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Jul 30, 2019

Cheryl and Orville Murphy, Board Camp Crystal Mine - Crystals and Sasquatch - ongoing Paranormal Unexplained

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein, Goodreads.

OddsnEnds - 

  • 5 months to go. Then the anonymous time-traveler chosen to visit the Andromeda Galaxy will birth her baby from the year 3500.
    Paul Seaburn posted the story with quote: "There are so many holes in this time travel story it makes its own breeze."  Even so, we await the drop. Mysterious Universe.
  • Solar Storm + Black Supermoon = Boffo August kickoff. Super details here. 
  • Home world utopia dimming at a rapid pace. Earth Overshoot Day. HuffPo.
  • Light reading 'Best of':
    Farmer's Almanac  - next to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader - One of several.
  • Bingo! Almost as good as sighting a UFO. ABC/Twitter.

I opened the interview 7/28/19 with an update from Missouri MUFON/Margie Kay about the recent KC UFO sightings only to discover I had one too - the night before we spoke. That content is in this post. (About the darting shadows that can be seen when the UFO footage is examined.)  My case number is 102263. I saw the darting shadow - minus the UFO. That shadow caught me so off guard I didn't think to look for anything else. 

Are you a believer? Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, etc. You don't have to be. However, there are few places to go that are as easily accessible and known for highly interactive encounters with Sasquatch as Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas.

If that isn't your thing, the crystals are spectacular. And, as Orville explains, there is a difference between crystals that are hand dug versus those extracted with heavy equipment. From my own perspective, there is a difference in the energy of the crystal and in the energy of the place. Underlying theme: Respect.

Board Camp Crystal Mine offers a rare opportunity to experience up-close-and-personal an area noted for ongoing Sasquatch activity. This video shows an ongoing oddity - rock movement.

We talked about the Sasquatch interaction and recent activity - upside down picnic tables.

Cheryl provided the upturned picnic table photo with the backstory. She said they went to bed at night and everything was in good order. The next morning the table had been upturned with a crystal placed on each of the legs. Those crystals had dirt on them - indicating they had been dug and not taken from those already cleaned and prepped for sale.

And there's more. Cheryl sent another image taken after we spoke. Somehow, in broad daylight and in the presence of visitors, tables were returned to their usual upright status. And the crystals were re-positioned.

To be continued. The images deserve their own page. Plus I'll share the background information from Cheryl in the next post.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Orville and Cheryl Murphy
Sasquatch Paranormal at Board Camp Crystal Mine

What are Sasquatch and how do they do, what appears like manifesting or moving items out of thin air? That mystery is ongoing. This is a photo sequence taken by Orville in February of 2019. Two images were taken in succession.
Image Credit: Orville Murphy
Board Camp Crystal Mine, Feb 2019

In case this resolution is hard to see. One image shows a dark figure - circled - beside the tree. That figure is not seen in the second image.

If Sasquatch is interdimensional, there are several options that might allow one to step into the present dimension and then step back out.

A few to ponder:
Dimension shift.
Frequency shift.
Coherence with certain individuals.
Alien assist.

The Murphys are presenters at KC Paracon on Friday - August 9, 2019. They'll also have crystals at their booth. Details. Researchers interested in exploring or investigating Board Camp Crystal Mine are welcome. Connect. Read their story in the book: BEAMS.

FYI - Mexico UFO Cruise - features Linda Moulton Howe, Travis Walton, Kathleen Marden, James Gilliland and more. Offering: 1/Tour of UNESCO World Heritage site Las Labradas with 1000 petroglyphs, 'before the ever-encroaching Pacific Ocean reclaims it forever.' 2/Opt to participate in indigenous ceremonies, meditations, and healing rituals. 3/View and swim with dolphins in the wild in Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta. Early booking ended June 1, 2019. Info at Divine Travels.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives 
Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Jul 25, 2019

"Woodstock of UFOs", adjacent [not storming] to Area 51 - Arts fest, Aliens welcome ... and etc.

I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth. - Stephen Hawking.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Mystery Metal - TTSA big announcement - they have metamaterials via Linda Moulton Howe [video].  San Diego, CA (July 25, 2019) - To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) has acquired multiple pieces of metamaterials and an archive of initial analysis and research for their controversial ADAM Research Project.ADAM, an acronym for Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials, is an academic research program focused on the exploitation of exotic materials for technological innovation.The ownership of these assets, which were previously retained and studied by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe and are reported to have come from an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin.
  • Horror - Visible Brain changes in Diplomats who experienced Sonic attacks. NBC
  • Borrowed Time - 12 years 18 months to save the planet. BBC
  • Hindsight sucks - Climate change predicted 40 years ago. The Conversation.
  • Curious - The earlier story regarding the local UFO /DARPA balloon sightings. CNN.
  • Unexplained - Turns out it ISN'T the whole story. Margie Kay / MO MUFON told me there is another element. In videos of the orbs, they determined the distance and orbs are closer than the designated flight pattern for the DARPA balloons. [Twitter isn't buying the DARPA thing.] Further inspection of the image reveals darting forms.
  • Coincidentally, the night before I spoke to Margie Kay I saw a darting shadow form - minus the UFO. After speaking with her, I posted that sighting with MUFON. Given there were similar instances, it seemed helpful to include my sighting. I would not have reported it otherwise.
         102263 case report
     edit. - We stepped outside and I looked up at the sky and immediately saw a shadow fly off to the left and out of sight. I quickly asked my husband who was standing beside me if he saw it. As I asked, it flew again. The entity was transparent and appeared to be like a cloud or shadow. 
  • HostileDaily Grail - on what happens when you traipse across forbidden desert terrain adjacent to Area 51: “Gentlemen, you’re going to jail.” Reference: The article is excerpted from Darklore Volume 7, Blair MacKenzie Blake talks about the adventures he and friends (including Tool drummer Danny Carey) have had while visiting the outskirts of the famous military base.
  • Morphed - From Meme to Movement - #StormArea51: "Imagine the Woodstock of UFOs with a Burning Man and Ted Talks feel, with entertainers and an extraordinary lineup of music and speakers and art. It will be a party," Corbell said. "However the difference is that we will all be working towards an achievable and singular goal: to lift the decades-old cone of silence on UFO secrecy." - Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and Meme creator Matty Roberts [Youtube interview] are evolving what started as a joke to a legit event. For real, September 20: SiteMatty says the FB post has reached more than 9 million people.

Slam Dunk - Lil Nas X Celeb storm area 51 mix. Standard

Baby bird superpower - communicate with each other through unhatched eggs. Science Alert.
Outstanding! - World Map on an Egg shell. Daily Grail.
Peace Out - 10 views of Earth from space. Scientific American.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Board Camp Crystal Mine interview with Cheryl and Orville Murphy - airs Sunday, 7/28 at 8p, KCMO Talk Radio 710AM. Presenters at KC Paracon, August 9. They'll have crystals too.

Recent activity: Cheryl sent a pic of their morning surprise - just outside the house and no one heard a thing - upside down picnic table with crystals on each leg and a second photo that Orville took in February - actually two pics. Sasquatch is in the first and gone in the second. I'll share those in the next blog post.

Still time to get in on the UFO HUB Lecture Series, August 3: Link. Featuring Prolific Fortean Author Nick Redfern, ET Experiencer Sherry Wilde and Crypto-Linguist Scott Nelson.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.