaired because they say it has happened before.

The adventure continues. Do you remember?

Feb 7, 2020

It's all good in the Odd News link round up .... Nessie, UFO, Paranormal, OBE, NDE, Animal Intelligence

"Live the best life you can, and become the best self you can. You cannot know which of your actions is the lever that will move worlds. Not even Necessity knows all ends. Know yourself." - Jo Walton, The Just City

OddsnEnds - 

  • Solid Gold - UFO enthusiast and barrister in England who goes by the pseudonym Isaac Koi is transcribing archives of UFO-related shows. So far, he's cataloged over 50,000 podcast episodes and videos. Vice. "2 Million+ New Pages – Searchable transcripts of UFO podcasts, videos etc : Leveraging AI". Above Top Secret.
  • About those RAF UFO sightings being published online, "A clearance process for the documents is currently under way before publication, which is expected to take place "some time within the first quarter of 2020". ... off to a great start. Anticipating lots of sleepless nights. Telegraph.
  • Hot tip _ mention of a new podcast by Dan Akyroyd (hopefully soon). Might it include his unexplained adventures: "Men in Black and the mysterious black car. What did actor/comedian Dan Aykroyd witness?" - Source. Colin Andrews has great stories to share. Crop Circles and beyond. YouTube.
  • On the trail of Shadow People. (Previous post has a shadow person Mary Ann Podrasky.) Still very little to work with. Ghost, Inter-dimensional, Time Traveler, ET...? Unknown. Article headline reads "Myth or Fact". Southside Times.
  • Consider this "Myth or Fact" case file. Thought to be a legend, fairy tail, make believe. Until the bones were found. Aeon. [Homo Floresiensis.] The human species grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child and lived with pygmy elephants and giant lizards on a remote island in Indonesia. Nat Geo.
  • Nessie 2020. First sighting kinda blurrySource.
  • New study says Horses understand and remember the emotion of a previous encounter. They respond accordingly. Link.
  • Some people are extraordinary at reading the expressions of Cats. Motherboard.

    For the easily amused.
    (Hello me!)
  • 1/Check here: Twitter. Spoiler = look away. (Cat snoring through an echo microphone.) 2/Behold! A million recycled water bottles. Bustle. Your turn.
    3/Cheers to a world of happy accidents. Please. via The Office. Source.
    4/Canada's International Hair Freezing Competition Selfies will be "accepted through March 8, 2020, with official voting on the winners taking place on March 15. To see some hairstyles in the running to win this year's contest. Click here via Mental Floss
  • Now everyone will want one: "I popped out of my body like toast in a toaster and had a splendiferous time floating around and chatted with the angels.” - Rosemary Thornton describing her NDE. Presenter at the Williamsburg Friends of the International Association for Near-Death Studies meeting Feb. 23. Link.
  • Near Death and back again, Planters killed Mr. Peanut (Mandalorian vibe?) and he was reborn. Follow Baby Nut on Twitter.
  • Ghostbusters Afterlife coming to theaters July 10, 2020. Cast is complete with Bill Murray on board. Indiewire interview with Carrie Coon.

Classic Robert Monroe - OBEs - there's a whole new world out there and while there are some toes in the water - we have yet to learn to swim in it. The water is warm.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives - upcoming interview:

Alien Influence? John Foster's Extraordinary 4 decades Contactee experience suggests humans are being groomed for upcoming events - whether they know it or not. Previous Post.

*2/9 Interview - KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM, 8 pm.  John Foster UFOs. We learn they don't show themselves to everyone. They are here and working a program behind the scenes. They showed him future scenarios that are today coming to pass with the influx of immigrants from Central America.

The purpose might be to help prevent us from offing ourselves and the planet. John's story is astounding. An engineer, he has detailed drawings of the craft and the life forms. They often appeared out of mist, fog and clouds.

*There is an hour long interview already posted in the Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Link. The 2/9 interview is shorter to allow for commercials and news during the broadcast. However, there is also some additional information not included in the earlier segment.


What counts as proof of contact/abduction? Former lawyer Terry Lovelace (65) -

"...says his cell phone was in his pocket last April when he was abducted from his bed and taken aboard a craft over his home in Dallas, Texas. The images from his health and activity phone app show a vertical line which demonstrates the phone moved 60 feet upward in less than a minute. Later, Terry woke up traumatized, thinking he'd had a heart attack."

Content Link on Facebook. Thank you, David Haith.

Stay curious.