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Dec 13, 2018

Sci-Fi Short Film, "The Adept" - Philip K. Dick Sci-Fi, a Hollywood Ghost and Reincarnation

Nothing here is what it seems. Picture the Star Trek holodeck with a dash of Q - catnip for the evolving Soul.

OddsnEnds - 

  • Hollywood haunt. Jennifer Aniston says she used to live with a Ghost. Even had a Ghost Whisperer try to clear the residence. Result? She moved. CNN
  • Gene edited Farm animals … a matter of when, not if. NYPost
  • Goats avoid a sourpuss. Seeing images of Angry vs. Happy people, goats preferred to hang with the smiley face. NYPost
  • "There is no route out of the maze. The maze shifts as you move through it, because it is alive." - Philip K. Dick, VALIS Excellent read. New fans and old fans are welcome and encouraged to check out, bookmark and share:  Philip K. Dick fan site - Editorial by Patrick Clark referring to Philip K. Dick., "He called the shots on fake realities." Journal pdf
  • Homework for the Evolving Soul: Past Life Regression. Lessons learned and lessons brought forward. Read Linda Backman, The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration. Insight from hundreds of past-life regression clients.
  • Deep Dive on Reincarnation? 4 Part Interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, New Thinking Allowed: Part One. Walter Semkiw
  • Looking for Carroll Beckwith: True Stories of a Detective's Search for his Past. Nonfiction by Robert L. Snow Fascinating. Publisher's Weekly says, "Snow has the courage of his convictions: though his detective wife urged him to curtail his quest to avoid career risk, his book is provocative."
'The Adept' - Sci-Fi Short Film … a Scientist deals the cards. 


IMBD - "The Adept" by Adam Stern
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST:

Coming up on Wendy's Coffeehouse - 

12/16 - John Nelson, Yogi and Meditator for 50 years, A Guide to Energetic Healing.

12/23 - David Charles Rowan, Astrologer. Over two decades teaching the complexities of Astrology and Human Behavior. Forecast for 2019, an overview.

12/30 - Joe McQuillen - My Search for Christopher on the Other Side. A father finds reality isn't what he thought. After the death of his son (Boat accident tragedy while he was away at college.), a few words from a Medium sent him on an entirely new path. And Christopher is still with him. In AA, 33 years sober. Life after Death? Joe has an amazing story.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Dec 9, 2018

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview, Denise Liotta Dennis, Hollywood's Fatal Feng Shui - Mistakes you don't want to repeat.

The Shadow knows … “When Small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set.” - Lin Yutang

OddsnEnds - 
  • EyeDetect (Blade Runner) Sci-Fi AI knows when you are lying. Wired. I interviewed Converus rep, Todd Mickelsen earlier this year - before they were ready to announce the wider applications of their tech and plans for future markets. Interview
  • ISS Robot Cimon has emotions and humility. "Sorry, I am just a robot. I don't know everything you mentioned." Seen here telling the crew to be nicer. Science Alert. Video on YouTube.
  • Kraftwerk - The Man Machine YouTube (TY, Cimon.) Kraftwerk main site: Kling Klang Machine.
  • Austin Kleon (Steal Like an Artist) on his son and Kraftwerk inspiration. Blog.
  • Area 51 Film with Bob Lazar debuted. Trailer.  Here's a Q&A session from the premiere with Bob Lazar, George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell.
  • Video of UFO on Outer Banks or not. Charlotte Observer
  • Kansas Mural in Wichita set to break a Guinness record. KMUW
  • Larry the Cat. Mouser with clout. Wiki and a human Door opener. BBC.
  • Miracle - Couple returns to burned out home. Their Dog is waiting for them. Time

Creative compilation of UFO Unknowns. Starting in 1947. From LEMMiNO.

Like that one? Check out The Great Silence and join 2.9 m subscribers.
Support LEMMiNO on Patreon.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview link: Denise Liotta Dennis, Hollywood's Fatal Feng Shui

You couldn't ask for a better testimonial to the power of Feng Shui to create a positive influence when applied to specific interests. Co-Author Jennifer Bonetto offers her story in the closing chapter of the book.
Preview on Amazon

As for the negatives and what NOT to do, here are 10 Celeb examples of poor Feng Shui.

Celebs include: Michael Jackson, Nicole Brown, Lyle and Eric Menendez (Recently discovered in the background on a Basketball card) and Sharon Tate.

Denise and Jennifer had access to floor plans and furnishings and give a room by room assessment.

In addition to offering insight for Celeb homes, there are also instructions in general that can be applied to a present situation.

For example, two home designs that could have negative aspects: Split level and Space ship. (Denise says she knows the house I mention on I-70 just west of Denver that has a Space ship appearance. I am hoping she can find details on that one.)

Other books by Denise include, Feng Shui That Rocks the House and Classical Feng Shui for Health, Beauty and Longevity.

Connect with Denise at Dragon Gate Feng Shui.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.

Dec 7, 2018

Sci-Fi short film "Einstein-Rosen" - curiosity freed the cat

“A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.” - Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

OddsnEnds - 
  • The Fly... Joan Collins says her sister Jackie has a new form. Source.
  • Oops! Amazon Bot sprayed workers with Bear Repellent. Futurism.
  • Lottery winner's lucky dream. He's now one million dollars luckier. UPI.
  • Key to not being haunted by ghosts? Don't operate a dungeon. Esoterx.
  • Motherboard: 'Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers' movie is out. For every question it answers, more are raised. What about Element 115? YouTube.

    I remember the Art Bell interview from years ago. Not because I listened closely but because that name (Bob Lazar) kept coming up and he was an enigma. Another link for Art Bell.

    Stanton Friedman said he tried to track background on Lazar and found no information on his Area 51 claims. Link. Then again, when credibility is an issue and there is a need for damage control or information suppression, it is easy to imagine files being erased or intentionally removed. George Knapp believes Bob. MUFON. Curious? Watch the film.

"Einstein-Rosen" by Olga Osorio. Summer of 1982. Teo claims he has found a wormhole. His brother Óscar isn't buying it....

For more about the film/filmmaker:
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST.

I saw this headline on new evidence supporting the Ark of the Covenant being in Ethiopia. According to the Smithsonian writer, it has been a long-held belief that Ethiopia is the home of the Ark and a Guardian Monk has been assigned to watch over it for hundreds of years. Smithsonian

Victoria Alexander spoke about her visit there when she actually had a (rare) chance to speak with the Guardian of the Ark. We also talked about her experiences with Ayahuasca. Interview

One more note on the Ark. The Smithsonian writer asked whether it could be proved it is the real Ark when no one is allowed to see it. The answer was that no proof is required because they know it as a fact.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 

12/9 - Hollywood's Fatal Feng Sui - Denise Liotta Dennis. We'd like to avoiding Holiday Feng Sui fatalities.
12/16 - John Nelson, Yogi and Meditator for 50 years, A Guide to Energetic Healing.
12/23 - David Charles Rowan, Astrologer. Over two decades teaching the complexities of Astrology and Human Behavior. Forecast for 2019, an overview.
12/30 - Joe McQuillen - My Search for Christopher on the Other Side. A father finds reality isn't what he thought. After the death of his son (Boat accident tragedy while he was away at college.), a few words from a Medium sent him on an entirely new path. In AA, 33 years sober. Life after Death? Joe has an amazing story.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.