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Apr 8, 2019

Dr. Sean Daley, Paranormal in the classroom. Plus, Odd, Offbeat and Weird never go out of style.

"Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature." - Arthur Conan Doyle, Brainy Quote.

OddsnEnds -
  • Heave ho to the black furniture Demons. Sighted at the dump. Beware eBay shoppers. Source.
  • UFO events are gaining more fans. The organizer for the 8th annual Edinburg UFO festival nails it, says 'people like weird, offbeat topics' and that's why their event keeps growing. Source
  • This is one I will follow up on in a subsequent post: Arthur Conan-Doyle and the Fairies. Who's fooling who? Mental Floss. Fairy photos were all faked. Broadly.Vice. Or were they?
    The two girls maintain one photo, taken by accident, the Fairy Bower photo, truly captured the fairies. That part of the story never changed. Source.
    There is nothing scientifically impossible, so far as I can see, in some people seeing things that are invisible to others,” Conan Doyle wrote.
  • Cottingley Fairy photos up for sale. The Guardian.
  • Real Fairies. An introduction. (Yes, I have seen and heard fairies.)
  • Fairies are known to hang out in gardens. Garden story fav: A woman and her Bee. Link.

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Prof. Sean Daley - Paranormal Anthropology. One of several classes offered at Johnson County Community College where students can earn credit for learning about Ghosts and their haunts. Perks include optional investigations and tours of haunted locations.

Concluding from results by Daley and his investigation teams, one of the most consistent paranormal performers - in terms of encounters with the unknown and unexplained - is the Sallie House in nearby Atchison, Kansas. This is the video (Link) I mentioned during our interview - the one with the self-activated mini-blinds.

What began with one class has expanded to several. Day classes are in the Spring. Evening classes are scheduled in the Fall (enrollment underway) and the reviews suggest Professor Daley's classes are popular.

Bio: Sean M. Daley, Ph.D., M.A. Professor, Anthropology Director, Center for American Indian Studies Associate Director, American Indian Health Research and Education Alliance Johnson County Community College.

Sean currently teaches "Anthropology of the Paranormal and Supernatural,” “Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Ghosts and Hauntings,” “Demons and Demonology in the Roman Catholic Tradition,” and “The Anthropology of Religion.”

Haunted sites visited include the Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas, Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City and Glore Psychiatric Hospital and Museum in St. Joseph.

Sean says he doesn't really remember the exact trigger for his interest in the Paranormal but the interest has grown. More info about his class activities in the JCCC Campus Ledger. He has also accompanied an Exorcist - and that's another topic entirely. Don't expect to find a listing.  Contacts are made through select sources, eliminating the tire-kickers.
Regarding Ghost hunting at the Sallie House. Listen to Astonishing Legends Episode 123. Note: The Sallie House is not for the faint of heart. Extremely active. About the Sallie House.

Continuing and forwarding to Episode 126. Professor Daley talks about investigation results at the house and provides evidence his teams have gathered. In this example, captured on video, students are seated in a circle around several objects when two of the objects move.

Living in a haunted house can be exhausting. Clearing the space helps quiet it down but there can be peaks and valleys in the activity. My current house is not haunted but - I do have occasional visitors who might be lost, have opted to take a detour or need assistance. Each encounter is unique.

Example: Image included here. I thought the roll of film had been used up. After the images were developed, there was one I couldn't explain. It correlated with paranormal events happening at that time.

Ghost Watch  unexplained
Ghost watch. Unexplained image.
Confession - I got chills when I first discovered it. 

No class course? Ghost touring on your own? Weston, Missouri - just across the river from Atchison, has an abundance of accessible haunted retail sites. That's one of the reasons I participate in the annual Dining with Ghosts Tour. Info.

A recent group of tourists ventured over after a trip to Atchison, disappointed, no ghosts. They entered the store joking and making light of the fact any place could be  haunted.

Ghosts at Main Street Galleria obliged with a twofer: an appearance, rushing past a woman in the hallway and then tugging at the hair of that same woman after she went downstairs.

She ran out of the store, refused to come back in, and stood outside to wait for her friends. - As per Verna Kowertz. Owner of Main Street Galleria 

If a Weston overnight is on the agenda, try the Hatchery B&B or the Benner House (now operated as part of the Saint George). Each has documented ghost sightings and encounters. Day trips should include the Weston Café, Weston Bend Candle Company and Main Street Galleria. With prior arrangement, there might also be an opportunity for an on site investigation.

You don't have to believe in Ghosts to experience one. They exist. Whether you believe after an experience? That is entirely up to you.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Apr 5, 2019

Sci-Fi Short Film:" Wardrobe Malfunction" - News bites include Celebrity Ghosts, Bigfoot, Nessie and a Miracle.

"Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye." - Bill Hicks, Telegraph, 10 Best of. Goodreads. *Forever Bill. *Content warning.

OddsnEnds - 

  • Russian Defense Ministry mag suggests they have PSI super soldiers who can crash computers and read documents in locked safes. Futurism. The guy who calls it nonsense would hope no one reads the CIA info on the Stargate Project - and takes a pass on all of Russell Targ's work featured in the Documentary Third Eye Spies.  Angela Ford, one of the Stargate Remote Viewers: Video.
  • Nessie Webcam watcher Eoin O Faodhagain is having a fantastic year. He's already logged multiple images and video for 2019. Loch Ness Sightings. Have a look. Live Cam link.
  • Ghosts of friends past. Olivia Newton John makes no secret of the fact she believes in an afterlife presence. One of the friends she says hovers nearby when she performs is John Denver. She mentions others who are supportive in spirit and says they're gone but love never dies. Yahoo News
  • ONJ talks more about that in her new book, Don't Stop Believin'.  (Restored TV version, Fly Away, ONJ and JD/Youtube.) (I interviewed John Denver in 1996 and passed on the invitation to see him perform that weekend. After he died, I heard from him. In the conversation, he told me how much he loved watching the Perseids. I didn't remember talking to him about that from our interview. The connection felt genuine but I looked it up to make sure. Confirmed. Amazing. That was when I was trying to avoid talking to dead people.)   
  • Sasquatch in Montana? Wooded counties report the most sightings. Source
  • Searching for Sasquatch in Eastern Oregon. Source. Bigfoot Research Expedition info
  • Trippin' through the Bigfoot archives. Oregon Live.
  • Miracle: Rebel the Dog - survived an apartment fire. Source.The only injury was a burn on his nose. 

 Sci-Fi Short Film - Wardrobe Malfunction. Needs a few more views.

Featuring Ebony Webb, Scott Young and Daniel Bentley.
Directed by Gregory Kelly

Podcast to Bookmark - Unexplained Ghosts, Vanishing crew, 6th sense - all in the podcast archives of Unexplained. Hello Weekend. Enjoy.

Book to Recommend - Consulting Spirit, Dr. Ian Rubenstein. A Doctor's experience with Practical Mediumship. Yes. He discovers an aptitude for Mediumship and studies to expand his abilities. 

Film - Bookmarking Missing Link with Hugh Jackman. Irish Times.

Wendy's Coffeehouse -

4/7/19 - Sean Daley - Paranormal Anthropology. College credit. Includes Field trips. Example: The Sallie House. (JCCC).
4/14/19 - Wendie Colter - New study on Medical Intuition in hospital setting allows the research to be submitted to peer reviewed journals. The Practical Path.
4/21/19 - Sandy Newbigging - Mind Detox. Meditation.
4/28/19 - Medium Bill Philipps, Signs from the Other Side. How to recognize signs your loved ones in spirit send to you.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.